/** \file * \brief Example code for Simple Open EtherCAT master EoE * * This example will run the follwing EoE functions * SetIP * GetIP * * Loop * Send fragment data (Layer 2 0x88A4) * Receive fragment data (Layer 2 0x88A4) * * For this to work, a special slave test code is running that * will bounce the sent 0x88A4 back to receive. * * Usage : eoe_test [ifname1] * ifname is NIC interface, f.e. eth0 * * This is a minimal test. * * (c)Arthur Ketels 2010 - 2011 */ #include #include #include #include "ethercat.h" #define EC_TIMEOUTMON 500 char IOmap[4096]; int expectedWKC; boolean needlf; volatile int globalwkc; boolean inOP; uint8 currentgroup = 0; OSAL_THREAD_HANDLE thread1; OSAL_THREAD_HANDLE thread2; uint8 txbuf[1024]; /** Current RX fragment number */ uint8_t rxfragmentno = 0; /** Complete RX frame size of current frame */ uint16_t rxframesize = 0; /** Current RX data offset in frame */ uint16_t rxframeoffset = 0; /** Current RX frame number */ uint16_t rxframeno = 0; uint8 rxbuf[1024]; int size_of_rx = sizeof(rxbuf); /** registered EoE hook */ int eoe_hook(ecx_contextt * context, uint16 slave, void * eoembx) { int wkc; /* Pass received Mbx data to EoE recevive fragment function that * that will start/continue fill an Ethernet frame buffer */ size_of_rx = sizeof(rxbuf); wkc = ecx_EOEreadfragment(eoembx, &rxfragmentno, &rxframesize, &rxframeoffset, &rxframeno, &size_of_rx, rxbuf); printf("Read frameno %d, fragmentno %d\n", rxframeno, rxfragmentno); /* wkc == 1 would mean a frame is complete , last fragment flag have been set and all * other checks must have past */ if (wkc > 0) { ec_etherheadert *bp = (ec_etherheadert *)rxbuf; uint16 type = ntohs(bp->etype); printf("Frameno %d, type 0x%x complete\n", rxframeno, type); if (type == ETH_P_ECAT) { /* Sanity check that received buffer still is OK */ if (sizeof(txbuf) != size_of_rx) { printf("Size differs, expected %d , received %d\n", sizeof(txbuf), size_of_rx); } else { printf("Size OK, expected %d , received %d\n", sizeof(txbuf), size_of_rx); } /* Check that the TX and RX frames are EQ */ if (memcmp(rxbuf, txbuf, size_of_rx)) { printf("memcmp result != 0\n"); } else { printf("memcmp result == 0\n"); } /* Send a new frame */ int ixme; for (ixme = ETH_HEADERSIZE; ixme < sizeof(txbuf); ixme++) { txbuf[ixme] = (uint8)rand(); } printf("Send a new frame\n"); ecx_EOEsend(context, 1, 0, sizeof(txbuf), txbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRXM); } else { printf("Skip type 0x%x\n", type); } } /* No point in returning as unhandled */ return 1; } OSAL_THREAD_FUNC mailbox_reader(void *lpParam) { ecx_contextt *context = (ecx_contextt *)lpParam; int wkc; ec_mbxbuft MbxIn; ec_mbxheadert * MbxHdr = (ec_mbxheadert *)MbxIn; int ixme; ec_setupheader(&txbuf); for (ixme = ETH_HEADERSIZE; ixme < sizeof(txbuf); ixme++) { txbuf[ixme] = (uint8)rand(); } /* Send a made up frame to trigger a fragmented transfer * Used with a special bound impelmentaion of SOES. Will * trigger a fragmented transfer back of the same frame. */ ecx_EOEsend(context, 1, 0, sizeof(txbuf), txbuf, EC_TIMEOUTRXM); for (;;) { /* Read mailbox if no other mailbox conversation is ongoing eg. SDOwrite/SDOwrite etc.