/* * SOES Simple Open EtherCAT Slave * * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Arthur Ketels * * SOES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * SOES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros * or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it * with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not * by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public * License. However the source code for this file must still be made available * in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. * * This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on * this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * The EtherCAT Technology, the trade name and logo "EtherCAT" are the intellectual * property of, and protected by Beckhoff Automation GmbH. */ /** \file * \brief * The application. * * The application, the main loop that service EtherCAT. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "utypes.h" #include "bootstrap.h" #define WD_RESET 1000 #define DEFAULTTXPDOMAP 0x1a00 #define DEFAULTRXPDOMAP 0x1600 #define DEFAULTTXPDOITEMS 1 #define DEFAULTRXPDOITEMS 1 uint32_t encoder_scale; uint32_t encoder_scale_mirror; volatile _ESCvar ESCvar; _MBX MBX[MBXBUFFERS]; _MBXcontrol MBXcontrol[MBXBUFFERS]; uint8_t MBXrun=0; uint16_t SM2_sml,SM3_sml; _Rbuffer Rb; _Wbuffer Wb; _Cbuffer Cb; _App App; uint16_t TXPDOsize,RXPDOsize; int wd_cnt = WD_RESET; volatile uint8_t digoutput; volatile uint8_t diginput; uint16_t txpdomap = DEFAULTTXPDOMAP; uint16_t rxpdomap = DEFAULTRXPDOMAP; uint8_t txpdoitems = DEFAULTTXPDOITEMS; uint8_t rxpdoitems = DEFAULTTXPDOITEMS; extern uint32_t local_boot_state; static const char *spi_name = "/spi0/et1100"; /** Mandatory: Hook called from the slave stack SDO Download handler to act on * user specified Index and Sub-index. * * @param[in] index = index of SDO download request to handle * @param[in] sub-index = sub-index of SDO download request to handle */ void ESC_objecthandler (uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex) { switch (index) { case 0x1c12: { if (rxpdoitems > 1) { rxpdoitems = 1; } if ((rxpdomap != 0x1600) && (rxpdomap != 0x1601) && (rxpdomap != 0x0000)) { rxpdomap = 0x1600; } RXPDOsize = SM2_sml = sizeRXPDO (); break; } case 0x1c13: { if (txpdoitems > 1) { txpdoitems = 1; } if ((txpdomap != 0x1A00) && (txpdomap != 0x1A01) && (rxpdomap != 0x0000)) { txpdomap = 0x1A00; } TXPDOsize = SM3_sml = sizeTXPDO (); break; } case 0x7100: { switch (subindex) { case 0x01: { encoder_scale_mirror = encoder_scale; break; } } break; } case 0x8001: { switch (subindex) { case 0x01: { Cb.reset_counter = 0; break; } } break; } } } /** Mandatory: Hook called from the slave stack ESC_stopoutputs to act on state changes * forcing us to stop outputs. Here we can set them to a safe state. * set */ void APP_safeoutput (void) { DPRINT ("APP_safeoutput called\n"); Wb.LED = 0; } /** Mandatory: Write local process data to Sync Manager 3, Master Inputs. */ void TXPDO_update (void) { ESC_write (SM3_sma, &Rb.button, TXPDOsize); } /** Mandatory: Read Sync Manager 2 to local process data, Master Outputs. */ void RXPDO_update (void) { ESC_read (SM2_sma, &Wb.LED, RXPDOsize); } /** Mandatory: Function to update local I/O, call read ethercat outputs, call * write ethercat inputs. Implement watch-dog counter to count-out if we