Added missing Russian files and updated German translation

Monotone-Parent: 6bcbf38fda24078ff8ec9c45526f9457cf006d0e
Monotone-Revision: ef6a3721ce15e46898bf17beffc20e0a010566e8

Monotone-Date: 2009-05-24T10:11:59
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Ludovic Marcotte 2009-05-24 10:11:59 +00:00
parent 7f6dc0d25a
commit f53dcdd10d
29 changed files with 1712 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
- basic alarm implementation for the web interface
- user's status for events in the web interface now appears like in Lightning ("needs-action" events are surrounded by a dashed line, "declined" events are lighter)
- added Welsh localisation, thanks to Iona Bailey
- added Welsh translation, thanks to Iona Bailey
- added Russh translation, thanks to Alex Kabakaev
- added support for Oracle RAC
- improvements to the underlying SOGo cache infrastructure
- fixed bug with LDAP-based address books and the entries references (ID vs UID)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<#IsSubject>Событие отменено: <#summary/></#IsSubject>
<#IsBody><#organizer/> <#HasSentBy>(отправил <#sentBy/>) </#HasSentBy>отменил это событие: <#summary/>.</#IsBody>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
IsSubject: WOConditional {
condition = isSubject;
IsBody: WOConditional {
condition = isSubject;
negate = YES;
organizer: WOString {
value = organizerName;
escapeHTML = NO;
summary: WOString {
value = summary;
escapeHTML = NO;
HasSentBy: WOConditional {
condition = hasSentBy;
sentBy: WOString {
value = sentBy;
escapeHTML = NO;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<#IsSubject>Ответ на приглашение: <#summary/></#IsSubject>
<#IsBody><#attendee/> <#HasSentBy>(послал <#sentBy/>) </#HasSentBy><#HasAccepted>согласился</#HasAccepted><#HasDeclined>отказался</#HasDeclined><#HasNotAcceptedNotDeclined>не определился с желанием</#HasNotAcceptedNotDeclined> участвовать в запланированном мероприятии.</#IsBody>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
IsSubject: WOConditional {
condition = isSubject;
IsBody: WOConditional {
condition = isSubject;
negate = YES;
summary: WOString {
value = summary;
escapeHTML = NO;
attendee: WOString {
value = attendeeName;
escapeHTML = NO;
HasAccepted: WOConditional {
condition = hasAccepted;
HasDeclined: WOConditional {
condition = hasDeclined;
HasNotAcceptedNotDeclined: WOConditional {
condition = hasNotAcceptedNotDeclined;
HasSentBy: WOConditional {
condition = hasSentBy;
sentBy: WOString {
value = sentBy;
escapeHTML = NO;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<#IsSubject>Приглашение на мероприятие: <#summary/></#IsSubject>
<#IsBody><#organizer/> <#HasSentBy>(послал <#sentBy/>) </#HasSentBy>приглашает Вас на мероприятие <#summary/>.</#IsBody>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
IsSubject: WOConditional {
condition = isSubject;
IsBody: WOConditional {
condition = isSubject;
negate = YES;
organizer: WOString {
value = organizerName;
escapeHTML = NO;
summary: WOString {
value = summary;
escapeHTML = NO;
HasSentBy: WOConditional {
condition = hasSentBy;
sentBy: WOString {
value = sentBy;
escapeHTML = NO;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<#IsSubject>Изменено мероприятие "<#Summary />", запланированное на <#OldAptStartDate /> <#OldAptStartTime />.</#IsSubject>
Это мероприятие<#HasSentBy> (пригласил <#sentBy/>)</#HasSentBy>, ранее было запланировано на <#OldAptStartDate /><#IsNotOldAllDay> в <#OldAptStartTime /></#IsNotOldAllDay><#HasOldLocation> (<#OldAptLocation />)</#HasOldLocation> теперь запланировано на <#NewAptStartDate /><#IsNotNewAllDay> в <#NewAptStartTime /></#IsNotNewAllDay><#HasNewLocation> (<#NewAptLocation />)</#HasNewLocation>.
Пожалуйста примите решение об участии в мероприятии в новое время и/или в новом месте.

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
OldAptStartDate: WOString {
value = oldStartDate;
dateformat = "%d/%m/%y";
escapeHTML = NO;
OldAptStartTime: WOString {
value = oldStartDate;
dateformat = "%H:%M";
escapeHTML = NO;
IsNotOldAllDay: WOConditional {
condition = previousApt.isAllDay;
negate = YES;
NewAptStartDate: WOString {
value = newStartDate;
dateformat = "%d/%m/%y";
escapeHTML = NO;
NewAptStartTime: WOString {
value = newStartDate;
dateformat = "%H:%M";
escapeHTML = NO;
IsNotNewAllDay: WOConditional {
condition = apt.isAllDay;
negate = YES;
Organizer: WOString {
value = organizerName;
escapeHTML = NO;
OldAptLocation: WOString {
value = previousApt.location;
escapeHTML = NO;
NewAptLocation: WOString {
value = apt.location;
escapeHTML = NO;
IsSubject: WOConditional {
condition = isSubject;
IsBody: WOConditional {
condition = isSubject;
negate = YES;
Summary: WOString {
value = summary;
escapeHTML = NO;
HasNewLocation: WOConditional {
condition = hasNewLocation;
HasOldLocation: WOConditional {
condition = hasOldLocation;
HasSentBy: WOConditional {
condition = hasSentBy;
sentBy: WOString {
value = sentBy;
escapeHTML = NO;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: <#subject/>
Date: <#date/>
From: <#from/>
<#hasReplyTo>Reply-To: <#replyTo/></#hasReplyTo><#hasOrganization>Organization: <#organization/></#hasOrganization>To: <#to/>
<#hasCc>CC: <#cc/></#hasCc><#hasNewsGroups>Newsgroups: <#newsgroups/></#hasNewsGroups><#hasReferences>References: <#references/></#hasReferences>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
subject: WOString {
value = subject;
escapeHTML = NO;
date: WOString {
value = date;
escapeHTML = NO;
from: WOString {
value = from;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasReplyTo: WOConditional {
condition = hasReplyTo;
replyTo: WOString {
value = replyTo;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasOrganization: WOConditional {
condition = hasOrganization;
organization: WOString {
value = organization;
escapeHTML = NO;
to: WOString {
value = to;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasCc: WOConditional {
condition = hasCc;
cc: WOString {
value = cc;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasNewsGroups: WOConditional {
condition = hasNewsGroups;
newsgroups: WOString {
value = newsgroups;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasReferences: WOConditional {
condition = hasReferences;
references: WOString {
value = references;
escapeHTML = NO;
messageBody: WOString {
value = messageBody;
escapeHTML = NO;
signature: WOString {
value = signature;
escapeHTML = NO;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<#outlookMode>-------- Original Message --------
Subject: <#subject/>
Date: <#date/>
From: <#from/>
<#hasReplyTo>Reply-To: <#replyTo/></#hasReplyTo><#hasOrganization>Organization: <#organization/></#hasOrganization>To: <#to/>
<#hasCc>CC: <#cc/></#hasCc><#hasNewsGroups>Newsgroups: <#newsgroups/></#hasNewsGroups><#hasReferences>References: <#references/></#hasReferences></#outlookMode>
