
1139 lines
46 KiB

#ifndef __CLIP_HPP__
#define __CLIP_HPP__
#include "ggml_extend.hpp"
#include "model.h"
/*================================================== CLIPTokenizer ===================================================*/
std::pair<std::unordered_map<std::string, float>, std::string> extract_and_remove_lora(std::string text) {
std::regex re("<lora:([^:]+):([^>]+)>");
std::smatch matches;
std::unordered_map<std::string, float> filename2multiplier;
while (std::regex_search(text, matches, re)) {
std::string filename = matches[1].str();
float multiplier = std::stof(matches[2].str());
text = std::regex_replace(text, re, "", std::regex_constants::format_first_only);
if (multiplier == 0.f) {
if (filename2multiplier.find(filename) == filename2multiplier.end()) {
filename2multiplier[filename] = multiplier;
} else {
filename2multiplier[filename] += multiplier;
return std::make_pair(filename2multiplier, text);
const std::string UNK_TOKEN = "<|endoftext|>";
const std::string BOS_TOKEN = "<|startoftext|>";
const std::string EOS_TOKEN = "<|endoftext|>";
const std::string PAD_TOEKN = "<|endoftext|>";
const int UNK_TOKEN_ID = 49407;
const int BOS_TOKEN_ID = 49406;
const int EOS_TOKEN_ID = 49407;
const int PAD_TOKEN_ID = 49407;
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::u32string>> bytes_to_unicode() {
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::u32string>> byte_unicode_pairs;
std::set<int> byte_set;
for (int b = static_cast<int>('!'); b <= static_cast<int>('~'); ++b) {
byte_unicode_pairs.push_back(std::pair<int, std::u32string>(b, unicode_value_to_utf32(b)));
for (int b = 161; b <= 172; ++b) {
byte_unicode_pairs.push_back(std::pair<int, std::u32string>(b, unicode_value_to_utf32(b)));
for (int b = 174; b <= 255; ++b) {
byte_unicode_pairs.push_back(std::pair<int, std::u32string>(b, unicode_value_to_utf32(b)));
int n = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < 256; ++b) {
if (byte_set.find(b) == byte_set.end()) {
byte_unicode_pairs.push_back(std::pair<int, std::u32string>(b, unicode_value_to_utf32(n + 256)));
// LOG_DEBUG("byte_unicode_pairs %d", byte_unicode_pairs.size());
return byte_unicode_pairs;
// Ref:
typedef std::function<bool(std::string&, std::vector<int32_t>&)> on_new_token_cb_t;
class CLIPTokenizer {
SDVersion version = VERSION_1_x;
std::map<int, std::u32string> byte_encoder;
std::map<std::u32string, int> encoder;
std::map<std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string>, int> bpe_ranks;
std::regex pat;
static std::string strip(const std::string& str) {
std::string::size_type start = str.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r\v\f");
std::string::size_type end = str.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r\v\f");
if (start == std::string::npos) {
// String contains only whitespace characters
return "";
return str.substr(start, end - start + 1);
static std::string whitespace_clean(std::string text) {
text = std::regex_replace(text, std::regex(R"(\s+)"), " ");
text = strip(text);
return text;
static std::set<std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string>> get_pairs(const std::vector<std::u32string>& subwords) {
std::set<std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string>> pairs;
if (subwords.size() == 0) {
return pairs;
std::u32string prev_subword = subwords[0];
for (int i = 1; i < subwords.size(); i++) {
std::u32string subword = subwords[i];
std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string> pair(prev_subword, subword);
prev_subword = subword;
return pairs;
CLIPTokenizer(SDVersion version = VERSION_1_x)
: version(version) {}
void load_from_merges(const std::string& merges_utf8_str) {
auto byte_unicode_pairs = bytes_to_unicode();
byte_encoder = std::map<int, std::u32string>(byte_unicode_pairs.begin(), byte_unicode_pairs.end());
// for (auto & pair: byte_unicode_pairs) {
// std::cout << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << std::endl;
// }
std::vector<std::u32string> merges;
size_t start = 0;
size_t pos;
std::u32string merges_utf32_str = utf8_to_utf32(merges_utf8_str);
while ((pos = merges_utf32_str.find('\n', start)) != std::string::npos) {
merges.push_back(merges_utf32_str.substr(start, pos - start));
start = pos + 1;
// LOG_DEBUG("merges size %llu", merges.size());
GGML_ASSERT(merges.size() == 48895);
merges = std::vector<std::u32string>(merges.begin() + 1, merges.end());
