
529 lines
22 KiB

#ifndef __COMMON_HPP__
#define __COMMON_HPP__
#include "ggml_extend.hpp"
class DownSampleBlock : public GGMLBlock {
int channels;
int out_channels;
bool vae_downsample;
DownSampleBlock(int channels,
int out_channels,
bool vae_downsample = false)
: channels(channels),
vae_downsample(vae_downsample) {
if (vae_downsample) {
blocks["conv"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Conv2d(channels, out_channels, {3, 3}, {2, 2}, {0, 0}));
} else {
blocks["op"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Conv2d(channels, out_channels, {3, 3}, {2, 2}, {1, 1}));
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x) {
// x: [N, channels, h, w]
if (vae_downsample) {
auto conv = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Conv2d>(blocks["conv"]);
x = ggml_pad(ctx, x, 1, 1, 0, 0);
x = conv->forward(ctx, x);
} else {
auto conv = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Conv2d>(blocks["op"]);
x = conv->forward(ctx, x);
return x; // [N, out_channels, h/2, w/2]
class UpSampleBlock : public GGMLBlock {
int channels;
int out_channels;
UpSampleBlock(int channels,
int out_channels)
: channels(channels),
out_channels(out_channels) {
blocks["conv"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Conv2d(channels, out_channels, {3, 3}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}));
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x) {
// x: [N, channels, h, w]
auto conv = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Conv2d>(blocks["conv"]);
x = ggml_upscale(ctx, x, 2); // [N, channels, h*2, w*2]
x = conv->forward(ctx, x); // [N, out_channels, h*2, w*2]
return x;
class ResBlock : public GGMLBlock {
// network hparams
int64_t channels; // model_channels * (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4)
int64_t emb_channels; // time_embed_dim
int64_t out_channels; // mult * model_channels
std::pair<int, int> kernel_size;
int dims;
bool skip_t_emb;
bool exchange_temb_dims;
std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock> conv_nd(int dims,
int64_t in_channels,
int64_t out_channels,
std::pair<int, int> kernel_size,
std::pair<int, int> padding) {
GGML_ASSERT(dims == 2 || dims == 3);
if (dims == 3) {
return std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Conv3dnx1x1(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size.first, 1, padding.first));
} else {
return std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, {1, 1}, padding));
ResBlock(int64_t channels,
int64_t emb_channels,
int64_t out_channels,
std::pair<int, int> kernel_size = {3, 3},
int dims = 2,
bool exchange_temb_dims = false,
bool skip_t_emb = false)
: channels(channels),
exchange_temb_dims(exchange_temb_dims) {
std::pair<int, int> padding = {kernel_size.first / 2, kernel_size.second / 2};
blocks["in_layers.0"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new GroupNorm32(channels));
// in_layer_1 is nn.SILU()
blocks["in_layers.2"] = conv_nd(dims, channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding);
if (!skip_t_emb) {
// emb_layer_0 is nn.SILU()
blocks["emb_layers.1"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(emb_channels, out_channels));
blocks["out_layers.0"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new GroupNorm32(out_channels));
// out_layer_1 is nn.SILU()
// out_layer_2 is nn.Dropout(), skip for inference
blocks["out_layers.3"] = conv_nd(dims, out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding);
if (out_channels != channels) {
blocks["skip_connection"] = conv_nd(dims, channels, out_channels, {1, 1}, {0, 0});
virtual struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x, struct ggml_tensor* emb = NULL) {
// For dims==3, we reduce dimension from 5d to 4d by merging h and w, in order not to change ggml
// [N, c, t, h, w] => [N, c, t, h * w]
// x: [N, channels, h, w] if dims == 2 else [N, channels, t, h, w]
// emb: [N, emb_channels] if dims == 2 else [N, t, emb_channels]
auto in_layers_0 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GroupNorm32>(blocks["in_layers.0"]);
auto in_layers_2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UnaryBlock>(blocks["in_layers.2"]);
auto out_layers_0 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GroupNorm32>(blocks["out_layers.0"]);
auto out_layers_3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UnaryBlock>(blocks["out_layers.3"]);
if (emb == NULL) {
// in_layers
auto h = in_layers_0->forward(ctx, x);
h = ggml_silu_inplace(ctx, h);
h = in_layers_2->forward(ctx, h); // [N, out_channels, h, w] if dims == 2 else [N, out_channels, t, h, w]
// emb_layers
if (!skip_t_emb) {
auto emb_layer_1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["emb_layers.1"]);
auto emb_out = ggml_silu(ctx, emb);
emb_out = emb_layer_1->forward(ctx, emb_out); // [N, out_channels] if dims == 2 else [N, t, out_channels]
if (dims == 2) {
emb_out = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, emb_out, 1, 1, emb_out->ne[0], emb_out->ne[1]); // [N, out_channels, 1, 1]
} else {
emb_out = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, emb_out, 1, emb_out->ne[0], emb_out->ne[1], emb_out->ne[2]); // [N, t, out_channels, 1]
if (exchange_temb_dims) {
// emb_out = rearrange(emb_out, "b t c ... -> b c t ...")
