
1666 lines
63 KiB

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "model.h"
#include "stable-diffusion.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "vocab.hpp"
#include "ggml/ggml-alloc.h"
#include "ggml/ggml-backend.h"
#include "ggml/ggml.h"
#include "stable-diffusion.h"
#include "ggml-metal.h"
uint64_t read_u64(uint8_t* buffer) {
// little endian
uint64_t value = 0;
value |= static_cast<int64_t>(buffer[7]) << 56;
value |= static_cast<int64_t>(buffer[6]) << 48;
value |= static_cast<int64_t>(buffer[5]) << 40;
value |= static_cast<int64_t>(buffer[4]) << 32;
value |= static_cast<int64_t>(buffer[3]) << 24;
value |= static_cast<int64_t>(buffer[2]) << 16;
value |= static_cast<int64_t>(buffer[1]) << 8;
value |= static_cast<int64_t>(buffer[0]);
return value;
int32_t read_int(uint8_t* buffer) {
// little endian
int value = 0;
value |= buffer[3] << 24;
value |= buffer[2] << 16;
value |= buffer[1] << 8;
value |= buffer[0];
return value;
uint16_t read_short(uint8_t* buffer) {
// little endian
uint16_t value = 0;
value |= buffer[1] << 8;
value |= buffer[0];
return value;
/*================================================= Preprocess ==================================================*/
std::string self_attn_names[] = {
const char* unused_tensors[] = {
bool is_unused_tensor(std::string name) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(unused_tensors) / sizeof(const char*); i++) {
if (starts_with(name, unused_tensors[i])) {
return true;
return false;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> open_clip_to_hf_clip_model = {
{"model.ln_final.bias", "transformer.text_model.final_layer_norm.bias"},
{"model.ln_final.weight", "transformer.text_model.final_layer_norm.weight"},
{"model.positional_embedding", "transformer.text_model.embeddings.position_embedding.weight"},
{"model.token_embedding.weight", "transformer.text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight"},
{"model.text_projection", "transformer.text_model.text_projection"},
{"model.visual.class_embedding", "transformer.vision_model.embeddings.class_embedding"},
{"model.visual.conv1.weight", "transformer.vision_model.embeddings.patch_embedding.weight"},
{"model.visual.ln_post.bias", "transformer.vision_model.post_layernorm.bias"},
{"model.visual.ln_post.weight", "transformer.vision_model.post_layernorm.weight"},
{"model.visual.ln_pre.bias", "transformer.vision_model.pre_layernorm.bias"},
{"model.visual.ln_pre.weight", "transformer.vision_model.pre_layernorm.weight"},
{"model.visual.positional_embedding", "transformer.vision_model.embeddings.position_embedding.weight"},
{"model.visual.proj", "transformer.visual_projection.weight"},
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> open_clip_to_hk_clip_resblock = {
{"attn.out_proj.bias", "self_attn.out_proj.bias"},
{"attn.out_proj.weight", "self_attn.out_proj.weight"},
{"ln_1.bias", "layer_norm1.bias"},
{"ln_1.weight", "layer_norm1.weight"},
{"ln_2.bias", "layer_norm2.bias"},
{"ln_2.weight", "layer_norm2.weight"},
{"mlp.c_fc.bias", "mlp.fc1.bias"},
{"mlp.c_fc.weight", "mlp.fc1.weight"},
{"mlp.c_proj.bias", "mlp.fc2.bias"},
{"mlp.c_proj.weight", "mlp.fc2.weight"},
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> vae_decoder_name_map = {
{"first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.to_k.bias", "first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.k.bias"},
{"first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.to_k.weight", "first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.k.weight"},
{"first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.to_out.0.bias", "first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.proj_out.bias"},
{"first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.to_out.0.weight", "first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.proj_out.weight"},
{"first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.to_q.bias", "first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.q.bias"},
{"first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.to_q.weight", "first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.q.weight"},
{"first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.to_v.bias", "first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.v.bias"},
{"first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.to_v.weight", "first_stage_model.decoder.mid.attn_1.v.weight"},
std::string convert_open_clip_to_hf_clip(const std::string& name) {
std::string new_name = name;
std::string prefix;
if (starts_with(new_name, "conditioner.embedders.0.open_clip.")) {
prefix = "cond_stage_model.";
new_name = new_name.substr(strlen("conditioner.embedders.0.open_clip."));
} else if (starts_with(new_name, "conditioner.embedders.0.")) {
prefix = "cond_stage_model.";
new_name = new_name.substr(strlen("conditioner.embedders.0."));
} else if (starts_with(new_name, "conditioner.embedders.1.")) {
prefix = "cond_stage_model.1.";
new_name = new_name.substr(strlen("conditioner.embedders.0."));
} else if (starts_with(new_name, "cond_stage_model.")) {
prefix = "cond_stage_model.";
new_name = new_name.substr(strlen("cond_stage_model."));
} else if (ends_with(new_name, "vision_model.visual_projection.weight")) {
prefix = new_name.substr(0, new_name.size() - strlen("vision_model.visual_projection.weight"));
new_name = prefix + "visual_projection.weight";
return new_name;
} else {
return new_name;
if (open_clip_to_hf_clip_model.find(new_name) != open_clip_to_hf_clip_model.end()) {
new_name = open_clip_to_hf_clip_model[new_name];
std::string open_clip_resblock_prefix = "model.transformer.resblocks.";
std::string hf_clip_resblock_prefix = "transformer.text_model.encoder.layers.";
auto replace_suffix = [&]() {
if (new_name.find(open_clip_resblock_prefix) == 0) {
std::string remain = new_name.substr(open_clip_resblock_prefix.length());
std::string idx = remain.substr(0, remain.find("."));
std::string suffix = remain.substr(idx.length() + 1);
if (suffix == "attn.in_proj_weight" || suffix == "attn.in_proj_bias") {
