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/* SoX Resampler Library Copyright (c) 2007-16
* Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1 See LICENCE for details. */
#include "filter.h"
#include "math-wrap.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fft4g.h"
#include "ccrw2.h"
#if 1 || WITH_CR64 || WITH_CR64S /* Always need this, for lsx_fir_to_phase. */
#define DFT_FLOAT double
#define DONE_WITH_FFT_CACHE done_with_fft_cache
#define FFT_CACHE_CCRW fft_cache_ccrw
#define FFT_LEN fft_len
#define LSX_CDFT lsx_cdft
#define LSX_CLEAR_FFT_CACHE lsx_clear_fft_cache
#define LSX_FFT_BR lsx_fft_br
#define LSX_FFT_SC lsx_fft_sc
#define LSX_INIT_FFT_CACHE lsx_init_fft_cache
#define LSX_RDFT lsx_rdft
#define LSX_SAFE_CDFT lsx_safe_cdft
#define LSX_SAFE_RDFT lsx_safe_rdft
#define UPDATE_FFT_CACHE update_fft_cache
#include "fft4g_cache.h"
#define DFT_FLOAT float
#define DONE_WITH_FFT_CACHE done_with_fft_cache_f
#define FFT_CACHE_CCRW fft_cache_ccrw_f
#define FFT_LEN fft_len_f
#define LSX_CDFT lsx_cdft_f
#define LSX_CLEAR_FFT_CACHE lsx_clear_fft_cache_f
#define LSX_FFT_BR lsx_fft_br_f
#define LSX_FFT_SC lsx_fft_sc_f
#define LSX_INIT_FFT_CACHE lsx_init_fft_cache_f
#define LSX_RDFT lsx_rdft_f
#define LSX_SAFE_CDFT lsx_safe_cdft_f
#define LSX_SAFE_RDFT lsx_safe_rdft_f
#define UPDATE_FFT_CACHE update_fft_cache_f
#include "fft4g_cache.h"
#if WITH_CR64 || WITH_CR64S || !SOXR_LIB
#define DFT_FLOAT double
#define ORDERED_CONVOLVE lsx_ordered_convolve
#define ORDERED_PARTIAL_CONVOLVE lsx_ordered_partial_convolve
#include "rdft.h"
#if WITH_CR32
#define DFT_FLOAT float
#define ORDERED_CONVOLVE lsx_ordered_convolve_f
#define ORDERED_PARTIAL_CONVOLVE lsx_ordered_partial_convolve_f
#include "rdft.h"
double lsx_kaiser_beta(double att, double tr_bw)
if (att >= 60) {
static const double coefs[][4] = {
double realm = log(tr_bw/.0005)/log(2.);
double const * c0 = coefs[range_limit( (int)realm, 0, (int)array_length(coefs)-1)];
double const * c1 = coefs[range_limit(1+(int)realm, 0, (int)array_length(coefs)-1)];
double b0 = ((c0[0]*att + c0[1])*att + c0[2])*att + c0[3];
double b1 = ((c1[0]*att + c1[1])*att + c1[2])*att + c1[3];
return b0 + (b1 - b0) * (realm - (int)realm);
if (att > 50 ) return .1102 * (att - 8.7);
if (att > 20.96) return .58417 * pow(att -20.96, .4) + .07886 * (att - 20.96);
return 0;
double * lsx_make_lpf(
int num_taps, double Fc, double beta, double rho, double scale)
int i, m = num_taps - 1;
double * h = malloc((size_t)num_taps * sizeof(*h));
double mult = scale / lsx_bessel_I_0(beta), mult1 = 1 / (.5 * m + rho);
assert(Fc >= 0 && Fc <= 1);
lsx_debug("make_lpf(n=%i Fc=%.7g β=%g ρ=%g scale=%g)",
num_taps, Fc, beta, rho, scale);
if (h) for (i = 0; i <= m / 2; ++i) {
double z = i - .5 * m, x = z * M_PI, y = z * mult1;