<#standardMode>On <#date/>, <#from/> wrote:</#standardMode>

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
outlookMode: WOConditional {
condition = outlookMode;
standardMode: WOConditional {
condition = outlookMode;
negate = YES;
subject: WOString {
value = subject;
escapeHTML = NO;
date: WOString {
value = date;
escapeHTML = NO;
from: WOString {
value = from;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasReplyTo: WOConditional {
condition = hasReplyTo;
replyTo: WOString {
value = replyTo;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasOrganization: WOConditional {
condition = hasOrganization;
organization: WOString {
value = organization;
escapeHTML = NO;
to: WOString {
value = to;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasCc: WOConditional {
condition = hasCc;
cc: WOString {
value = cc;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasNewsGroups: WOConditional {
condition = hasNewsGroups;
newsgroups: WOString {
value = newsgroups;
escapeHTML = NO;
hasReferences: WOConditional {
condition = hasReferences;
references: WOString {
value = references;
escapeHTML = NO;
messageBody: WOString {
value = messageBody;
escapeHTML = NO;
signature: WOString {
value = signature;
escapeHTML = NO;
replyPlacementOnTop: WOConditional {
condition = replyPlacementOnTop;
replyPlacementOnBottom: WOConditional {
condition = replyPlacementOnTop;
negate = YES;
signaturePlacementOnTop: WOConditional {
condition = signaturePlacementOnTop;
signaturePlacementOnBottom: WOConditional {
condition = signaturePlacementOnTop;
negate = YES;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
/* toolbars */
"Save" = "Сохранить";
"Close" = "Закрыть";
"Edit User Rights" = "Редактировать права пользователей";
"Home" = "Начало";
"Calendar" = "Календарь";
"Address Book" = "Адресная книга";
"Mail" = "Почта";
"Preferences" = "Настройки";
"Disconnect" = "Выход";
"Right Administration" = "Управление доступом";
"Log Console (dev.)" = "Log Console (dev.)";
"User" = "Пользователь";
"Help" = "Помощь";
"noJavascriptError" = "SOGo requires Javascript to run. Please make sure this option is available and activated within your browser preferences.";
"noJavascriptRetry" = "Повторить попытку";
"Publish the Free/Busy information" = "Публиковать информацию о занятом/свободном времени";
"Default Roles" = "Контроль доступа для всех";
"Sorry, the user rights can not be configured for that object." = "Извините, для данного объекта невозможно настроить права доступа.";
/* generic.js */
"Unable to subscribe to that folder!"
= "Невозможно подписаться на эту папку!";
"You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!"
= "Вы не можете подписываться на собственную папку!";
"Unable to unsubscribe from that folder!"
= "Невозможно прекратить подписку на эту папку!";
"You cannot unsubscribe from a folder that you own!"
= "Вы не можете прекратить подписку на собственную папку!";
"Unable to rename that folder!" = "Unable to rename that folder!";
"You have already subscribed to that folder!"
= "Вы уже подписались на эту папку!";
"The user rights cannot be edited for this object!"
= "Извините, для данного объекта невозможно настроить права доступа!";
"You are not allowed to access this module or this system. Please contact your system administrator."
= "Вам не предоставлено право доступа к этому модулю/системе. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором.";
"You don't have the required privileges to perform the operation."
= "У Вас нет права производить эту операцию.";
/* alarms */
"Reminder:" = "Напоминание:";
"Start:" = "Начало:";
"Due Date:" = "Дата начала:";
"Location:" = "Место:";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
"Addressbook" = "Адресная книга";
"Addresses" = "Адреса";
"Update" = "Обновить";
"Cancel" = "Cancel";
"Common" = "Common";
"Contact editor" = "Contact editor";
"Contact viewer" = "Contact viewer";
"Email" = "Email";
"Screen Name" = "Screen Name";
"Extended" = "Extended";
"Fax" = "Факс";
"Firstname" = "Имя";
"Home" = "Home";
"HomePhone" = "ДомашнийТелефон";
"Lastname" = "Фамилия";
"Location" = "Местоположение";
"MobilePhone" = "МобильныйТелефон";
"Name" = "ПолноеИмя";
"OfficePhone" = "РабочийТелефон";
"Organization" = "Организация";
"Work Phone" = "Рабочий телефон";
"Phone" = "Телефон";
"Phones" = "Телефоны";
"Postal" = "Почтовый адрес";
"Save" = "Сохранить";
"URL" = "URL";
"Unit" = "Unit";
"delete" = "удалить";
"edit" = "редактировать";
"invalidemailwarn" = "The specified email is invalid";
"new" = "новый";
"Preferred Phone" = "Preferred Phone";
/* Tooltips */
"Create a new address book card" = "Create a new address book card";
"Create a new list" = "Create a new list";
"Edit the selected card" = "Edit the selected card";
"Send a mail message" = "Send a mail message";
"Delete selected card or address book" = "Delete selected card or address book";
"htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "Unknown";
"htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "Plain Text";
"htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML";
"Name or Email" = "Name or Email";
"Personal Addressbook" = "Personal Addressbook";
"Search in Addressbook" = "Search in Addressbook";
"New Card" = "New Card";
"New List" = "New List";
"Properties" = "Properties";
"Sharing..." = "Sharing...";
"Write" = "Write";
"Delete" = "Delete";
"Instant Message" = "Instant Message";
"Add..." = "Add...";
"Remove" = "Remove";
"Please wait..." = "Подождите пожалуйста...";
"No possible subscription" = "Нет возможных подписок";
"Preferred" = "Preferred";
"Card for %@" = "Card for %@";
"Display Name: " = "Display Name: ";
"Email Address: " = "Email Address: ";
"Firstname: " = "Firstname: ";
"Lastname: " = "Lastname: ";
"Nickname: " = "Nickname: ";
"Telephone" = "Telephone";
"Work: " = "Work: ";
"Home: " = "Home: ";
"Fax: " = "Fax: ";
"Mobile: " = "Mobile: ";
"Pager: " = "Pager: ";
"Title: " = "Title: ";
"Service: " = "Service: ";
"Company: " = "Company: ";
"Street Address: " = "Street Address: ";
"City: " = "City: ";
"State_Province:" = "State/Province:";
"ZIP_Postal Code:" = "ZIP/Postal Code:";
"Country: " = "Country: ";
"Web: " = "Web: ";
"Work" = "Work";
"Other Infos" = "Other Infos";
"Note: " = "Note: ";
"Timezone: " = "Timezone: ";
"Birthday: " = "Birthday: ";
"Freebusy URL: " = "Freebusy URL: ";
"Add as..." = "Add as...";
"Recipient" = "Recipient";
"Carbon Copy" = "Carbon Copy";
"Blind Carbon Copy" = "Blind Carbon Copy";
"New Addressbook..." = "New Addressbook...";
"Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "Subscribe to an Addressbook...";
"Remove the selected Addressbook" = "Remove the selected Addressbook";
"Name of the Address Book" = "Name of the Address Book";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?"
