/* * SOES Simple Open EtherCAT Slave * * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Arthur Ketels * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 rt-labs. * * SOES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * SOES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros * or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it * with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not * by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public * License. However the source code for this file must still be made available * in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. * * This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on * this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * The EtherCAT Technology, the trade name and logo "EtherCAT" are the intellectual * property of, and protected by Beckhoff Automation GmbH. */ #include #include #include "esc.h" #include "esc_coe.h" #include "esc_foe.h" /** \file * \brief * Base EtherCAT functions for handling the Data Link Layer and Malilboxes * * * State machine and mailbox support. */ static esc_cfg_t * esc_cfg = NULL; /** Write AL Status Code to the ESC. * * @param[in] errornumber = Write an by EtherCAT specified Error number register 0x134 AL Status Code */ void ESC_ALerror (uint16_t errornumber) { uint16_t dummy; ESCvar.ALerror = errornumber; dummy = htoes (errornumber); ESC_write (ESCREG_ALERROR, &dummy, sizeof (dummy)); } /** Write AL Status to the ESC. * * @param[in] status = Write current slave status to register 0x130 AL Status * reflecting actual state and error indication if present */ void ESC_ALstatus (uint8_t status) { uint16_t dummy; ESCvar.ALstatus = status; dummy = htoes ((uint16_t) status); ESC_write (ESCREG_ALSTATUS, &dummy, sizeof (dummy)); } /** Read SM Status register 0x805(+ offset to SyncManager n) to acknowledge a * Sync Manager event Bit 3 in ALevent. The result is not used. * * @param[in] n = Read Sync Manager no. n */ void ESC_SMack (uint8_t n) { uint16_t dummy; ESC_read (ESCREG_SM0STATUS + (n << 3), &dummy, 2); } /** Read SM Status register 0x805(+ offset to SyncManager n) and save the * result in global variable ESCvar.SM[n]. * * @param[in] n = Read Sync Manager no. n */ void ESC_SMstatus (uint8_t n) { _ESCsm2 *sm; uint16_t temp; sm = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[n]; ESC_read (ESCREG_SM0STATUS + (n << 3), &temp, 2); #if defined(EC_LITTLE_ENDIAN) sm->ActESC = temp >> 8; sm->Status = temp; #endif #if defined(EC_BIG_ENDIAN) sm->ActESC = temp; sm->Status = temp >> 8; #endif } /** Write ESCvar.SM[n] data to ESC PDI control register 0x807(+ offset to SyncManager n). * * @param[in] n = Write to Sync Manager no. n */ void ESC_SMwritepdi (uint8_t n) { _ESCsm2 *sm; sm = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[n]; ESC_write (ESCREG_SM0PDI + (n << 3), &(sm->ActPDI), 1); } /** Write 0 to Bit0 in SM PDI control register 0x807(+ offset to SyncManager n) to Activate the Sync Manager n. * * @param[in] n = Write to Sync Manager no. n */ void ESC_SMenable (uint8_t n) { _ESCsm2 *sm; sm = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[n]; sm->ActPDI &= ~ESCREG_SMENABLE_BIT; ESC_SMwritepdi (n); } /** Write 1 to Bit0 in SM PDI control register 0x807(+ offset to SyncManager n) to De-activte the Sync Manager n. * * @param[in] n = Write to Sync Manager no. n */ void ESC_SMdisable (uint8_t n) { _ESCsm2 *sm; sm = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[n]; sm->ActPDI |= ESCREG_SMENABLE_BIT; ESC_SMwritepdi (n); } /** Read Configured Station Address register 0x010 assigned by the Master. * */ void ESC_address (void) { ESC_read (ESCREG_ADDRESS, (void *) &ESCvar.address, sizeof (ESCvar.address)); ESCvar.address = etohs (ESCvar.address); } /** Read Watchdog Status register 0x440. Result Bit0 0= Expired, 1= Active or disabled. * * @return value of register Watchdog Status. */ uint8_t ESC_WDstatus (void) { uint16_t wdstatus; ESC_read (ESCREG_WDSTATUS, &wdstatus, 2); wdstatus = etohs (wdstatus); return (uint8_t) wdstatus; } /** Check mailbox status by reading all SyncManager 0 and 1 data. The read values * are compared with local definitions for SM Physical Address, SM Length and SM Control. * If we check fails we disable Mailboxes by disabling SyncManager 0 and 1 and return * state Init with Error flag set. * * @param[in] state = Current state request read from ALControl 0x0120 * @return if all Mailbox values is correct we return incoming state request, otherwise * we return state Init with Error flag set. */ uint8_t ESC_checkmbx (uint8_t state) { _ESCsm2 *SM; ESC_read (ESCREG_SM0, (void *) &ESCvar.SM[0], sizeof (ESCvar.SM[0])); ESC_read (ESCREG_SM1, (void *) &ESCvar.SM[1], sizeof (ESCvar.SM[1])); SM = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[0]; if ((etohs (SM->PSA) != MBX0_sma) || (etohs (SM->Length) != MBX0_sml) || (SM->Command != MBX0_smc) || (ESCvar.SM[0].ECsm == 0)) { ESCvar.SMtestresult = SMRESULT_ERRSM0; ESC_SMdisable (0); ESC_SMdisable (1); return (uint8_t) (ESCinit | ESCerror); //fail state change } SM = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[1]; if ((etohs (SM->PSA) != MBX1_sma) || (etohs (SM->Length) != MBX1_sml) || (SM->Command != MBX1_smc) || (ESCvar.SM[1].ECsm == 0)) { ESCvar.SMtestresult = SMRESULT_ERRSM1; ESC_SMdisable (0); ESC_SMdisable (1); return ESCinit | ESCerror; //fail state change } return state; } /** Try to start mailboxes for current ALControl state request by enabling SyncManager 0 and 1. * If all mailbox settings is correct we return incoming state request, otherwise * we return state Init with Error flag set and update local ALerror with code 0x16 Invalid * mailbox configuration. * * @param[in] state = Current state request read from ALControl 0x0120 * @return if all Mailbox values is correct we return incoming state, otherwise * we return state Init with Error flag set. */ uint8_t ESC_startmbx (uint8_t state) { ESC_SMenable (0); ESC_SMenable (1); ESC_SMstatus (0); ESC_SMstatus (1); if ((state = ESC_checkmbx (state)) & ESCerror) { ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDMBXCONFIG); MBXrun = 0; } else { ESCvar.toggle = ESCvar.SM[1].ECrep; //sync repeat request toggle state MBXrun = 1; } return state; } /** Check boostrap mailbox status by reading all SyncManager 0 and 1 data. The read values * are compared with local definitions for SM Physical Address, SM Length and SM Control. * If we check fails we disable Mailboxes by disabling SyncManager 0 and 1 and return * state Init with Error flag set. * * @param[in] state = Current state request read from ALControl 0x0120 * @return if all Mailbox values is correct we return incoming