Update translations

This commit is contained in:
Francis Lachapelle 2016-01-26 11:14:53 -05:00
parent a55c98b98d
commit 6cfed4eb67
6 changed files with 35 additions and 169 deletions

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"Forward" = "Lähetä edelleen";
"Get Mail" = "Hae";
"Junk" = "Roskaposti";
"Not junk" = "Ei roskaa";
"Reply" = "Vastaa";
"Reply All" = "Vastaa kaikille";
"Print" = "Tulosta";
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
"Options" = "Asetukset";
"Close" = "Sulje";
"Size" = "Koko";
/* Tooltips */
"Send this message now" = "Lähetä viesti nyt";
"Select a recipient from an Address Book" = "Valitse vastaanottaja osoitekirjasta";
@ -34,14 +34,12 @@
"Reply to sender and all recipients" = "Vastaa lähettäjälle ja kaikille vastaanottajille";
"Forward selected message" = "Edelleenlähetä valittu viesti";
"Delete selected message or folder" = "Poista valittu viesti tai kansio";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Merkitse valitut viestit roskaksi";
"Print this message" = "Tulosta viesti";
"Stop the current transfer" = "Pysäytä tämänhetkinen siirto";
"Attachment" = "Liitetiedosto";
"Unread" = "Lukematta";
"Flagged" = "Merkitty";
"Search multiple mailboxes" = "Etsi useista postilaatikoista";
/* Main Frame */
"Home" = "Koti";
"Calendar" = "Kalenteri";
@ -49,7 +47,6 @@
"Mail" = "Sähköposti";
"Right Administration" = "Oikeushallinta";
"Help" = "Apua";
/* Mail account main windows */
"Welcome to the SOGo Mailer. Use the folder tree on the left to browse your mail accounts!" = "Tervetuloa SOGo Sähköpostiin. Käytä vasemmanpuoleista hakupuuta sähköpostitiliesi selaamiseen.";
"Read messages" = "Luetut viestit";
@ -57,16 +54,8 @@
"Share" = "Jaa";
"Account" = "Tili";
"Shared Account" = "Jaettu tili";
/* Empty right pane */
"No message selected" = "Ei valittua viestiä";
/* Mailbox actions */
/* Compact Folder success message */
"Folder compacted" = "Kansio tiivistetty";
/* Empty Trash success message */
"Trash emptied" = "Roskakori tyhjennetty";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Käyttöoikeudet";
"For user" = "Käyttäjälle";
@ -86,7 +75,6 @@
"Saved Messages.zip" = "TallennetutViestit.zip";
"Update" = "Päivitä";
"Cancel" = "Peruuta";
/* Mail edition */
"From" = "Lähettäjä";
"Subject" = "Aihe";
@ -109,7 +97,7 @@
"Edit Draft..." = "Muokkaa luonnosta...";
"Load Images" = "Lataa kuvat";
"Return Receipt" = "Vastaanottokuittaus";
"The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "Viestin lähettäjä on pyytänyt kuittausta kun olet lukenut viestin. Haluatko lähettää kuittauksen?";
"The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "Viestin lähettäjä pyytää kuittausta, kun olet lukenut viestin. Haluatko lähettää kuittauksen?";
"Return Receipt (displayed) - %@"= "Vastaus kuittaus (näkyvä) - %@";
"This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %@.\n\nNote: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read or understood the message contents." = "Tämä on vastaus kuittaus viestiin jonka lähetit %@lle.⏎ ⏎ Huom: Tämä kuittaus kertoo ainoastaan että viesti on näytetty vastaanottajan koneella. Viestin lukemisesta tai sen sisällön ymmärtämisestä ei ole takuuta.";
"Priority" = "Prioriteetti";
@ -121,14 +109,12 @@
"This mail is being sent from an unsecure network!" = "Tätä viestiä lähetetään turvattomasta verkosta!";
"Address Book" = "Osoitekirja";
"Search For" = "Etsi";
/* Popup "show" */
"all" = "kaikki";
"read" = "luetut";
"unread" = "lukemattomat";
"deleted" = "poistetut";
"flagged" = "merkityt";
/* MailListView */
"Sender" = "Lähettäjä";
"Subject or Sender" = "Aihe tai lähettäjä";
@ -149,27 +135,23 @@
"Mark Unread" = "Merkitse lukemattomaksi";
"Mark Read" = "Merkitse luetuksi";
"Untitled" = "Ei otsikkoa";
/* Tree */
"SentFolderName" = "Lähetetyt";
"TrashFolderName" = "Roskakori";
"InboxFolderName" = "Saapuneet";
"DraftsFolderName" = "Luonnokset";
"JunkFolderName" = "Roskaa";
"SieveFolderName" = "Suodattimet";
"Folders" = "Kansiot"; /* title line */
/* MailMoveToPopUp */
"MoveTo" = "Siirrä …";
/* Address Popup menu */
"Add to Address Book..." = "Lisää osoitekirjaan...";
"Compose Mail To" = "Lähetä viesti";
"Create Filter From Message..." = "Muodosta viestistä suodatin...";
/* Image Popup menu */
"Save Image" = "Tallenna kuva";
"Save Attachment" = "Tallenna liite";
/* Mailbox popup menus */
"Open in New Mail Window" = "Avaa uudessa viesti-ikkunassa";
"Copy Folder Location" = "Kopioi kansion sijainti";
@ -186,12 +168,11 @@
"Get Messages for Account" = "Hae viestit tilille";
"Properties..." = "Ominaisuudet...";
"Delegation..." = "Valtuutus...";
/* Use This Folder menu */
"Sent Messages" = "Lähetetyt viestit";
"Drafts" = "Luonnokset";
"Deleted Messages" = "Poistetut viestit";
"Junk Messages" = "Roskapostit";
/* Message list popup menu */
"Open Message In New Window" = "Avaa viesti uudessa ikkunassa";
"Reply to Sender Only" = "Vastaa vain lähettäjälle";
@ -207,14 +188,13 @@
"Print..." = "Tulosta...";
"Delete Message" = "Poista viesti";
"Delete Selected Messages" = "Poista valitut viestit";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Merkitse valitut viestit roskaksi";
"Mark the selected messages as not junk" = "Poista valittujen viestien roskapostimerkintä";
/* Number of selected messages in list */
"selected" = "valittu";
"This Folder" = "Tämä kansio";
/* Label popup menu */
"None" = "Ei mitään";
/* Mark popup menu */
"As Read" = "Luetuksi";
"Thread As Read" = "Ketju luetuksi";
@ -235,7 +215,6 @@
"results found" = "löytyneitä tuloksia";
"result found" = "löytynyt tulos";
"Please specify at least one filter" = "Ole hyvä ja määritä ainakin yksi suodatin";
/* Folder operations */
"Name" = "Nimi";
"Enter the new name of your folder"
@ -264,11 +243,9 @@
= "Viestin siirtäminen omaan kansioonsa on mahdotonta!";
"Copying a message into its own folder is impossible!"