= "Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook."
= "You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook.";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook."
= "You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook.";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?"
= "Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?";
"You don't have the required privileges to perform the operation."
= "You don't have the required privileges to perform the operation.";
"You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\"."
= "You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\".";
"Address Book Name" = "Address Book Name";
"You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!"
= "You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own.";
"Unable to subscribe to that folder!"
= "Unable to subscribe to that folder.";
"Default Roles" = "Default Roles";
"User rights for:" = "User rights for:";
"This person can add cards to this addressbook."
= "This person can add cards to this addressbook.";
"This person can edit the cards of this addressbook."
= "This person can edit the cards of this addressbook.";
"This person can list the content of this addressbook."
= "This person can list the content of this addressbook.";
"This person can read the cards of this addressbook."
= "This person can read the cards of this addressbook.";
"This person can erase cards from this addressbook."
= "This person can erase cards from this addressbook.";
"The selected contact has no email address."
= "The selected contact has no email address.";
"Please select a contact." = "Please select a contact.";
/* Error messages for move and copy */
"SoAccessDeniedException" = "You cannot write to this address book.";
"Forbidden" = "You cannot write to this address book.";
"Invalid Contact" = "The selected contact no longer exists.";
"Unknown Destination Folder" = "The chosen destination address book no longer exists.";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
ACCEPTED = "принято";
COMPLETED = "закончено";
DECLINED = "отклонено";
DELEGATED = "делегировано";
IN-PROCESS = "в процессе";
NEEDS-ACTION = "требует действия";
TENTATIVE = "предварительное согласие";
organized_by_you = "организованные Вами";
you_are_an_attendee = "с Вашим участием";
add_info_text = "iMIP 'ADD' requests are not yet supported by SOGo.";
publish_info_text = "Отправитель сообщает о приложенном событии.";
cancel_info_text = "Ваше приглашение или все мероприятие отменено.";
request_info_no_attendee = "предлагает участникам встретиться. Вы получили это сообщение как приглашенное лицо. Вы еще не включены в список подтвержденных участников.";
Appointment = "Встреча";
Organizer = "Организатор";
Time = "Время";
Attendees = "Приглашенные";
request_info = "приглашает Вас принять участие в встрече.";
"Add to calendar" = "Добавить в календарь";
"Delete from calendar" = "Удалить из календаря";
"Update status" = "Обновить статус";
Accept = "Принять";
Decline = "Отклонить";
Tentative = "предварительно согласиться";
"Update status in calendar" = "Обновить статус в календаре";
reply_info_no_attendee = "Вы получили ответ на запланированное мероприятие, но отправителя сообщения нет среди приглашенных.";
reply_info = "Это ответ на Ваше приглашение на мероприятие.";
"to" = "к";
"Untitled" = "Без названия";
"Size" = "Размер";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
/* Icon's label */
"Create" = "Создать";
"Empty Trash" = "Очистить 'Удаленные'";
"Delete" = "Удалить";
"Expunge" = "Очистить";
"Forward" = "Переслать";
"Get Mail" = "Получить";
"Junk" = "Спам";
"Reply" = "Ответить";
"Reply All" = "Ответить всем";
"Print" = "Печать";
"Stop" = "Стоп";
"Write" = "Написать";
"Send" = "Послать";
"Contacts" = "Адресная книга";
"Attach" = "Вложить";
"Save" = "Сохранить";
"Priority" = "Важность";
/* Tooltips */
"Send this message now" = "Послать это сообщение сейчас";
"Select a recipient from an Address Book" = "Выбрать получателей из адресной книги";
"Include an attachment" = "Приложить файл";
"Save this message" = "Сохранить это сообщение";
"Get new messages" = "Получить новые сообщения";
"Create a new message" = "Составить новое сообщение";
"Go to address book" = "Перейти в адресную книгу";
"Reply to the message" = "Ответить на сообщение";
"Reply to sender and all recipients" = "Сосотавить ответ для отправителя и всех получателей";
"Forward selected message" = "Переслать выделенное письмо";
"Delete selected message or folder" = "Удалить выделенное письмо или папку";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Пометить выделенные сообщения как спам";
"Print this message" = "Напечатать это сообщение";
"Stop the current transfer" = "Остановить текущую операцию";
"Attachment" = "Вложения";
"Unread" = "Непрочитанные";
"Flagged" = "Помеченные флагом";
/* Main Frame */
"Home" = "Начало";
"Calendar" = "Календарь";
"Addressbook" = "Адресная книга";
"Mail" = "Почта";
"Right Administration" = "Права доступа";
"Help" = "Помощь";
/* Mail account main windows */
