/* * Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 with exceptions. See * LICENSE file in the project root for full license information */ /** \file * \brief * Module to convert EtherCAT errors to readable messages. * * SDO abort messages and AL status codes are used to relay slave errors to * the user application. This module converts the binary codes to readable text. * For the defined error codes see the EtherCAT protocol documentation. */ #include #include "oshw.h" #include "ethercattype.h" #include "ethercatmain.h" #define EC_MAXERRORNAME 127 /** SDO error list type definition */ typedef struct { /** Error code returned from SDO */ uint32 errorcode; /** Readable error description */ char errordescription[EC_MAXERRORNAME + 1]; } ec_sdoerrorlist_t; /** AL status code list type definition */ typedef struct { /** AL status code */ uint16 ALstatuscode; /** Readable description */ char ALstatuscodedescription[EC_MAXERRORNAME + 1]; } ec_ALstatuscodelist_t; /** SoE error list type definition */ typedef struct { /** SoE error code */ uint16 errorcode; /** Readable description */ char errordescription[EC_MAXERRORNAME + 1]; } ec_soeerrorlist_t; /** MBX error list type definition */ typedef struct { /** MBX error code */ uint16 errorcode; /** Readable description */ char errordescription[EC_MAXERRORNAME + 1]; } ec_mbxerrorlist_t; char estring[EC_MAXERRORNAME]; /** SDO error list definition */ const ec_sdoerrorlist_t ec_sdoerrorlist[] = { {0x00000000, "No error" }, {0x05030000, "Toggle bit not changed" }, {0x05040000, "SDO protocol timeout" }, {0x05040001, "Client/Server command specifier not valid or unknown" }, {0x05040005, "Out of memory" }, {0x06010000, "Unsupported access to an object" }, {0x06010001, "Attempt to read to a write only object" }, {0x06010002, "Attempt to write to a read only object" }, {0x06010003, "Subindex can not be written, SI0 must be 0 for write access" }, {0x06010004, "SDO Complete access not supported for variable length objects" }, {0x06010005, "Object length exceeds mailbox size" }, {0x06010006, "Object mapped to RxPDO, SDO download blocked" }, {0x06020000, "The object does not exist in the object directory" }, {0x06040041, "The object can not be mapped into the PDO" }, {0x06040042, "The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed the PDO length" }, {0x06040043, "General parameter incompatibility reason" }, {0x06040047, "General internal incompatibility in the device" }, {0x06060000, "Access failed due to a hardware error" }, {0x06070010, "Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match" }, {0x06070012, "Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high" }, {0x06070013, "Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low" }, {0x06090011, "Subindex does not exist" }, {0x06090030, "Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access)" }, {0x06090031, "Value of parameter written too high" }, {0x06090032, "Value of parameter written too low" }, {0x06090036, "Maximum value is less than minimum value" }, {0x08000000, "General error" }, {0x08000020, "Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application" }, {0x08000021, "Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local control" }, {0x08000022, "Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present device state" }, {0x08000023, "Object dictionary dynamic generation fails or no object dictionary is present" }, {0xffffffff, "Unknown" } }; /** AL status code list definition */ const ec_ALstatuscodelist_t ec_ALstatuscodelist[] = { {0x0000 , "No error" }, {0x0001 , "Unspecified error" }, {0x0002 , "No memory" }, {0x0011 , "Invalid requested state change" }, {0x0012 , "Unknown requested state" }, {0x0013 , "Bootstrap not supported" }, {0x0014 , "No valid firmware" }, {0x0015 , "Invalid mailbox configuration" }, {0x0016 , "Invalid mailbox configuration" }, {0x0017 , "Invalid sync manager configuration" }, {0x0018 , "No valid inputs