= "Viestin kopioiminen omaan kansioonsa on mahdotonta!";
/* Message operations */
"The messages could not be moved to the trash folder. Would you like to delete them immediately?"
= "Viestejä ei voitu siirtää roskakoriin. Haluatko poistaa ne välittömästi?";
/* Message editing */
"error_missingsubject" = "Viestillä ei ole otsikkoa. Haluatko varrmasti lähettää sen?";
"error_missingrecipients" = "Ole hyvä ja syötä ainakin yksi vastaanottaja.";
@ -276,12 +253,10 @@
"Error while saving the draft" = "Virhe luonnoksen tallennuksessa";
"Error while uploading the file \"%{0}\":" = "Virhe tiedoston \"%{0}\" latauksessa: ";
"There is an active file upload. Closing the window will interrupt it." = "Tiedoston lataus on käynnissä. Ikkunan sulkeminen pysäyttää latauksen.";
/* Message sending */
"cannot send message: (smtp) all recipients discarded" = "Viestiä ei voi lähettää: kaikki vastaanottajat ovat virheellisiä.";
"cannot send message (smtp) - recipients discarded" = "Viestiä ei voi lähettää: seuraavat osoitteet ovat virheellisiä";
"cannot send message: (smtp) error when connecting" = "Viestiä ei voi lähettää: virhe yhdistettäessä SMTP -palvelimeen.";
/* Contacts list in mail editor */
"Email" = "Sähköposti";
"More mail options" = "Lisää sähköpostiasetuksia";
@ -314,4 +289,4 @@
"More search options" = "Lisää hakuvaihtoehtoja";
"Your email has been saved" = "Sähköpostiviestisi on tallennettu";
"Your email has been sent" = "Sähköpostiviestisi on lähetetty";
"Folder compacted" = "Kansio tiivistetty";
"Folder compacted" = "Kansio tiivistetty";

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"Forward" = "Weiterleiten";
"Get Mail" = "Abrufen";
"Junk" = "Junk";
"Not junk" = "Kein Spam";
"Reply" = "Antworten";
"Reply All" = "Allen Antworten";
"Print" = "Drucken";
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
"Options" = "Optionen";
"Close" = "Schließen";
"Size" = "Größe";
/* Tooltips */
"Send this message now" = "Diese Nachricht jetzt senden";
"Select a recipient from an Address Book" = "Einen Empfänger aus einem Adressbuch wählen";
@ -34,14 +34,12 @@
"Reply to sender and all recipients" = "Auf gewählte Nachricht(en) an den Absender und alle Empfänger antworten";
"Forward selected message" = "Gewählte Nachricht(en) weiterleiten";
"Delete selected message or folder" = "Gewählte Nachricht(en) oder Ordner löschen";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Gewählte Nachricht(en) als Junk einstufen";
"Print this message" = "Gewählte Nachricht drucken";
"Stop the current transfer" = "Derzeitige Übertragung stoppen";
"Attachment" = "Anhang";
"Unread" = "Ungelesene";
"Flagged" = "Markiert";
"Search multiple mailboxes" = "In mehreren Postfächern suchen";
/* Main Frame */
"Home" = "Anfang";
"Calendar" = "Kalender";
@ -49,7 +47,6 @@
"Mail" = "E-Mail";
"Right Administration" = "Rechteverwaltung";
"Help" = "Hilfe";
/* Mail account main windows */
"Welcome to the SOGo Mailer. Use the folder tree on the left to browse your mail accounts!" = "Willkommen zum SOGo Mailer. Verwenden Sie den Ordnerbaum auf der linken Seite, um in Ihrem E-Mail-Konto zu stöbern!";
"Read messages" = "Nachrichten lesen";
@ -57,16 +54,8 @@
"Share" = "Benutzerrechte";
"Account" = "Konto";
"Shared Account" = "Gemeinsames Konto";
/* Empty right pane */
"No message selected" = "Keine Nachricht ausgewählt";
/* Mailbox actions */
/* Compact Folder success message */
"Folder compacted" = "Ordner komprimiert";
/* Empty Trash success message */
"Trash emptied" = "Papierkorb geleert";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Zugriffsrechte für";
"For user" = "Für Benutzer";
@ -86,7 +75,6 @@
"Saved Messages.zip" = "Gespeicherte Nachrichten.zip";
"Update" = "Speichern";
"Cancel" = "Abbrechen";
/* Mail edition */
"From" = "Von";
"Subject" = "Betreff";
@ -109,7 +97,7 @@
"Edit Draft..." = "Entwurf bearbeiten...";
"Load Images" = "Bilder laden";
