
659 lines
22 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace System.util.collections
/// <summary>
/// A HashTable with iterators
/// </summary>
public class k_HashTable : IMap
#region static helper functions
private readonly static int[] mk_Primes =
11, 17, 23, 29, 37, 47, 59, 71, 89, 107, 131, 163, 197, 239, 293, 353, 431, 521, 631, 761, 919,
1103, 1327, 1597, 1931, 2333, 2801, 3371, 4049, 4861, 5839, 7013, 8419, 10103, 12143, 14591,
17519, 21023, 25229, 30293, 36353, 43627, 52361, 62851, 75431, 90523, 108631, 130363,
156437, 187751, 225307, 270371, 324449, 389357, 467237, 560689, 672827, 807403,
968897, 1162687, 1395263, 1674319, 2009191, 2411033, 2893249, 3471899, 4166287,
4999559, 5999471, 7199369
private static bool IsPrime(int ai_Number)
if ((ai_Number & 1) == 0)
return (ai_Number == 2);
int li_Max = (int)Math.Sqrt(ai_Number);
for (int li_Div=3; li_Div < li_Max; li_Div+=2)
if ((ai_Number % li_Div) == 0)
return false;
return true;
private static int FindPrimeGreater(int ai_Min)
if (ai_Min < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("k_HashTable capacity overflow.");
// do binary search lookup in primes array
int li_Pos = Array.BinarySearch(mk_Primes, ai_Min);
if (li_Pos >= 0)
return mk_Primes[li_Pos];
li_Pos = ~li_Pos;
if (li_Pos < mk_Primes.Length)
return mk_Primes[li_Pos];
// ai_Min is greater than highest number in mk_Primes
for (int i = (ai_Min|1); i <= Int32.MaxValue; i+=2)
if (IsPrime(i))
return i;
return ai_Min;
#region Bucket Structure
private struct r_Bucket
public object mk_Key;
public object mk_Value;
public int mi_HashCode; // MSB (sign bit) indicates a collision.
#region k_BucketIterator Implementation
private class k_BucketIterator : k_Iterator
private readonly k_HashTable mk_Table;
private int mi_Index;
public k_BucketIterator(k_HashTable ak_Table, int ai_Index)
mk_Table = ak_Table;
mi_Index = -1;
if (ai_Index >= 0)
mi_Index = FindNext(ai_Index-1);
public override object Current
if (mi_Index < 0 || mk_Table.mk_Buckets[mi_Index].mk_Key == null)
throw new k_InvalidPositionException();
r_Bucket lr_Bucket = mk_Table.mk_Buckets[mi_Index];
return new DictionaryEntry(lr_Bucket.mk_Key, lr_Bucket.mk_Value);
if (mi_Index < 0 || mk_Table.mk_Buckets[mi_Index].mk_Key == null)
throw new k_InvalidPositionException();
DictionaryEntry lr_Entry = (DictionaryEntry)value;
r_Bucket lr_Bucket = mk_Table.mk_Buckets[mi_Index];
if (mk_Table.mk_Comparer.Compare(lr_Entry.Key, lr_Bucket.mk_Key) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Key values must not be changed.");
mk_Table.mk_Buckets[mi_Index].mk_Value = lr_Entry.Value;
public override void Move(int ai_Count)
int li_NewIndex = mi_Index;
if (ai_Count > 0)
while (ai_Count-- > 0)
if (li_NewIndex < 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to moved beyond end element.");
li_NewIndex = FindNext(li_NewIndex);
while (ai_Count++ < 0)
if (li_NewIndex < 0)
li_NewIndex = FindPrev(mk_Table.mk_Buckets.Length);
li_NewIndex = FindPrev(li_NewIndex);
if (li_NewIndex < 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to move before first element.");
mi_Index = li_NewIndex;
public override int Distance(k_Iterator ak_Iter)
k_BucketIterator lk_Iter = ak_Iter as k_BucketIterator;
if (lk_Iter == null || !object.ReferenceEquals(lk_Iter.Collection, this.Collection))
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot determine distance of iterators belonging to different collections.");