state request, otherwise * we return state Init with Error flag set. */ uint8_t ESC_checkmbxboot (uint8_t state) { _ESCsm2 *SM; ESC_read (ESCREG_SM0, (void *) &ESCvar.SM[0], sizeof (ESCvar.SM[0])); ESC_read (ESCREG_SM1, (void *) &ESCvar.SM[1], sizeof (ESCvar.SM[1])); SM = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[0]; if ((etohs (SM->PSA) != MBX0_sma_b) || (etohs (SM->Length) != MBX0_sml_b) || (SM->Command != MBX0_smc_b) || (ESCvar.SM[0].ECsm == 0)) { ESCvar.SMtestresult = SMRESULT_ERRSM0; ESC_SMdisable (0); ESC_SMdisable (1); return (uint8_t) (ESCinit | ESCerror); //fail state change } SM = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[1]; if ((etohs (SM->PSA) != MBX1_sma_b) || (etohs (SM->Length) != MBX1_sml_b) || (SM->Command != MBX1_smc_b) || (ESCvar.SM[1].ECsm == 0)) { ESCvar.SMtestresult = SMRESULT_ERRSM1; ESC_SMdisable (0); ESC_SMdisable (1); return (uint8_t) (ESCinit | ESCerror); //fail state change } return state; } /** Try to start bootstrap mailboxes for current ALControl state request by enabling SyncManager 0 and 1. * If all mailbox settings is correct we return incoming state request, otherwise * we return state Init with Error flag set and update local ALerror with code 0x16 Invalid * mailbox configuration. * * @param[in] state = Current state request read from ALControl 0x0120 * @return if all Mailbox values is correct we return incoming state, otherwise * we return state Init with Error flag set. */ uint8_t ESC_startmbxboot (uint8_t state) { ESC_SMenable (0); ESC_SMenable (1); ESC_SMstatus (0); ESC_SMstatus (1); if ((state = ESC_checkmbxboot (state)) & ESCerror) { ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDBOOTMBXCONFIG); MBXrun = 0; } else { ESCvar.toggle = ESCvar.SM[1].ECrep; //sync repeat request toggle state MBXrun = 1; } return state; } /** Stop mailboxes by disabling SyncManager 0 and 1. Clear local mailbox variables * stored in ESCvar. */ void ESC_stopmbx (void) { uint8_t n; MBXrun = 0; ESC_SMdisable (0); ESC_SMdisable (1); for (n = 0; n < MBXBUFFERS; n++) { MBXcontrol[n].state = MBXstate_idle; } ESCvar.mbxoutpost = 0; ESCvar.mbxbackup = 0; ESCvar.xoe = 0; ESCvar.mbxfree = 1; ESCvar.toggle = 0; ESCvar.mbxincnt = 0; ESCvar.segmented = 0; ESCvar.frags = 0; ESCvar.fragsleft = 0; ESCvar.txcue = 0; } /** Read Receive mailbox and store data in local ESCvar.MBX variable. * Combined function for bootstrap and other states. State check decides * which one to read. */ void ESC_readmbx (void) { _MBX *MB = &MBX[0]; uint16_t length; if (ESCvar.ALstatus == ESCboot) { ESC_read (MBX0_sma_b, MB, MBXHSIZE); length = etohs (MB->header.length); if (length > (MBX0_sml_b - MBXHSIZE)) { length = MBX0_sml_b - MBXHSIZE; } ESC_read (MBX0_sma_b + MBXHSIZE, &(MB->b[0]), length); if (length + MBXHSIZE < MBX0_sml_b) { ESC_read (MBX0_sme_b, &length, 1); } } else { ESC_read (MBX0_sma, MB, MBXHSIZE); length = etohs (MB->header.length); if (length > (MBX0_sml - MBXHSIZE)) { length = MBX0_sml - MBXHSIZE; } ESC_read (MBX0_sma + MBXHSIZE, &(MB->b[0]), length); if (length + MBXHSIZE < MBX0_sml) { ESC_read (MBX0_sme, &length, 1); } } MBXcontrol[0].state = MBXstate_inclaim; } /** Write local mailbox buffer ESCvar.MBX[n] to Send mailbox. * Combined function for bootstrap and other states. State check decides * which one to write. * * @param[in] n = Which local