new_name = hf_clip_resblock_prefix + idx + "." + suffix;
} else if (open_clip_to_hk_clip_resblock.find(suffix) != open_clip_to_hk_clip_resblock.end()) {
std::string new_suffix = open_clip_to_hk_clip_resblock[suffix];
new_name = hf_clip_resblock_prefix + idx + "." + new_suffix;
open_clip_resblock_prefix = "model.visual.transformer.resblocks.";
hf_clip_resblock_prefix = "transformer.vision_model.encoder.layers.";
return prefix + new_name;
std::string convert_vae_decoder_name(const std::string& name) {
if (vae_decoder_name_map.find(name) != vae_decoder_name_map.end()) {
return vae_decoder_name_map[name];
return name;
/* If not a SDXL LoRA the unet" prefix will have already been replaced by this
* point and "te2" and "te1" don't seem to appear in non-SDXL only "te_" */
std::string convert_sdxl_lora_name(std::string tensor_name) {
const std::pair<std::string, std::string> sdxl_lora_name_lookup[] = {
{"unet", "model_diffusion_model"},
{"te2", "cond_stage_model_1_transformer"},
{"te1", "cond_stage_model_transformer"},
for (auto& pair_i : sdxl_lora_name_lookup) {
if (, pair_i.first.length(), pair_i.first) == 0) {
tensor_name = std::regex_replace(tensor_name, std::regex(pair_i.first), pair_i.second);
return tensor_name;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>> suffix_conversion_underline = {
{"to_k", "k"},
{"to_q", "q"},
{"to_v", "v"},
{"to_out_0", "proj_out"},
{"group_norm", "norm"},
{"conv1", "in_layers_2"},
{"conv2", "out_layers_3"},
{"norm1", "in_layers_0"},
{"norm2", "out_layers_0"},
{"time_emb_proj", "emb_layers_1"},
{"conv_shortcut", "skip_connection"},
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>> suffix_conversion_dot = {
{"to_k", "k"},
{"to_q", "q"},
{"to_v", "v"},
{"to_out.0", "proj_out"},
{"group_norm", "norm"},
{"conv1", "in_layers.2"},
{"conv2", "out_layers.3"},
{"norm1", "in_layers.0"},
{"norm2", "out_layers.0"},
{"time_emb_proj", "emb_layers.1"},
{"conv_shortcut", "skip_connection"},
std::string convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(std::string key, char seq) {
std::vector<std::string> m;
auto match = [](std::vector<std::string>& match_list, const std::regex& regex, const std::string& key) {
auto r = std::smatch{};
if (!std::regex_match(key, r, regex)) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 1; i < r.size(); ++i) {
return true;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>> suffix_conversion;
if (seq == '_') {
suffix_conversion = suffix_conversion_underline;
} else {
suffix_conversion = suffix_conversion_dot;
auto get_converted_suffix = [&suffix_conversion](const std::string& outer_key, const std::string& inner_key) {
auto outer_iter = suffix_conversion.find(outer_key);
if (outer_iter != suffix_conversion.end()) {
auto inner_iter = outer_iter->second.find(inner_key);
if (inner_iter != outer_iter->second.end()) {
return inner_iter->second;
return inner_key;
// convert attn to out
if (ends_with(key, "to_out")) {
key += format("%c0", seq);
// unet
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%cconv_in(.*)", seq)), key)) {
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%cinput_blocks%c0%c0", seq, seq, seq, seq) + m[0];
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%cconv%cout(.*)", seq, seq)), key)) {
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%cout%c2", seq, seq, seq) + m[0];
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%cconv_norm_out(.*)", seq)), key)) {
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%cout%c0", seq, seq, seq) + m[0];
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%ctime_embedding%clinear_(\\d+)(.*)", seq, seq)), key)) {
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%ctime_embed%c", seq, seq, seq) + std::to_string(std::stoi(m[0]) * 2 - 2) + m[1];
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%cdown_blocks%c(\\d+)%c(attentions|resnets)%c(\\d+)%c(.+)", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
std::string suffix = get_converted_suffix(m[1], m[3]);
// LOG_DEBUG("%s %s %s %s", m[0].c_str(), m[1].c_str(), m[2].c_str(), m[3].c_str());
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%cinput_blocks%c", seq, seq, seq) + std::to_string(1 + std::stoi(m[0]) * 3 + std::stoi(m[2])) + seq +
(m[1] == "attentions" ? "1" : "0") + seq + suffix;
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%cmid_block%c(attentions|resnets)%c(\\d+)%c(.+)", seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
std::string suffix = get_converted_suffix(m[0], m[2]);
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%cmiddle_block%c", seq, seq, seq) + (m[0] == "attentions" ? "1" : std::to_string(std::stoi(m[1]) * 2)) +
seq + suffix;
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%cup_blocks%c(\\d+)%c(attentions|resnets)%c(\\d+)%c(.+)", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
std::string suffix = get_converted_suffix(m[1], m[3]);
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%coutput_blocks%c", seq, seq, seq) + std::to_string(std::stoi(m[0]) * 3 + std::stoi(m[2])) + seq +
(m[1] == "attentions" ? "1" : "0") + seq + suffix;
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%cdown_blocks%c(\\d+)%cdownsamplers%c0%cconv", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%cinput_blocks%c", seq, seq, seq) + std::to_string(3 + std::stoi(m[0]) * 3) + seq + "0" + seq + "op";
if (match(m, std::regex(format("unet%cup_blocks%c(\\d+)%cupsamplers%c0%cconv", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
return format("model%cdiffusion_model%coutput_blocks%c", seq, seq, seq) + std::to_string(2 + std::stoi(m[0]) * 3) + seq +
(std::stoi(m[0]) > 0 ? "2" : "1") + seq + "conv";
// clip
if (match(m, std::regex(format("te%ctext_model%cencoder%clayers%c(\\d+)%c(.+)", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
return format("cond_stage_model%ctransformer%ctext_model%cencoder%clayers%c", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq) + m[0] + seq + m[1];
if (match(m, std::regex(format("te%ctext_model(.*)", seq)), key)) {
