/* * Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 with exceptions. See * LICENSE file in the project root for full license information */ #include #include #include static int64_t sysfrequency; static double qpc2usec; #define USECS_PER_SEC 1000000 int osal_gettimeofday (struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz) { return gettimeofday (tv, tz); } ec_timet osal_current_time (void) { struct timeval current_time; ec_timet return_value; osal_gettimeofday (¤t_time, 0); return_value.sec = current_time.tv_sec; return_value.usec = current_time.tv_usec; return return_value; } void osal_timer_start (osal_timert * self, uint32 timeout_usec) { struct timeval start_time; struct timeval timeout; struct timeval stop_time; osal_gettimeofday (&start_time, 0); timeout.tv_sec = timeout_usec / USECS_PER_SEC; timeout.tv_usec = timeout_usec % USECS_PER_SEC; timeradd (&start_time, &timeout, &stop_time); self->stop_time.sec = stop_time.tv_sec; self->stop_time.usec = stop_time.tv_usec; } boolean osal_timer_is_expired (osal_timert * self) { struct timeval current_time; struct timeval stop_time; int is_not_yet_expired; osal_gettimeofday (¤t_time, 0); stop_time.tv_sec = self->stop_time.sec; stop_time.tv_usec = self->stop_time.usec; is_not_yet_expired = timercmp (¤t_time, &stop_time, <); return is_not_yet_expired == FALSE; } int osal_usleep(uint32 usec) { RtSleepEx (usec / 1000); return 1; } /* Mutex is not needed when running single threaded */ void osal_mtx_lock(osal_mutex_t * mtx) { /* RtWaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)mtx, INFINITE); */ } void osal_mtx_unlock(osal_mutex_t * mtx) { /* RtReleaseMutex((HANDLE)mtx); */ } int osal_mtx_lock_timeout(osal_mutex_t * mtx, uint32_t time_ms) { /* return RtWaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)mtx, time_ms); */ return 0; } osal_mutex_t * osal_mtx_create(void) { /* return (void*)RtCreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); */ return (void *)0; }