"Return Receipt" = "Empfangsbestätigung";
"The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "Der Absender möchte darüber informiert werden, dass Sie die Nachricht gelesen haben. Möchten Sie den Absender benachrichtigen?";
"The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "Der Absender dieser Nachricht möchte benachrichtigt werden, sobald Sie diese Nachricht lesen. Sind Sie einverstanden den Absender zu benachrichtigen?";
"Return Receipt (displayed) - %@"= "Empfangsbestätigung (angezeigt) - %@";
"This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %@.\n\nNote: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read or understood the message contents." = "Dies ist die Empfangsbestätigung für die Nachricht, die Sie an %@ gesendet haben.\n\nHinweis: Es wird lediglich bestätigt, dass die Nachricht auf dem Computer des Empfängers empfangen (angezeigt) wurde. Es wird nicht garantiert, dass der Empfänger die Nachricht gelesen und/oder verstanden hat.";
"Priority" = "Priorität";
@ -121,14 +109,12 @@
"This mail is being sent from an unsecure network!" = "Diese E-Mail wurde von einem unsicheren Netzwerk gesendet!";
"Address Book" = "Adressbuch";
"Search For" = "Suche nach";
/* Popup "show" */
"all" = "Alle";
"read" = "Gelesene";
"unread" = "Ungelesene";
"deleted" = "Gelöschte";
"flagged" = "Markierte";
/* MailListView */
"Sender" = "Absender";
"Subject or Sender" = "Betreff oder Absender";
@ -149,27 +135,23 @@
"Mark Unread" = "Als ungelesen markieren";
"Mark Read" = "Als gelesen markieren";
"Untitled" = "ohne Titel";
/* Tree */
"SentFolderName" = "Gesendet";
"TrashFolderName" = "Papierkorb";
"InboxFolderName" = "Posteingang";
"DraftsFolderName" = "Entwürfe";
"JunkFolderName" = "Spam";
"SieveFolderName" = "Filter";
"Folders" = "Ordner"; /* title line */
/* MailMoveToPopUp */
"MoveTo" = "Verschieben nach …";
/* Address Popup menu */
"Add to Address Book..." = "Zum Adressbuch hinzufügen...";
"Compose Mail To" = "Verfassen an";
"Create Filter From Message..." = "Filter aus Nachricht erstellen...";
/* Image Popup menu */
"Save Image" = "Bild speichern";
"Save Attachment" = "Anhang speichern";
/* Mailbox popup menus */
"Open in New Mail Window" = "In neuem Fenster öffnen";
"Copy Folder Location" = "Ordneradresse kopieren";
@ -186,12 +168,11 @@
"Get Messages for Account" = "Neue Nachrichten abrufen";
"Properties..." = "Eigenschaften...";
"Delegation..." = "Delegation...";
/* Use This Folder menu */
"Sent Messages" = "Gesendete Nachrichten";
"Drafts" = "Entwürfe";
"Deleted Messages" = "Gelöschte Nachrichten";
"Junk Messages" = "Spam-Nachrichten";
/* Message list popup menu */
"Open Message In New Window" = "In neuem Fenster öffnen";
"Reply to Sender Only" = "Nur dem Absender antworten";
@ -207,14 +188,13 @@
"Print..." = "Drucken...";
"Delete Message" = "Nachricht löschen";
"Delete Selected Messages" = "Gewählte Nachricht(en) löschen";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Gewählte Nachricht(en) als Junk einstufen";
"Mark the selected messages as not junk" = "Die ausgewählte Nachricht nicht mehr als Spam markieren";
/* Number of selected messages in list */
"selected" = "ausgewählt";
"This Folder" = "Dieser Ordner";
/* Label popup menu */
"None" = "Kein";
/* Mark popup menu */
"As Read" = "Gelesen";
"Thread As Read" = "Thema gelesen";
@ -235,7 +215,6 @@
"results found" = "Ergebnisse gefunden";
"result found" = "Ergebnis gefunden";
"Please specify at least one filter" = "Bitte mindestens einen Filter definieren";
/* Folder operations */
"Name" = "Name";
"Enter the new name of your folder"
@ -264,11 +243,9 @@
= "Nachricht befindet sich bereits in diesem Ordner!";
"Copying a message into its own folder is impossible!"
= "Nachricht befindet sich bereits in diesem Ordner!";
/* Message operations */
"The messages could not be moved to the trash folder. Would you like to delete them immediately?"