k_Iterator lk_End = mk_Table.End;
int li_IndexDiff;
if (this != lk_End && ak_Iter != lk_End)
li_IndexDiff = mi_Index - lk_Iter.mi_Index;
li_IndexDiff = (this == lk_End) ? 1 : -1; // 1 is also fine when both are End
if (li_IndexDiff < 0)
int li_Diff = 0;
k_Iterator lk_Bck = this.Clone();
for (; lk_Bck != ak_Iter && lk_Bck != lk_End; lk_Bck.Next())
if (lk_Bck == ak_Iter)
return li_Diff;
int li_Diff = 0;
k_Iterator lk_Fwd = ak_Iter.Clone();
for (; lk_Fwd != this && lk_Fwd != lk_End; lk_Fwd.Next())
if (lk_Fwd == this)
return li_Diff;
throw new Exception("Inconsistent state. Concurrency?");
public override object Collection
get { return mk_Table; }
public override bool Equals(object ak_Obj)
k_BucketIterator lk_Iter = ak_Obj as k_BucketIterator;
if (lk_Iter == null)
return false;
return (mi_Index == lk_Iter.mi_Index && object.ReferenceEquals(mk_Table, lk_Iter.mk_Table));
public override int GetHashCode()
return mk_Table.GetHashCode() ^ mi_Index;
public override k_Iterator Clone()
return new k_BucketIterator(mk_Table, mi_Index);
private int FindPrev(int ai_Index)
r_Bucket[] lk_Buckets = mk_Table.mk_Buckets;
while (ai_Index >= 0 && lk_Buckets[ai_Index].mk_Key == null)
if (ai_Index < -1)
return -1;
return ai_Index;
private int FindNext(int ai_Index)
r_Bucket[] lk_Buckets = mk_Table.mk_Buckets;
while (ai_Index < lk_Buckets.Length && lk_Buckets[ai_Index].mk_Key == null)
if (ai_Index >= lk_Buckets.Length)
return -1;
return ai_Index;
internal int Index
get { return mi_Index; }
private class k_PinnedBucketIterator : k_BucketIterator
public k_PinnedBucketIterator(k_HashTable ak_Table, int ai_Index)
: base(ak_Table, ai_Index)
public override void Move(int ai_Count)
throw new k_IteratorPinnedException();
private IHashCodeProvider mk_HashProvider;
private IComparer mk_Comparer;
private double md_LoadFactor;
private int mi_GrowSize;
private r_Bucket[] mk_Buckets;
private int mi_Count;
private readonly k_Iterator mk_End;
public k_HashTable()
: this(0, 0.72)
public k_HashTable(int ai_Capacity, double ad_LoadFactor)
: this(ai_Capacity, ad_LoadFactor, null, null)
public k_HashTable(int ai_Capacity, double ad_LoadFactor, IHashCodeProvider ak_HashProvider, IComparer ak_Comparer)
if (ad_LoadFactor <= .0 || ad_LoadFactor > 1.0)
throw new ArgumentException("Load factor must be greater than .0 and smaller or equal to 1.0", "ad_LoadFactor");
md_LoadFactor = ad_LoadFactor;
double ld_Size = ai_Capacity/ad_LoadFactor;
if (ld_Size > int.MaxValue)
throw new ArgumentException("k_HashTable overflow");
int li_TableSize = FindPrimeGreater((int)ld_Size);
mk_Buckets = new r_Bucket[li_TableSize];
mi_GrowSize = (md_LoadFactor < 1.0) ? (int)(md_LoadFactor * li_TableSize) : li_TableSize-1;
mk_HashProvider = ak_HashProvider;
mk_Comparer = ak_Comparer;
mk_End = new k_PinnedBucketIterator(this, -1);
// IContainer Members
public k_Iterator Begin
if (mi_Count == 0)
return mk_End;
return new k_PinnedBucketIterator(this, 0);
public k_Iterator End
get { return mk_End; }
public bool IsEmpty
get { return (mi_Count == 0); }
public k_Iterator Find(object ak_Value)
DictionaryEntry lr_Item = (DictionaryEntry)ak_Value;
int li_Index = FindBucket(lr_Item.Key);
if (li_Index < 0 || !object.Equals(mk_Buckets[li_Index].mk_Value, lr_Item.Value))
return this.End;
return new k_BucketIterator(this, li_Index);
public k_Iterator Erase(k_Iterator ak_Where)