mailbox buffer n to send. */ void ESC_writembx (uint8_t n) { _MBX *MB = &MBX[n]; uint8_t dummy = 0; uint16_t length; length = etohs (MB->header.length); if (ESCvar.ALstatus == ESCboot) { if (length > (MBX1_sml_b - MBXHSIZE)) { length = MBX1_sml_b - MBXHSIZE; } ESC_write (MBX1_sma_b, MB, MBXHSIZE + length); if (length + MBXHSIZE < MBX1_sml_b) { ESC_write (MBX1_sme_b, &dummy, 1); } } else { if (length > (MBX1_sml - MBXHSIZE)) { length = MBX1_sml - MBXHSIZE; } ESC_write (MBX1_sma, MB, MBXHSIZE + length); if (length + MBXHSIZE < MBX1_sml) { ESC_write (MBX1_sme, &dummy, 1); } } ESCvar.mbxfree = 0; } /** TBD */ void ESC_ackmbxread (void) { uint8_t dummy = 0; if (ESCvar.ALstatus == ESCboot) { ESC_write (MBX1_sma_b, &dummy, 1); } else { ESC_write (MBX1_sma, &dummy, 1); } ESCvar.mbxfree = 1; } /** Allocate and prepare a mailbox buffer. Take the first Idle buffer from the End. * Set Mailbox control state to be used for outbox and fill the mailbox buffer with * address master and mailbox next CNT value between 1-7. * * @return The index of Mailbox buffer prepared for outbox. IF no buffer is available return 0. */ uint8_t ESC_claimbuffer (void) { _MBX *MB; uint8_t n = MBXBUFFERS - 1; while ((n > 0) && (MBXcontrol[n].state)) { n--; } if (n) { MBXcontrol[n].state = MBXstate_outclaim; MB = &MBX[n]; ESCvar.mbxcnt = (++ESCvar.mbxcnt) & 0x07; if (ESCvar.mbxcnt == 0) { ESCvar.mbxcnt = 1; } MB->header.address = htoes (0x0000); // destination is master MB->header.channel = 0; MB->header.priority = 0; MB->header.mbxcnt = ESCvar.mbxcnt; ESCvar.txcue++; } return n; } /** Look for any present requests for posting to the outbox. * * @return the index of Mailbox buffer ready to be posted. */ uint8_t ESC_outreqbuffer (void) { uint8_t n = MBXBUFFERS - 1; while ((n > 0) && (MBXcontrol[n].state != MBXstate_outreq)) { n--; } return n; } /** Allocate and prepare a mailbox buffer for sending an error message. Take the first Idle * buffer from the end. Set Mailbox control state to be used for outbox and fill the mailbox * buffer with error information. * * @param[in] n = Error number to be sent in mailbox error message. */ void MBX_error (uint16_t error) { uint8_t MBXout; _MBXerr *mbxerr; MBXout = ESC_claimbuffer (); if (MBXout) { mbxerr = (_MBXerr *) & MBX[MBXout]; mbxerr->mbxheader.length = htoes ((uint16_t) 0x04); mbxerr->mbxheader.mbxtype = MBXERR; mbxerr->type = htoes ((uint16_t) 0x01); mbxerr->detail = htoes (error); MBXcontrol[MBXout].state = MBXstate_outreq; } } /** Mailbox routine for implementing the low-level part of the mailbox protocol * used by Application Layers running on-top of mailboxes. It takes care of sending * a mailbox, re-sending a mailbox, reading a mailbox and handles a mailbox full event. * * @return =0 if nothing to do. =1 if something to be handled by mailbox protocols. */ uint8_t ESC_mbxprocess (void) { uint8_t mbxhandle = 0; _MBX *MB = &MBX[0]; if (!MBXrun) { /* nothing to do */ return 0; } /* SM0/1 access or SMn change event */ if (ESCvar.ALevent & ESCREG_ALEVENT_SM_MASK) { ESC_SMstatus (0); ESC_SMstatus (1); } /* outmbx read by master */ if (ESCvar.mbxoutpost && ESCvar.SM[1].IntR) { ESC_ackmbxread (); /* dispose old backup */ if (ESCvar.mbxbackup) { MBXcontrol[ESCvar.mbxbackup].state = MBXstate_idle; } /* if still to do */ if (MBXcontrol[ESCvar.mbxoutpost].state == MBXstate_again) { ESC_writembx (ESCvar.mbxoutpost); } /* create new backup */ MBXcontrol[ESCvar.mbxoutpost].state = MBXstate_backup; ESCvar.mbxbackup = ESCvar.mbxoutpost; ESCvar.mbxoutpost = 0; return 0; } /* repeat request */ if (ESCvar.SM[1].ECrep != ESCvar.toggle) { if (ESCvar.mbxoutpost || ESCvar.mbxbackup) { /* if outmbx empty */ if (!ESCvar.mbxoutpost) { /* use backup mbx */ ESC_writembx (ESCvar.mbxbackup); } else { /* reset mailbox */ ESC_SMdisable (1); /* have to resend later */ MBXcontrol[ESCvar.mbxoutpost].state = MBXstate_again; /* activate mailbox */ ESC_SMenable (1); /* use backup mbx */ ESC_writembx (ESCvar.mbxbackup); } ESCvar.toggle = ESCvar.SM[1].ECrep; ESCvar.SM[1].PDIrep = ESCvar.toggle; ESC_SMwritepdi (1); } return 0; } /* if the outmailbox is free check if we have something to send */ if (ESCvar.txcue && (ESCvar.mbxfree || !ESCvar.SM[1].MBXstat)) { /* check out request mbx */ mbxhandle = ESC_outreqbuffer (); /* outmbx empty and outreq mbx available */ if (mbxhandle) { ESC_writembx (mbxhandle); /* change state */ MBXcontrol[mbxhandle].state = MBXstate_outpost; ESCvar.mbxoutpost = mbxhandle; if (ESCvar.txcue) { ESCvar.txcue--; } } } /* read mailbox if full and no xoe in progress */ if (ESCvar.SM[0].MBXstat && !MBXcontrol[0].state && !ESCvar.mbxoutpost && !ESCvar.xoe) { ESC_readmbx (); ESCvar.SM[0].MBXstat = 0; if (etohs (MB->header.length) == 0) { MBX_error (MBXERR_INVALIDHEADER); /* drop mailbox */ MBXcontrol[0].state = MBXstate_idle; } if ((MB->header.mbxcnt != 0) && (MB->header.mbxcnt == ESCvar.mbxincnt)) { /* drop mailbox */ MBXcontrol[0].state = MBXstate_idle; } ESCvar.mbxincnt = MB->header.mbxcnt; return 1; } /* ack changes in non used SM */ if (ESCvar.ALevent & ESCREG_ALEVENT_SMCHANGE) { ESC_SMack (4); ESC_SMack (5); ESC_SMack (6); ESC_SMack (7); } return 0; } /** Handler for incorrect or unsupported mailbox data. Write error response * in Mailbox. */ void ESC_xoeprocess (void) { _MBXh *mbh; if (!MBXrun) { return; } if (!ESCvar.xoe && (MBXcontrol[0].state == MBXstate_inclaim)) { mbh = (_MBXh *) & MBX[0]; if ((mbh->mbxtype == 0) || (etohs (mbh->length) == 0)) { MBX_error (MBXERR_INVALIDHEADER); } else { MBX_error (MBXERR_UNSUPPORTEDPROTOCOL); } /* mailbox type not supported, drop mailbox */ MBXcontrol[0].state = MBXstate_idle; } } /** Validate the values of Sync Manager 2 & 3 that the current ESC values is * equal to configured and calculated local values. * * @param[in] state = Requested state. * @return = incoming state request if every thing checks out OK. = state (PREOP | ERROR) if something isn't correct. */ uint8_t ESC_checkSM23 (uint8_t state) { _ESCsm2 *SM; ESC_read (ESCREG_SM2, (void *) &ESCvar.SM[2], sizeof (ESCvar.SM[2])); ESC_read (ESCREG_SM3, (void *) &ESCvar.SM[3], sizeof (ESCvar.SM[3])); SM = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[2]; if ((etohs (SM->PSA) != SM2_sma) || (etohs (SM->Length) != SM2_sml) || (SM->Command != SM2_smc) || !(SM->ActESC & SM2_act)) { ESCvar.SMtestresult = SMRESULT_ERRSM2; /* fail state change */ return (ESCpreop | ESCerror); } SM = (_ESCsm2 *) & ESCvar.SM[3]; if ((etohs (SM->PSA) != SM3_sma) || (etohs (SM->Length) != SM3_sml) || (SM->Command != SM3_smc) || !