version = 0.5 modules = ["interpreter", "ISL", "lexer", "compiler"] initmodules = {} def INITMODULES(): global interpreter global lexer global loader global compiler global statusbar if __name__ == "__main__": import interpreter import lexer import ISL as loader import compiler import statusbar else: from PCPL import interpreter from PCPL import lexer from PCPL import ISL as loader from PCPL import compiler from PCPL import statusbar statusbar = statusbar.statusbar lexer = lexer.lexer() interpreter = interpreter.interpreter(lexer) loader = loader.loader(statusbar) compiler = compiler.compiler(statusbar) INITMODULES() STRtypes = ['"', "<", "{", "[", "(", ":"] ENDtypes = ['"', ">", "}", "]", ")", ";"] def compile(target, onefile): code = compiler.compilecode(target, loader.loadedpaths, onefile) return code def run(target): for i in target.split("\n"): #try: if True: AST = lexer.tokenGEN(i, STRtypes, ENDtypes) AST = interpreter.PREPAST(AST) interpreter.EXECINS(AST)[1] #except Exception as e: #print(f"Critical Error, HALT! {e}") #break def LIS(target): try: loader.RISloading(target, interpreter) for i in loader.instructions: interpreter.addinstruction(i.split(".")[0], loader.instructions[i]) except Exception as e: print(f"Critical Error while loading instruction set {e}") def resetvar(): interpreter.resetvars() if __name__ == "__main__": print("Types initialised") print(f"PCPL Command Line Version {version}, Made by Justus Wolff.") print(f"Type 'help' to get a list of commands.") commands = ["compile compiles the file at the specified path and writes output to target", "load executes the file at the specified path", "Reload-M Reloads core modules", "LIS loads the specific instruction set under the file path", "exit exits the PCPL Command Line", "help Prints this message"] while True: command = input(">") if command.startswith("compile"): if len(command.split(" ")) != 4: print("The compile command only accepts three parameters! ") else: print(f"compiling {command.split(' ')[1]} as {command.split(' ')[3]} and saving at {command.split(' ')[2]}. y/n?") while True: temp = input("compile? >") if temp == "y": compile() targetfile = open(command.split(" ")[1], 'r') code = targetfile.close() code = compile(code, loader.loadedpaths, command.split(" ")[3]) targetfile = open(command.split(" ")[2], 'w') targetfile.write(code) targetfile.close() break elif temp == "n": break elif command.startswith("load"): if len(command.split(" ")) != 2: print("The load command only accepts one parameter!") else: targetfile = open(command.split(" ")[1], 'r') code = targetfile.close() run(code) elif command.startswith("Reload-M"): INITMODULES() elif command.startswith("help"): for i in commands: print(i) elif command.startswith("LIS"): if len(command.split(" ")) != 2: print("The LIS command only accepts one parameter!") else: LIS(command.split(" ")[1]) elif command.startswith("exit"): exit() else: try: AST = lexer.tokenGEN(command, STRtypes, ENDtypes) AST = interpreter.PREPAST(AST) print(interpreter.EXECINS(AST)[1]) except Exception as e: print(f"Critical Error, HALT! {e}")