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this, ak_Where.Collection), "Iterator does not belong to this collection.");
k_Iterator lk_Successor = ak_Where + 1;
return lk_Successor;
public k_Iterator Erase(k_Iterator ak_First, k_Iterator ak_Last)
if (ak_First == this.Begin && ak_Last == this.End)
return ak_Last.Clone();
k_Iterator lk_Current = ak_First;
while (lk_Current != ak_Last)
lk_Current = Erase(lk_Current);
return lk_Current;
// IMap Members
public k_Iterator FindKey(object ak_Key)
return new k_BucketIterator(this, FindBucket(ak_Key));
public void Add(DictionaryEntry ar_Item)
Add(ar_Item.Key, ar_Item.Value);
public void Insert(k_Iterator ak_SrcBegin, k_Iterator ak_SrcEnd)
for (k_Iterator lk_Iter = ak_SrcBegin.Clone(); lk_Iter != ak_SrcEnd; lk_Iter.Next())
#region IDictionary Members
public void Add(object ak_Key, object ak_Value)
SetValue(ak_Key, ak_Value, true);
public void Clear()
if (mi_Count == 0)
for (int i=0; i < mk_Buckets.Length; ++i)
mk_Buckets[i] = new r_Bucket();
mi_Count = 0;
public bool Contains(object ak_Key)
return (FindBucket(ak_Key) >= 0);
public void Remove(object ak_Key)
public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new k_IteratorDictEnumerator(this.Begin, this.End);
public bool IsReadOnly
get { return false; }
public bool IsFixedSize
get { return false; }
public object this[object ak_Key]
int li_Index = FindBucket(ak_Key);
if (li_Index < 0)
return null;
return mk_Buckets[li_Index].mk_Value;
SetValue(ak_Key, value, false);
public ICollection Keys
int i = 0;
object[] lk_Keys = new object[mi_Count];
foreach (DictionaryEntry lr_Entry in this)
lk_Keys[i++] = lr_Entry.Key;
return lk_Keys;
public ICollection Values
int i=0;
object[] lk_Values = new object[mi_Count];
foreach (DictionaryEntry lr_Entry in this)
lk_Values[i++] = lr_Entry.Value;
return lk_Values;
#region ICollection Members
public void CopyTo(Array ak_Array, int ai_Index)
foreach (DictionaryEntry lr_Entry in this)
ak_Array.SetValue(lr_Entry, ai_Index++);
public int Count
get { return mi_Count; }
public bool IsSynchronized
get { return false; }
public object SyncRoot
get { return this; }
#region IEnumerable Members
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return new k_IteratorEnumerator(this.Begin, this.End);
#region ICloneable Members
public object Clone()
k_HashTable lk_Clone = new k_HashTable(this.Count, md_LoadFactor, mk_HashProvider, mk_Comparer);
int i = mk_Buckets.Length;
while (i-- > 0)
object lk_Key = mk_Buckets[i].mk_Key;
if (lk_Key != null)
lk_Clone[lk_Key] = mk_Buckets[i].mk_Value;
return lk_Clone;
private void EmptyBucket(int ai_Index)
if (ai_Index < 0 || ai_Index >= mk_Buckets.Length)
if (mk_Buckets[ai_Index].mk_Key == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Key was removed earlier.");
mk_Buckets[ai_Index].mi_HashCode &= unchecked((int)0x80000000);
mk_Buckets[ai_Index].mk_Key = null;
mk_Buckets[ai_Index].mk_Value = null;
private int FindBucket(object ak_Key)
if (ak_Key == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Key must not be null.", "ak_Key");
uint lui_BucketCount = (uint)mk_Buckets.Length;
uint lui_Increment;
uint lui_HashCode = ComputeHashAndStep(ak_Key, out lui_Increment);
uint lui_Walker = lui_HashCode % lui_BucketCount;
r_Bucket lr_Bucket;
int li_Index = (int)lui_Walker;
lr_Bucket = mk_Buckets[li_Index];
if (lr_Bucket.mk_Key == null && lr_Bucket.mi_HashCode >= 0)
