# v2.3.1 - [#7](https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia/issues/7) Fixed crash when try see hashrate reports in some configurations. - [#8](https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia/issues/8) Fixed build without AEON support. # v2.3.0 - [#5](https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig-nvidia/issues/5) Added AEON (cryptonight-lite) support. - Added GPU health monitoring: clocks, power, temperature and fan speed via NVML API. - Added options `bfactor`, `bsleep` and `max-gpu-threads` for change auto configuration result. # v2.3.0-beta2 - Less aggressive auto-configuration. Solved wrong configuration with some GPUs. # v2.3.0-beta1 - First public release.