(SM->ActESC & SM3_act)) { ESCvar.SMtestresult = SMRESULT_ERRSM3; /* fail state change */ return (ESCpreop | ESCerror); } return state; } /** Function trying to enable start updating the process data inputs. It calls the check SM 2 & 3 * routine, based on the result from there if enables or disables the Input SyncManager, in addition * it updates the ALStatusCode case something didn't pass the check. * * @param[in] state = Requested state. * @return = state, incoming state request if every thing checks out OK. =state (PREOP | ERROR) if something isn't correct. */ uint8_t ESC_startinput (uint8_t state) { state = ESC_checkSM23 (state); if (state != (ESCpreop | ESCerror)) { ESC_SMenable (3); App.state = APPSTATE_INPUT; } else { ESC_SMdisable (2); ESC_SMdisable (3); if (ESCvar.SMtestresult & SMRESULT_ERRSM3) { ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDINPUTSM); } else { ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDOUTPUTSM); } } return state; } /** Unconditional stop of updating inputs by disabling Sync Manager 2 & 3. * Set the App.state to APPSTATE_IDLE. * */ void ESC_stopinput (void) { App.state = APPSTATE_IDLE; ESC_SMdisable (3); ESC_SMdisable (2); } /** Unconditional start of updating outputs by enabling Sync Manager 2. * Set the App.state to APPSTATE_OUTPUT. * * @param[in] state = Not used. * @return = state unchanged. * */ uint8_t ESC_startoutput (uint8_t state) { ESC_SMenable (2); App.state |= APPSTATE_OUTPUT; return state; } /** Unconditional stop of updating outputs by disabling Sync Manager 2. * Set the App.state to APPSTATE_ONPUT. Call application hook APP_safeoutput * letting the user to set safe state values on outputs. * */ void ESC_stopoutput (void) { App.state &= APPSTATE_INPUT; ESC_SMdisable (2); APP_safeoutput (); } /** The state handler acting on ALControl Bit(0) and SyncManager Activation BIT(4) * events in the Al Event Request register 0x220. * */ void ESC_state (void) { uint8_t ac, an, as, ax, ax23; uint8_t handle_smchanged = 0; /* Do we have a state change request pending */ if (ESCvar.ALevent & ESCREG_ALEVENT_CONTROL) { ESC_read (ESCREG_ALCONTROL, (void *) &ESCvar.ALcontrol, sizeof (ESCvar.ALcontrol)); ESCvar.ALcontrol = etohs (ESCvar.ALcontrol); } /* Have at least on Sync Manager changed */ else if (ESCvar.ALevent & ESCREG_ALEVENT_SMCHANGE) { handle_smchanged = 1; } else { /* nothing to do */ return; } /* Mask state request bits + Error ACK */ ac = ESCvar.ALcontrol & ESCREG_AL_STATEMASK; as = ESCvar.ALstatus & ESCREG_AL_STATEMASK; an = as; if (((ac & ESCerror) || (ac == ESCinit))) { /* if error bit confirmed reset */ ac &= ESCREG_AL_ERRACKMASK; an &= ESCREG_AL_ERRACKMASK; } /* Enter SM changed handling for all steps but Init and Boot when Mailboxes * is up and running */ if (handle_smchanged && (as & ESCREG_AL_ALLBUTINITMASK) && !(as == ESCboot) && MBXrun) { /* Validate Sync Managers, reading the Activation register will * acknowledge the SyncManager Activation event making us enter * this execution path. */ ax = ESC_checkmbx (as); ax23 = ESC_checkSM23 (as); if ((an & ESCerror) && !