return format("cond_stage_model%ctransformer%ctext_model", seq, seq) + m[0];
// vae
if (match(m, std::regex(format("vae%c(.*)%cconv_norm_out(.*)", seq, seq)), key)) {
return format("first_stage_model%c%s%cnorm_out%s", seq, m[0].c_str(), seq, m[1].c_str());
if (match(m, std::regex(format("vae%c(.*)%cmid_block%c(attentions|resnets)%c(\\d+)%c(.+)", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
std::string suffix;
std::string block_name;
if (m[1] == "attentions") {
block_name = "attn";
suffix = get_converted_suffix(m[1], m[3]);
} else {
block_name = "block";
suffix = m[3];
return format("first_stage_model%c%s%cmid%c%s_%d%c%s",
seq, m[0].c_str(), seq, seq, block_name.c_str(), std::stoi(m[2]) + 1, seq, suffix.c_str());
if (match(m, std::regex(format("vae%c(.*)%cup_blocks%c(\\d+)%cresnets%c(\\d+)%c(.+)", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
std::string suffix = m[3];
if (suffix == "conv_shortcut") {
suffix = "nin_shortcut";
return format("first_stage_model%c%s%cup%c%d%cblock%c%s%c%s",
seq, m[0].c_str(), seq, seq, 3 - std::stoi(m[1]), seq, seq, m[2].c_str(), seq, suffix.c_str());
if (match(m, std::regex(format("vae%c(.*)%cdown_blocks%c(\\d+)%cdownsamplers%c0%cconv", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
return format("first_stage_model%c%s%cdown%c%d%cdownsample%cconv",
seq, m[0].c_str(), seq, seq, std::stoi(m[1]), seq, seq);
if (match(m, std::regex(format("vae%c(.*)%cdown_blocks%c(\\d+)%cresnets%c(\\d+)%c(.+)", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
std::string suffix = m[3];
if (suffix == "conv_shortcut") {
suffix = "nin_shortcut";
return format("first_stage_model%c%s%cdown%c%d%cblock%c%s%c%s",
seq, m[0].c_str(), seq, seq, std::stoi(m[1]), seq, seq, m[2].c_str(), seq, suffix.c_str());
if (match(m, std::regex(format("vae%c(.*)%cup_blocks%c(\\d+)%cupsamplers%c0%cconv", seq, seq, seq, seq, seq, seq)), key)) {
return format("first_stage_model%c%s%cup%c%d%cupsample%cconv",
seq, m[0].c_str(), seq, seq, 3 - std::stoi(m[1]), seq, seq);
if (match(m, std::regex(format("vae%c(.*)", seq)), key)) {
return format("first_stage_model%c", seq) + m[0];
return key;
std::string convert_tensor_name(const std::string& name) {
std::string new_name = name;
if (starts_with(name, "cond_stage_model.") || starts_with(name, "conditioner.embedders.") || ends_with(name, ".vision_model.visual_projection.weight")) {
new_name = convert_open_clip_to_hf_clip(name);
} else if (starts_with(name, "first_stage_model.decoder")) {
new_name = convert_vae_decoder_name(name);
} else if (starts_with(name, "control_model.")) { // for controlnet pth models
size_t pos = name.find('.');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
new_name = name.substr(pos + 1);
} else if (starts_with(name, "lora_")) { // for lora
size_t pos = name.find('.');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
std::string name_without_network_parts = name.substr(5, pos - 5);
std::string network_part = name.substr(pos + 1);
// LOG_DEBUG("%s %s", name_without_network_parts.c_str(), network_part.c_str());
std::string new_key = convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(name_without_network_parts, '_');
/* For dealing with the new SDXL LoRA tensor naming convention */
new_key = convert_sdxl_lora_name(new_key);
if (new_key.empty()) {
new_name = name;
} else {
new_name = "lora." + new_key + "." + network_part;
} else {
new_name = name;
} else if (contains(name, "lora_up") || contains(name, "lora_down") || contains(name, "lora.up") || contains(name, "lora.down")) {
size_t pos = new_name.find(".processor");
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
new_name.replace(pos, strlen(".processor"), "");
pos = new_name.find_last_of('_');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
std::string name_without_network_parts = new_name.substr(0, pos);
std::string network_part = new_name.substr(pos + 1);
// LOG_DEBUG("%s %s", name_without_network_parts.c_str(), network_part.c_str());
std::string new_key = convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(name_without_network_parts, '.');
replace_all_chars(new_key, '.', '_');
if (starts_with(network_part, "lora.")) {
network_part = "lora_" + network_part.substr(5);
if (new_key.size() > 0) {
new_name = "lora." + new_key + "." + network_part;
// LOG_DEBUG("new name: %s", new_name.c_str());
} else if (starts_with(name, "unet") || starts_with(name, "vae") || starts_with(name, "te")) { // for diffuser
size_t pos = name.find_last_of('.');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
std::string name_without_network_parts = name.substr(0, pos);
std::string network_part = name.substr(pos + 1);
// LOG_DEBUG("%s %s", name_without_network_parts.c_str(), network_part.c_str());
std::string new_key = convert_diffusers_name_to_compvis(name_without_network_parts, '.');
if (new_key.empty()) {
new_name = name;
} else {
new_name = new_key + "." + network_part;
} else {
new_name = name;
} else {
new_name = name;
// if (new_name != name) {
// LOG_DEBUG("%s => %s", name.c_str(), new_name.c_str());
// }
return new_name;
void preprocess_tensor(TensorStorage tensor_storage,
std::vector<TensorStorage>& processed_tensor_storages) {
std::vector<TensorStorage> result;
std::string new_name = convert_tensor_name(;
// convert unet transformer linear to conv2d 1x1
if (starts_with(new_name, "model.diffusion_model.") &&
(ends_with(new_name, "proj_in.weight") || ends_with(new_name, "proj_out.weight"))) {
// convert vae attn block linear to conv2d 1x1
if (starts_with(new_name, "first_stage_model.") && new_name.find("attn_1") != std::string::npos) {
} = new_name;
if (new_name.find("cond_stage_model") != std::string::npos &&
ends_with(new_name, "attn.in_proj_weight")) {
size_t prefix_size = new_name.find("attn.in_proj_weight");
std::string prefix = new_name.substr(0, prefix_size);
std::vector<TensorStorage> chunks = tensor_storage.chunk(3);
chunks[0].name = prefix + "self_attn.q_proj.weight";
chunks[1].name = prefix + "self_attn.k_proj.weight";