*/ wkc = ecx_mbxreceive(context, 1, (ec_mbxbuft *)&MbxIn, 0); if (wkc > 0) { printf("Unhandled mailbox response 0x%x\n", MbxHdr->mbxtype); } osal_usleep(1 * 1000 * 1000); } } void test_eoe(ecx_contextt * context) { /* Set the HOOK */ ecx_EOEdefinehook(context, eoe_hook); eoe_param_t ipsettings, re_ipsettings; memset(&ipsettings, 0, sizeof(ipsettings)); memset(&re_ipsettings, 0, sizeof(re_ipsettings)); ipsettings.ip_set = 1; ipsettings.subnet_set = 1; ipsettings.default_gateway_set = 1; EOE_IP4_ADDR_TO_U32(&ipsettings.ip, 192, 168, 9, 200); EOE_IP4_ADDR_TO_U32(&ipsettings.subnet, 255, 255, 255, 0); EOE_IP4_ADDR_TO_U32(&ipsettings.default_gateway, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Send a set IP request */ ecx_EOEsetIp(context, 1, 0, &ipsettings, EC_TIMEOUTRXM); /* Send a get IP request, should return the expected IP back */ ecx_EOEgetIp(context, 1, 0, &re_ipsettings, EC_TIMEOUTRXM); /* Trigger an MBX read request, to be replaced by slave Mbx * full notification via polling of FMMU status process data */ printf("recieved IP (%d.%d.%d.%d)\n", eoe_ip4_addr1(&re_ipsettings.ip), eoe_ip4_addr2(&re_ipsettings.ip), eoe_ip4_addr3(&re_ipsettings.ip), eoe_ip4_addr4(&re_ipsettings.ip)); printf("recieved subnet (%d.%d.%d.%d)\n", eoe_ip4_addr1(&re_ipsettings.subnet), eoe_ip4_addr2(&re_ipsettings.subnet), eoe_ip4_addr3(&re_ipsettings.subnet), eoe_ip4_addr4(&re_ipsettings.subnet)); printf("recieved gateway (%d.%d.%d.%d)\n", eoe_ip4_addr1(&re_ipsettings.default_gateway), eoe_ip4_addr2(&re_ipsettings.default_gateway), eoe_ip4_addr3(&re_ipsettings.default_gateway), eoe_ip4_addr4(&re_ipsettings.default_gateway)); /* Create a asyncronous EoE reader */ osal_thread_create(&thread2, 128000, &mailbox_reader, &ecx_context); } void teststarter(char *ifname) { int i, oloop, iloop, chk; needlf = FALSE; inOP = FALSE; printf("Starting eoe test\n"); /* initialise SOEM, bind socket to ifname */ if (ec_init(ifname)) { printf("ec_init on %s succeeded.\n",ifname); /* find and auto-config slaves */ if ( ec_config_init(FALSE) > 0 ) { printf("%d slaves found and configured.\n",ec_slavecount); ec_config_map(&IOmap); ec_configdc(); printf("Slaves mapped, state to SAFE_OP.\n"); /* wait for all slaves to reach SAFE_OP state */ ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_SAFE_OP, EC_TIMEOUTSTATE * 4); oloop = ec_slave[0].Obytes; if ((oloop == 0) && (ec_slave[0].Obits > 0)) oloop = 1; if (oloop > 8) oloop = 8; iloop = ec_slave[0].Ibytes; if ((iloop == 0) && (ec_slave[0].Ibits > 0)) iloop = 1; if (iloop > 8) iloop = 8; printf("segments : %d : %d %d %d %d\n",ec_group[0].nsegments ,ec_group[0].IOsegment[0],ec_group[0].IOsegment[1],ec_group[0].IOsegment[2],ec_group[0].IOsegment[3]); printf("Request operational state for all slaves\n"); expectedWKC = (ec_group[0].outputsWKC * 2) + ec_group[0].inputsWKC; printf("Calculated workcounter %d\n", expectedWKC); ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL; /* send one valid process data to make outputs in slaves happy*/ ec_send_processdata(); ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET); /* Simple EoE test */ test_eoe(&ecx_context); /* request OP state for all slaves */ ec_writestate(0); chk = 40; /* wait for all slaves to reach OP state */ do { ec_send_processdata(); ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET); ec_statecheck(0, EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL, 50000); } while (chk-- && (ec_slave[0].state != EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL)); if (ec_slave[0].state == EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL ) { printf("Operational state reached for all slaves.