(ac & ESCerror)) { /* if in error then stay there */ return; } /* Have we been forced to step down to INIT we will stop mailboxes, * update AL Status Code and exit ESC_state */ if (ax == (ESCinit | ESCerror)) { /* If we have activated Inputs and Outputs we need to disable them */ if (App.state) { ESC_stopoutput (); ESC_stopinput (); } /* Stop mailboxes and update ALStatus code */ ESC_stopmbx (); ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDMBXCONFIG); MBXrun = 0; ESC_ALstatus (ax); return; } /* Have we been forced to step down to PREOP we will stop inputs * and outputs, update AL Status Code and exit ESC_state */ if ((App.state) && (ax23 == (ESCpreop | ESCerror))) { ESC_stopoutput (); ESC_stopinput (); if (ESCvar.SMtestresult & SMRESULT_ERRSM3) { ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDINPUTSM); } else { ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDOUTPUTSM); } ESC_ALstatus (ax23); return; } } /* Error state not acked, leave original */ if ((an & ESCerror) && !(ac & ESCerror)) { return; } /* Mask high bits ALcommand, low bits ALstatus */ as = (ac << 4) | (as & 0x0f); /* Call post state change hook case it have been configured */ if ((esc_cfg != NULL) && esc_cfg->pre_state_change_hook) { esc_cfg->pre_state_change_hook (&as, &an); } /* Switch through the state change requested via AlControl from * current state read in AL status */ switch (as) { case INIT_TO_INIT: case PREOP_TO_PREOP: case OP_TO_OP: { break; } case INIT_TO_PREOP: { /* get station address */ ESC_address (); an = ESC_startmbx (ac); break; } case INIT_TO_BOOT: case BOOT_TO_BOOT: { /* get station address */ ESC_address (); an = ESC_startmbxboot (ac); break; } case INIT_TO_SAFEOP: case INIT_TO_OP: { an = ESCinit | ESCerror; ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDSTATECHANGE); break; } case OP_TO_INIT: { ESC_stopoutput (); } case SAFEOP_TO_INIT: { ESC_stopinput (); } case PREOP_TO_INIT: { ESC_stopmbx (); an = ESCinit; break; } case BOOT_TO_INIT: { ESC_stopmbx (); an = ESCinit; break; } case PREOP_TO_BOOT: case BOOT_TO_PREOP: case BOOT_TO_SAFEOP: case BOOT_TO_OP: { an = ESCpreop | ESCerror; ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDSTATECHANGE); break; } case PREOP_TO_SAFEOP: case SAFEOP_TO_SAFEOP: { SM2_sml = sizeRXPDO (); SM3_sml = sizeTXPDO (); an = ESC_startinput (ac); if (an == ac) { ESC_SMenable (2); } break; } case PREOP_TO_OP: { an = ESCpreop | ESCerror; ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDSTATECHANGE); break; } case OP_TO_PREOP: { ESC_stopoutput (); } case SAFEOP_TO_PREOP: { ESC_stopinput (); an = ESCpreop; break; } case SAFEOP_TO_BOOT: { an = ESCsafeop | ESCerror; ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDSTATECHANGE); break; } case SAFEOP_TO_OP: { an = ESC_startoutput (ac); break; } case OP_TO_BOOT: { an = ESCsafeop | ESCerror; ESC_ALerror (ALERR_INVALIDSTATECHANGE); ESC_stopoutput (); break; } case OP_TO_SAFEOP: { an = ESCsafeop; ESC_stopoutput (); break; } default: { if (an == ESCop) { ESC_stopoutput (); an = ESCsafeop; } if (as == ESCsafeop) { ESC_stopinput (); } an |= ESCerror; ESC_ALerror (ALERR_UNKNOWNSTATE); break; } } /* Call post state change hook case it have been configured */ if ((esc_cfg != NULL) && esc_cfg->post_state_change_hook) { esc_cfg->post_state_change_hook (&as, &an); } if (!(an & ESCerror) && (ESCvar.ALerror)) { /* clear error */ ESC_ALerror (ALERR_NONE); } ESC_ALstatus (an); } /** Function copying the application configuration variable * to the stack local pointer variable. * * @param[in] cfg = Pointer to by the Application static declared * configuration variable holding application specific details. Ex. post- and * pre state change hooks */ void ESC_config (esc_cfg_t * cfg) { esc_cfg = cfg; }