chunks[2].name = prefix + "self_attn.v_proj.weight";
processed_tensor_storages.insert(processed_tensor_storages.end(), chunks.begin(), chunks.end());
} else if (new_name.find("cond_stage_model") != std::string::npos &&
ends_with(new_name, "attn.in_proj_bias")) {
size_t prefix_size = new_name.find("attn.in_proj_bias");
std::string prefix = new_name.substr(0, prefix_size);
std::vector<TensorStorage> chunks = tensor_storage.chunk(3);
chunks[0].name = prefix + "self_attn.q_proj.bias";
chunks[1].name = prefix + "self_attn.k_proj.bias";
chunks[2].name = prefix + "self_attn.v_proj.bias";
processed_tensor_storages.insert(processed_tensor_storages.end(), chunks.begin(), chunks.end());
} else {
float bf16_to_f32(uint16_t bfloat16) {
uint32_t val_bits = (static_cast<uint32_t>(bfloat16) << 16);
return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&val_bits);
void bf16_to_f32_vec(uint16_t* src, float* dst, int64_t n) {
// support inplace op
for (int64_t i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
dst[i] = bf16_to_f32(src[i]);
void convert_tensor(void* src,
ggml_type src_type,
void* dst,
ggml_type dst_type,
int nrows,
int n_per_row) {
int n = nrows * n_per_row;
if (src_type == dst_type) {
size_t nbytes = n * ggml_type_size(src_type) / ggml_blck_size(src_type);
memcpy(((char*)dst), ((char*)src), nbytes);
} else if (src_type == GGML_TYPE_F32) {
if (dst_type == GGML_TYPE_F16) {
ggml_fp32_to_fp16_row((float*)src, (ggml_fp16_t*)dst, n);
} else {
int64_t hist[16];
std::vector<float> imatrix(n_per_row, 1.0f); // dummy importance matrix
const float* im =;
ggml_quantize_chunk(dst_type, (float*)src, dst, 0, nrows, n_per_row, hist, im);
} else if (dst_type == GGML_TYPE_F32) {
if (src_type == GGML_TYPE_F16) {
ggml_fp16_to_fp32_row((ggml_fp16_t*)src, (float*)dst, n);
} else {
auto qtype = ggml_internal_get_type_traits(src_type);
if (qtype.to_float == NULL) {
throw std::runtime_error(format("type %s unsupported for integer quantization: no dequantization available",
qtype.to_float(src, (float*)dst, n);
} else {
// src_type == GGML_TYPE_F16 => dst_type is quantized
// src_type is quantized => dst_type == GGML_TYPE_F16 or dst_type is quantized
auto qtype = ggml_internal_get_type_traits(src_type);
if (qtype.to_float == NULL) {
throw std::runtime_error(format("type %s unsupported for integer quantization: no dequantization available",
std::vector<char> buf;
buf.resize(sizeof(float) * n);
char* src_data_f32 =;
qtype.to_float(src, (float*)src_data_f32, n);
if (dst_type == GGML_TYPE_F16) {
ggml_fp32_to_fp16_row((float*)src_data_f32, (ggml_fp16_t*)dst, n);
} else {
int64_t hist[16];
std::vector<float> imatrix(n_per_row, 1.0f); // dummy importance matrix
const float* im =;
ggml_quantize_chunk(dst_type, (float*)src_data_f32, dst, 0, nrows, n_per_row, hist, im);
/*================================================= ModelLoader ==================================================*/
// ported from
std::map<char, int> unicode_to_byte() {
std::map<int, char> byte_to_unicode;
// List of utf-8 byte ranges
for (int b = static_cast<int>('!'); b <= static_cast<int>('~'); ++b) {
byte_to_unicode[b] = static_cast<char>(b);
for (int b = 49825; b <= 49836; ++b) {
byte_to_unicode[b] = static_cast<char>(b);
for (int b = 49838; b <= 50111; ++b) {
byte_to_unicode[b] = static_cast<char>(b);
// printf("%d %d %d %d\n", static_cast<int>('¡'), static_cast<int>('¬'), static_cast<int>('®'), static_cast<int>('ÿ'));
// exit(1);
int n = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < 256; ++b) {
if (byte_to_unicode.find(b) == byte_to_unicode.end()) {
byte_to_unicode[b] = static_cast<char>(256 + n);
// byte_encoder = bytes_to_unicode()
// byte_decoder = {v: k for k, v in byte_encoder.items()}
std::map<char, int> byte_decoder;
for (const auto& entry : byte_to_unicode) {
byte_decoder[entry.second] = entry.first;
return byte_decoder;
bool is_zip_file(const std::string& file_path) {
struct zip_t* zip = zip_open(file_path.c_str(), 0, 'r');
if (zip == NULL) {
return false;
return true;
bool is_gguf_file(const std::string& file_path) {
std::ifstream file(file_path, std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
return false;
char magic[4];, sizeof(magic));
if (!file) {
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(magic); i++) {
if (magic[i] != GGUF_MAGIC[i]) {
return false;
return true;
bool is_safetensors_file(const std::string& file_path) {
std::ifstream file(file_path, std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
return false;
// get file size
file.seekg(0, file.end);
size_t file_size_ = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, file.beg);
// read header size
if (file_size_ <= ST_HEADER_SIZE_LEN) {
return false;
uint8_t header_size_buf[ST_HEADER_SIZE_LEN];*)header_size_buf, ST_HEADER_SIZE_LEN);
if (!file) {
return false;
size_t header_size_ = read_u64(header_size_buf);
if (header_size_ >= file_size_ || header_size_ <= 2) {
return false;
// read header
std::vector<char> header_buf;
header_buf.resize(header_size_ + 1);
header_buf[header_size_] = '\0';, header_size_);
if (!file) {
return false;
nlohmann::json header_ = nlohmann::json::parse(;
if (header_.is_discarded()) {
return false;
return true;
bool ModelLoader::init_from_file(const std::string& file_path, const std::string& prefix) {
if (is_directory(file_path)) {
LOG_INFO("load %s using diffusers format", file_path.c_str());
return init_from_diffusers_file(file_path, prefix);
} else if (is_gguf_file(file_path)) {
LOG_INFO("load %s using gguf format", file_path.c_str());
return init_from_gguf_file(file_path, prefix);
} else if (is_safetensors_file(file_path)) {
LOG_INFO("load %s using safetensors format", file_path.c_str());
return init_from_safetensors_file(file_path, prefix);
} else if (is_zip_file(file_path)) {
LOG_INFO("load %s using checkpoint format", file_path.c_str());
return init_from_ckpt_file(file_path, prefix);
} else {
LOG_WARN("unknown format %s", file_path.c_str());
return false;
/*================================================= GGUFModelLoader ==================================================*/