"Welcome to the SOGo Mailer. Use the folder tree on the left to browse your mail accounts!" = "Добро пожаловать в быстропочту! Для просмотра сообщений воспользуйтесь деревом папок слева.";
"Read messages" = "Читать сообщения";
"Write a new message" = "Составить новое сообщение";
"Share: " = "Совместное использование: ";
"Account: " = "Пользователь: ";
"Shared Account: " = "Общая учетная запись: ";
/* acls */
"Default Roles" = "Роли по умолчанию";
"User rights for:" = "Права доступа для:";
"List and see this folder" = "Видеть папку и названия писем в ней";
"Read mails from this folder" = "Читать письма в папке";
"Mark mails read and unread" = "Ставить письмам метку о прочтении";
"Modify the flags of the mails in this folder" = "Расставлять флаги сообщениям в папке";
"Insert, copy and move mails into this folder" = "Добавлять, копироваьт и перемещать сообщения в эту папку";
"Post mails" = "Отправлять сообщения";
"Add subfolders to this folder" = "Создавать подпапки в этой папке";
"Remove this folder" = "Удалять эту папку";
"Erase mails from this folder" = "Удалять сообщения из этой папки";
"Expunge this folder" = "Помечать письма как удаленные";
"Modify the acl of this folder" = "Управлять правами доступа к этой папке";
"Update" = "Обновить";
"Cancel" = "Отмена";
/* Mail edition */
"From" = "От";
"Subject" = "Тема";
"To" = "Кому";
"Cc" = "Копия";
"Bcc" = "Скрытая копия";
"Reply-To" = "Обратный адрес";
"Add address" = "Добавить адрес";
"Attachments:" = "Вложения:";
"to" = "Кому";
"cc" = "Копия";
"bcc" = "Скрытая копия";
"Addressbook" = "Адресная книга";
"Edit Draft..." = "Редактировать черновик...";
"Load Images" = "Загрузить изображения";
"highest" = "Самый высокий";
"high" = "Высокий";
"normal" = "Обычный";
"low" = "Низкий";
"lowest" = "Самый низкий";
"This mail is being sent from an unsecure network!" = "This mail is being sent from an unsecure network!";
/* Popup "show" */
"all" = "все";
"read" = "прочитанные";
"unread" = "непрочитанные";
"deleted" = "удаленные";
"flagged" = "помеченные флагом";
/* MailListView */
"Sender" = "Отправитель";
"Subject or Sender" = "Тема или Отправитель";
"To or Cc" = "Кому или копия";
"Entire Message" = "Сообщение целиком";
"Date" = "Дата";
"View" = "Просмотр";
"All" = "Все";
"Unread" = "Непрочитанные";
"messages" = "сообщения";
"first" = "первая";
"previous" = "предыдущая";
"next" = "следующая";
"last" = "последняя";
"msgnumber_to" = "до";
"msgnumber_of" = "из";
"Mark Unread" = "Пометить как непрочитанное";
"Mark Read" = "Пометить как прочитанное";
"Untitled" = "Без темы";
/* Tree */
"SentFolderName" = "Отправленные";
"TrashFolderName" = "Корзина";
"InboxFolderName" = "Входящие";
"DraftsFolderName" = "Черновики";
"SieveFolderName" = "Папки";
"Folders" = "Папки"; /* title line */
/* MailMoveToPopUp */
"MoveTo" = "Переместить в &hellip;";
/* Address Popup menu */
"Add to Address Book..." = "Добавиь в адресную книгу...";
"Compose Mail To" = "Составить письмо для";
"Create Filter From Message..." = "Создать фильтр из сообщения...";
/* Image Popup menu */
"Save Image" = "Сохранить изображение";
/* Mailbox popup menus */
"Open in New Mail Window" = "Открыть в новом окне";
"Copy Folder Location" = "Скопировать адрес папки";
"Subscribe..." = "Подписаться...";
"Mark Folder Read..." = "Отметить все письма в папке как прочтенные...";
"New Folder..." = "Создать папку...";
"Compact This Folder" = "Сжать эту папку";
"Search Messages..." = "Поиск в сообщениях...";
"Sharing..." = "Совместное использование папки...";
"New Subfolder..." = "Создать вложенную папку...";
"Rename Folder..." = "Переименовать папку...";
"Delete Folder" = "Удалить папку";
"Use This Folder For" = "Использовать эту папку для";
"Get Messages for Account" = "Получить новые сообщения";
/* Use This Folder menu */
"Sent Messages" = "Отправленные сообщения";
"Drafts" = "Черновики";
"Deleted Messages" = "Удаленные сообщения";
/* Message list popup menu */
"Open Message In New Window" = "Открыть сообщение в новом окне";
"Reply to Sender Only" = "Ответить отправителю";
"Reply to All" = "Ответить всем упомянутым адресатам";
"Forward" = "Переслать";
"Edit As New..." = "Редактировать как новое...";
"Move To" = "Переместить в";
"Copy To" = "Скопировать в";
"Label" = "Метка";
"Mark" = "Отметить";
"Save As..." = "Сохранить как...";
"Print Preview" = "Печатать с предпросмотром";
"View Message Source" = "Просмотр исходного текста сообщения";
"Print..." = "Отправить на печать";
"Delete Message" = "Удалить сообщение";
"Delete Selected Messages" = "Удалить выделенные сообщения";
"This Folder" = "Текущая папка";
/* Label popup menu */
"None" = "Удалить все метки";
"Important" = "Важно";
"Work" = "Работа";
"Personal" = "Личное";
"To Do" = "К исполнению";
"Later" = "Позже";
/* Mark popup menu */
"As Read" = "как прочтанное";
"Thread As Read" = "ветку как прочитанную";
"As Read By Date..." = "как прочитанные по дате...";
"All Read" = "все прочитанные";
"Flag" = "Флаг";
"As Junk" = "Спам";
"As Not Junk" = "Не спам";
"Run Junk Mail Controls" = "Запустить фильтр спама";
/* Folder operations */
"Name :" = "Имя :";
"Enter the new name of your folder :"
= "Введите новое имя папки :";
"Do you really want to move this folder into the trash ?"