std::vector<std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string>> merge_pairs;
for (const auto& merge : merges) {
size_t space_pos = merge.find(' ');
merge_pairs.emplace_back(merge.substr(0, space_pos), merge.substr(space_pos + 1));
// LOG_DEBUG("%s", utf32_to_utf8(merge.substr(space_pos + 1)).c_str());
std::vector<std::u32string> vocab;
for (const auto& pair : byte_unicode_pairs) {
for (const auto& pair : byte_unicode_pairs) {
vocab.push_back(pair.second + utf8_to_utf32("</w>"));
for (const auto& merge : merge_pairs) {
vocab.push_back(merge.first + merge.second);
LOG_DEBUG("vocab size: %llu", vocab.size());
int i = 0;
for (const auto& token : vocab) {
encoder[token] = i++;
int rank = 0;
for (const auto& merge : merge_pairs) {
bpe_ranks[merge] = rank++;
std::u32string bpe(const std::u32string& token) {
std::vector<std::u32string> word;
for (int i = 0; i < token.size() - 1; i++) {
word.emplace_back(1, token[i]);
word.push_back(token.substr(token.size() - 1) + utf8_to_utf32("</w>"));
std::set<std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string>> pairs = get_pairs(word);
if (pairs.empty()) {
return token + utf8_to_utf32("</w>");
while (true) {
auto min_pair_iter = std::min_element(pairs.begin(),
[&](const std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string>& a,
const std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string>& b) {
if (bpe_ranks.find(a) == bpe_ranks.end()) {
return false;
} else if (bpe_ranks.find(b) == bpe_ranks.end()) {
return true;
return <;
const std::pair<std::u32string, std::u32string>& bigram = *min_pair_iter;
if (bpe_ranks.find(bigram) == bpe_ranks.end()) {
std::u32string first = bigram.first;
std::u32string second = bigram.second;
std::vector<std::u32string> new_word;
int32_t i = 0;
while (i < word.size()) {
auto it = std::find(word.begin() + i, word.end(), first);
if (it == word.end()) {
new_word.insert(new_word.end(), word.begin() + i, word.end());
new_word.insert(new_word.end(), word.begin() + i, it);
i = static_cast<int32_t>(std::distance(word.begin(), it));
if (word[i] == first && i < static_cast<int32_t>(word.size()) - 1 && word[i + 1] == second) {
new_word.push_back(first + second);
i += 2;
} else {
i += 1;
word = new_word;
if (word.size() == 1) {
pairs = get_pairs(word);
std::u32string result;
for (int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) {
result += word[i];
if (i != word.size() - 1) {
result += utf8_to_utf32(" ");
return result;
std::vector<int> tokenize(std::string text,
on_new_token_cb_t on_new_token_cb,
size_t max_length = 0,
bool padding = false) {
std::vector<int32_t> tokens = encode(text, on_new_token_cb);
tokens.insert(tokens.begin(), BOS_TOKEN_ID);
if (max_length > 0) {
if (tokens.size() > max_length - 1) {
tokens.resize(max_length - 1);
} else {
if (padding) {
int pad_token_id = PAD_TOKEN_ID;
if (version == VERSION_2_x) {
pad_token_id = 0;
tokens.insert(tokens.end(), max_length - tokens.size(), pad_token_id);
return tokens;
std::vector<int> encode(std::string text, on_new_token_cb_t on_new_token_cb) {
std::string original_text = text;
std::vector<int32_t> bpe_tokens;
text = whitespace_clean(text);
std::transform(text.begin(), text.end(), text.begin(), [](unsigned char c) { return std::tolower(c); });
std::regex pat(R"(<\|startoftext\|>|<\|endoftext\|>|'s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d|[[:alpha:]]+|[[:digit:]]|[^[:space:][:alpha:][:digit:]]+)",
std::smatch matches;
std::string str = text;
std::vector<std::string> token_strs;
while (std::regex_search(str, matches, pat)) {
bool skip = on_new_token_cb(str, bpe_tokens);
if (skip) {
for (auto& token : matches) {
std::string token_str = token.str();
std::u32string utf32_token;
for (int i = 0; i < token_str.length(); i++) {
char b = token_str[i];
utf32_token += byte_encoder[b];
auto bpe_strs = bpe(utf32_token);
size_t start = 0;
size_t pos;
while ((pos = bpe_strs.find(' ', start)) != std::u32string::npos) {
auto bpe_str = bpe_strs.substr(start, pos - start);
start = pos + 1;
auto bpe_str = bpe_strs.substr(start, bpe_strs.size() - start);
str = matches.suffix();
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "[";
for (auto token : token_strs) {
ss << "\"" << token << "\", ";
ss << "]";
LOG_DEBUG("split prompt \"%s\" to tokens %s", original_text.c_str(), ss.str().c_str());
return bpe_tokens;
// Ref:
// Parses a string with attention tokens and returns a list of pairs: text and its associated weight.