bool ModelLoader::init_from_gguf_file(const std::string& file_path, const std::string& prefix) {
LOG_DEBUG("init from '%s'", file_path.c_str());
size_t file_index = file_paths_.size() - 1;
gguf_context* ctx_gguf_ = NULL;
ggml_context* ctx_meta_ = NULL;
ctx_gguf_ = gguf_init_from_file(file_path.c_str(), {true, &ctx_meta_});
if (!ctx_gguf_) {
LOG_ERROR("failed to open '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
int n_tensors = gguf_get_n_tensors(ctx_gguf_);
size_t total_size = 0;
size_t data_offset = gguf_get_data_offset(ctx_gguf_);
for (int i = 0; i < n_tensors; i++) {
std::string name = gguf_get_tensor_name(ctx_gguf_, i);
struct ggml_tensor* dummy = ggml_get_tensor(ctx_meta_, name.c_str());
size_t offset = data_offset + gguf_get_tensor_offset(ctx_gguf_, i);
// LOG_DEBUG("%s", name.c_str());
TensorStorage tensor_storage(prefix + name, dummy->type, dummy->ne, ggml_n_dims(dummy), file_index, offset);
GGML_ASSERT(ggml_nbytes(dummy) == tensor_storage.nbytes());
return true;
/*================================================= SafeTensorsModelLoader ==================================================*/
ggml_type str_to_ggml_type(const std::string& dtype) {
ggml_type ttype = GGML_TYPE_COUNT;
if (dtype == "F16") {
ttype = GGML_TYPE_F16;
} else if (dtype == "BF16") {
ttype = GGML_TYPE_F32;
} else if (dtype == "F32") {
ttype = GGML_TYPE_F32;
return ttype;
bool ModelLoader::init_from_safetensors_file(const std::string& file_path, const std::string& prefix) {
LOG_DEBUG("init from '%s'", file_path.c_str());
size_t file_index = file_paths_.size() - 1;
std::ifstream file(file_path, std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
LOG_ERROR("failed to open '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
// get file size
file.seekg(0, file.end);
size_t file_size_ = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, file.beg);
// read header size
if (file_size_ <= ST_HEADER_SIZE_LEN) {
LOG_ERROR("invalid safetensor file '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
uint8_t header_size_buf[ST_HEADER_SIZE_LEN];*)header_size_buf, ST_HEADER_SIZE_LEN);
if (!file) {
LOG_ERROR("read safetensors header size failed: '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
size_t header_size_ = read_u64(header_size_buf);
if (header_size_ >= file_size_) {
LOG_ERROR("invalid safetensor file '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
// read header
std::vector<char> header_buf;
header_buf.resize(header_size_ + 1);
header_buf[header_size_] = '\0';, header_size_);
if (!file) {
LOG_ERROR("read safetensors header failed: '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
nlohmann::json header_ = nlohmann::json::parse(;
for (auto& item : header_.items()) {
std::string name = item.key();
nlohmann::json tensor_info = item.value();
// LOG_DEBUG("%s %s\n", name.c_str(), tensor_info.dump().c_str());
if (name == "__metadata__") {
if (is_unused_tensor(name)) {
std::string dtype = tensor_info["dtype"];
nlohmann::json shape = tensor_info["shape"];
size_t begin = tensor_info["data_offsets"][0].get<size_t>();
size_t end = tensor_info["data_offsets"][1].get<size_t>();
ggml_type type = str_to_ggml_type(dtype);
if (type == GGML_TYPE_COUNT) {
LOG_ERROR("unsupported dtype '%s'", dtype.c_str());
return false;
if (shape.size() > SD_MAX_DIMS) {
LOG_ERROR("invalid tensor '%s'", name.c_str());
return false;
int n_dims = (int)shape.size();
int64_t ne[SD_MAX_DIMS] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
for (int i = 0; i < n_dims; i++) {
ne[i] = shape[i].get<int64_t>();
if (n_dims == 5) {
if (ne[3] == 1 && ne[4] == 1) {
n_dims = 4;
} else {
LOG_ERROR("invalid tensor '%s'", name.c_str());
return false;
TensorStorage tensor_storage(prefix + name, type, ne, n_dims, file_index, ST_HEADER_SIZE_LEN + header_size_ + begin);
size_t tensor_data_size = end - begin;
if (dtype == "BF16") {
tensor_storage.is_bf16 = true;
GGML_ASSERT(tensor_storage.nbytes() == tensor_data_size * 2);
} else {
GGML_ASSERT(tensor_storage.nbytes() == tensor_data_size);
// LOG_DEBUG("%s %s", tensor_storage.to_string().c_str(), dtype.c_str());
return true;
/*================================================= DiffusersModelLoader ==================================================*/
bool ModelLoader::init_from_diffusers_file(const std::string& file_path, const std::string& prefix) {
std::string unet_path = path_join(file_path, "unet/diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors");
std::string vae_path = path_join(file_path, "vae/diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors");
std::string clip_path = path_join(file_path, "text_encoder/model.safetensors");
if (!init_from_safetensors_file(unet_path, "unet.")) {
return false;
if (!init_from_safetensors_file(vae_path, "vae.")) {
return false;
if (!init_from_safetensors_file(clip_path, "te.")) {
return false;
return true;
/*================================================= CkptModelLoader ==================================================*/
// $ python -m pickletools sd-v1-4/archive/data.pkl | head -n 100
// 0: \x80 PROTO 2
// 2: } EMPTY_DICT
// 3: q BINPUT 0
// 5: ( MARK
// 6: X BINUNICODE 'epoch'
// 16: q BINPUT 1
// 18: K BININT1 6
// 20: X BINUNICODE 'global_step'
// 36: q BINPUT 2
// 38: J BININT 470000
// 43: X BINUNICODE 'pytorch-lightning_version'
// 73: q BINPUT 3
// 75: X BINUNICODE '1.4.2'
// 85: q BINPUT 4
// 87: X BINUNICODE 'state_dict'
// 102: q BINPUT 5
// 104: } EMPTY_DICT
// 105: q BINPUT 6
// 107: ( MARK
// 108: X BINUNICODE 'betas'
// 118: q BINPUT 7
// 120: c GLOBAL 'torch._utils _rebuild_tensor_v2'
// 153: q BINPUT 8
// 155: ( MARK
// 156: ( MARK
// 157: X BINUNICODE 'storage'
// 169: q BINPUT 9
// 171: c GLOBAL 'torch FloatStorage'
// 191: q BINPUT 10
// 193: X BINUNICODE '0'
// 199: q BINPUT 11
// 201: X BINUNICODE 'cpu'
// 209: q BINPUT 12
// 211: M BININT2 1000
// 214: t TUPLE (MARK at 156)
// 215: q BINPUT 13
// 218: K BININT1 0
// 220: M BININT2 1000
// ...............................