available" }, {0x0019 , "No valid outputs" }, {0x001A , "Synchronization error" }, {0x001B , "Sync manager watchdog" }, {0x001C , "Invalid sync Manager types" }, {0x001D , "Invalid output configuration" }, {0x001E , "Invalid input configuration" }, {0x001F , "Invalid watchdog configuration" }, {0x0020 , "Slave needs cold start" }, {0x0021 , "Slave needs INIT" }, {0x0022 , "Slave needs PREOP" }, {0x0023 , "Slave needs SAFEOP" }, {0x0024 , "Invalid input mapping" }, {0x0025 , "Invalid output mapping" }, {0x0026 , "Inconsistent settings" }, {0x0027 , "Freerun not supported" }, {0x0028 , "Synchronisation not supported" }, {0x0029 , "Freerun needs 3buffer mode" }, {0x002A , "Background watchdog" }, {0x002B , "No valid Inputs and Outputs" }, {0x002C , "Fatal sync error" }, {0x002D , "No sync error" }, // was "Invalid Output FMMU Configuration" {0x002E , "Invalid input FMMU configuration" }, {0x0030 , "Invalid DC SYNC configuration" }, {0x0031 , "Invalid DC latch configuration" }, {0x0032 , "PLL error" }, {0x0033 , "DC sync IO error" }, {0x0034 , "DC sync timeout error" }, {0x0035 , "DC invalid sync cycle time" }, {0x0036 , "DC invalid sync0 cycle time" }, {0x0037 , "DC invalid sync1 cycle time" }, {0x0041 , "MBX_AOE" }, {0x0042 , "MBX_EOE" }, {0x0043 , "MBX_COE" }, {0x0044 , "MBX_FOE" }, {0x0045 , "MBX_SOE" }, {0x004F , "MBX_VOE" }, {0x0050 , "EEPROM no access" }, {0x0051 , "EEPROM error" }, {0x0060 , "Slave restarted locally" }, {0x0061 , "Device identification value updated" }, {0x00f0 , "Application controller available" }, {0xffff , "Unknown" } }; /** SoE error list definition */ const ec_soeerrorlist_t ec_soeerrorlist[] = { {0x0000, "No error" }, {0x1001, "No IDN" }, {0x1009, "Invalid access to element 1" }, {0x2001, "No Name" }, {0x2002, "Name transmission too short" }, {0x2003, "Name transmission too long" }, {0x2004, "Name cannot be changed (read only)" }, {0x2005, "Name is write-protected at this time" }, {0x3002, "Attribute transmission too short" }, {0x3003, "Attribute transmission too long" }, {0x3004, "Attribute cannot be changed (read only)" }, {0x3005, "Attribute is write-protected at this time" }, {0x4001, "No units" }, {0x4002, "Unit transmission too short" }, {0x4003, "Unit transmission too long" }, {0x4004, "Unit cannot be changed (read only)" }, {0x4005, "Unit is write-protected at this time" }, {0x5001, "No minimum input value" }, {0x5002, "Minimum input value transmission too short" }, {0x5003, "Minimum input value transmission too long" }, {0x5004, "Minimum input value cannot be changed (read only)" }, {0x5005, "Minimum input value is write-protected at this time" }, {0x6001, "No maximum input value" }, {0x6002, "Maximum input value transmission too short" }, {0x6003, "Maximum input value transmission too long" }, {0x6004, "Maximum input value cannot be changed (read only)" }, {0x6005, "Maximum input value is write-protected at this time" }, {0x7002, "Operation data transmission too short" }, {0x7003, "Operation data transmission too long" }, {0x7004, "Operation data cannot be changed (read only)" }, {0x7005, "Operation data is write-protected at this time (state)" }, {0x7006, "Operation data is smaller than the minimum input value" }, {0x7007, "Operation data is smaller than the maximum input value" }, {0x7008, "Invalid operation data:Configured IDN will not be supported" }, {0x7009, "Operation data write protected by a password" }, {0x700A, "Operation data is write protected, it is configured cyclically" }, {0x700B, "Invalid indirect addressing: (e.g., data container, list handling)" }, {0x700C, "Operation data is write protected, due to other settings" }, {0x700D, "Reserved" }, {0x7010, "Procedure command already active" }, {0x7011, "Procedure command not interruptible" }, {0x7012, "Procedure command at this time not executable (state)" }, {0x7013, "Procedure command not executable (invalid or false parameters)" }, {0x7014, "No data state" }, {0x8001, "No default