= "Die Nachricht(en) konnten nicht in den Papierkorb verschoben werden. Wollen Sie diese endgültig löschen?";
/* Message editing */
"error_missingsubject" = "Der Betreff fehlt. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dies so senden möchten?";
"error_missingrecipients" = "Der Empfänger fehlt.";
@ -276,12 +253,10 @@
"Error while saving the draft" = "Fehler beim Speichern des Entwurfes";
"Error while uploading the file \"%{0}\":" = "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei \"%{0}\":";
"There is an active file upload. Closing the window will interrupt it." = "Es wird gerade eine Datei hochgeladen. Das Schließen des Fensters wird dies abbrechen.";
/* Message sending */
"cannot send message: (smtp) all recipients discarded" = "Kann Nachricht nicht versenden: Alle Empfänger sind ungültig.";
"cannot send message (smtp) - recipients discarded" = "Kann Nachricht nicht versenden: Die folgenden Adressen sind ungültig";
"cannot send message: (smtp) error when connecting" = "Kann Nachricht nicht versenden: Fehler beim Verbinden mit dem SMTP-Server.";
/* Contacts list in mail editor */
"Email" = "E-Mail";
"More mail options" = "Weitere E-Mail-Optionen";
@ -314,4 +289,4 @@
"More search options" = "Weitere Suchoptionen";
"Your email has been saved" = "Ihre E-Mail wurde gespeichert";
"Your email has been sent" = "Ihre E-Mail wurde gesendet";
"Folder compacted" = "Ordner komprimiert";
"Folder compacted" = "Ordner komprimiert";

View file

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
"Expunge" = "Wyczyść ostatecznie";
"Forward" = "Przekaż";
"Get Mail" = "Pobierz pocztę";
"Junk" = "Śmieć";
"Junk" = "Spam";
"Not junk" = "Nie-spam";
"Reply" = "Odpowiedz";
"Reply All" = "Odpowiedz wszystkim";
"Print" = "Drukuj";
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
"Options" = "Opcje";
"Close" = "Zamknij";
"Size" = "Rozmiar";
/* Tooltips */
"Send this message now" = "Wyślij teraz tę wiadomość";
"Select a recipient from an Address Book" = "Wybierz odbiorcę z książki adresowej";
@ -34,14 +34,12 @@
"Reply to sender and all recipients" = "Odpowiedz nadawcy i wszystkim odbiorcom";
"Forward selected message" = "Przekaż zaznaczoną wiadomość";
"Delete selected message or folder" = "Usuń zaznaczoną wiadomość lub folder";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Oznacz zaznaczone wiadomości jako śmieci";
"Print this message" = "Wydrukuj tę wiadomość";
"Stop the current transfer" = "Zatrzymaj bieżący transfer";
"Attachment" = "Załącznik";
"Unread" = "Nie przeczytane";
"Flagged" = "Oflagowane";
"Search multiple mailboxes" = "Przeszukaj wiele skrzynek";
/* Main Frame */
"Home" = "Strona główna";
"Calendar" = "Kalendarz";
@ -49,7 +47,6 @@
"Mail" = "Poczta";
"Right Administration" = "Uprawnienia";
"Help" = "Pomoc";
/* Mail account main windows */
"Welcome to the SOGo Mailer. Use the folder tree on the left to browse your mail accounts!" = "Witaj w programie SOGo Mailer. Używaj drzewa folderów po lewej stronie by przeglądać swoje konta pocztowe!";
"Read messages" = "Wiadomości przeczytane";
@ -57,16 +54,8 @@
"Share" = "Udostępnianie";
"Account" = "Konto";
"Shared Account" = "Udostępnione konto";
/* Empty right pane */
"No message selected" = "Nie wybrano wiadomości";
/* Mailbox actions */
/* Compact Folder success message */
"Folder compacted" = "Folder zkompaktowany";
/* Empty Trash success message */
"Trash emptied" = "Kosz opróżniony";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Uprawnienia dla";
"For user" = "Dla użytkownika";
@ -86,7 +75,6 @@
"Saved Messages.zip" = "Zapisano Messages.zip";
"Update" = "Zaktualizuj";
"Cancel" = "Anuluj";
/* Mail edition */
"From" = "Od";
"Subject" = "Temat";
@ -109,7 +97,7 @@
"Edit Draft..." = "Edytuj szkic";
"Load Images" = "Załaduj obrazki";
"Return Receipt" = "Potwierdzenie";
"The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "Nadawca wiadomości poprosił o potwierdzenie w chwili, gdy odczytasz tą wiadomość. Czy chcesz powiadomić nadawcę?";
"The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "Nadawca wiadomości poprosił o potwierdzenie przeczytania wiadomości. Czy chcesz go powiadomić?";
"Return Receipt (displayed) - %@"= "Potwierdzenie (wyświetlone) - %@";
"This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %@.\n\nNote: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read or understood the message contents." = "To jest potwierdzenie dla e-maila, który był wysłany do %@.\n\nUwaga: To jest potwierdzenie otwarcia maila. Nie gwarantuje ono, że odbiorca przeczytał wiadomość i ją zrozumiał.";
"Priority" = "Priorytet";
@ -121,14 +109,12 @@
"This mail is being sent from an unsecure network!" = "Ta wiadomość jest wysyłana z niezabezpieczonej sieci!";
"Address Book" = "Książka adresowa";
"Search For" = "Szukaj";