// 3201: q BINPUT 250
// 3203: R REDUCE
// 3204: q BINPUT 251
// 3206: X BINUNICODE 'model.diffusion_model.input_blocks.1.1.proj_in.weight'
// 3264: q BINPUT 252
// 3266: h BINGET 8
// 3268: ( MARK
// 3269: ( MARK
// 3270: h BINGET 9
// 3272: h BINGET 10
// 3274: X BINUNICODE '30'
// 3281: q BINPUT 253
// 3283: h BINGET 12
// 3285: J BININT 102400
// 3290: t TUPLE (MARK at 3269)
// 3291: q BINPUT 254
// 3293: Q BINPERSID
// 3294: K BININT1 0
// 3296: ( MARK
// 3297: M BININT2 320
// 3300: M BININT2 320
// 3303: K BININT1 1
// 3305: K BININT1 1
// 3307: t TUPLE (MARK at 3296)
// 3308: q BINPUT 255
// 3310: ( MARK
// 3311: M BININT2 320
// 3314: K BININT1 1
// 3316: K BININT1 1
// 3318: K BININT1 1
// 3320: t TUPLE (MARK at 3310)
// 3321: r LONG_BINPUT 256
// 3326: \x89 NEWFALSE
// 3327: h BINGET 16
// 3329: ) EMPTY_TUPLE
// 3330: R REDUCE
// 3331: r LONG_BINPUT 257
// 3336: t TUPLE (MARK at 3268)
// 3337: r LONG_BINPUT 258
// 3342: R REDUCE
// 3343: r LONG_BINPUT 259
// 3348: X BINUNICODE 'model.diffusion_model.input_blocks.1.1.proj_in.bias'
// 3404: r LONG_BINPUT 260
// 3409: h BINGET 8
// 3411: ( MARK
// 3412: ( MARK
// 3413: h BINGET 9
// 3415: h BINGET 10
// 3417: X BINUNICODE '31'
struct PickleTensorReader {
enum ReadPhase {
ReadPhase phase = READ_NAME;
size_t entry_size = 0;
int32_t nelements = 0;
TensorStorage tensor_storage;
static ggml_type global_type; // all pickle_tensors data type
static bool read_global_type;
bool read_int_value(uint32_t value) {
if (phase == CHECK_SIZE) {
if (entry_size == value * ggml_type_size(tensor_storage.type)) {
nelements = value;
phase = READ_DIMENS;
return true;
} else {
phase = READ_NAME;
} else if (phase == READ_DIMENS) {
if (tensor_storage.n_dims + 1 > SD_MAX_DIMS) { // too many dimens
phase = READ_NAME;
tensor_storage.n_dims = 0;
if (nelements % value == 0) {[tensor_storage.n_dims] = value;
return false;
void read_global(const std::string& str) {
if (str == "FloatStorage") {
if (read_global_type) {
global_type = GGML_TYPE_F32;
read_global_type = false;
tensor_storage.type = GGML_TYPE_F32;
} else if (str == "HalfStorage") {
if (read_global_type) {
global_type = GGML_TYPE_F16;
read_global_type = false;
tensor_storage.type = GGML_TYPE_F16;
void read_string(const std::string& str, struct zip_t* zip, std::string dir) {
if (str == "storage") {
read_global_type = true;
} else if (str != "state_dict") {
if (phase == READ_DATA) {
std::string entry_name = dir + "data/" + std::string(str);
size_t i, n = zip_entries_total(zip);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
zip_entry_openbyindex(zip, i);
std::string name = zip_entry_name(zip);
if (name == entry_name) {
tensor_storage.index_in_zip = (int)i;
entry_size = zip_entry_size(zip);
phase = entry_size > 0 ? CHECK_SIZE : READ_NAME;
if (!read_global_type && phase == READ_NAME) { = str;
phase = READ_DATA;
tensor_storage.type = global_type;
ggml_type PickleTensorReader::global_type = GGML_TYPE_F32; // all pickle_tensors data type
bool PickleTensorReader::read_global_type = false;
int find_char(uint8_t* buffer, int len, char c) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) {
if (buffer[pos] == c) {
return pos;
return -1;
bool ModelLoader::parse_data_pkl(uint8_t* buffer,
size_t buffer_size,
zip_t* zip,
std::string dir,
size_t file_index,
const std::string& prefix) {
uint8_t* buffer_end = buffer + buffer_size;
if (buffer[0] == 0x80) { // proto
if (buffer[1] != 2) {
LOG_ERROR("Unsupported protocol\n");
return false;
buffer += 2; // 0x80 and version
char string_buffer[MAX_STRING_BUFFER];
bool finish = false;
PickleTensorReader reader;
// read pickle binary file
while (!finish && buffer < buffer_end) {
uint8_t opcode = *buffer;
switch (opcode) {
case '}': // EMPTY_DICT = b'}' # push empty dict
case ']': // EMPTY_LIST = b']' # push empty list
// skip unused sections
case 'h': // BINGET = b'h' # " " " " " " ; " " 1-byte arg
case 'q': // BINPUT = b'q' # " " " " " ; " " 1-byte arg
case 'Q': // BINPERSID = b'Q' # " " " ; " " " " stack
case 'r': // LONG_BINPUT = b'r' # " " " " " ; " " 4-byte arg
buffer += 4;
case 0x95: // FRAME = b'\x95' # indicate the beginning of a new frame
buffer += 8;
case 0x94: // MEMOIZE = b'\x94' # store top of the stack in memo
case '(': // MARK = b'(' # push special markobject on stack
case 'K': // BININT1 = b'K' # push 1-byte unsigned int
uint8_t value = *buffer;
if (reader.read_int_value(value)) {
} break;
case 'M': // BININT2 = b'M' # push 2-byte unsigned int
uint16_t value = read_short(buffer);
if (reader.read_int_value(value)) {
buffer += 2;
} break;
case 'J': // BININT = b'J' # push four-byte signed int
const int32_t value = read_int(buffer);
if (reader.read_int_value(value)) {
buffer++; // skip tuple after read num_elements
buffer += 4;
} break;
case 'X': // BINUNICODE = b'X' # " " " ; counted UTF-8 string argument
const int32_t len = read_int(buffer);
buffer += 4;
memset(string_buffer, 0, MAX_STRING_BUFFER);
if (len > MAX_STRING_BUFFER) {
LOG_WARN("tensor name very large");
memcpy(string_buffer, buffer, len < MAX_STRING_BUFFER ? len : (MAX_STRING_BUFFER - 1));
buffer += len;
reader.read_string(string_buffer, zip, dir);
} break;
case 0x8C: // SHORT_BINUNICODE = b'\x8c' # push short string; UTF-8 length < 256 bytes
const int8_t len = *buffer;
memset(string_buffer, 0, MAX_STRING_BUFFER);
memcpy(string_buffer, buffer, len);
buffer += len;
// printf("String: '%s'\n", string_buffer);
} break;
case 'c': // GLOBAL = b'c' # push self.find_class(modname, name); 2 string args
int len = find_char(buffer, MAX_STRING_BUFFER, '\n');
buffer += len + 1;
len = find_char(buffer, MAX_STRING_BUFFER, '\n');
memset(string_buffer, 0, MAX_STRING_BUFFER);
