class game(): def __init__(self): import sys import subprocess import pkg_resources print("initializing hashengine and installing dependencies if missing") required = {'keyboard', 'sounddevice', 'soundfile'} installed = {pkg.key for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set} missing = required - installed if missing: print("dependencies missing, installing, info:this may take some time") python = sys.executable for i in missing: print(i) subprocess.check_call([python, '-m', 'pip', 'install', i], stdout=sys.stdout) print("done") import os import ctypes import string def isAdmin(): try: is_admin = (os.getuid() == 0) except AttributeError: is_admin = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 return is_admin if not isAdmin(): print("error: hashengine needs to be run as an admin") input("enter to continue...") exit() self.osmodule = __import__("os") self.keyboard = __import__("keyboard") try: self.sounddevice = __import__("sounddevice") except OSError: print("ERROR: Could not find port audio library. so that means that no audio can be played.") input("enter to continue") self.sounddevice = False try: self.soundfile = __import__("soundfile") except OSError: print("ERROR: Could not find sndfile library. so that means that no audio can be played.") input("enter to continue") self.sounddevice = False self.pressedkeys = {} for i in string.ascii_letters: self.pressedkeys[i] = False self.size = self.osmodule.get_terminal_size() = {} for i in range(self.size.lines): for f in range(self.size.columns):["{}:{}".format(i, f)] = " " self.objects = [] def round2(self, target): from decimal import localcontext, Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP return Decimal(target).to_integral_value() def update(self): for i in self.pressedkeys: if self.keyboard.is_pressed(i): self.pressedkeys[i] = True else: self.pressedkeys[i] = False self.futuremap = for i in self.objects: self.futuremap["{}:{}".format(self.round2(i.y), self.round2(i.x))] = " " for i in self.objects: if i.targetx == None: if "{}:{}".format(self.round2(i.y), self.round2(i.x-i.xvelocity)) in if["{}:{}".format(self.round2(i.y), self.round2(i.x-i.xvelocity))] == " ": i.x -= i.xvelocity else: i.x -= i.xvelocity else: i.x = i.targetx i.targetx = None if i.targety == None: if "{}:{}".format(self.round2(i.y-i.yvelocity), self.round2(i.x)) in if["{}:{}".format(self.round2(i.y-i.yvelocity), self.round2(i.x))] == " ": i.y -= i.yvelocity else: i.y -= i.yvelocity else: i.y = i.targety i.targety = None = self.futuremap.copy() for i in self.objects: if self.round2(i.y) == self.size.lines or i.y > self.size.lines: i.y += i.yvelocity i.yvelocity = 0 elif self.round2(i.y) <= 0: i.y += i.yvelocity i.yvelocity = 0 else: if "{}:{}".format(self.round2(i.y+1), self.round2(i.x)) in if["{}:{}".format(self.round2(i.y+1), self.round2(i.x))] != " ": i.y += i.yvelocity i.yvelocity = 0 else: i.yvelocity -= i.gravity if self.round2(i.x) == self.size.columns or i.x > self.size.columns: i.x += i.xvelocity i.xvelocity = 0 elif self.round2(i.x) <= 0: i.x += i.xvelocity i.xvelocity = 0 if i.xvelocity != 0 and i.antixforce != 0: if i.xvelocity >= i.antixforce: if i.xvelocity > 0: i.xvelocity -= i.antixforce elif i.xvelocity < 0: i.xvelocity += i.antixforce else: i.xvelocity = 0 for i in self.objects:["{}:{}".format(self.round2(i.y), self.round2(i.x))] = i.character self.osmodule.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') for i in range(self.size.lines): self.temp = "" for f in range(self.size.columns): self.temp = self.temp +["{}:{}".format(i, f)] print(self.temp) def addobj(self, obj): try: obj.checkifobj except AttributeError: raise TypeError("given object is not an object") if not 0 <= obj.x <= self.size.columns: raise ValueError("given object is out of bounds") if not 0 <= obj.y <= self.size.lines: raise ValueError("given object is out of bounds") self.objects.append(obj) def playsound(self, path, waitforfinish=False): if self.sounddevice != False: data, fs =, dtype='float32'), fs) if waitforfinish: self.sounddevice.wait() else: return class object(): def __init__(self, character, gravity=0.1, x=0, y=0, antixforce=0.1): self.character = character self.gravity = gravity self.x = x self.y = y self.targetx = None self.targety = None self.antixforce = antixforce self.xvelocity = 0 self.yvelocity = 0 self.checkifobj = None if __name__ == "__main__": print("this is a demo program for the hashengine") print("use w, a, s, d to control the hashtag. the 2's are for collision testing. q will exit the demo") input("enter to continue") import time gameclass = game() box = object("#", antixforce=1, y=10, gravity=0.1) box2 = object("2", antixforce=1, y=10, x=10, gravity=0.1) box3 = object("2", antixforce=1, y=11, x=10, gravity=0.1) box4 = object("2", antixforce=1, y=12, x=10, gravity=0.1) box5 = object("2", antixforce=1, y=13, x=10, gravity=0.1) keys = gameclass.pressedkeys gameclass.addobj(box) gameclass.addobj(box2) gameclass.addobj(box3) gameclass.addobj(box4) gameclass.addobj(box5) while True: gameclass.update() if "w" in keys and keys["w"] == True: box.yvelocity = 1 elif "s" in keys and keys["s"] == True: box.yvelocity = -1 elif "a" in keys and keys["a"] == True: box.xvelocity = 1 elif "d" in keys and keys["d"] == True: box.xvelocity = -1 elif "q" in keys and keys["q"] == True: exit() time.sleep(0.05)