// Accepted tokens are:
// (abc) - increases attention to abc by a multiplier of 1.1
// (abc:3.12) - increases attention to abc by a multiplier of 3.12
// [abc] - decreases attention to abc by a multiplier of 1.1
// \( - literal character '('
// \[ - literal character '['
// \) - literal character ')'
// \] - literal character ']'
// \\ - literal character '\'
// anything else - just text
// >>> parse_prompt_attention('normal text')
// [['normal text', 1.0]]
// >>> parse_prompt_attention('an (important) word')
// [['an ', 1.0], ['important', 1.1], [' word', 1.0]]
// >>> parse_prompt_attention('(unbalanced')
// [['unbalanced', 1.1]]
// >>> parse_prompt_attention('\(literal\]')
// [['(literal]', 1.0]]
// >>> parse_prompt_attention('(unnecessary)(parens)')
// [['unnecessaryparens', 1.1]]
// >>> parse_prompt_attention('a (((house:1.3)) [on] a (hill:0.5), sun, (((sky))).')
// [['a ', 1.0],
// ['house', 1.5730000000000004],
// [' ', 1.1],
// ['on', 1.0],
// [' a ', 1.1],
// ['hill', 0.55],
// [', sun, ', 1.1],
// ['sky', 1.4641000000000006],
// ['.', 1.1]]
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float>> parse_prompt_attention(const std::string& text) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float>> res;
std::vector<int> round_brackets;
std::vector<int> square_brackets;
float round_bracket_multiplier = 1.1f;
float square_bracket_multiplier = 1 / 1.1f;
std::regex re_attention(R"(\\\(|\\\)|\\\[|\\\]|\\\\|\\|\(|\[|:([+-]?[.\d]+)\)|\)|\]|[^\\()\[\]:]+|:)");
std::regex re_break(R"(\s*\bBREAK\b\s*)");
auto multiply_range = [&](int start_position, float multiplier) {
for (int p = start_position; p < res.size(); ++p) {
res[p].second *= multiplier;
std::smatch m;
std::string remaining_text = text;
while (std::regex_search(remaining_text, m, re_attention)) {
std::string text = m[0];
std::string weight = m[1];
if (text == "(") {
} else if (text == "[") {
} else if (!weight.empty()) {
if (!round_brackets.empty()) {
multiply_range(round_brackets.back(), std::stof(weight));
} else if (text == ")" && !round_brackets.empty()) {
multiply_range(round_brackets.back(), round_bracket_multiplier);
} else if (text == "]" && !square_brackets.empty()) {
multiply_range(square_brackets.back(), square_bracket_multiplier);
} else if (text == "\\(") {
res.push_back({text.substr(1), 1.0f});
} else {
res.push_back({text, 1.0f});
remaining_text = m.suffix();
for (int pos : round_brackets) {
multiply_range(pos, round_bracket_multiplier);
for (int pos : square_brackets) {
multiply_range(pos, square_bracket_multiplier);
if (res.empty()) {
res.push_back({"", 1.0f});
int i = 0;
while (i + 1 < res.size()) {
if (res[i].second == res[i + 1].second) {
res[i].first += res[i + 1].first;
res.erase(res.begin() + i + 1);
} else {
return res;
/*================================================ FrozenCLIPEmbedder ================================================*/
// Ref:
struct CLIPMLP : public GGMLBlock {
bool use_gelu;
CLIPMLP(int64_t d_model, int64_t intermediate_size) {
blocks["fc1"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(d_model, intermediate_size));
blocks["fc2"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(intermediate_size, d_model));
if (d_model == 1024 || d_model == 1280) { // SD 2.x
use_gelu = true;
} else { // SD 1.x
use_gelu = false;
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x) {
// x: [N, n_token, d_model]
auto fc1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["fc1"]);
auto fc2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["fc2"]);
x = fc1->forward(ctx, x);
if (use_gelu) {
x = ggml_gelu_inplace(ctx, x);
} else {
x = ggml_gelu_quick_inplace(ctx, x);
x = fc2->forward(ctx, x);
return x;
struct CLIPLayer : public GGMLBlock {
int64_t d_model; // hidden_size/embed_dim
int64_t n_head;
int64_t intermediate_size;
CLIPLayer(int64_t d_model,
int64_t n_head,
int64_t intermediate_size)
: d_model(d_model),
intermediate_size(intermediate_size) {
blocks["self_attn"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new MultiheadAttention(d_model, n_head));
blocks["layer_norm1"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(d_model));
blocks["layer_norm2"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(d_model));
blocks["mlp"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CLIPMLP(d_model, intermediate_size));
