lan9252 0x1337 rt-labs AB lan9252_spi lan9252 Outputs Inputs MBoxOut MBoxIn Outputs Inputs 8002000000000000 0010800080108000 Device Type 0x1000 UNSIGNED32 0x01901389 Device Name 0x1008 VISIBLE_STRING evb9252_dig Hardware Version 0x1009 VISIBLE_STRING 1.0 Software Version 0x100A VISIBLE_STRING 1.0 Identity Object 0x1018 RECORD Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 4 Vendor ID UNSIGNED32 0x1337 Product Code UNSIGNED32 1234 Revision Number UNSIGNED32 0 Serial Number UNSIGNED32 0x00000000 LEDs 0x1600 RECORD Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 2 LED0 UNSIGNED32 0x70000108 LED1 UNSIGNED32 0x70000208 Buttons 0x1A00 RECORD Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 1 Button1 UNSIGNED32 0x60000108 Sync Manager Communication Type 0x1C00 ARRAY Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 4 Communications Type SM0 UNSIGNED8 1 Communications Type SM1 UNSIGNED8 2 Communications Type SM2 UNSIGNED8 3 Communications Type SM3 UNSIGNED8 4 Sync Manager 2 PDO Assignment 0x1C12 ARRAY Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 1 PDO Mapping UNSIGNED16 0x1600 Sync Manager 3 PDO Assignment 0x1C13 ARRAY Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 1 PDO Mapping UNSIGNED16 0x1A00 Buttons 0x6000 RECORD Buttons Input Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 1 Button1 UNSIGNED8 0 RO Button1 Input LEDs 0x7000 RECORD LEDs Output Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 2 LED0 UNSIGNED8 0 RO LED0 Output LED1 UNSIGNED8 0 RO LED1 Output Parameters 0x8000 RECORD Parameters Parameter Number of Elements UNSIGNED8 1 Multiplier UNSIGNED32 0 RW Multiplier Parameter 0x1600 LEDs LEDs 0x7000 1 LED0 0x7000 2 LED1 0x1A00 Buttons Buttons 0x6000 1 Button1 Buttons RECORD Button1 UNSIGNED8 LEDs RECORD LED0 UNSIGNED8 LED1 UNSIGNED8 Parameters RECORD Multiplier UNSIGNED32