memcpy(string_buffer, buffer, len);
buffer += len + 1;
} break;
case 0x86: // TUPLE2 = b'\x86' # build 2-tuple from two topmost stack items
case 0x85: // TUPLE1 = b'\x85' # build 1-tuple from stack top
case 't': // TUPLE = b't' # build tuple from topmost stack items
if (reader.phase == PickleTensorReader::READ_DIMENS) {
reader.tensor_storage.file_index = file_index;
// if(strcmp(prefix.c_str(), "scarlett") == 0)
// printf(" got tensor %s \n ",; = prefix +;
// LOG_DEBUG("%s",;
// reset
reader = PickleTensorReader();
case '.': // STOP = b'.' # every pickle ends with STOP
finish = true;
return true;
bool ModelLoader::init_from_ckpt_file(const std::string& file_path, const std::string& prefix) {
LOG_DEBUG("init from '%s'", file_path.c_str());
size_t file_index = file_paths_.size() - 1;
struct zip_t* zip = zip_open(file_path.c_str(), 0, 'r');
if (zip == NULL) {
LOG_ERROR("failed to open '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
int n = (int)zip_entries_total(zip);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
zip_entry_openbyindex(zip, i);
std::string name = zip_entry_name(zip);
size_t pos = name.find("data.pkl");
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
std::string dir = name.substr(0, pos);
void* pkl_data = NULL;
size_t pkl_size;
zip_entry_read(zip, &pkl_data, &pkl_size);
// LOG_DEBUG("%lld", pkl_size);
parse_data_pkl((uint8_t*)pkl_data, pkl_size, zip, dir, file_index, prefix);
return true;
SDVersion ModelLoader::get_sd_version() {
TensorStorage token_embedding_weight;
for (auto& tensor_storage : tensor_storages) {
if ("conditioner.embedders.1") != std::string::npos) {
return VERSION_XL;
if ("cond_stage_model.1") != std::string::npos) {
return VERSION_XL;
if ("model.diffusion_model.input_blocks.8.0.time_mixer.mix_factor") != std::string::npos) {
if ( == "cond_stage_model.transformer.text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight" || == "cond_stage_model.model.token_embedding.weight" || == "text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight" || == "te.text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight" || == "conditioner.embedders.0.model.token_embedding.weight" || == "conditioner.embedders.0.transformer.text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight") {
token_embedding_weight = tensor_storage;
// break;
if ([0] == 768) {
return VERSION_1_x;
} else if ([0] == 1024) {
return VERSION_2_x;
ggml_type ModelLoader::get_sd_wtype() {
for (auto& tensor_storage : tensor_storages) {
if (is_unused_tensor( {
if (".weight") != std::string::npos &&"time_embed") != std::string::npos) {
return tensor_storage.type;
std::string ModelLoader::load_merges() {
std::string merges_utf8_str(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(merges_utf8_c_str), sizeof(merges_utf8_c_str));
return merges_utf8_str;
std::vector<TensorStorage> remove_duplicates(const std::vector<TensorStorage>& vec) {
std::vector<TensorStorage> res;
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> name_to_index_map;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
const std::string& current_name = vec[i].name;
auto it = name_to_index_map.find(current_name);
if (it != name_to_index_map.end()) {
res[it->second] = vec[i];
} else {
name_to_index_map[current_name] = i;
// vec.resize(name_to_index_map.size());
return res;
bool ModelLoader::load_tensors(on_new_tensor_cb_t on_new_tensor_cb, ggml_backend_t backend) {
std::vector<TensorStorage> processed_tensor_storages;
for (auto& tensor_storage : tensor_storages) {
// LOG_DEBUG("%s", name.c_str());
if (is_unused_tensor( {
preprocess_tensor(tensor_storage, processed_tensor_storages);
std::vector<TensorStorage> dedup = remove_duplicates(processed_tensor_storages);
processed_tensor_storages = dedup;
bool success = true;
for (size_t file_index = 0; file_index < file_paths_.size(); file_index++) {
std::string file_path = file_paths_[file_index];
LOG_DEBUG("loading tensors from %s", file_path.c_str());
std::ifstream file(file_path, std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
LOG_ERROR("failed to open '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
bool is_zip = false;
for (auto& tensor_storage : tensor_storages) {
if (tensor_storage.file_index != file_index) {
if (tensor_storage.index_in_zip >= 0) {
is_zip = true;
struct zip_t* zip = NULL;
if (is_zip) {
zip = zip_open(file_path.c_str(), 0, 'r');
if (zip == NULL) {
LOG_ERROR("failed to open zip '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
std::vector<uint8_t> read_buffer;
std::vector<uint8_t> convert_buffer;
auto read_data = [&](const TensorStorage& tensor_storage, char* buf, size_t n) {
if (zip != NULL) {
zip_entry_openbyindex(zip, tensor_storage.index_in_zip);
size_t entry_size = zip_entry_size(zip);
if (entry_size != n) {
zip_entry_noallocread(zip, (void*), entry_size);
memcpy((void*)buf, (void*)( + tensor_storage.offset), n);
} else {
zip_entry_noallocread(zip, (void*)buf, n);
} else {
file.seekg(tensor_storage.offset);, n);
if (!file) {
LOG_ERROR("read tensor data failed: '%s'", file_path.c_str());
return false;
return true;
for (auto& tensor_storage : processed_tensor_storages) {
if (tensor_storage.file_index != file_index) {
ggml_tensor* dst_tensor = NULL;
success = on_new_tensor_cb(tensor_storage, &dst_tensor);
if (!success) {
LOG_WARN("process tensor failed: '%s'",;
if (dst_tensor == NULL) {
size_t nbytes_to_read = tensor_storage.nbytes_to_read();
if (dst_tensor->buffer == NULL || ggml_backend_buffer_is_host(dst_tensor->buffer)) {
// for the CPU and Metal backend, we can copy directly into the tensor
if (tensor_storage.type == dst_tensor->type) {
