print("newcmd setup start.") # init print("importing modules") try: import ast import hashlib from simplecrypt import encrypt, decrypt from copy import deepcopy import sys except ModuleNotFoundError: print("error: some modules are missing or not being found") print("done") print("loading users") users = open("ressources/users", 'r') users = users = ast.literal_eval(users) userslen = len(users) usersdata = {} if userslen != 0: errorcount = 0 sucesscount = 0 for i in range(len(users)): try: tempuser = users[i] usersdata[tempuser["name"]] = tempuser sucesscount += 1 except: errorcount += 1 print("loading users done. {} users failed to load {} users loaded correctly".format(errorcount, sucesscount)) else: print("no users found") # define's def login(user, password): backuser = user h ='sha256') h.update(password.encode()) h = h.hexdigest() if h == user["pass"]: decrypted = decrypt(h, user["data"]) backuser["data"] = ast.literal_eval(decrypted.decode('utf-8')) backuser["pass"] = h return backuser else: return False def updateusersfile(user): global users user1 = deepcopy(user) user1["data"] = encrypt(user1["pass"], str(user1["data"]).encode()) users[user1["name"]] = user1 usersfile = {} for i in range(len(users)): usersfile[i] = list(users.values())[i] file = open("ressources/users", 'w') file.write(str(usersfile)) file.close() def createnewaccount(right): name = input("enter name for your new user: ") password = input("enter password for your new user: ") back = {} back["name"] = name h ='sha256') h.update(password.encode()) h = h.hexdigest() back["pass"] = h back["data"] = {"rights": right, "files": {}} updateusersfile(back) return back def cd(command): global currentdir if currentdir == currentdir: if len(command) != 1: if command[1] != "..": if command[1] in user["data"]["files"]: currentdir = command[1] else: print("error in cd: directory '{}' not existing".format(command[1])) else: currentdir = "" else: print("error in cd: cd requires 1 argument") def ls(): if currentdir != "": back = str(user["data"]["files"][currentdir].keys()) back = back.replace("dict_keys([", "") back = back.replace("])", "") print(back) else: back = str(user["data"]["files"].keys()) back = back.replace("dict_keys([", "") back = back.replace("])", "") print(back) def createdir(command): if len(command) != 1: user["data"]["files"][command[1]] = {} updateusersfile(user) else: print("error in createdir: createdir requires 1 argument") def remove(command): if len(command) != 1: if command[1] in user["data"]["files"]: del user["data"]["files"][command[1]] updateusersfile(user) else: print("error in removedir: directory {} is not existing".format(command[1])) else: print("error in removedir: removedir requires 1 argument") def createfile(command): if len(command) != 1: user["data"]["files"][command[1]] = "" updateusersfile(user) else: print("error in createfile: createfile requires 1 argument") def editfile(command): if len(command) != 1: if currentdir != "": if command[1] in user["data"]["files"][currentdir]: towrite = while not "exit:editor" in towrite: print(towrite) towrite = towrite.replace("exit:editor", "") user["data"]["files"][currentdir][command[1]] = towrite else: print("error in editfile: file {} not found".format(command[1])) else: if command[1] in user["data"]["files"]: towrite = sys.stdin.readlines() while not "exit:editor" in towrite: print(towrite) towrite = towrite.replace("exit:editor", "") user["data"]["files"][command[1]] = towrite else: print("error in editfile: file {} not found".format(command[1])) else: print("error in editfile: editfile requires 1 argument") # login if userslen != 0: count = 0 for i in usersdata: count += 1 print("{}: {}".format(count, i)) userin = int(input("please enter target user to login by number: ")) if 1 <= userin <= count: back = False while back == False: password = input("please enter password for {}: ".format(list(usersdata.keys())[userin-1])) back = login(list(usersdata.values())[userin-1], password) user = back else: user = createnewaccount("Admin") #main currentdir = "" while True: command = input("{}: ".format(currentdir)) command = command.split() if len(command) != 0: if command[0] == "cd": cd(command) elif command[0] == "ls": ls() elif command[0] == "createdir": createdir(command) elif command[0] == "remove": remove(command) elif command[0] == "createfile": createfile(command) elif command[0] == "editfile": editfile(command) else: print("unknown command: {}".format(command[0]))