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x, bool mask = true) {
// x: [N, n_token, d_model]
auto self_attn = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MultiheadAttention>(blocks["self_attn"]);
auto layer_norm1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["layer_norm1"]);
auto layer_norm2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["layer_norm2"]);
auto mlp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLIPMLP>(blocks["mlp"]);
x = ggml_add(ctx, x, self_attn->forward(ctx, layer_norm1->forward(ctx, x), mask));
x = ggml_add(ctx, x, mlp->forward(ctx, layer_norm2->forward(ctx, x)));
return x;
struct CLIPEncoder : public GGMLBlock {
int64_t n_layer;
CLIPEncoder(int64_t n_layer,
int64_t d_model,
int64_t n_head,
int64_t intermediate_size)
: n_layer(n_layer) {
for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; i++) {
std::string name = "layers." + std::to_string(i);
blocks[name] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CLIPLayer(d_model, n_head, intermediate_size));
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* x, int clip_skip = -1, bool mask = true) {
// x: [N, n_token, d_model]
int layer_idx = n_layer - 1;
LOG_DEBUG("clip_skip %d", clip_skip);
if (clip_skip > 0) {
layer_idx = n_layer - clip_skip;
for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; i++) {
// LOG_DEBUG("layer %d", i);
if (i == layer_idx + 1) {
std::string name = "layers." + std::to_string(i);
auto layer = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLIPLayer>(blocks[name]);
x = layer->forward(ctx, x); // [N, n_token, d_model]
// LOG_DEBUG("layer %d", i);
return x;
class CLIPEmbeddings : public GGMLBlock {
int64_t embed_dim;
int64_t vocab_size;
int64_t num_positions;
void init_params(struct ggml_context* ctx, ggml_type wtype) {
params["token_embedding.weight"] = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, wtype, embed_dim, vocab_size);
params["position_embedding.weight"] = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, embed_dim, num_positions);
CLIPEmbeddings(int64_t embed_dim,
int64_t vocab_size = 49408,
int64_t num_positions = 77)
: embed_dim(embed_dim),
num_positions(num_positions) {
struct ggml_tensor* get_token_embed_weight() {
return params["token_embedding.weight"];
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx,
struct ggml_tensor* input_ids,
struct ggml_tensor* custom_embed_weight) {
// input_ids: [N, n_token]
auto token_embed_weight = params["token_embedding.weight"];
auto position_embed_weight = params["position_embedding.weight"];
GGML_ASSERT(input_ids->ne[0] <= position_embed_weight->ne[0]);
// token_embedding + position_embedding
auto x = ggml_add(ctx,
ggml_get_rows(ctx, custom_embed_weight != NULL ? custom_embed_weight : token_embed_weight, input_ids),
position_embed_weight); // [N, n_token, embed_dim]
return x;
class CLIPVisionEmbeddings : public GGMLBlock {
int64_t embed_dim;
int64_t num_channels;
int64_t patch_size;
int64_t image_size;
int64_t num_patches;
int64_t num_positions;
void init_params(struct ggml_context* ctx, ggml_type wtype) {
params["patch_embedding.weight"] = ggml_new_tensor_4d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F16, patch_size, patch_size, num_channels, embed_dim);
params["class_embedding"] = ggml_new_tensor_1d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, embed_dim);
params["position_embedding.weight"] = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, embed_dim, num_positions);
CLIPVisionEmbeddings(int64_t embed_dim,
int64_t num_channels = 3,
int64_t patch_size = 14,
int64_t image_size = 224)
: embed_dim(embed_dim),
image_size(image_size) {
num_patches = (image_size / patch_size) * (image_size / patch_size);
num_positions = num_patches + 1;
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* pixel_values) {
// pixel_values: [N, num_channels, image_size, image_size]
// return: [N, num_positions, embed_dim]
GGML_ASSERT(pixel_values->ne[0] == image_size && pixel_values->ne[1] == image_size && pixel_values->ne[2] == num_channels);
auto patch_embed_weight = params["patch_embedding.weight"];
auto class_embed_weight = params["class_embedding"];
auto position_embed_weight = params["position_embedding.weight"];
// concat(patch_embedding, class_embedding) + position_embedding
struct ggml_tensor* patch_embedding;
int64_t N = pixel_values->ne[3];