value" }, {0x8002, "Default value transmission too long" }, {0x8004, "Default value cannot be changed, read only" }, {0x800A, "Invalid drive number" }, {0x800A, "General error" }, {0x800A, "No element addressed" }, {0xffff, "Unknown" } }; /** MBX error list definition */ const ec_mbxerrorlist_t ec_mbxerrorlist[] = { {0x0000, "No error" }, {0x0001, "Syntax of 6 octet Mailbox Header is wrong" }, {0x0002, "The mailbox protocol is not supported" }, {0x0003, "Channel Field contains wrong value"}, {0x0004, "The service is no supported"}, {0x0005, "Invalid mailbox header"}, {0x0006, "Length of received mailbox data is too short"}, {0x0007, "No more memory in slave"}, {0x0008, "The length of data is inconsistent"}, {0xffff, "Unknown"} }; /** Look up text string that belongs to SDO error code. * * @param[in] sdoerrorcode = SDO error code as defined in EtherCAT protocol * @return readable string */ const char* ec_sdoerror2string( uint32 sdoerrorcode) { int i = 0; while ( (ec_sdoerrorlist[i].errorcode != 0xffffffffUL) && (ec_sdoerrorlist[i].errorcode != sdoerrorcode) ) { i++; } return ec_sdoerrorlist[i].errordescription; } /** Look up text string that belongs to AL status code. * * @param[in] ALstatuscode = AL status code as defined in EtherCAT protocol * @return readable string */ char* ec_ALstatuscode2string( uint16 ALstatuscode) { int i = 0; while ( (ec_ALstatuscodelist[i].ALstatuscode != 0xffff) && (ec_ALstatuscodelist[i].ALstatuscode != ALstatuscode) ) { i++; } return (char *) ec_ALstatuscodelist[i].ALstatuscodedescription; } /** Look up text string that belongs to SoE error code. * * @param[in] errorcode = SoE error code as defined in EtherCAT protocol * @return readable string */ char* ec_soeerror2string( uint16 errorcode) { int i = 0; while ( (ec_soeerrorlist[i].errorcode != 0xffff) && (ec_soeerrorlist[i].errorcode != errorcode) ) { i++; } return (char *) ec_soeerrorlist[i].errordescription; } /** Look up text string that belongs to MBX error code. * * @param[in] errorcode = MBX error code as defined in EtherCAT protocol * @return readable string */ char* ec_mbxerror2string( uint16 errorcode) { int i = 0; while ( (ec_mbxerrorlist[i].errorcode != 0xffff) && (ec_mbxerrorlist[i].errorcode != errorcode) ) { i++; } return (char *) ec_mbxerrorlist[i].errordescription; } /** Look up error in ec_errorlist and convert to text string. * * @param[in] context = context struct * @return readable string */ char* ecx_elist2string(ecx_contextt *context) { ec_errort Ec; char timestr[20]; if (ecx_poperror(context, &Ec)) { sprintf(timestr, "Time:%12.3f", Ec.Time.sec + (Ec.Time.usec / 1000000.0) ); switch (Ec.Etype) { case EC_ERR_TYPE_SDO_ERROR: { sprintf(estring, "%s SDO slave:%d index:%4.4x.%2.2x error:%8.8x %s\n", timestr, Ec.Slave, Ec.Index, Ec.SubIdx, (unsigned)Ec.AbortCode, ec_sdoerror2string(Ec.AbortCode)); break; } case EC_ERR_TYPE_EMERGENCY: { sprintf(estring, "%s EMERGENCY slave:%d error:%4.4x\n", timestr, Ec.Slave, Ec.ErrorCode); break; } case EC_ERR_TYPE_PACKET_ERROR: { sprintf(estring, "%s PACKET slave:%d index:%4.4x.%2.2x error:%d\n", timestr, Ec.Slave, Ec.Index, Ec.SubIdx, Ec.ErrorCode); break; } case EC_ERR_TYPE_SDOINFO_ERROR: { sprintf(estring, "%s SDO slave:%d index:%4.4x.%2.2x error:%8.8x %s\n", timestr, Ec.Slave, Ec.Index, Ec.SubIdx, (unsigned)Ec.AbortCode, ec_sdoerror2string(Ec.AbortCode)); break; } case EC_ERR_TYPE_SOE_ERROR: { sprintf(estring, "%s SoE slave:%d IDN:%4.4x error:%4.4x %s\n", timestr, Ec.Slave, Ec.Index, (unsigned)Ec.AbortCode, ec_soeerror2string(Ec.ErrorCode)); break; } case EC_ERR_TYPE_MBX_ERROR: { sprintf(estring, "%s MBX slave:%d error:%4.4x %s\n", timestr, Ec.Slave, Ec.ErrorCode, ec_mbxerror2string(Ec.ErrorCode)); break; } default: { sprintf(estring, "%s error:%8.8x\n", timestr, (unsigned)Ec.AbortCode); break; } } return (char*) estring; } else { return ""; } } #ifdef EC_VER1 char* ec_elist2string(void) { return ecx_elist2string(&ecx_context); } #endif