using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using ln.ethercat.controller.drives; using ln.http.api; using ln.logging; namespace ln.ethercat.controller { public delegate void ControllerLogicDelegate(Controller controller); public delegate void ControllerStateChangeDelegate(Controller controller, ControllerStates newState); public delegate bool ControllerIsSafeToEnable(Controller controller); public enum ControllerStates { NONE, NOTREADY, FAULT, READY, DISABLING, ENABLING, OPERATIONAL } public class Controller { public event ControllerLogicDelegate ControllerLogic; public event ControllerStateChangeDelegate OnStateChanging; public event ControllerStateChangeDelegate OnStateChanged; public event ControllerIsSafeToEnable OnIsSafeToEnable; public ECMaster ECMaster { get; } [ESProperty] public bool IgnoreRemoteInterface { get; set; } private ISet _remotes = new HashSet(); public IEnumerable Remotes => _remotes; List controlLoops = new List(); public ControlLoop[] ControlLoops => controlLoops.ToArray(); [ESProperty] public ControllerStates ControllerState { get; private set; } [ESProperty] public double ControllerLoopInterval { get; set; } = 0.1; [ESProperty] public double ControllerLoopFrequency { get => 1.0 / ControllerLoopInterval; set => ControllerLoopInterval = 1.0 / value; } [ESProperty] public long CycleCounter { get; private set; } Thread threadWatchdog; int wdogCounter; [ESProperty] public bool DisableRemoteWatchdog { get; set; } int remoteWatchdogCounter; public int WatchdogReset { get; set; } = 5; [ESProperty] public int DriveCount => ECMaster.DriveControllers.Length; HashSet controllerLogics = new HashSet(); public Controller(ECMaster ecMaster) { ECMaster = ecMaster; } public void Add(ControlLoop controlLoop) => controlLoops.Add(controlLoop); public void Remove(ControlLoop controlLoop) => controlLoops.Remove(controlLoop); public void Add(ControllerLogic controllerLogic) => controllerLogics.Add(controllerLogic); public void Remove(ControllerLogic controllerLogic) => controllerLogics.Remove(controllerLogic); public void Add(ControllerRemote remote) => _remotes.Add(remote); public void Remove(ControllerRemote remote) => _remotes.Remove(remote); public void Initialize() { CycleCounter = 0; if (!(threadWatchdog?.IsAlive ?? false)) { threadWatchdog = new Thread(Watchdog); threadWatchdog.Start(); } foreach (DriveController driveController in ECMaster.DriveControllers) driveController.Initialize(); foreach (ControllerLogic controllerLogic in controllerLogics) controllerLogic.Initialize(this); } void UpdateControllerState() { ControllerStates nextState = ControllerStates.OPERATIONAL; foreach (DriveController driveController in ECMaster.DriveControllers) { if (!driveController.IgnoredByController) { ControllerStates driveState; switch (driveController.DriveState) { case DriveStates.OPERATIONAL: driveState = ControllerStates.OPERATIONAL; break; case DriveStates.ERROR: driveState = ControllerStates.FAULT; break; case DriveStates.INIT: case DriveStates.BOOT: driveState = ControllerStates.NOTREADY; break; default: driveState = ControllerStates.READY; break; } if (driveState < nextState) nextState = driveState; } if ((ControllerState == ControllerStates.FAULT) && (nextState == ControllerStates.OPERATIONAL)) { DisableDrives(); nextState = ControllerStates.FAULT; } } ChangeState(nextState); } void ChangeState(ControllerStates newState) { if (newState == ControllerState) return; if (ControllerState == ControllerStates.FAULT) return; OnStateChanging?.Invoke(this, newState); switch (newState) { case ControllerStates.FAULT: DisableDrives(); break; case ControllerStates.DISABLING: foreach (DriveController driveController in ECMaster.DriveControllers) driveController.DisableDrive(); break; case ControllerStates.ENABLING: foreach (DriveController driveController in ECMaster.DriveControllers) if (!driveController.IgnoredByController) driveController.EnableDrive(); break; } ControllerState = newState; OnStateChanged?.Invoke(this, newState); } [ESMethod] public void DisableDrives() { ChangeState(ControllerStates.DISABLING); } [ESMethod] public void EnableDrives() { if (ControllerState == ControllerStates.READY) { if (!IsSafeToEnable()) ChangeState(ControllerStates.FAULT); else ChangeState(ControllerStates.ENABLING); } else { Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Controller: EnableDrives(): Current ControllerState={0}. Refusing to enable drives", ControllerState.ToString()); } } public bool IsSafeToEnable() { if (!(OnIsSafeToEnable is null)) { foreach (ControllerIsSafeToEnable ciste in OnIsSafeToEnable.GetInvocationList()) { if (!ciste(this)) return false; } } return true; } [ESMethod] public void ClearFaults() { if (ControllerState == ControllerStates.FAULT) ControllerState = ControllerStates.NONE; foreach (DriveController driveController in ECMaster.DriveControllers) { if (driveController.DriveState == DriveStates.ERROR) driveController.ClearFault(); } } public void RemoteAction(CRActions action) { if (!IgnoreRemoteInterface) { switch (action) { case CRActions.CLEARFAULT: ClearFaults(); break; case CRActions.DISABLE: DisableDrives(); break; case CRActions.ENABLE: EnableDrives(); break; } } } public void RemoteTriggerWatchdog() => remoteWatchdogCounter = 5; public void RemoteUpdateTarget(int drive, double targetValue) { if (!IgnoreRemoteInterface) { targetValue = Math.Clamp(targetValue, -1, 1); if (drive < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(targetValue)); if (drive >= ECMaster.DriveControllers.Length) { Logging.Log(LogLevel.WARNING, "Controller: RemoteUpdateTarget(): trying to update non-existent drive {0}", drive); return; } ECMaster.DriveControllers[drive].TargetValue = targetValue; } } public void Cycle() { wdogCounter = WatchdogReset; CycleCounter++; foreach (DriveController driveController in ECMaster.DriveControllers) driveController.UpdateStates(); UpdateControllerState(); foreach (ControlLoop controlLoop in controlLoops) controlLoop.Loop(); foreach (ControllerLogic controllerLogic in controllerLogics) controllerLogic.Cycle(this); ControllerLogic?.Invoke(this); foreach (DriveController driveController in ECMaster.DriveControllers) driveController.UpdateDrive(); } void Watchdog() { while (true) { try { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ControllerLoopInterval)); if (wdogCounter > 0) { wdogCounter--; } else { ChangeState(ControllerStates.FAULT); } if (remoteWatchdogCounter > 0) { remoteWatchdogCounter--; } else if (!DisableRemoteWatchdog) { ChangeState(ControllerStates.FAULT); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Log(e); } } } } }