patch_embedding = ggml_nn_conv_2d(ctx, pixel_values, patch_embed_weight, NULL, patch_size, patch_size); // [N, embed_dim, image_size // pacht_size, image_size // pacht_size]
patch_embedding = ggml_reshape_3d(ctx, patch_embedding, num_patches, embed_dim, N); // [N, embed_dim, num_patches]
patch_embedding = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, patch_embedding, 1, 0, 2, 3)); // [N, num_patches, embed_dim]
patch_embedding = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, patch_embedding, 1, embed_dim, num_patches, N); // [N, num_patches, embed_dim, 1]
struct ggml_tensor* class_embedding = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, embed_dim, N);
class_embedding = ggml_repeat(ctx, class_embed_weight, class_embedding); // [N, embed_dim]
class_embedding = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx, class_embedding, 1, embed_dim, 1, N); // [N, 1, embed_dim, 1]
struct ggml_tensor* x = ggml_concat(ctx, class_embedding, patch_embedding); // [N, num_positions, embed_dim, 1]
x = ggml_reshape_3d(ctx, x, embed_dim, num_positions, N); // [N, num_positions, embed_dim]
x = ggml_add(ctx, x, position_embed_weight);
return x; // [N, num_positions, embed_dim]
// OPEN_CLIP_VIT_BIGG_14: (CLIPTextModelWithProjection)
enum CLIPVersion {
OPENAI_CLIP_VIT_L_14, // SD 1.x and SDXL
OPEN_CLIP_VIT_H_14, // SD 2.x
class CLIPTextModel : public GGMLBlock {
void init_params(struct ggml_context* ctx, ggml_type wtype) {
if (version == OPEN_CLIP_VIT_BIGG_14) {
params["text_projection"] = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, projection_dim, hidden_size);
CLIPVersion version = OPENAI_CLIP_VIT_L_14;
// network hparams
int32_t vocab_size = 49408;
int32_t n_token = 77; // max_position_embeddings
int32_t hidden_size = 768;
int32_t intermediate_size = 3072;
int32_t n_head = 12;
int32_t n_layer = 12; // num_hidden_layers
int32_t projection_dim = 1280; // only for OPEN_CLIP_VIT_BIGG_14
int32_t clip_skip = -1;
bool with_final_ln = true;
CLIPTextModel(CLIPVersion version = OPENAI_CLIP_VIT_L_14,
int clip_skip_value = -1,
bool with_final_ln = true)
: version(version), with_final_ln(with_final_ln) {
if (version == OPEN_CLIP_VIT_H_14) {
hidden_size = 1024;
intermediate_size = 4096;
n_head = 16;
n_layer = 24;
} else if (version == OPEN_CLIP_VIT_BIGG_14) { // CLIPTextModelWithProjection
hidden_size = 1280;
intermediate_size = 5120;
n_head = 20;
n_layer = 32;
blocks["embeddings"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CLIPEmbeddings(hidden_size, vocab_size, n_token));
blocks["encoder"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CLIPEncoder(n_layer, hidden_size, n_head, intermediate_size));
blocks["final_layer_norm"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(hidden_size));
void set_clip_skip(int skip) {
if (skip <= 0) {
clip_skip = skip;
struct ggml_tensor* get_token_embed_weight() {
auto embeddings = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLIPEmbeddings>(blocks["embeddings"]);
return embeddings->get_token_embed_weight();
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx,
struct ggml_tensor* input_ids,
struct ggml_tensor* tkn_embeddings,
size_t max_token_idx = 0,
bool return_pooled = false) {
// input_ids: [N, n_token]
auto embeddings = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLIPEmbeddings>(blocks["embeddings"]);
auto encoder = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLIPEncoder>(blocks["encoder"]);
auto final_layer_norm = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["final_layer_norm"]);
auto x = embeddings->forward(ctx, input_ids, tkn_embeddings); // [N, n_token, hidden_size]
x = encoder->forward(ctx, x, return_pooled ? -1 : clip_skip, true);
if (return_pooled || with_final_ln) {
x = final_layer_norm->forward(ctx, x);
if (return_pooled) {
auto text_projection = params["text_projection"];
ggml_tensor* pooled = ggml_view_1d(ctx, x, hidden_size, x->nb[1] * max_token_idx);
pooled = ggml_mul_mat(ctx, ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_transpose(ctx, text_projection)), pooled);
return pooled;
return x; // [N, n_token, hidden_size]
class CLIPVisionModel : public GGMLBlock {
void init_params(struct ggml_context* ctx, ggml_type wtype) {
params["visual_projection"] = ggml_new_tensor_2d(ctx, GGML_TYPE_F32, projection_dim, hidden_size);
// network hparams
int32_t num_channels = 3;
int32_t patch_size = 14;