/* Popup "show" */
"all" = "wszystkie";
"read" = "przeczytane";
"unread" = "nie przeczytane";
"deleted" = "usunięte";
"flagged" = "oflagowane";
/* MailListView */
"Sender" = "Nadawca";
"Subject or Sender" = "Temat lub nadawca";
@ -149,27 +135,23 @@
"Mark Unread" = "Oznacz jako nie przeczytane";
"Mark Read" = "Oznacz jako przeczytane";
"Untitled" = "Bez tytułu";
/* Tree */
"SentFolderName" = "Wysłane";
"TrashFolderName" = "Kosz";
"InboxFolderName" = "Odebrane";
"DraftsFolderName" = "Szkice";
"JunkFolderName" = "Spam";
"SieveFolderName" = "Filtry";
"Folders" = "Foldery"; /* title line */
/* MailMoveToPopUp */
"MoveTo" = "Przenieś …";
/* Address Popup menu */
"Add to Address Book..." = "Dodaj do książki adresowej";
"Compose Mail To" = "Utwórz wiadomość do";
"Create Filter From Message..." = "Utwórz filtr z wiadomości";
/* Image Popup menu */
"Save Image" = "Zapisz obrazek";
"Save Attachment" = "Zapisz załącznik";
/* Mailbox popup menus */
"Open in New Mail Window" = "Otwórz w nowym oknie";
"Copy Folder Location" = "Kopiuj położenie foldera";
@ -186,12 +168,11 @@
"Get Messages for Account" = "Pobierz wiadomości z konta";
"Properties..." = "Właściwości";
"Delegation..." = "Delegacja";
/* Use This Folder menu */
"Sent Messages" = "Wysłane";
"Drafts" = "Szkice";
"Deleted Messages" = "Usunięte";
"Junk Messages" = "Niechciane";
/* Message list popup menu */
"Open Message In New Window" = "Otwórz wiadomość w nowym oknie";
"Reply to Sender Only" = "Odpowiedz tylko nadawcy";
@ -207,23 +188,22 @@
"Print..." = "Drukuj...";
"Delete Message" = "Usuń wiadomość";
"Delete Selected Messages" = "Usuń zaznaczone wiadomości";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Oznacz zaznaczone wiadomości jako spam";
"Mark the selected messages as not junk" = "Oznacz wskazane wiadomości jako nie-spam";
/* Number of selected messages in list */
"selected" = "wybranych";
"This Folder" = "Ten folder";
/* Label popup menu */
"None" = "Brak";
/* Mark popup menu */
"As Read" = "Jako przeczytane";
"Thread As Read" = "Wątek jako przeczytany";
"As Read By Date..." = "jako przeczytane do daty";
"All Read" = "wszystkie przeczytane";
"Flag" = "Flaga";
"As Junk" = "Jako śmieć";
"As Not Junk" = "Jako nie-śmieć";
"Run Junk Mail Controls" = "Uruchom kontrolę wiadomości śmieci";
"As Junk" = "Jako spam";
"As Not Junk" = "Jako nie spam";
"Run Junk Mail Controls" = "Uruchom kontrolę niechcianych wiadomości";
"Search messages in" = "Szukaj wiadomości w";
"Search" = "Szukaj";
"Search subfolders" = "Przeszukaj podfoldery";
@ -235,7 +215,6 @@
"results found" = "wiadomości pasuje";
"result found" = "pasująca wiadomość";
"Please specify at least one filter" = "Wybierz co najmniej jeden filtr";
/* Folder operations */
"Name" = "Nazwa";
"Enter the new name of your folder"
@ -264,11 +243,9 @@
= "Przenoszenie wiadomości do jej obecnego folderu nie jest możliwe!";
"Copying a message into its own folder is impossible!"
= "Kopiowanie wiadomości do jej obecnego folderu nie jest możliwe!";
/* Message operations */
"The messages could not be moved to the trash folder. Would you like to delete them immediately?"
= "Wiadomość nie może być przeniesiona do kosza. Czy chcesz ją skasować?";
/* Message editing */
"error_missingsubject" = "Brak tematu";
"error_missingrecipients" = "Brak odbiorców";
@ -276,12 +253,10 @@
"Error while saving the draft" = "Błąd podczas zapisywania kopii roboczej";
"Error while uploading the file \"%{0}\":" = "Błąd w trakcie wysyłania pliku \"%{0}\":";
"There is an active file upload. Closing the window will interrupt it." = "Trwa przesyłanie pliku. Zamknięcie okna przerwie tą transmisję.";
/* Message sending */
"cannot send message: (smtp) all recipients discarded" = "Nie można wysłać wiadomości - wszyscy odbiorcy zostali odrzuceni.";
"cannot send message (smtp) - recipients discarded" = "Nie można wysłać wiadomości - poniżsi odbiorcy zostali odrzuceni";
"cannot send message: (smtp) error when connecting" = "Nie można wysłać wiadomości - błąd połączenia z serwerem SMTP";
/* Contacts list in mail editor */
"Email" = "E-mail";
"More mail options" = "Więcej opcji e-mail";
@ -314,4 +289,4 @@
"More search options" = "Więcej opcji wyszukiwania";
"Your email has been saved" = "E-mail został zapisany";
"Your email has been sent" = "E-mail został wysłany";
"Folder compacted" = "Folder zkompaktowany";
"Folder compacted" = "Folder zkompaktowany";

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"Forward" = "Reenviar";
"Get Mail" = "Recibir";
"Junk" = "SPAM";
"Not junk" = "No es spam";
"Reply" = "Responder";
"Reply All" = "Responder a todos";
"Print" = "Imprimir";
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
"Options" = "Opciones";
"Close" = "Cerrar";
"Size" = "Tamaño";
/* Tooltips */
