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<!-- Max JPEG buffer size in bytes-->
<MaxJpegBufferSize bytes="3145728"/> <!-- 3MB (~= 1080p YUV420) -->
<!-- Size of v4l2 buffer queue when streaming >= 30fps -->
<!-- Larger value: more request can be cached pipeline (less janky) -->
<!-- Smaller value: use less memory -->
<NumVideoBuffers count="4"/>
<!-- Size of v4l2 buffer queue when streaming < 30fps -->
<NumStillBuffers count="2"/>
<!-- List of maximum fps for various output sizes -->
<!-- Any image size smaller than the size listed in Limit row will report
fps (as minimum frame duration) up to the fpsBound value. -->
<!-- width/height must be increasing, fpsBound must be decreasing-->
<Limit width="640" height="480" fpsBound="30.0"/>
<Limit width="1280" height="720" fpsBound="15.0"/>
<Limit width="1920" height="1080" fpsBound="10.0"/>
<!-- image size larger than the last entry will not be supported-->