int32_t image_size = 224;
int32_t num_positions = 257; // (image_size / patch_size)^2 + 1
int32_t hidden_size = 1024;
int32_t intermediate_size = 4096;
int32_t n_head = 16;
int32_t n_layer = 24;
int32_t projection_dim = 768;
CLIPVisionModel(CLIPVersion version = OPEN_CLIP_VIT_H_14) {
if (version == OPEN_CLIP_VIT_H_14) {
hidden_size = 1280;
intermediate_size = 5120;
n_head = 16;
n_layer = 32;
projection_dim = 1024;
} else if (version == OPEN_CLIP_VIT_BIGG_14) {
hidden_size = 1664;
intermediate_size = 8192;
n_head = 16;
n_layer = 48;
blocks["embeddings"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CLIPVisionEmbeddings(hidden_size, num_channels, patch_size, image_size));
blocks["pre_layernorm"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(hidden_size));
blocks["encoder"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CLIPEncoder(n_layer, hidden_size, n_head, intermediate_size));
blocks["post_layernorm"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new LayerNorm(hidden_size));
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* pixel_values) {
// pixel_values: [N, num_channels, image_size, image_size]
// return: // [N, projection_dim]
auto embeddings = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLIPVisionEmbeddings>(blocks["embeddings"]);
auto pre_layernorm = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["pre_layernorm"]);
auto encoder = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLIPEncoder>(blocks["encoder"]);
auto post_layernorm = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LayerNorm>(blocks["post_layernorm"]);
auto x = embeddings->forward(ctx, pixel_values); // [N, num_positions, embed_dim]
x = pre_layernorm->forward(ctx, x);
x = encoder->forward(ctx, x, -1, true);
x = post_layernorm->forward(ctx, x); // [N, n_token, hidden_size]
GGML_ASSERT(x->ne[2] == 1);
int64_t max_token_idx = 0;
ggml_tensor* pooled = ggml_view_1d(ctx, x, x->ne[0], x->nb[1] * max_token_idx); // assert N == 1
auto visual_projection = params["visual_projection"];
pooled = ggml_mul_mat(ctx, ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_transpose(ctx, visual_projection)), pooled);
return pooled; // [N, projection_dim]
class CLIPVisionModelProjection : public GGMLBlock {
int32_t hidden_size = 1024;
int32_t projection_dim = 1024;
int32_t image_size = 224;
CLIPVisionModelProjection(CLIPVersion version = OPEN_CLIP_VIT_H_14) {
if (version == OPEN_CLIP_VIT_H_14) {
hidden_size = 1280;
projection_dim = 1024;
} else if (version == OPEN_CLIP_VIT_BIGG_14) {
hidden_size = 1664;
blocks["visual_model"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new CLIPVisionModel(version));
blocks["visual_projection"] = std::shared_ptr<GGMLBlock>(new Linear(hidden_size, projection_dim, false));
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx, struct ggml_tensor* pixel_values) {
// pixel_values: [N, num_channels, image_size, image_size]
// return: [N, num_positions, projection_dim]
auto visual_model = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CLIPVisionModel>(blocks["visual_model"]);
auto visual_projection = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Linear>(blocks["visual_projection"]);
auto x = visual_model->forward(ctx, pixel_values); // [N, embed_dim]
x = visual_projection->forward(ctx, x); // [N, projection_dim]
return x; // [N, projection_dim]
// ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenCLIPEmbedder
// Ref:
struct FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords : public GGMLModule {
SDVersion version = VERSION_1_x;
CLIPTokenizer tokenizer;
CLIPTextModel text_model;
CLIPTextModel text_model2;
std::string embd_dir;
int32_t num_custom_embeddings = 0;
std::vector<uint8_t> token_embed_custom;
std::vector<std::string> readed_embeddings;
FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(ggml_backend_t backend,
ggml_type wtype,
SDVersion version = VERSION_1_x,
int clip_skip = -1)
: GGMLModule(backend, wtype), version(version), tokenizer(version) {
if (clip_skip <= 0) {
clip_skip = 1;
if (version == VERSION_2_x || version == VERSION_XL) {
clip_skip = 2;
if (version == VERSION_1_x) {
text_model = CLIPTextModel(OPENAI_CLIP_VIT_L_14, clip_skip);
text_model.init(params_ctx, wtype);
} else if (version == VERSION_2_x) {
text_model = CLIPTextModel(OPEN_CLIP_VIT_H_14, clip_skip);
text_model.init(params_ctx, wtype);
