pipeline { agent any environment { NEXUS = credentials('jenkins_nexus') NCLAZZ = credentials('nclazz_api_token') GITEA_TOKEN = credentials('jenkins_gitea_token') DOCKER_REGISTRY = "docker.nclazz.de" DOCKER_GROUP = 'nclazz-bots' DOCKER_IMAGE = 'gitea-bot' DOCKER_TAG = "${ BRANCH_NAME == "master" ? "latest" : "develop" }" DOCKER_VERSION = "1.0.0" DEPLOY_ENV = "production" } options { timeout(time: 30, unit: "MINUTES") } stages { stage('Docker Build') { agent { label 'docker' } steps { script { docker.withRegistry("https://$DOCKER_REGISTRY", "jenkins_nexus") { def apiImage = docker.build("$DOCKER_GROUP/$DOCKER_IMAGE") apiImage.push("${env.DOCKER_VERSION}") apiImage.push("${env.DOCKER_TAG}") } } } } stage('Run Deployment') { agent { label 'provision' } when { branch 'master' } steps { deployToSwarm( name: 'nclazz-gitea-bot', file: "${env.WORKSPACE}/docker-compose.yml", forceUpdate: true, askApproval: false, slackChannel: 'deployment', env: [ PORT: 7007, VERSION: env.DOCKER_VERSION, AUTH_TOKEN: env.NCLAZZ, GITEA_TOKEN: env.GITEA_TOKEN, GITEA_BASE_URL: 'https://git.l--n.de/api/v1' ] ) exposeService( name: 'nclazz-gitea-bot', fqdn: 'gitea-bot.nclazz.de', description: 'Gitea bot', location: '/', backendPort: 7007 ) } } } post { always { cleanWs() } failure { slackSend( channel: "notifications", color: "danger", message: "There is a *build failure* in ${env.JOB_NAME}.\nBuild: ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL} " ) } unstable { slackSend( channel: "notifications", color: "warning", message: "Some tests have failed in ${env.JOB_NAME}.\nBuild: ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL} " ) } fixed { slackSend( channel: "notifications", color: "good", message: "The build ${env.JOB_NAME} completed successfully and is back to normal.\nBuild: ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL} " ) } } }