h[i] = x!=0? sin(Fc * x) / x : Fc;
h[i] *= lsx_bessel_I_0(beta * sqrt(1 - y * y)) * mult;
if (m - i != i)
h[m - i] = h[i];
return h;
void lsx_kaiser_params(double att, double Fc, double tr_bw, double * beta, int * num_taps)
*beta = *beta < 0? lsx_kaiser_beta(att, tr_bw * .5 / Fc): *beta;
att = att < 60? (att - 7.95) / (2.285 * M_PI * 2) :
*num_taps = !*num_taps? (int)ceil(att/tr_bw + 1) : *num_taps;
double * lsx_design_lpf(
double Fp, /* End of pass-band */
double Fs, /* Start of stop-band */
double Fn, /* Nyquist freq; e.g. 0.5, 1, PI */
double att, /* Stop-band attenuation in dB */
int * num_taps, /* 0: value will be estimated */
int k, /* >0: number of phases; <0: num_taps ≡ 1 (mod -k) */
double beta) /* <0: value will be estimated */
int n = *num_taps, phases = max(k, 1), modulo = max(-k, 1);
double tr_bw, Fc, rho = phases == 1? .5 : att < 120? .63 : .75;
lsx_debug_more("./sinctest %-12.7g %-12.7g %g 0 %-5g %i %i 50 %g %g -4 >1",
Fp, Fs, Fn, att, *num_taps, k, beta, rho);
Fp /= fabs(Fn), Fs /= fabs(Fn); /* Normalise to Fn = 1 */
tr_bw = .5 * (Fs - Fp); /* Transition band-width: 6dB to stop points */
tr_bw /= phases, Fs /= phases;
tr_bw = min(tr_bw, .5 * Fs);
Fc = Fs - tr_bw;
assert(Fc - tr_bw >= 0);
lsx_kaiser_params(att, Fc, tr_bw, &beta, num_taps);
if (!n)
*num_taps = phases > 1? *num_taps / phases * phases + phases - 1 :
(*num_taps + modulo - 2) / modulo * modulo + 1;
return Fn < 0? 0 : lsx_make_lpf(*num_taps, Fc, beta, rho, (double)phases);
static double safe_log(double x)
assert(x >= 0);
if (x!=0)
return log(x);
return -26;
void lsx_fir_to_phase(double * * h, int * len, int * post_len, double phase)
double * pi_wraps, * work, phase1 = (phase > 50 ? 100 - phase : phase) / 50;
int i, work_len, begin, end, imp_peak = 0, peak = 0;
double imp_sum = 0, peak_imp_sum = 0;
double prev_angle2 = 0, cum_2pi = 0, prev_angle1 = 0, cum_1pi = 0;
for (i = *len, work_len = 2 * 2 * 8; i > 1; work_len <<= 1, i >>= 1);
work = calloc((size_t)work_len + 2, sizeof(*work)); /* +2: (UN)PACK */
pi_wraps = malloc((((size_t)work_len + 2) / 2) * sizeof(*pi_wraps));
memcpy(work, *h, (size_t)*len * sizeof(*work));
lsx_safe_rdft(work_len, 1, work); /* Cepstral: */
LSX_UNPACK(work, work_len);
for (i = 0; i <= work_len; i += 2) {
double angle = atan2(work[i + 1], work[i]);
double detect = 2 * M_PI;
double delta = angle - prev_angle2;
double adjust = detect * ((delta < -detect * .7) - (delta > detect * .7));
prev_angle2 = angle;
cum_2pi += adjust;
angle += cum_2pi;
detect = M_PI;
delta = angle - prev_angle1;
adjust = detect * ((delta < -detect * .7) - (delta > detect * .7));
prev_angle1 = angle;
cum_1pi += fabs(adjust); /* fabs for when 2pi and 1pi have combined */
pi_wraps[i >> 1] = cum_1pi;