emb_out = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, emb_out, 0, 2, 1, 3)); // [N, out_channels, t, 1]
h = ggml_add(ctx, h, emb_out); // [N, out_channels, h, w] if dims == 2 else [N, out_channels, t, h, w]
// out_layers
h = out_layers_0->forward(ctx, h);
h = ggml_silu_inplace(ctx, h);
// dropout, skip for inference
h = out_layers_3->forward(ctx, h);
// skip connection
if (out_channels != channels) {
auto skip_connection = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UnaryBlock>(blocks["skip_connection"]);
x = skip_connection->forward(ctx, x); // [N, out_channels, h, w] if dims == 2 else [N, out_channels, t, h, w]
h = ggml_add(ctx, h, x);
return h; // [N, out_channels, h, w] if dims == 2 else [N, out_channels, t, h, w]
class GEGLU : public GGMLBlock {
int64_t dim_in;
int64_t dim_out;
void init_params(struct ggml_context* ctx, ggml_type wtype) {
params["proj.weight"] = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, wtype, dim_in, dim_out * 2);
params["proj.bias"] = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, dim_out * 2);
GEGLU(int64_t dim_in, int64_t dim_out)
: dim_in(dim_in), dim_out(dim_out) {}
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x) {
// x: [ne3, ne2, ne1, dim_in]
// return: [ne3, ne2, ne1, dim_out]
struct ggml_tensor* w = params["proj.weight"];
struct ggml_tensor* b = params["proj.bias"];
auto x_w = ggml_view_2d(ctx, w, w->ne[0], w->ne[1] / 2, w->nb[1], 0); // [dim_out, dim_in]
auto x_b = ggml_view_1d(ctx, b, b->ne[0] / 2, 0); // [dim_out, dim_in]
auto gate_w = ggml_view_2d(ctx, w, w->ne[0], w->ne[1] / 2, w->nb[1], w->nb[1] * w->ne[1] / 2); // [dim_out, ]
auto gate_b = ggml_view_1d(ctx, b, b->ne[0] / 2, b->nb[0] * b->ne[0] / 2); // [dim_out, ]
auto x_in = x;
x = ggml_nn_linear(ctx, x_in, x_w, x_b); // [ne3, ne2, ne1, dim_out]
auto gate = ggml_nn_linear(ctx, x_in, gate_w, gate_b); // [ne3, ne2, ne1, dim_out]
gate = ggml_gelu_inplace(ctx, gate);
x = ggml_mul(ctx, x, gate); // [ne3, ne2, ne1, dim_out]
return x;
class FeedForward : public GGMLBlock {
FeedForward(int64_t dim,
int64_t dim_out,
int64_t mult = 4) {
int64_t inner_dim = dim * mult;
blocks["net.0"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new GEGLU(dim, inner_dim));
// net_1 is nn.Dropout(), skip for inference
blocks["net.2"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(inner_dim, dim_out));
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x) {
// x: [ne3, ne2, ne1, dim]
// return: [ne3, ne2, ne1, dim_out]
auto net_0 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GEGLU>(blocks["net.0"]);
auto net_2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["net.2"]);
x = net_0->forward(ctx, x); // [ne3, ne2, ne1, inner_dim]
x = net_2->forward(ctx, x); // [ne3, ne2, ne1, dim_out]
return x;
class CrossAttention : public GGMLBlock {
int64_t query_dim;
int64_t context_dim;
int64_t n_head;
int64_t d_head;
CrossAttention(int64_t query_dim,
int64_t context_dim,
int64_t n_head,
int64_t d_head)
: n_head(n_head),
context_dim(context_dim) {
int64_t inner_dim = d_head * n_head;
blocks["to_q"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(query_dim, inner_dim, false));
blocks["to_k"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(context_dim, inner_dim, false));
blocks["to_v"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(context_dim, inner_dim, false));
blocks["to_out.0"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(inner_dim, query_dim));
// to_out_1 is nn.Dropout(), skip for inference
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x, struct ggml_tensor* context) {
// x: [N, n_token, query_dim]
// context: [N, n_context, context_dim]
// return: [N, n_token, query_dim]
auto to_q = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["to_q"]);
auto to_k = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["to_k"]);
auto to_v = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["to_v"]);
auto to_out_0 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["to_out.0"]);
int64_t n = x->ne[2];
int64_t n_token = x->ne[1];
int64_t n_context = context->ne[1];
int64_t inner_dim = d_head * n_head;
auto q = to_q->forward(ctx, x); // [N, n_token, inner_dim]
q = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, q, d_head, n_head, n_token, n); // [N, n_token, n_head, d_head]
q = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, q, 0, 2, 1, 3)); // [N, n_head, n_token, d_head]
q = ggml_reshape_3d(ctx, q, d_head, n_token, n_head * n); // [N * n_head, n_token, d_head]
auto k = to_k->forward(ctx, context); // [N, n_context, inner_dim]
k = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, k, d_head, n_head, n_context, n); // [N, n_context, n_head, d_head]
k = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, k, 0, 2, 1, 3)); // [N, n_head, n_context, d_head]
k = ggml_reshape_3d(ctx, k, d_head, n_context, n_head * n); // [N * n_head, n_context, d_head]
auto v = to_v->forward(ctx, context); // [N, n_context, inner_dim]
v = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, v, d_head, n_head, n_context, n); // [N, n_context, n_head, d_head]
v = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, v, 1, 2, 0, 3)); // [N, n_head, d_head, n_context]
v = ggml_reshape_3d(ctx, v, n_context, d_head, n_head * n); // [N * n_head, d_head, n_context]
auto kqv = ggml_nn_attention(ctx, q, k, v, false); // [N * n_head, n_token, d_head]
kqv = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, kqv, d_head, n_token, n_head, n);
kqv = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, kqv, 0, 2, 1, 3)); // [N, n_token, n_head, d_head]
x = ggml_reshape_3d(ctx, kqv, d_head * n_head, n_token, n); // [N, n_token, inner_dim]
x = to_out_0->forward(ctx, x); // [N, n_token, query_dim]
return x;
class BasicTransformerBlock : public GGMLBlock {
int64_t n_head;
int64_t d_head;
bool ff_in;
BasicTransformerBlock(int64_t dim,
int64_t n_head,
int64_t d_head,
int64_t context_dim,
bool ff_in = false)
: n_head(n_head), d_head(d_head), ff_in(ff_in) {
// disable_self_attn is always False
// disable_temporal_crossattention is always False
// switch_temporal_ca_to_sa is always False
// inner_dim is always None or equal to dim
// gated_ff is always True
blocks["attn1"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CrossAttention(dim, dim, n_head, d_head));
blocks["attn2"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CrossAttention(dim, context_dim, n_head, d_head));
blocks["ff"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new FeedForward(dim, dim));
blocks["norm1"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(dim));
blocks["norm2"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(dim));
blocks["norm3"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(dim));
if (ff_in) {
blocks["norm_in"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(dim));
blocks["ff_in"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new FeedForward(dim, dim));
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x, struct ggml_tensor* context) {
// x: [N, n_token, query_dim]
// context: [N, n_context, context_dim]
// return: [N, n_token, query_dim]
auto attn1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CrossAttention>(blocks["attn1"]);
auto attn2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CrossAttention>(blocks["attn2"]);
auto ff = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<FeedForward>(blocks["ff"]);
auto norm1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["norm1"]);
auto norm2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["norm2"]);
auto norm3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["norm3"]);
if (ff_in) {
auto norm_in = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["norm_in"]);
auto ff_in = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<FeedForward>(blocks["ff_in"]);
auto x_skip = x;
x = norm_in->forward(ctx, x);
x = ff_in->forward(ctx, x);
// self.is_res is always True
x = ggml_add(ctx, x, x_skip);
auto r = x;
x = norm1->forward(ctx, x);
x = attn1->forward(ctx, x, x); // self-attention
x = ggml_add(ctx, x, r);
r = x;
x = norm2->forward(ctx, x);
x = attn2->forward(ctx, x, context); // cross-attention
x = ggml_add(ctx, x, r);
r = x;
x = norm3->forward(ctx, x);
x = ff->forward(ctx, x);
x = ggml_add(ctx, x, r);
return x;
class SpatialTransformer : public GGMLBlock {
int64_t in_channels; // mult * model_channels
int64_t n_head;
int64_t d_head;
int64_t depth = 1; // 1
int64_t context_dim = 768; // hidden_size, 1024 for VERSION_2_x
SpatialTransformer(int64_t in_channels,
int64_t n_head,
int64_t d_head,
int64_t depth,
int64_t context_dim)
: in_channels(in_channels),
context_dim(context_dim) {
// We will convert unet transformer linear to conv2d 1x1 when loading the weights, so use_linear is always False
// disable_self_attn is always False
int64_t inner_dim = n_head * d_head; // in_channels
blocks["norm"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new GroupNorm32(in_channels));
blocks["proj_in"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Conv2d(in_channels, inner_dim, {1, 1}));
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