} else if (version == VERSION_XL) {
text_model = CLIPTextModel(OPENAI_CLIP_VIT_L_14, clip_skip, false);
text_model2 = CLIPTextModel(OPEN_CLIP_VIT_BIGG_14, clip_skip, false);
text_model.init(params_ctx, wtype);
text_model2.init(params_ctx, wtype);
std::string get_desc() {
return "clip";
size_t get_params_mem_size() {
size_t params_mem_size = text_model.get_params_mem_size();
if (version == VERSION_XL) {
params_mem_size += text_model2.get_params_mem_size();
return params_mem_size;
size_t get_params_num() {
size_t params_num = text_model.get_params_num();
if (version == VERSION_XL) {
params_num += text_model2.get_params_num();
return params_num;
void set_clip_skip(int clip_skip) {
if (version == VERSION_XL) {
void get_param_tensors(std::map<std::string, struct ggml_tensor*>& tensors, const std::string prefix) {
text_model.get_param_tensors(tensors, prefix + "transformer.text_model");
if (version == VERSION_XL) {
text_model2.get_param_tensors(tensors, prefix + "1.transformer.text_model");
bool load_embedding(std::string embd_name, std::string embd_path, std::vector<int32_t>& bpe_tokens) {
// the order matters
ModelLoader model_loader;
if (!model_loader.init_from_file(embd_path)) {
LOG_ERROR("embedding '%s' failed", embd_name.c_str());
return false;
struct ggml_init_params params;
params.mem_size = 32 * 1024; // max for custom embeddings 32 KB
params.mem_buffer = NULL;
params.no_alloc = false;
struct ggml_context* embd_ctx = ggml_init(params);
struct ggml_tensor* embd = NULL;
auto on_load = [&](const TensorStorage& tensor_storage, ggml_tensor** dst_tensor) {
if ([0] != text_model.hidden_size) {
LOG_DEBUG("embedding wrong hidden size, got %i, expected %i",[0], text_model.hidden_size);
return false;
embd = ggml_new_tensor_2d(embd_ctx, wtype, text_model.hidden_size, tensor_storage.n_dims > 1 ?[1] : 1);
*dst_tensor = embd;
return true;
model_loader.load_tensors(on_load, NULL);
token_embed_custom.resize(token_embed_custom.size() + ggml_nbytes(embd));
memcpy((void*)( + num_custom_embeddings * text_model.hidden_size * ggml_type_size(wtype)),
for (int i = 0; i < embd->ne[1]; i++) {
bpe_tokens.push_back(text_model.vocab_size + num_custom_embeddings);
// LOG_DEBUG("new custom token: %i", text_model.vocab_size + num_custom_embeddings);
LOG_DEBUG("embedding '%s' applied, custom embeddings: %i", embd_name.c_str(), num_custom_embeddings);
return true;
struct ggml_tensor* forward(struct ggml_context* ctx,
struct ggml_tensor* input_ids,
struct ggml_tensor* input_ids2,
struct ggml_tensor* embeddings,
size_t max_token_idx = 0,
bool return_pooled = false) {
if (return_pooled) {
return text_model2.forward(ctx, input_ids2, NULL, max_token_idx, return_pooled);
auto hidden_states = text_model.forward(ctx, input_ids, embeddings); // [N, n_token, hidden_size]
// LOG_DEBUG("hidden_states: %d %d %d %d", hidden_states->ne[0], hidden_states->ne[1], hidden_states->ne[2], hidden_states->ne[3]);
if (version == VERSION_XL) {
hidden_states = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx,
hidden_states = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, hidden_states, 2, 0, 1, 3));
auto hidden_states2 = text_model2.forward(ctx, input_ids2, NULL); // [N, n_token, hidden_size2]
// LOG_DEBUG("hidden_states: %d %d %d %d", hidden_states->ne[0], hidden_states->ne[1], hidden_states->ne[2], hidden_states->ne[3]);
hidden_states2 = ggml_reshape_4d(ctx,
hidden_states2 = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, hidden_states2, 2, 0, 1, 3));
hidden_states = ggml_concat(ctx, hidden_states, hidden_states2); // [N, n_token, hidden_size + hidden_size2]
hidden_states = ggml_cont(ctx, ggml_permute(ctx, hidden_states, 1, 2, 0, 3));
// LOG_DEBUG("hidden_states: %d %d %d %d", hidden_states->ne[0], hidden_states->ne[1], hidden_states->ne[2], hidden_states->ne[3]);
return hidden_states;
struct ggml_cgraph* build_graph(struct ggml_tensor* input_ids,
struct ggml_tensor* input_ids2 = NULL,
size_t max_token_idx = 0,
bool return_pooled = false) {
struct ggml_cgraph* gf = ggml_new_graph(compute_ctx);
input_ids2 = to_backend(input_ids2);
if (!return_pooled) {
input_ids = to_backend(input_ids);
struct ggml_tensor* embeddings = NULL;
if (num_custom_embeddings > 0 && version != VERSION_XL) {
auto custom_embeddings = ggml_new_tensor_3d(compute_ctx,
auto token_embed_weight = text_model.get_token_embed_weight();