work[i] = safe_log(sqrt(sqr(work[i]) + sqr(work[i + 1])));
work[i + 1] = 0;
LSX_PACK(work, work_len);
lsx_safe_rdft(work_len, -1, work);
for (i = 0; i < work_len; ++i) work[i] *= 2. / work_len;
for (i = 1; i < work_len / 2; ++i) { /* Window to reject acausal components */
work[i] *= 2;
work[i + work_len / 2] = 0;
lsx_safe_rdft(work_len, 1, work);
for (i = 2; i < work_len; i += 2) /* Interpolate between linear & min phase */
work[i + 1] = phase1 * i / work_len * pi_wraps[work_len >> 1] +
(1 - phase1) * (work[i + 1] + pi_wraps[i >> 1]) - pi_wraps[i >> 1];
work[0] = exp(work[0]), work[1] = exp(work[1]);
for (i = 2; i < work_len; i += 2) {
double x = exp(work[i]);
work[i ] = x * cos(work[i + 1]);
work[i + 1] = x * sin(work[i + 1]);
lsx_safe_rdft(work_len, -1, work);
for (i = 0; i < work_len; ++i) work[i] *= 2. / work_len;
/* Find peak pos. */
for (i = 0; i <= (int)(pi_wraps[work_len >> 1] / M_PI + .5); ++i) {
imp_sum += work[i];
if (fabs(imp_sum) > fabs(peak_imp_sum)) {
peak_imp_sum = imp_sum;
peak = i;
if (work[i] > work[imp_peak]) /* For debug check only */
imp_peak = i;
while (peak && fabs(work[peak-1]) > fabs(work[peak]) && work[peak-1] * work[peak] > 0)
if (phase1==0)
begin = 0;
else if (phase1 == 1)
begin = peak - *len / 2;
else {
begin = (int)((.997 - (2 - phase1) * .22) * *len + .5);
end = (int)((.997 + (0 - phase1) * .22) * *len + .5);
begin = peak - (begin & ~3);
end = peak + 1 + ((end + 3) & ~3);
*len = end - begin;
*h = realloc(*h, (size_t)*len * sizeof(**h));
for (i = 0; i < *len; ++i) (*h)[i] =
work[(begin + (phase > 50 ? *len - 1 - i : i) + work_len) & (work_len - 1)];
*post_len = phase > 50 ? peak - begin : begin + *len - (peak + 1);
lsx_debug("nPI=%g peak-sum@%i=%g (val@%i=%g); len=%i post=%i (%g%%)",
pi_wraps[work_len >> 1] / M_PI, peak, peak_imp_sum, imp_peak,
work[imp_peak], *len, *post_len, 100 - 100. * *post_len / (*len - 1));
free(pi_wraps), free(work);
#define F_x(F,expr) static double F(double x) {return expr;}
F_x(sinePhi, ((2.0517e-07*x-1.1303e-04)*x+.023154)*x+.55924 )
F_x(sinePsi, ((9.0667e-08*x-5.6114e-05)*x+.013658)*x+1.0977 )
F_x(sinePow, log(.5)/log(sin(x*.5)) )
#define dB_to_linear(x) exp((x) * (M_LN10 * 0.05))
double lsx_f_resp(double t, double a)
double x;
if (t > (a <= 160? .8 : .82)) {
double a1 = a+15;
double p = .00035*a+.375;
double w = 1/(1-.597)*asin(pow((a1-10.6)/a1,1/p));
double c = 1+asin(pow(1-a/a1,1/p))/w;
return a1*(pow(sin((c-t)*w),p)-1);
if (t > .5)
x = sinePsi(a), x = pow(sin((1-t) * x), sinePow(x));
x = sinePhi(a), x = 1 - pow(sin(t * x), sinePow(x));
return linear_to_dB(x);
double lsx_inv_f_resp(double drop, double a)
double x = sinePhi(a), s;
drop = dB_to_linear(drop);
s = drop > .5 ? 1 - drop : drop;
x = asin(pow(s, 1/sinePow(x))) / x;
return drop > .5? x : 1 -x;