"Send this message now" = "Enviar este mensaje ahora";
"Select a recipient from an Address Book" = "Seleccione un destinatario de una libreta de direcciones";
@ -34,14 +34,12 @@
"Reply to sender and all recipients" = "Responder al remitente y a todos los destinatarios";
"Forward selected message" = "Reenviar el mensaje seleccionado";
"Delete selected message or folder" = "Borrar el mensaje o la carpeta seleccionados";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Marcar los mensajes seleccionados como SPAM";
"Print this message" = "Imprimir este mensaje";
"Stop the current transfer" = "Detener la transferencia actual";
"Attachment" = "Adjunto";
"Unread" = "No leído";
"Flagged" = "Marcado";
"Search multiple mailboxes" = "Buscar en múltiples carpetas";
/* Main Frame */
"Home" = "Inicio";
"Calendar" = "Calendario";
@ -49,7 +47,6 @@
"Mail" = "Correo";
"Right Administration" = "Gestión de permisos";
"Help" = "Ayuda";
/* Mail account main windows */
"Welcome to the SOGo Mailer. Use the folder tree on the left to browse your mail accounts!" = "Bienvenido al módulo de correo de SOGo. Use el árbol de carpetas a la izquierda para navegar por sus cuentas de correo.";
"Read messages" = "Leer mensajes";
@ -57,16 +54,8 @@
"Share" = "Compartir";
"Account" = "Cuenta";
"Shared Account" = "Cuenta compartida";
/* Empty right pane */
"No message selected" = "Ningún mensaje seleccionado";
/* Mailbox actions */
/* Compact Folder success message */
"Folder compacted" = "La carpeta se ha compactado";
/* Empty Trash success message */
"Trash emptied" = "La papelera ha sido vaciada";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Permisos de acceso a";
"For user" = "Para el usuario";
@ -86,7 +75,6 @@
"Saved Messages.zip" = "Mensajes Guardados.zip";
"Update" = "Actualizar";
"Cancel" = "Cancelar";
/* Mail edition */
"From" = "De";
"Subject" = "Asunto";
@ -121,14 +109,12 @@
"This mail is being sent from an unsecure network!" = "Este mensaje esta siendo enviado desde una red no segura.";
"Address Book" = "Libreta de direcciones";
"Search For" = "Buscar";
/* Popup "show" */
"all" = "todo";
"read" = "leído";
"unread" = "no leído";
"deleted" = "borrado";
"flagged" = "marcado";
/* MailListView */
"Sender" = "Remitente";
"Subject or Sender" = "Asunto o remitente";
@ -149,27 +135,23 @@
"Mark Unread" = "Marcar como no leído";
"Mark Read" = "Marcar como leído";
"Untitled" = "Sin título";
/* Tree */
"SentFolderName" = "Enviados";
"TrashFolderName" = "Papelera";
"InboxFolderName" = "Bandeja de entrada";
"DraftsFolderName" = "Borradores";
"JunkFolderName" = "Spam";
"SieveFolderName" = "Filtros";
"Folders" = "Carpetas"; /* title line */
/* MailMoveToPopUp */
"MoveTo" = "Mover a …";
/* Address Popup menu */
"Add to Address Book..." = "Añadir a una libreta de direcciones...";
"Compose Mail To" = "Crear mensaje para";
"Create Filter From Message..." = "Create filtro a partir del mensaje...";
/* Image Popup menu */
"Save Image" = "Guardar imagen";
"Save Attachment" = "Guardar adjunto";
/* Mailbox popup menus */
"Open in New Mail Window" = "Abrir mensaje en nueva ventana";
"Copy Folder Location" = "Copiar dirección de la carpeta";
@ -186,12 +168,11 @@
"Get Messages for Account" = "Recibir mensajes para cuenta";
"Properties..." = "Propiedades...";
"Delegation..." = "Delegación...";
/* Use This Folder menu */
"Sent Messages" = "Mensajes enviados";
"Drafts" = "Borradores";
"Deleted Messages" = "Mensajes borrados";
"Junk Messages" = "Mensajes spam";
/* Message list popup menu */
"Open Message In New Window" = "Abrir mensaje en ventana nueva";
"Reply to Sender Only" = "Responder sólo al remitente";
@ -207,14 +188,13 @@
"Print..." = "Imprimir...";
"Delete Message" = "Borrar mensaje";
"Delete Selected Messages" = "Borrar mensajes selecionados";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Marcar los mensajes seleccionados como SPAM";
"Mark the selected messages as not junk" = "Marcar los mensajes seleccionados como NO spam";
/* Number of selected messages in list */
"selected" = "seleccionado";
"This Folder" = "Esta carpeta";
/* Label popup menu */
"None" = "Ninguna";
/* Mark popup menu */
"As Read" = "Como leídos";
"Thread As Read" = "Conversación como leída";
@ -235,7 +215,6 @@
"results found" = "resultados encontrados";
"result found" = "resultado encontrado";
"Please specify at least one filter" = "Por favor especifique por lo menos un filtro";
/* Folder operations */
"Name" = "Nombre";
"Enter the new name of your folder"
@ -264,11 +243,9 @@
= "¡Es imposible mover los mensajes a la misma carpeta!";
"Copying a message into its own folder is impossible!"
= "¡Es imposible copiar mensajes a la misma carpeta!";
/* Message operations */
"The messages could not be moved to the trash folder. Would you like to delete them immediately?"