GGML_ASSERT(ggml_nbytes(dst_tensor) == tensor_storage.nbytes());
read_data(tensor_storage, (char*)dst_tensor->data, nbytes_to_read);
if (tensor_storage.is_bf16) {
// inplace op
bf16_to_f32_vec((uint16_t*)dst_tensor->data, (float*)dst_tensor->data, tensor_storage.nelements());
} else {
read_data(tensor_storage, (char*), nbytes_to_read);
if (tensor_storage.is_bf16) {
// inplace op
bf16_to_f32_vec((uint16_t*), (float*), tensor_storage.nelements());
convert_tensor((void*), tensor_storage.type, dst_tensor->data,
dst_tensor->type, (int)tensor_storage.nelements() / (int)[0], (int)[0]);
} else {
read_data(tensor_storage, (char*), nbytes_to_read);
if (tensor_storage.is_bf16) {
// inplace op
bf16_to_f32_vec((uint16_t*), (float*), tensor_storage.nelements());
if (tensor_storage.type == dst_tensor->type) {
// copy to device memory
ggml_backend_tensor_set(dst_tensor,, 0, ggml_nbytes(dst_tensor));
} else {
// convert first, then copy to device memory
convert_tensor((void*), tensor_storage.type,
(void*), dst_tensor->type,
(int)tensor_storage.nelements() / (int)[0], (int)[0]);
ggml_backend_tensor_set(dst_tensor,, 0, ggml_nbytes(dst_tensor));
if (zip != NULL) {
if (!success) {
return success;
bool ModelLoader::load_tensors(std::map<std::string, struct ggml_tensor*>& tensors,
ggml_backend_t backend,
std::set<std::string> ignore_tensors) {
std::set<std::string> tensor_names_in_file;
auto on_new_tensor_cb = [&](const TensorStorage& tensor_storage, ggml_tensor** dst_tensor) -> bool {
const std::string& name =;
// LOG_DEBUG("%s", tensor_storage.to_string().c_str());
struct ggml_tensor* real;
if (tensors.find(name) != tensors.end()) {
real = tensors[name];
} else {
for (auto& ignore_tensor : ignore_tensors) {
if (starts_with(name, ignore_tensor)) {
return true;
LOG_INFO("unknown tensor '%s' in model file", tensor_storage.to_string().c_str());
return true;
if (
real->ne[0] !=[0] ||
real->ne[1] !=[1] ||
real->ne[2] !=[2] ||
real->ne[3] !=[3]) {
"tensor '%s' has wrong shape in model file: "
"got [%d, %d, %d, %d], expected [%d, %d, %d, %d]",
(int)[0], (int)[1], (int)[2], (int)[3],
(int)real->ne[0], (int)real->ne[1], (int)real->ne[2], (int)real->ne[3]);
return false;
*dst_tensor = real;
return true;
bool success = load_tensors(on_new_tensor_cb, backend);
if (!success) {
LOG_ERROR("load tensors from file failed");
return false;
bool some_tensor_not_init = false;
for (auto pair : tensors) {
if (pair.first.find("cond_stage_model.transformer.text_model.encoder.layers.23") != std::string::npos) {
if (pair.first.find("alphas_cumprod") != std::string::npos) {
if (pair.first.find("alphas_cumprod") != std::string::npos) {
if (tensor_names_in_file.find(pair.first) == tensor_names_in_file.end()) {
LOG_ERROR("tensor '%s' not in model file", pair.first.c_str());
some_tensor_not_init = true;
if (some_tensor_not_init) {
return false;
return true;
bool ModelLoader::save_to_gguf_file(const std::string& file_path, ggml_type type) {
auto backend = ggml_backend_cpu_init();
size_t mem_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // for padding
mem_size += tensor_storages.size() * ggml_tensor_overhead();
mem_size += get_params_mem_size(backend, type);
LOG_INFO("model tensors mem size: %.2fMB", mem_size / 1024.f / 1024.f);
ggml_context* ggml_ctx = ggml_init({mem_size, NULL, false});
gguf_context* gguf_ctx = gguf_init_empty();
auto on_new_tensor_cb = [&](const TensorStorage& tensor_storage, ggml_tensor** dst_tensor) -> bool {
const std::string& name =;
ggml_type tensor_type = tensor_storage.type;
if (type != GGML_TYPE_COUNT) {
if (ggml_is_quantized(type) &&[0] % 32 != 0) {
tensor_type = GGML_TYPE_F16;
} else {
tensor_type = type;
ggml_tensor* tensor = ggml_new_tensor(ggml_ctx, tensor_type, tensor_storage.n_dims,;
if (tensor == NULL) {
LOG_ERROR("ggml_new_tensor failed");
return false;
ggml_set_name(tensor, name.c_str());
// LOG_DEBUG("%s %d %s %d[%d %d %d %d] %d[%d %d %d %d]", name.c_str(),
// ggml_nbytes(tensor), ggml_type_name(tensor_type),
// tensor_storage.n_dims,
// tensor->n_dims, tensor->ne[0], tensor->ne[1], tensor->ne[2], tensor->ne[3]);
*dst_tensor = tensor;
gguf_add_tensor(gguf_ctx, tensor);
return true;
bool success = load_tensors(on_new_tensor_cb, backend);
LOG_INFO("load tensors done");
LOG_INFO("trying to save tensors to %s", file_path.c_str());
if (success) {
gguf_write_to_file(gguf_ctx, file_path.c_str(), false);
return success;
int64_t ModelLoader::get_params_mem_size(ggml_backend_t backend, ggml_type type) {
size_t alignment = 128;
if (backend != NULL) {
alignment = ggml_backend_get_alignment(backend);
int64_t mem_size = 0;
std::vector<TensorStorage> processed_tensor_storages;
for (auto& tensor_storage : tensor_storages) {
if (is_unused_tensor( {
preprocess_tensor(tensor_storage, processed_tensor_storages);
for (auto& tensor_storage : processed_tensor_storages) {
ggml_type tensor_type = tensor_storage.type;
if (type != GGML_TYPE_COUNT) {
if (ggml_is_quantized(type) &&[0] % 32 != 0) {
tensor_type = GGML_TYPE_F16;
} else {
tensor_type = type;
tensor_storage.type = tensor_type;
mem_size += tensor_storage.nbytes() + alignment;
return mem_size;
bool convert(const char* input_path, const char* vae_path, const char* output_path, sd_type_t output_type) {
ModelLoader model_loader;
if (!model_loader.init_from_file(input_path)) {
LOG_ERROR("init model loader from file failed: '%s'", input_path);
return false;
if (vae_path != NULL && strlen(vae_path) > 0) {
if (!model_loader.init_from_file(vae_path, "vae.")) {
LOG_ERROR("init model loader from file failed: '%s'", vae_path);
return false;
bool success = model_loader.save_to_gguf_file(output_path, (ggml_type)output_type);
return success;