have * made state change affecting the App.state. */ void DIG_process (void) { if (wd_cnt) { wd_cnt--; } if (App.state & APPSTATE_OUTPUT) { /* SM2 trigger ? */ if (ESCvar.ALevent & ESCREG_ALEVENT_SM2) { ESCvar.ALevent &= ~ESCREG_ALEVENT_SM2; RXPDO_update (); wd_cnt = WD_RESET; /* dummy output point */ //gpio_set(GPIO_LED, Wb.LED & BIT(0)); } if (!wd_cnt) { DPRINT("DIG_process watchdog tripped\n"); ESC_stopoutput (); /* watchdog, invalid outputs */ ESC_ALerror (ALERR_WATCHDOG); /* goto safe-op with error bit set */ ESC_ALstatus (ESCsafeop | ESCerror); } } else { wd_cnt = WD_RESET; } if (App.state) { //Rb.button = gpio_get(GPIO_WAKEUP); Rb.button = (flash_drv_get_active_swap() && 0x8); Cb.reset_counter++; Rb.encoder = Cb.reset_counter; TXPDO_update (); } } /** Optional: Hook called after state change for application specific * actions for specific state changes. */ void post_state_change_hook (uint8_t * as, uint8_t * an) { /* Add specific step change hooks here */ if ((*as == BOOT_TO_INIT) && (*an == ESCinit)) { boot_inithook (); } else if((*as == INIT_TO_BOOT) && (*an & ESCerror ) == 0) { init_boothook (); } } /** SOES main loop. Start by initializing the stack software followed by * the application loop for cyclic read the EtherCAT state and staus, update * of I/O. */ void soes (void *arg) { DPRINT ("SOES (Simple Open EtherCAT Slave)\n"); TXPDOsize = SM3_sml = sizeTXPDO (); RXPDOsize = SM2_sml = sizeRXPDO (); /* Setup post config hooks */ static esc_cfg_t config = { .pre_state_change_hook = NULL, .post_state_change_hook = post_state_change_hook }; ESC_config ((esc_cfg_t *)&config); ESC_reset(); ESC_init (spi_name); task_delay (tick_from_ms (200)); /* wait until ESC is started up */ while ((ESCvar.DLstatus & 0x0001) == 0) { ESC_read (ESCREG_DLSTATUS, (void *) &ESCvar.DLstatus, sizeof (ESCvar.DLstatus)); ESCvar.DLstatus = etohs (ESCvar.DLstatus); } /* Pre FoE to set up Application information */ bootstrap_foe_init (); /* Init FoE */ FOE_init(); /* reset ESC to init state */ ESC_ALstatus (ESCinit); ESC_ALerror (ALERR_NONE); ESC_stopmbx (); ESC_stopinput (); ESC_stopoutput (); DPRINT ("Application_loop GO\n"); /* application run loop */ while (1) { /* On init restore PDO mappings to default size */ if((ESCvar.ALstatus & 0x0f) == ESCinit) { txpdomap = DEFAULTTXPDOMAP; rxpdomap = DEFAULTRXPDOMAP; txpdoitems = DEFAULTTXPDOITEMS; rxpdoitems = DEFAULTTXPDOITEMS; } /* Read local time from ESC*/ ESC_read (ESCREG_LOCALTIME, (void *) &ESCvar.Time, sizeof (ESCvar.Time)); ESCvar.Time = etohl (ESCvar.Time); /* Check the state machine */ ESC_state (); /* If else to two separate execution paths * If we're running BOOSTRAP * - MailBox * - FoE * Else we're running normal execution * - MailBox * - CoE */ if(local_boot_state) { if (ESC_mbxprocess ()) { ESC_foeprocess (); ESC_xoeprocess (); } bootstrap_state (); } else { if (ESC_mbxprocess ()) { ESC_coeprocess (); ESC_xoeprocess (); } DIG_process (); } }; } uint8_t load1s, load5s, load10s; void my_cyclic_callback (void * arg) { while (1) { task_delay(tick_from_ms (20000)); stats_get_load (&load1s, &load5s, &load10s); DPRINT ("%d:%d:%d (1s:5s:10s)\n", load1s, load5s, load10s); DPRINT ("Local bootstate: %d App.state: %d\n", local_boot_state,App.state); DPRINT ("AlStatus : 0x%x, AlError : 0x%x, Watchdog : %d \n", (ESCvar.ALstatus & 0x001f),ESCvar.ALerror,wd_cnt); } }