= "Los mensajes no pueden ser movidos a la papelera. ¿Quiere borrarlos inmediatamente?";
/* Message editing */
"error_missingsubject" = "No ha indicado el asunto";
"error_missingrecipients" = "No ha indicado el/los destinatario(s)";
@ -276,12 +253,10 @@
"Error while saving the draft" = "Ocurrió un error mientras se guardaba el borrador";
"Error while uploading the file \"%{0}\":" = "Ocurrió un error mientras se subía el archivo \"%{0}\":";
"There is an active file upload. Closing the window will interrupt it." = "Se está subiendo un archivo. Si cierra la ventana se cancelará la operación.";
/* Message sending */
"cannot send message: (smtp) all recipients discarded" = "No se puede enviar el mensaje: Ninguno de los destinatarios es válido.";
"cannot send message (smtp) - recipients discarded" = "No se puede enviar el mensaje: Las siguientes direcciones no son válidas";
"cannot send message: (smtp) error when connecting" = "No se puede enviar el mensaje: Error de conexión mientras se trataba de conectar con el servidor SMTP.";
/* Contacts list in mail editor */
"Email" = "Correo";
"More mail options" = "Más opciones de correo";
@ -314,4 +289,4 @@
"More search options" = "Más opciones de búsqueda";
"Your email has been saved" = "Su mensaje has sido guardado";
"Your email has been sent" = "Su mensaje ha sido enviado";
"Folder compacted" = "La carpeta se ha compactado";
"Folder compacted" = "La carpeta se ha compactado";

View file

@ -307,8 +307,8 @@
"Deleted" = "Usunięte";
"Answered" = "Odpowiedziane";
"Flagged" = "Oflagowane";
"Junk" = "Śmieć";
"Not Junk" = "Nie śmieć";
"Junk" = "Spam";
"Not Junk" = "Nie-spam";
/* Password policy */
"The password was changed successfully." = "Hasło zostało zmienione.";

View file

@ -10,36 +10,31 @@
"Switch to day view" = "Cambiar a vista diaria";
"Switch to week view" = "Cambiar a vista semanal";
"Switch to month view" = "Cambiar a vista mensual";
"Switch to multi-columns day view" = "Cambiar a vista diaria multicolumna";
"Reload all calendars" = "Recargar todos los calendarios";
/* Tabs */
"Date" = "Fecha";
"Calendars" = "Calendarios";
"No events for selected criteria" = "Ningún evento que coincida con el criterio seleccionado";
"No tasks for selected criteria" = "Ninguna tarea que coincida con el criterio seleccionado";
/* Day */
"DayOfTheMonth" = "Día del mes";
"dayLabelFormat" = "%d/%m/%Y";
"today" = "Hoy";
"Previous Day" = "Día anterior";
"Next Day" = "Próximo día";
/* Week */
"Week" = "Semana";
"this week" = "esta semana";
"Week %d" = "Semana %d";
"Previous Week" = "Semana anterior";
"Next Week" = "Próxima semana";
/* Month */
"this month" = "este mes";
"Previous Month" = "Mes anterior";
"Next Month" = "Próximo mes";
/* Year */
"this year" = "este año";
/* Menu */
"Calendar" = "Calendario";
"Contacts" = "Contactos";
@ -62,14 +57,11 @@
"A total of %{0} events were imported in the calendar." = "Un total de %{0} eventos fueron importados al calendario.";
"Compose E-Mail to All Attendees" = "Crear un mensaje para todos los asistentes";
"Compose E-Mail to Undecided Attendees" = "Crear un mensaje para todos los asistentes que aún no se han decidido";
/* Folders */
"Personal calendar" = "Calendario personal";
/* Misc */
"OpenGroupware.org" = "OpenGroupware.org";
"Forbidden" = "Prohibido";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Permisos de acceso a";
"For user" = "Para el usuario";
@ -92,7 +84,6 @@
= "Esta persona puede crear elementos en mi calendario.";
"This person can erase objects from my calendar."
= "Esta persona puede eliminar elementos de mi calendario.";
/* Button Titles */
"Subscribe to a Calendar..." = "Darse de alta en un calendario...";
"Remove the selected Calendar" = "Borrar calendario seleccionado";
@ -113,7 +104,6 @@
"Save" = "Guardar";
"show_rejected_apts" = "Mostrar citas rechazadas";
"hide_rejected_apts" = "Ocultar citas rechazadas";
/* Schedule */
"Schedule" = "Agenda";
"No appointments found" = "No se han encontrado eventos";
@ -126,7 +116,6 @@
"more attendees" = "Más asistentes";
"Hide already accepted and rejected appointments" = "Ocultar eventos ya confirmados o rechazados";
"Show already accepted and rejected appointments" = "Mostrar eventos ya confirmados o rechazados";
/* Print view */
"LIST" = "Lista";
"Print Settings" = "Opciones de impresión";
@ -140,7 +129,6 @@
"Display events and tasks colors" = "Mostrar los colores de los eventos y las tareas";
"Borders" = "Bordes";
"Backgrounds" = "Fondos";
/* Appointments */
"Appointment viewer" = "Visor de eventos";
"Appointment editor" = "Editor de eventos";
@ -194,12 +182,10 @@
"partStat_TENTATIVE" = "Lo confirmaré más tarde";
"partStat_DELEGATED" = "Delegado";
"partStat_OTHER" = "Otro";
/* Appointments (error messages) */
"Conflicts found!" = "Hay conflictos!";
"Invalid iCal data!" = "¡Datos iCal no válidos!";
"Could not create iCal data!" = "¡No se pueden crear datos en formato iCal!";
/* Searching */
"view_all" = "Todos los eventos";
"view_today" = "Hoy";
@ -223,13 +209,11 @@
"check for conflicts" = "Buscar conflictos";
"URL" = "URL";
"newAttendee" = "Añadir asistente";
/* calendar modes */
"Overview" = "Resumen";
"Chart" = "Tabla";
"List" = "Lista";
"Columns" = "Columnas";
/* Priorities */
"prio_0" = "No especificada";
