/* SoX Resampler Library Copyright (c) 2007-16 robs@users.sourceforge.net * Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1 See LICENCE for details. */ /* Resample using an interpolated poly-phase FIR with length LEN. */ /* Input must be followed by FIR_LENGTH-1 samples. */ #if COEF_INTERP != 1 && COEF_INTERP != 2 && COEF_INTERP != 3 #error COEF_INTERP #endif #if SIMD_AVX || SIMD_SSE || SIMD_NEON #define N (FIR_LENGTH>>2) #if COEF_INTERP == 1 #define _ sum=vMac(vMac(b,X,a),vLdu(in+j*4),sum), ++j; #elif COEF_INTERP == 2 #define _ sum=vMac(vMac(vMac(c,X,b),X,a),vLdu(in+j*4),sum), ++j; #else #define _ sum=vMac(vMac(vMac(vMac(d,X,c),X,b),X,a),vLdu(in+j*4),sum), ++j; #endif #define a coefs[(COEF_INTERP+1)*(N*phase+j)+(COEF_INTERP-0)] #define b coefs[(COEF_INTERP+1)*(N*phase+j)+(COEF_INTERP-1)] #define c coefs[(COEF_INTERP+1)*(N*phase+j)+(COEF_INTERP-2)] #define d coefs[(COEF_INTERP+1)*(N*phase+j)+(COEF_INTERP-3)] #define BEGINNING v4_t X = vLds(x), sum = vZero(); \ v4_t const * const __restrict coefs = (v4_t *)COEFS #define END vStorSum(output+i, sum) #define cc(n) case n: core(n); break #define CORE(n) switch (n) {cc(2); cc(3); cc(4); cc(5); cc(6); default: core(n);} #else #define N FIR_LENGTH #if COEF_INTERP == 1 #define _ sum += (b*x + a)*in[j], ++j; #elif COEF_INTERP == 2 #define _ sum += ((c*x + b)*x + a)*in[j], ++j; #else #define _ sum += (((d*x + c)*x + b)*x + a)*in[j], ++j; #endif #define a (coef(COEFS, COEF_INTERP, N, phase, 0,j)) #define b (coef(COEFS, COEF_INTERP, N, phase, 1,j)) #define c (coef(COEFS, COEF_INTERP, N, phase, 2,j)) #define d (coef(COEFS, COEF_INTERP, N, phase, 3,j)) #define BEGINNING sample_t sum = 0 #define END output[i] = sum #define CORE(n) core(n) #endif #define floatPrecCore(n) { \ float_step_t at = p->at.flt; \ for (i = 0; (int)at < num_in; ++i, at += p->step.flt) { \ sample_t const * const __restrict in = input + (int)at; \ float_step_t frac = at - (int)at; \ int phase = (int)(frac * (1 << PHASE_BITS)); \ sample_t x = (sample_t)(frac * (1 << PHASE_BITS) - phase); \ int j = 0; \ BEGINNING; CONVOLVE(n); END; \ } \ fifo_read(&p->fifo, (int)at, NULL); \ p->at.flt = at - (int)at; } /* Could round to 1 in some cirmcumstances. */ #define highPrecCore(n) { \ step_t at; at.fix = p->at.fix; \ for (i = 0; at.integer < num_in; ++i, \ at.fix.ls.all += p->step.fix.ls.all, \ at.whole += p->step.whole + (at.fix.ls.all < p->step.fix.ls.all)) { \ sample_t const * const __restrict in = input + at.integer; \ uint32_t frac = at.fraction; \ int phase = (int)(frac >> (32 - PHASE_BITS)); /* High-order bits */ \ /* Low-order bits, scaled to [0,1): */ \ sample_t x = (sample_t)((frac << PHASE_BITS) * (1 / MULT32)); \ int j = 0; \ BEGINNING; CONVOLVE(n); END; \ } \ fifo_read(&p->fifo, at.integer, NULL); \ p->at.whole = at.fraction; \ p->at.fix.ls = at.fix.ls; } #define stdPrecCore(n) { \ int64p_t at; at.all = p->at.whole; \ for (i = 0; at.parts.ms < num_in; ++i, at.all += p->step.whole) { \ sample_t const * const __restrict in = input + at.parts.ms; \ uint32_t const frac = at.parts.ls; \ int phase = (int)(frac >> (32 - PHASE_BITS)); /* high-order bits */ \ /* Low-order bits, scaled to [0,1): */ \ sample_t x = (sample_t)((frac << PHASE_BITS) * (1 / MULT32)); \ int j = 0; \ BEGINNING; CONVOLVE(n); END; \ } \ fifo_read(&p->fifo, at.parts.ms, NULL); \ p->at.whole = at.parts.ls; } #if WITH_FLOAT_STD_PREC_CLOCK #define SPCORE floatPrecCore #else #define SPCORE stdPrecCore #endif #if WITH_HI_PREC_CLOCK #define core(n) if (p->use_hi_prec_clock) highPrecCore(n) else SPCORE(n) #else #define core(n) SPCORE(n) #endif static void FUNCTION(stage_t * p, fifo_t * output_fifo) { sample_t const * input = stage_read_p(p); int num_in = min(stage_occupancy(p), p->input_size); int i, max_num_out = 1 + (int)(num_in * p->out_in_ratio); sample_t * const __restrict output = fifo_reserve(output_fifo, max_num_out); CORE(N); assert(max_num_out - i >= 0); fifo_trim_by(output_fifo, max_num_out - i); } #undef _ #undef a #undef b #undef c #undef d #undef CORE #undef cc #undef core #undef COEF_INTERP #undef N #undef BEGINNING #undef END #undef CONVOLVE #undef FIR_LENGTH #undef FUNCTION #undef PHASE_BITS