= "Вы действительно хотите перенести эту папку в корзину?";
"Operation failed" = "Операция завершилась неудачно";
"Quota" = "Квота:";
"quotasFormat" = "Занято %{0}% из %{1}МБ";
"Please select a message." = "Пожалуйста выберите сообщение.";
"Please select a message to print." = "Пожалуйста выберите сообщение для отправки на печать.";
"Please select only one message to print." = "Пожалуйста выберите только одно сообщение для печати.";
"The folder with name \"%{0}\" could not be created."
= "Не могу создать папку с именем \"%{0}\".";
"This folder could not be renamed to \"%{0}\"."
= "Не могу переименовать папку в \"%{0}\".";
"The folder could not be deleted."
= "Не могу удалить эту папку.";
"The trash could not be emptied."
= "Не могу очистить корзину.";
"The folder functionality could not be changed."
= "Назначение папки не может быть изменено.";
"You need to choose a non-virtual folder!" = "Выберите одно из невиртуальных папок!";
"Moving a message into its own folder is impossible!"
= "Невозможно переместить сообщение туда, где оно уже находится!";
"Copying a message into its own folder is impossible!"
= "Невозможно скопировать сообщение туда, где оно уже находится!";
/* Message editing */
"error_validationfailed" = "Проверка завершилась неудачей";
"error_missingsubject" = "Тема сообщения не указана";
"error_missingrecipients" = "Не указан адрес получателя";

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"title" = "SOGo";
"Login:" = "Benutzername:";
"Username:" = "Benutzername:";
"Password:" = "Passwort:";
"Connect" = "Anmelden";
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
"German" = "Deutsch";
"Italian" = "Italienisch";
"Spanish" = "Spanisch";
"Welsh" = "Walisisch";
"Russian" = "Russisch";
"About" = "About";
"AboutBox" = "SOGo is a groupware server built around (OGo) and the SOPE application server. It focuses on scalability.<br/><br/>
@ -30,4 +32,4 @@ Copyright © 2006-2009 Inverse inc.<br/>
Copyright © 2002-2005 SKYRIX Software AG<br/><br/>
This software are distributed under the <a href=\"\">GNU GPL</a> version 2.<br/>
Parts of this software are distributed under the GNU LGPL version 2.<br/><br/>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.";
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* Russian */
NSLanguageName = "Russian";
NSFormalName = "Русский";
NSLocaleCode = "ru"; /* ISO 639-1 */
NSLanguageCode = "rus"; /* ISO 639-2 */
NSParentContext = "";
NSAMPMDesignation = (AM, PM);
NSCurrencySymbol = " руб.";
NSDateFormatString = "%A %e %B %Y";
NSDateTimeOrdering = DMYH;
NSDecimalDigits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9");
NSDecimalSeparator = ".";
NSEarlierTimeDesignations = ("первый", "последний", "прошедший", "назад");
NSHourNameDesignations = ((0, "полночь"), (10, "утро"), (12, "полдень", "обед"), (14, "день"), (19, "вечер"));
NSInternationalCurrencyString = RUB; /* ISO 4217 */
NSLaterTimeDesignations = ("позже");
NSMonthNameArray = ("Январь", "Февраль", "Март", "Апрель", "Май", "Июнь", "Июль", "Август", "Сентябрь", "Октябрь", "Ноябрь", "Декабрь");
NSNextDayDesignations = ("завтра");
NSNextNextDayDesignations = ("завтра");
NSPriorDayDesignations = ("вчера");
NSShortDateFormatString = "%e/%m/%y";
NSShortMonthNameArray = ("Янв", "Фев", "Мар", "Апр", "Май", "Июн", "Июл", "Авг", "Сен", "Окт", "Ноя", "Дек");
NSShortTimeDateFormatString = "%e/%m/%y %H:%M";
NSShortWeekDayNameArray = ("Вс", "Пн", "Вт", "Ср", "Чт", "Пт", "Сб");
NSThisDayDesignations = ("сегодня", "сейчас");
NSThousandsSeparator = " ";
NSTimeDateFormatString = "%A %e %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z";
NSTimeFormatString = "%H:%M:%S";
NSWeekDayNameArray = ("Воскресенье", "Понедельник", "Вторник", "Среда", "Четверг", "Пятница", "Суббота");
NSYearMonthWeekDesignations = ("год", "месяц", "неделя");
NSPositiveCurrencyFormatString = "9 999.00$";
NSNegativeCurrencyFormatString = "-9 999.00$";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
"title" = "SOGo";
"Username:" = "Логин:";
"Password:" = "Пароль:";
"Connect" = "Соединение";
"Wrong username or password." = "Неправильный логин или пароль.";
"cookiesNotEnabled" = "Вы не можете войти в систему, так как в Вашем броузере (программа для просмотра страниц в интернете) выключены cookies. Пожалуйста разрешите нашему сайту использовать cookies в настройках Вашего броузера.";
"browserNotCompatible" = "Мы определили что Ваша программа просмотра интернет-страниц (browser) не поддерживает используемую на нашем сайте технологию. Мы рекомендуем использовать одину из совместимых программ (в порядке лучшей совместимости): Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome. Скачать свежий Firefox можно тут:";
"alternativeBrowsers" = "В качестве альтернативы можно использовать следующие программы:";
"alternativeBrowserSafari" = "Также можно использовать Safari.";
"Download" = "Скачать";
"Language:" = "Язык:";
"choose" = "Выбрать ...";
"Dutch" = "Nederlands";
"English" = "English";
"French" = "Français";
"German" = "Deutsch";
"Italian" = "Italiano";
"Spanish" = "Spanish";
"Russian" = "Русский";
"About" = "О системе";
"AboutBox" = "SOGo is a groupware server built around (OGo) and the SOPE application server. It focuses on scalability.<br/><br/>
