
57 lines
1.6 KiB

/* SoX Resampler Library Copyright (c) 2007-13
* Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1 See LICENCE for details. */
/* Utility used to help test the library; not for general consumption.
* Generate a swept sine to a file, with faded `lead-in' section. */
#define QUAD 0
#if QUAD
#include <quadmath.h>
#include "../examples/examples-common.h"
#if QUAD
#define modf modfq
#define cos cosq
#define sin sinq
#undef M_PI
#define M_PI M_PIq
#define real __float128
#define atof(x) strtoflt128(x, 0)
#define real double
#include "rint.h"
int main(int i, char const * argv[])
real rate = atof(argv[1]), /* Rate for this vector */
lead_in_len = atof(argv[2]), /* Lead-in length in seconds */
len = atof(argv[3]), /* Sweep length (excl. lead_in_len) */
sweep_to_freq = atof(argv[4]), /* Sweep from DC to this freq. */
multiplier = atof(argv[5]), /* For headroom */
f1 = -sweep_to_freq / len * lead_in_len, f2 = sweep_to_freq,
n1 = rate * -lead_in_len, n2 = rate * len,
m = (f2 - f1) / (n2 - n1) / 2, dummy;
FILE * file = fopen(argv[6], "wb");
i = (int)n1;
if (!file || i != n1)
for (; i < (int)(n2 + .5); ++i) {
double d1 = multiplier * sin(2 * M_PI * modf(i * m * i / rate, &dummy));
double d = i < 0? d1 * (1 - cos(M_PI * (i + n1) / n1)) * .5 : d1;
#if QUAD
size_t actual = fwrite(&d, sizeof(d), 1, file);
int32_t out = rint32(d * (32768. * 65536 - 1));
size_t actual = fwrite(&out, sizeof(out), 1, file);
if (actual != 1)
return 1;
return 0;