# - bishop to c3 # - rook to d4 # - knight to e5 # - d4 d5 knight to c3 # - c3 queen to d4 king b1 # - pawn to a1 bishop to b2 knight to c3 # # The prompt (--prompt) is the initial phrase that the user has to say. # This is used to prime Whisper with how the user is expected to speak. # # Provide long context (--context) with sample moves to help Whisper decode the correct sequence. # Longer context is better, but it slightly increases the processing time. # # example: # # ./command -m ./models/ggml-tiny.en.bin -t 8 --grammar ./grammars/chess.gbnf --prompt "rook to b4, f3," --context "d4 d5 knight to c3, pawn to a1, bishop to b2 king e8," --grammar-penalty 100 # root ::= init move move? move? "." prompt ::= init "." # leading space is very important! init ::= " rook to b4, f3" move ::= ", " ((piece | pawn | king) " " "to "?)? [a-h] [1-8] piece ::= "bishop" | "rook" | "knight" | "queen" king ::= "king" pawn ::= "pawn"