SOGo provides a rich AJAX-based Web interface and supports multiple native clients through the use of standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV.<br/><br/>
Copyright © 2006-2009 Inverse inc.<br/>
Copyright © 2002-2005 SKYRIX Software AG<br/><br/>
This software are distributed under the <a href=\"\">GNU GPL</a> version 2.<br/>
Parts of this software are distributed under the GNU LGPL version 2.<br/><br/>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.";

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"reminderTime_4800" = "2 Tage";
/* Mailer */
"Show subscribed mailboxes only" = "Show subscribed mailboxes only";
"Show subscribed mailboxes only" = "Nur abonnierte Ordner anzeigen";
"Check for new mail:" = "Auf neue Nachrichten prüfen:";
"messagecheck_manually" = "Manuell";
"messagecheck_every_minute" = "Minütlich";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
/* toolbar */
"Save and Close" = "Сохранить и закрыть";
"Close" = "Закрыть не сохраняя";
/* tabs */
"General" = "Общее";
"Calendar Options" = "Календарь";
"Mail Options" = "Почта";
"Identities" = "Identities";
"Password" = "Пароль";
/* ooo */
"I'm currently in the office" = "Я на рабочем месте";
"I'm currently out of the office" = "Я отошел от рабочего места";
"AutoReply only once to each sender with the following text :"
= "Автоматически посылать этот текст каждому отправителю один раз :";
/* d & t */
"Current Time Zone :" = "Текущая временная зона :";
"Short Date Format :" = "Короткий формат даты :";
"Long Date Format :" = "Длинный формат даты :";
"Time Format :" = "Формат времени :";
"shortDateFmt_0" = "%e/%m/%Y";
"shortDateFmt_1" = "%d/%m/%Y";
"shortDateFmt_2" = "%e-%m-%y";
"shortDateFmt_3" = "%d-%m-%y";
"shortDateFmt_4" = "%y/%m/%d";
"shortDateFmt_5" = "%Y-%m-%d";
"shortDateFmt_6" = "%d-%b-%y";
"shortDateFmt_7" = "";
"longDateFmt_0" = "%A %e %B %Y";
"longDateFmt_1" = "%e %b. %Y";
"longDateFmt_2" = "%e %B %Y";
"longDateFmt_3" = "%A, %B %d, %Y";
"longDateFmt_4" = "%B %d, %Y";
"longDateFmt_5" = "%A, %d %B, %Y";
"longDateFmt_6" = "%d %B, %Y";
"longDateFmt_7" = "";
"timeFmt_0" = "%H:%M";
"timeFmt_1" = "%H.%M";
"timeFmt_2" = "%H h. %M";
"timeFmt_3" = "%I:%M %p";
"timeFmt_4" = "";
/* calendar */
"Week begins on :" = "Неделя начинается с :";
"Day start time :" = "Рабочий день начинается в :";
"Day end time :" = "Рабочий день заканчивается в :";
"First week of year :" = "Первая неделя года :";
"Enable reminders for Calendar items" = "Включить напоминания для событий календаря";
"Play a sound when a reminder comes due"
= "Проигрывать звук когда срабатывает оповещение";
"Default reminder :" = "Обычное оповещение :";
"firstWeekOfYear_January1" = "Начинается 1 января";
"firstWeekOfYear_First4DayWeek" = "Первая 4-х дневная неделя";
"firstWeekOfYear_FirstFullWeek" = "Первая полная неделя";
"reminderTime_0000" = "0 минут";
"reminderTime_0005" = "5 минут";
"reminderTime_0010" = "10 минут";
"reminderTime_0015" = "15 минут";
"reminderTime_0030" = "30 минут";
"reminderTime_0100" = "1 час";
"reminderTime_0200" = "2 часа";
"reminderTime_0400" = "4 часа";
"reminderTime_0800" = "8 часов";
"reminderTime_1200" = "1/2дня";
"reminderTime_2400" = "1 день";
"reminderTime_4800" = "2 дня";
/* Mailer */
"Show subscribed mailboxes only" = "Показывать только почтовые ящики, на которые подписан";
"Check for new mail:" = "Проверять новую почту:";
"messagecheck_manually" = "Вручную";
"messagecheck_every_minute" = "Каждую минуту";
"messagecheck_every_2_minutes" = "Каждые 2 минуты";
"messagecheck_every_5_minutes" = "Каждые 5 минут";
"messagecheck_every_10_minutes" = "Каждые 10 минут";
"messagecheck_every_20_minutes" = "Каждые 20 минут";
"messagecheck_every_30_minutes" = "Каждые 30 минут";
"messagecheck_once_per_hour" = "Раз в час";
"Forward messages:" = "Пересылать сообщения:";
"messageforward_inline" = "В теле письма";
"messageforward_attached" = "Приложенным файлом";
"Default identity:" = "Обысно я представляюсь как:";
"Manage identities..." = "Управлять именами...";
"Signature" = "Подпись";
"replyplacement_above" = "Начинать мой ответ над цитируемым текстом";
"replyplacement_below" = "Начинать мой ответ под цитируемым текстом";
"And place my signature" = "И поместить мою подпись";
"signatureplacement_above" = "под ответом";
"signatureplacement_below" = "под цитируемым текстом письма";
/* Additional Parameters */
"Additional Parameters" = "Дополнительные параметры";
/* password */
"New password:" = "Новый пароль:";
"Confirmation:" = "Повтор нового пароля:";
"Change" = "Изменить";

View File

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
"view_next7" = "Termine in den nächsten 7 Tagen";
"view_next14" = "Termine in den nächsten 14 Tagen";
"view_next31" = "Termine in den nächsten 31 Tagen";
"view_thismonth" = "Termie in diesem Kalendermonat";
"view_thismonth" = "Termine in diesem Kalendermonat";
"view_future" = "Alle zukünftigen Termine";
"view_selectedday" = "Momentan gewählter Tag";
@ -389,13 +389,14 @@
"reminder_1_WEEK_BEFORE" = "1 Woche vor";
"reminder_CUSTOM" = "Benutzerdefiniert...";
"reminder_MINUTES" = "minutes";
"reminder_HOURS" = "hours";
"reminder_DAYS" = "days";
"reminder_BEFORE" = "before";
"reminder_AFTER" = "after";
"reminder_START" = "the event starts";
"reminder_END" = "the event ends";
"reminder_MINUTES" = "Minuten";
"reminder_HOURS" = "Stunden";