token_embed_weight = ggml_reshape_3d(compute_ctx, token_embed_weight, token_embed_weight->ne[0], 1, token_embed_weight->ne[1]);
// concatenate custom embeddings
embeddings = ggml_concat(compute_ctx, token_embed_weight, custom_embeddings);
embeddings = ggml_reshape_2d(compute_ctx, embeddings, embeddings->ne[0], embeddings->ne[2]);
struct ggml_tensor* hidden_states = forward(compute_ctx, input_ids, input_ids2, embeddings, max_token_idx, return_pooled);
ggml_build_forward_expand(gf, hidden_states);
return gf;
void compute(const int n_threads,
struct ggml_tensor* input_ids,
struct ggml_tensor* input_ids2,
size_t max_token_idx,
bool return_pooled,
ggml_tensor** output,
ggml_context* output_ctx = NULL) {
auto get_graph = [&]() -> struct ggml_cgraph* {
return build_graph(input_ids, input_ids2, max_token_idx, return_pooled);
GGMLModule::compute(get_graph, n_threads, true, output, output_ctx);
std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<float>> tokenize(std::string text,
bool padding = false) {
return tokenize(text, text_model.n_token, padding);
std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::vector<float>> tokenize(std::string text,
size_t max_length = 0,
bool padding = false) {
auto parsed_attention = parse_prompt_attention(text);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "[";
for (const auto& item : parsed_attention) {
ss << "['" << item.first << "', " << item.second << "], ";
ss << "]";
LOG_DEBUG("parse '%s' to %s", text.c_str(), ss.str().c_str());
auto on_new_token_cb = [&](std::string& str, std::vector<int32_t>& bpe_tokens) -> bool {
size_t word_end = str.find(",");
std::string embd_name = word_end == std::string::npos ? str : str.substr(0, word_end);
embd_name = trim(embd_name);
std::string embd_path = get_full_path(embd_dir, embd_name + ".pt");
if (embd_path.size() == 0) {
embd_path = get_full_path(embd_dir, embd_name + ".ckpt");
if (embd_path.size() == 0) {
embd_path = get_full_path(embd_dir, embd_name + ".safetensors");
if (embd_path.size() > 0) {
if (load_embedding(embd_name, embd_path, bpe_tokens)) {
if (word_end != std::string::npos) {
str = str.substr(word_end);
} else {
str = "";
return true;
return false;
std::vector<int> tokens;
std::vector<float> weights;
for (const auto& item : parsed_attention) {
const std::string& curr_text = item.first;
float curr_weight = item.second;
std::vector<int> curr_tokens = tokenizer.encode(curr_text, on_new_token_cb);
tokens.insert(tokens.end(), curr_tokens.begin(), curr_tokens.end());
weights.insert(weights.end(), curr_tokens.size(), curr_weight);
tokens.insert(tokens.begin(), BOS_TOKEN_ID);
weights.insert(weights.begin(), 1.0);
if (max_length > 0) {
if (tokens.size() > max_length - 1) {
tokens.resize(max_length - 1);
weights.resize(max_length - 1);
} else {
if (padding) {
int pad_token_id = PAD_TOKEN_ID;
if (version == VERSION_2_x) {
pad_token_id = 0;
tokens.insert(tokens.end(), max_length - tokens.size(), pad_token_id);
weights.insert(weights.end(), max_length - weights.size(), 1.0);
// for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
// std::cout << tokens[i] << ":" << weights[i] << ", ";
// }
// std::cout << std::endl;
return {tokens, weights};
struct FrozenCLIPVisionEmbedder : public GGMLModule {
CLIPVisionModel vision_model;
FrozenCLIPVisionEmbedder(ggml_backend_t backend, ggml_type wtype)
: GGMLModule(backend, wtype) {
vision_model.init(params_ctx, wtype);
std::string get_desc() {
return "clip_vision";
size_t get_params_mem_size() {
return vision_model.get_params_mem_size();
size_t get_params_num() {
return vision_model.get_params_num();
void get_param_tensors(std::map<std::string, struct ggml_tensor*>& tensors, const std::string prefix) {
vision_model.get_param_tensors(tensors, prefix + "transformer.visual_model");
struct ggml_cgraph* build_graph(struct ggml_tensor* pixel_values) {
struct ggml_cgraph* gf = ggml_new_graph(compute_ctx);
pixel_values = to_backend(pixel_values);
struct ggml_tensor* hidden_states = vision_model.forward(compute_ctx, pixel_values);
ggml_build_forward_expand(gf, hidden_states);
return gf;
void compute(const int n_threads,
ggml_tensor* pixel_values,
ggml_tensor** output,
ggml_context* output_ctx) {
auto get_graph = [&]() -> struct ggml_cgraph* {
return build_graph(pixel_values);
GGMLModule::compute(get_graph, n_threads, true, output, output_ctx);
#endif // __CLIP_HPP__