
35 lines
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Save = "Save"
"User.AlreadyHaveAccount" = "Already have an account?"
"User.ConfirmPasswordLabel" = "Confirm password"
"User.CreateAccount" = "Create Account"
"User.CurrentPasswordLabel" = "Current password"
"User.EmailLabel" = "Email address"
"User.EmailSaved" = "Successfully saved email!"
"User.ErrEmailAlreadyExists" = "Another user with this email address already exists"
"User.ErrIncorrectUsernameOrPassword" = "Incorrect username or password."
"User.ErrInvalidEmail" = "Not a valid email address"
"User.ErrInvalidName" = "Not a valid name. Must only include alphanumeric characters or _"
"User.ErrInvalidPassword" = "Not a valid password"
"User.ErrPasswordNotVerified" = "The provided password was not correct"
"User.ErrPasswordSave" = "Failed to update your password. Please correct your input and try again"
"User.ErrRegistration" = "Failed to create account. Please correct your input and try again"
"User.ErrUserNotFound" = "User does not exist"
"User.ErrUsernameAlreadyExists" = "Another user with this username already exists"
"User.ErrWrongPasswordConfirmation" = "The provided password did not match the new password"
"User.ForgotPassword" = "Forgot Password"
"User.LoginKeepLoggedIn" = "Keep logged in"
"User.LoginNow" = "Login now"
"User.LoginPasswordLabel" = "Password"
"User.LoginUsernameLabel" = "Username or email address"
"User.NewPasswordLabel" = "New password"
"User.NoAccountYet" = "No account yet?"
"User.PasswordLabel" = "Password"
"User.PasswordSaved" = "Successfully updated password!"
"User.RegisterNow" = "Register now"
"User.UsernameLabel" = "Username"
"User.UsernameSaved" = "Successfully saved username!"
description = "The description of the application"
other = "SoundWerft is a project management tool for music producers."