"reminder_DAYS" = "Tage";
"reminder_BEFORE" = "bevor";
"reminder_AFTER" = "nachdem";
"reminder_START" = "der Termin startet";
"reminder_END" = "der Termin endet";
"Reminder Details" = "Erinnerungsdetails";
"zoom_400" = "400%";
"zoom_200" = "200%";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
/* Tooltips */
"Create a new event" = "Создать новое событие";
"Create a new task" = "Создать новую задачу";
"Edit this event or task" = "Редактировать это событие или задачу";
"Delete this event or task" = "Удалить это событие или задачу";
"Go to today" = "Перейти на сегодня";
"Switch to day view" = "Перейти к обзору дня";
"Switch to week view" = "Перейти к обзору недели";
"Switch to month view" = "Перейти к обзору месяца";
/* Tabs */
"Date" = "Дата";
"Calendars" = "Календари";
/* Day */
"Sunday" = "Воскресенье";
"Monday" = "Понедельник";
"Tuesday" = "Вторник";
"Wednesday" = "Среда";
"Thursday" = "Четверг";
"Friday" = "Пятница";
"Saturday" = "Суббота";
"Sun" = "Вск";
"Mon" = "Пон";
"Tue" = "Вт";
"Wed" = "Ср";
"Thu" = "Чтв";
"Fri" = "Пят";
"Sat" = "Суб";
"a2_Sunday" = "Вс";
"a2_Monday" = "Пн";
"a2_Tuesday" = "Вт";
"a2_Wednesday" = "Ср";
"a2_Thursday" = "Чт";
"a2_Friday" = "Пт";
"a2_Saturday" = "Сб";
"dayLabelFormat" = "%d/%m/%Y";
"today" = "Сегодня";
/* Week */
"Week" = "Неделя";
"this week" = "эта неделя";
"Week %d" = "Неделя %d";
/* Month */
"this month" = "этот месяц";
"January" = "Январь";
"February" = "Февраль";
"March" = "Март";
"April" = "Апрель";
"May" = "Май";
"June" = "Июнь";
"July" = "Июль";
"August" = "Август";
"September" = "Сентябрь";
"October" = "Октябрь";
"November" = "Ноябрь";
"December" = "Декабрь";
"a3_January" = "Января";
"a3_February" = "Февраля";
"a3_March" = "Марта";
"a3_April" = "Апреля";
"a3_May" = "Мая";
"a3_June" = "Июня";
"a3_July" = "Июля";
"a3_August" = "Августа";
"a3_September" = "Сентября";
"a3_October" = "Октября";
"a3_November" = "Ноября";
"a3_December" = "Декабря";
/* Year */
"this year" = "этот год";
/* Menu */
"Calendar" = "Календарь";
"Contacts" = "Адресная книга";
"New Calendar..." = "Новый календарь...";
"Delete Calendar" = "Удалить календарь";
"Sharing..." = "Sharing...";
"Export Calendar..." = "Экспортировать календарь...";
"Publish Calendar..." = "Опубликовать календарь...";
"Reload Remote Calendars" = "Обновить удаленные календари";
"Properties" = "Свойства";
"Compose E-Mail to All Attendees" = "Составить сообщение ко всем приглашенным";
"Compose E-Mail to Undecided Attendees" = "Составить сообщение ко всем не решившим приглашенным";
/* Folders */
"Personal calendar" = "Персональный календарь";
/* Misc */
"" = "";
"Forbidden" = "Запрешено";
/* acls */
"Default Roles" = "Роли по умолчанию";
"User rights for:" = "Права пользователя для:";
"label_Public" = "Публичное событие";
"label_Private" = "Личное событие";
"label_Confidential" = "Показывать только время и дату";
"label_Viewer" = "Показать все";
"label_DAndTViewer" = "Показать дату и время";
"label_Modifier" = "Изменить";
"label_Responder" = "Ответить на";
"label_None" = "Ничего";
"View All" = "Показать все";
"View the Date & Time" = "Показывать время и дату";
"Modify" = "Изменить";
"Respond To" = "Ответить";
"None" = "None";
"This person can create objects in my calendar."
= "Этот участник может создавать записи в моем календаре.";
"This person can erase objects from my calendar."
= "Этот участник может удалять записи в моем календаре.";
/* Button Titles */
"New Calendar..." = "Новый календарь...";
"Subscribe to a Calendar..." = "Подписаться на календарь...";
"Remove the selected Calendar" = "Удалить выделенный календарь";
"Name of the Calendar" = "Название календаря";
"new" = "Новый";
"printview" = "Печатать";
"edit" = "Изменить";
"delete" = "Удалить";
"proposal" = "Предложение";
"Save and Close" = "Сохранить и закрыть";
"Close" = "Закрыть";
"Invite Attendees" = "Пригласить участников";
"Documents" = "Документы";
"Update" = "Обновить";
"Cancel" = "Отменить";
"show_rejected_apts" = "Показать отклоненные встречи";
"hide_rejected_apts" = "Спрятать отклоненные встречи";
/* Schedule */
"Schedule" = "Расписание";
"No appointments found" = "Не найдено назначенных встреч";
"Meetings proposed by you" = "Ваши предложения о встрече";
"Meetings proposed to you" = "Предложенные Вам встречи";
"sched_startDateFormat" = "%d/%m %H:%M";
"action" = "Действие";
"accept" = "Согласиться";
"decline" = "Отказаться";
"more attendees" = "Пригласить еще";
"Hide already accepted and rejected appointments" = "Скрыть согласившихся и отказавшихся.";
"Show already accepted and rejected appointments" = "Показать согласившихся и отказавшихся.";
/* Appointments */
"Appointment viewer" = "Appointment Viewer";
"Appointment editor" = "Appointment Editor";
"Appointment proposal" = "Appointment Proposal";
"Appointment on" = "Appointment on";
"Start:" = "Start:";
"End:" = "End:";
"Due Date:" = "Due Date:";
"Title:" = "Title:";
"Calendar:" = "Calendar:";
"Name" = "Name";
"Email" = "Email";
"Status:" = "Status:";
"% complete" = "% complete";
"Location:" = "Location:";
"Priority:" = "Priority:";
"Privacy" = "Privacy";
"Cycle" = "Cycle";
"Cycle End" = "Cycle End";
"Categories" = "Categories";
"Classification" = "Classification";
"Duration" = "Duration";
"Attendees:" = "Attendees:";
"Resources" = "Resources";
"Organizer:" = "Organizer:";