"prio_1" = "Alta";
@ -241,7 +225,6 @@
"prio_7" = "Baja";
"prio_8" = "Baja";
"prio_9" = "Baja";
/* access classes (privacy) */
"PUBLIC_vevent" = "Evento público";
"CONFIDENTIAL_vevent" = "Evento confidencial";
@ -249,7 +232,6 @@
"PUBLIC_vtodo" = "Tarea pública";
"CONFIDENTIAL_vtodo" = "Tarea confidencial";
"PRIVATE_vtodo" = "Tarea privada";
/* status type */
"status_" = "No especificado";
"status_NOT-SPECIFIED" = "No especificado";
@ -259,7 +241,6 @@
"status_NEEDS-ACTION" = "Necesita intervención";
"status_IN-PROCESS" = "En proceso";
"status_COMPLETED" = "Completado";
/* Cycles */
"cycle_once" = "una repetición";
"cycle_daily" = "diariamente";
@ -304,11 +285,9 @@
"Fourth" = "Cuarto";
"Fift" = "Quinto";
"Last" = "Último";
/* Appointment categories */
"category_none" = "Ninguna";
"category_labels" = "Aniversario,Cumpleaños,Negocios,Llamadas,Clientes,Competencia,Trabajo,Favoritos,Seguimiento,Regalos,Fiestas,Ideas,Reunión,Asuntos,Varios,Personal,Proyectos,Vacaciones públicas,Estado,Proveedores,Viajes,Vacaciones";
"repeat_NEVER" = "sin repetición";
"repeat_DAILY" = "diariamente";
"repeat_WEEKLY" = "semanalmente";
@ -317,7 +296,6 @@
"repeat_MONTHLY" = "mensualmente";
"repeat_YEARLY" = "anualmente";
"repeat_CUSTOM" = "personalizado...";
"reminder_NONE" = "Sin recordatorio";
"reminder_5_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "5 minutos antes";
"reminder_10_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "10 minutos antes";
@ -346,21 +324,17 @@
"Send an E-mail" = "Enviar un correo";
"Email Organizer" = "Enviar correo al organizador";
"Email Attendees" = "Enviar correo a los asistentes";
"zoom_400" = "400%";
"zoom_200" = "200%";
"zoom_100" = "100%";
"zoom_50" = "50%";
"zoom_25" = "25%";
/* transparency */
"Show Time as Free" = "Mostrar tiempo como disponible";
/* email notifications */
"Send Appointment Notifications" = "Enviar notificaciones sobre el evento";
"From" = "De";
"To" = "Para";
/* validation errors */
validate_notitle = "No ha escrito un título, ¿Desea continuar?";
validate_invalid_startdate = "Fecha de inicio incorrecta";
@ -369,12 +343,10 @@ validate_endbeforestart = "La fecha/hora de inicio es posterior a la de fin."
"Events" = "Eventos";
"Tasks" = "Tareas";
"Show completed tasks" = "Mostrar tareas completadas";
/* tabs */
"Task" = "Tarea";
"Event" = "Evento";
"Recurrence" = "Frecuencia";
/* toolbar */
"New Event" = "Nuevo evento";
"New Task" = "Nueva tarea";
@ -388,7 +360,6 @@ validate_endbeforestart = "La fecha/hora de inicio es posterior a la de fin."
/* Number of selected components in events or tasks list */
"selected" = "seleccionado";
"eventPartStatModificationError" = "Su estado de participación no puede ser actualizado.";
/* menu */
"New Event..." = "Nuevo evento...";
"New Task..." = "Nueva tarea...";
@ -404,7 +375,6 @@ validate_endbeforestart = "La fecha/hora de inicio es posterior a la de fin."
= "No puede quitarse ni darse de baja de su calendario personal.";
"Are you sure you want to delete the calendar \"%{0}\"?"
= "¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar el calendario \"%{0}\"?";
/* Legend */
"Participant" = "Asistente";
"Optional Participant" = "Asistentes opcionales";
@ -418,7 +388,6 @@ validate_endbeforestart = "La fecha/hora de inicio es posterior a la de fin."
"Busy" = "Ocupado";
"Maybe busy" = "Posiblemente ocupado";
"No free-busy information" = "Sin información de disponibilidad.";
/* FreeBusy panel buttons and labels */
"Suggest time slot" = "Proponer intervalo de tiempo";
"Zoom" = "Ampliación";
@ -432,14 +401,12 @@ validate_endbeforestart = "La fecha/hora de inicio es posterior a la de fin."
"and" = "y";
"A time conflict exists with one or more attendees.\nWould you like to keep the current settings anyway?"
= "Existe un conflicto de disponibilidad entre uno o más asistentes.\n¿Quiere guardar ésta propuesta de todas formas?";
/* events list */
"Due" = "Debido a";
"(Private Event)" = "(Evento privado)";
vevent_class0 = "(Evento público)";
vevent_class1 = "(Evento privado)";
vevent_class2 = "(Evento confidencial)";
/* tasks list */
"Descending Order" = "Orden ascendente";
vtodo_class0 = "(Tarea pública)";
@ -455,7 +422,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tarea confidencial)";
"Edit All Occurrences" = "Editar todas las ocurrencias";
"Update This Occurrence" = "Actualizar esta ocurrencia";
"Update All Occurrences" = "Actualizar todas las ocurrencias";
/* Properties dialog */
"Color" = "Color";
"Include in free-busy" = "Incluir en información de disponibilidad";
@ -476,7 +442,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tarea confidencial)";
"CalDAV URL" = "URL CalDAV";
/* Error messages */
"dayFieldInvalid" = "Por favor, especificar un valor numérico en el campo día mayor o igual a 1.";
"weekFieldInvalid" = "Por favor, especificar un valor numérico en el campo semana(s) mayor o igual a 1.";
@ -537,4 +502,5 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tarea confidencial)";
"Rename" = "Renombrar";
"Import Calendar" = "Importar calendario";
"Select an ICS file." = "Seleccionar un archivo ICS.";
/* Notification when user subscribes to a calendar */
"Successfully subscribed to calendar" = "Se suscribió con éxito al calendario";