std::string name = "transformer_blocks." + std::to_string(i);
blocks[name] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new BasicTransformerBlock(inner_dim, n_head, d_head, context_dim));
blocks["proj_out"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Conv2d(inner_dim, in_channels, {1, 1}));
virtual struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x, struct ggml_tensor* context) {
// x: [N, in_channels, h, w]
// context: [N, max_position(aka n_token), hidden_size(aka context_dim)]
auto norm = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GroupNorm32>(blocks["norm"]);
auto proj_in = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Conv2d>(blocks["proj_in"]);
auto proj_out = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Conv2d>(blocks["proj_out"]);
auto x_in = x;
int64_t n = x->ne[3];
int64_t h = x->ne[1];
int64_t w = x->ne[0];
int64_t inner_dim = n_head * d_head;
x = norm->forward(ctx, x);
x = proj_in->forward(ctx, x); // [N, inner_dim, h, w]
x = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, x, 1, 2, 0, 3)); // [N, h, w, inner_dim]
x = ggml_reshape_3d(ctx, x, inner_dim, w * h, n); // [N, h * w, inner_dim]
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
std::string name = "transformer_blocks." + std::to_string(i);
auto transformer_block = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<BasicTransformerBlock>(blocks[name]);
x = transformer_block->forward(ctx, x, context);
x = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, x, 1, 0, 2, 3)); // [N, inner_dim, h * w]
x = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, x, w, h, inner_dim, n); // [N, inner_dim, h, w]
// proj_out
x = proj_out->forward(ctx, x); // [N, in_channels, h, w]
x = ggml_add(ctx, x, x_in);
return x;
class AlphaBlender : public GGMLBlock {
void init_params(struct ggml_context* ctx, ggml_type wtype) {
params["mix_factor"] = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, 1);
float get_alpha() {
// image_only_indicator is always tensor([0.]) and since mix_factor.shape is [1,]
// so learned_with_images is same as learned
float alpha = ggml_backend_tensor_get_f32(params["mix_factor"]);
return sigmoid(alpha);
AlphaBlender() {
// merge_strategy is always learned_with_images
// for inference, we don't need to set alpha
// since mix_factor.shape is [1,], we don't need rearrange using rearrange_pattern
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx,
struct ggml_tensor* x_spatial,
struct ggml_tensor* x_temporal) {
// image_only_indicator is always tensor([0.])
float alpha = get_alpha();
auto x = ggml_add(ctx,
ggml_scale(ctx, x_spatial, alpha),
ggml_scale(ctx, x_temporal, 1.0f - alpha));
return x;
class VideoResBlock : public ResBlock {
VideoResBlock(int channels,
int emb_channels,
int out_channels,
std::pair<int, int> kernel_size = {3, 3},
int64_t video_kernel_size = 3,
int dims = 2) // always 2
: ResBlock(channels, emb_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, dims) {
blocks["time_stack"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new ResBlock(out_channels, emb_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, 3, true));
blocks["time_mixer"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new AlphaBlender());
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx,
struct ggml_tensor* x,
struct ggml_tensor* emb,
int num_video_frames) {
// x: [N, channels, h, w] aka [b*t, channels, h, w]
// emb: [N, emb_channels] aka [b*t, emb_channels]
// image_only_indicator is always tensor([0.])
auto time_stack = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ResBlock>(blocks["time_stack"]);
auto time_mixer = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AlphaBlender>(blocks["time_mixer"]);
x = ResBlock::forward(ctx, x, emb);
int64_t T = num_video_frames;
int64_t B = x->ne[3] / T;
int64_t C = x->ne[2];
int64_t H = x->ne[1];
int64_t W = x->ne[0];
x = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, x, W * H, C, T, B); // (b t) c h w -> b t c (h w)
x = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, x, 0, 2, 1, 3)); // b t c (h w) -> b c t (h w)
auto x_mix = x;
emb = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, emb, emb->ne[0], T, B, emb->ne[3]); // (b t) ... -> b t ...
x = time_stack->forward(ctx, x, emb); // b t c (h w)
x = time_mixer->forward(ctx, x_mix, x); // b t c (h w)
x = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, x, 0, 2, 1, 3)); // b c t (h w) -> b t c (h w)
x = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, x, W, H, C, T * B); // b t c (h w) -> (b t) c h w
return x;
#endif // __COMMON_HPP__