break; // stop on empty non-duplicate
if ((lr_Bucket.mi_HashCode & 0x7fffffff) == lui_HashCode
&& EqualsHelper(lr_Bucket.mk_Key, ak_Key))
return li_Index;
lui_Walker += lui_Increment;
lui_Walker %= lui_BucketCount;
while (lr_Bucket.mi_HashCode < 0 && lui_Walker != lui_HashCode);
return -1; // not found
private void SetValue(object ak_Key, object ak_Value, bool ab_Add)
if (mi_Count >= mi_GrowSize)
uint lui_BucketCount = (uint)mk_Buckets.Length;
uint lui_Increment;
uint lui_HashCode = ComputeHashAndStep(ak_Key, out lui_Increment);
r_Bucket lr_Bucket;
int li_Free = -1;
uint lui_Walker = lui_HashCode % lui_BucketCount;
int li_Index = (int)lui_Walker;
lr_Bucket = mk_Buckets[li_Index];
if (li_Free < 0 && lr_Bucket.mk_Key == null && lr_Bucket.mi_HashCode < 0)
li_Free = li_Index;
if (lr_Bucket.mk_Key == null && (lr_Bucket.mi_HashCode & unchecked(0x80000000)) == 0)
if (li_Free >= 0)
li_Index = li_Free;
mk_Buckets[li_Index].mk_Key = ak_Key;
mk_Buckets[li_Index].mk_Value = ak_Value;
mk_Buckets[li_Index].mi_HashCode |= (int)lui_HashCode;
if ((lr_Bucket.mi_HashCode & 0x7fffffff) == lui_HashCode
&& EqualsHelper(lr_Bucket.mk_Key, ak_Key))
if (ab_Add)
throw new ArgumentException("duplicate key");
mk_Buckets[li_Index].mk_Value = ak_Value;
// mark all as dupes as long as we have not found a free bucket
if (li_Free == -1)
mk_Buckets[li_Index].mi_HashCode |= unchecked((int)0x80000000);
lui_Walker += lui_Increment;
lui_Walker %= lui_BucketCount;
while (lui_Walker != lui_HashCode);
if (li_Free == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Corrupted hash table. Insert failed.");
mk_Buckets[li_Free].mk_Key = ak_Key;
mk_Buckets[li_Free].mk_Value = ak_Value;
mk_Buckets[li_Free].mi_HashCode |= (int)lui_HashCode;
private static void InternalExpandInsert(r_Bucket[] ak_Buckets, r_Bucket ar_Bucket)
ar_Bucket.mi_HashCode &= 0x7fffffff;
uint lui_BucketCount = (uint)ak_Buckets.Length;
uint lui_Increment = (uint)(1 + ((((uint)ar_Bucket.mi_HashCode >> 5) + 1) % (lui_BucketCount - 1)));
uint lui_Walker = (uint)ar_Bucket.mi_HashCode % lui_BucketCount;
for (;;)
int li_Index = (int)lui_Walker;
if (ak_Buckets[li_Index].mk_Key == null)
ak_Buckets[li_Index] = ar_Bucket;
// since current bucket is occupied mark it as duplicate
ak_Buckets[li_Index].mi_HashCode |= unchecked((int)0x80000000);
lui_Walker += lui_Increment;
lui_Walker %= lui_BucketCount;
private void ExpandBucketsArray()
int li_NewSize = FindPrimeGreater(mk_Buckets.Length * 2);
r_Bucket[] lk_Buckets = new r_Bucket[li_NewSize];
foreach (r_Bucket lr_Bucket in mk_Buckets)
if (lr_Bucket.mk_Key == null)
InternalExpandInsert(lk_Buckets, lr_Bucket);
mk_Buckets = lk_Buckets;
mi_GrowSize = (md_LoadFactor < 1.0) ? (int)(md_LoadFactor * li_NewSize) : li_NewSize-1;
private uint ComputeHashAndStep(object ak_Key, out uint aui_Increment)
// mask the sign bit (our collision indicator)
uint lui_HashCode = (uint)GetHashHelper(ak_Key) & 0x7fffffff;
// calc increment value relatively prime to mk_Buckets.Length
aui_Increment = (uint)(1 + (((lui_HashCode >> 5) + 1) % ((uint)mk_Buckets.Length - 1)));
return lui_HashCode;
private int GetHashHelper(object ak_Key)
if (mk_HashProvider != null)
return mk_HashProvider.GetHashCode(ak_Key);
return ak_Key.GetHashCode();
private bool EqualsHelper(object ak_ObjA, object ak_ObjB)
if (mk_Comparer != null)
return (mk_Comparer.Compare(ak_ObjA, ak_ObjB) == 0);
return Object.Equals(ak_ObjA, ak_ObjB);