\n"); globalwkc = expectedWKC; inOP = TRUE; /* cyclic loop */ for(i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) { ec_send_processdata(); globalwkc = ec_receive_processdata(EC_TIMEOUTRET * 5); #if PRINT_EOE_INFO_INSTEAD int j; if(globalwkc >= expectedWKC) { printf("Processdata cycle %4d, WKC %d , O:", i, globalwkc); for(j = 0 ; j < oloop; j++) { printf(" %2.2x", *(ec_slave[0].outputs + j)); } printf(" I:"); for(j = 0 ; j < iloop; j++) { printf(" %2.2x", *(ec_slave[0].inputs + j)); } printf(" T:%"PRId64"\r",ec_DCtime); needlf = TRUE; } #endif osal_usleep(1000); } inOP = FALSE; } else { printf("Not all slaves reached operational state.\n"); ec_readstate(); for(i = 1; i<=ec_slavecount ; i++) { if(ec_slave[i].state != EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL) { printf("Slave %d State=0x%2.2x StatusCode=0x%4.4x : %s\n", i, ec_slave[i].state, ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode, ec_ALstatuscode2string(ec_slave[i].ALstatuscode)); } } } printf("\nRequest init state for all slaves\n"); ec_slave[0].state = EC_STATE_INIT; /* request INIT state for all slaves */ ec_writestate(0); } else { printf("No slaves found!\n"); } printf("End eoe test, close socket\n"); /* stop SOEM, close socket */ ec_close(); } else { printf("No socket connection on %s\nExcecute as root\n",ifname); } } OSAL_THREAD_FUNC ecatcheck( void *ptr ) { int slave; (void)ptr; /* Not used */ while(1) { if( inOP && ((globalwkc < expectedWKC) || ec_group[currentgroup].docheckstate)) { if (globalwkc < expectedWKC) { printf("(wkc < expectedWKC) , globalwkc %d\n", globalwkc); } if (ec_group[currentgroup].docheckstate) { printf("(ec_group[currentgroup].docheckstate)\n"); } if (needlf) { needlf = FALSE; printf("\n"); } /* one ore more slaves are not responding */ ec_group[currentgroup].docheckstate = FALSE; ec_readstate(); for (slave = 1; slave <= ec_slavecount; slave++) { if ((ec_slave[slave].group == currentgroup) && (ec_slave[slave].state != EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL)) { ec_group[currentgroup].docheckstate = TRUE; if (ec_slave[slave].state == (EC_STATE_SAFE_OP + EC_STATE_ERROR)) { printf("ERROR : slave %d is in SAFE_OP + ERROR, attempting ack.\n", slave); ec_slave[slave].state = (EC_STATE_SAFE_OP + EC_STATE_ACK); ec_writestate(slave); } else if(ec_slave[slave].state == EC_STATE_SAFE_OP) { printf("WARNING : slave %d is in SAFE_OP, change to OPERATIONAL.\n", slave); ec_slave[slave].state = EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL; ec_writestate(slave); } else if(ec_slave[slave].state > EC_STATE_NONE) { if (ec_reconfig_slave(slave, EC_TIMEOUTMON)) { ec_slave[slave].islost = FALSE; printf("MESSAGE : slave %d reconfigured\n",slave); } } else if(!ec_slave[slave].islost) { /* re-check state */ ec_statecheck(slave, EC_STATE_OPERATIONAL, EC_TIMEOUTRET); if (ec_slave[slave].state == EC_STATE_NONE) { ec_slave[slave].islost = TRUE; printf("ERROR : slave %d lost\n",slave); } } } if (ec_slave[slave].islost) { if(ec_slave[slave].state == EC_STATE_NONE) { if (ec_recover_slave(slave, EC_TIMEOUTMON)) { ec_slave[slave].islost = FALSE; printf("MESSAGE : slave %d recovered\n",slave); } } else { ec_slave[slave].islost = FALSE; printf("MESSAGE : slave %d found\n",slave); } } } if(!ec_group[currentgroup].docheckstate) printf("OK : all slaves resumed OPERATIONAL.\n"); } osal_usleep(10000); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)\nEoE test\n"); if (argc > 1) { /* create thread to handle slave error handling in OP */ // pthread_create( &thread1, NULL, (void *) &ecatcheck, (void*) &ctime); osal_thread_create(&thread1, 128000, &ecatcheck, (void*) &ctime); /* start cyclic part */ teststarter(argv[1]); } else { printf("Usage: eoe_test ifname1\nifname = eth0 for example\n"); } printf("End program\n"); return (0); }