"Description:" = "Description:";
"Document:" = "Document:";
"Category:" = "Category:";
"Repeat:" = "Repeat:";
"Reminder:" = "Reminder:";
"Target:" = "Target:";
"attributes" = "attributes";
"attendees" = "attendees";
/* checkbox title */
"is private" = "is private";
/* classification */
"Public" = "Public";
"Private" = "Private";
/* text used in overviews and tooltips */
"empty title" = "Empty title";
"private appointment" = "Private appointment";
"Change..." = "Change...";
/* Appointments (participation state) */
"partStat_NEEDS-ACTION" = "Needs action";
"partStat_ACCEPTED" = "Accepted";
"partStat_DECLINED" = "Declined";
"partStat_TENTATIVE" = "Tentative";
"partStat_DELEGATED" = "Delegated";
"partStat_OTHER" = "Other";
/* Appointments (error messages) */
"Conflicts found!" = "Conflicts found!";
"Invalid iCal data!" = "Invalid iCal data!";
"Could not create iCal data!" = "Could not create iCal data!";
/* Searching */
"view_all" = "All";
"view_today" = "Today";
"view_next7" = "Next 7 days";
"view_next14" = "Next 14 days";
"view_next31" = "Next 31 days";
"view_thismonth" = "This Month";
"view_future" = "All Future Events";
"view_selectedday" = "Selected Day";
"View:" = "View:";
"Title or Description" = "Title or Description";
"Search" = "Search";
"Search attendees" = "Search attendees";
"Search resources" = "Search resources";
"Search appointments" = "Search appointments";
"Search in Anais" = "Search in Anais";
"All day Event" = "All day Event";
"check for conflicts" = "Check for conflicts";
"Browse URL" = "Browse URL";
"newAttendee" = "Add attendee";
/* calendar modes */
"Overview" = "Overview";
"Chart" = "Chart";
"List" = "List";
"Columns" = "Columns";
/* Priorities */
"prio_0" = "Not specified";
"prio_1" = "High";
"prio_2" = "High";
"prio_3" = "High";
"prio_4" = "High";
"prio_5" = "Normal";
"prio_6" = "Low";
"prio_7" = "Low";
"prio_8" = "Low";
"prio_9" = "Low";
/* access classes (privacy) */
"PUBLIC_vevent" = "Public Event";
"CONFIDENTIAL_vevent" = "Confidential Event";
"PRIVATE_vevent" = "Private Event";
"PUBLIC_vtodo" = "Public Task";
"CONFIDENTIAL_vtodo" = "Confidential Task";
"PRIVATE_vtodo" = "Private Task";
/* status type */
"status_" = "Not specified";
"status_NOT-SPECIFIED" = "Not specified";
"status_TENTATIVE" = "Tentative";
"status_CONFIRMED" = "Confirmed";
"status_CANCELLED" = "Cancelled";
"status_NEEDS-ACTION" = "Needs Action";
"status_IN-PROCESS" = "In Process";
"status_COMPLETED" = "Completed on";
/* Cycles */
"cycle_once" = "cycle_once";
"cycle_daily" = "cycle_daily";
"cycle_weekly" = "cycle_weekly";
"cycle_2weeks" = "cycle_2weeks";
"cycle_4weeks" = "cycle_4weeks";
"cycle_monthly" = "cycle_monthly";
"cycle_weekday" = "cycle_weekday";
"cycle_yearly" = "cycle_yearly";
"cycle_end_never" = "cycle_end_never";
"cycle_end_until" = "cycle_end_until";
"Recurrence pattern" = "Recurrence pattern";
"Range of recurrence" = "Range of recurrence";
"Repeat" = "Repeat";
"Daily" = "Daily";
"Weekly" = "Weekly";
"Monthly" = "Monthly";
"Yearly" = "Yearly";
"Every" = "Every";
"Days" = "Days";
"Week(s)" = "Week(s)";
"On" = "On";
"Month(s)" = "Month(s)";
"The" = "The";
"Recur on day(s)" = "Recur on day(s)";
"Year(s)" = "Year(s)";
"cycle_of" = "of";
"No end date" = "No end date";
"Create" = "Create";
"appointment(s)" = "appointment(s)";
"Repeat until" = "Repeat until";
"First" = "First";
"Second" = "Second";
"Third" = "Third";
"Fourth" = "Fourth";
"Fift" = "Fift";
"Last" = "Last";
/* Appointment categories */
"category_NONE" = "None";
"category_ANNIVERSARY" = "Anniversary";
"category_BIRTHDAY" = "Birthday";
"category_BUSINESS" = "Business";
"category_CALLS" = "Calls";
"category_CLIENTS" = "Clients";
"category_COMPETITION" = "Competition";
"category_CUSTOMER" = "Customer";
"category_FAVORITES" = "Favorites";
"category_FOLLOW UP" = "Follow up";
"category_GIFTS" = "Gifts";
"category_HOLIDAYS" = "Holidays";
"category_IDEAS" = "Ideas";
"category_ISSUES" = "Issues";
"category_MISCELLANEOUS" = "Miscellaneous";
"category_PERSONAL" = "Personal";
"category_PROJECTS" = "Projects";
"category_PUBLIC HOLIDAY" = "Public Holiday";
"category_STATUS" = "Status";
"category_SUPPLIERS" = "Suppliers";
"category_TRAVEL" = "Travel";
"category_VACATION" = "Vacation";
"repeat_NEVER" = "Does not repeat";
"repeat_DAILY" = "Daily";
"repeat_WEEKLY" = "Weekly";
"repeat_BI-WEEKLY" = "Bi-weekly";
"repeat_EVERY WEEKDAY" = "Every Weekday";
"repeat_MONTHLY" = "Monthly";
"repeat_YEARLY" = "Yearly";
"repeat_CUSTOM" = "Custom...";
"reminder_NONE" = "No reminder";
"reminder_5_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "5 minutes before";
"reminder_10_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "10 minutes before";
"reminder_15_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "15 minutes before";
"reminder_30_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "30 minutes before";
"reminder_45_MINUTES_BEFORE" = "45 minutes before";
"reminder_1_HOUR_BEFORE" = "1 hour before";
"reminder_2_HOURS_BEFORE" = "2 hours before";
"reminder_5_HOURS_BEFORE" = "5 hours before";
"reminder_15_HOURS_BEFORE" = "15 hours before";
"reminder_1_DAY_BEFORE" = "1 day before";
"reminder_2_DAYS_BEFORE" = "2 days before";
"reminder_1_WEEK_BEFORE" = "1 week before";
"reminder_CUSTOM" = "Custom...";
"reminder_MINUTES" = "минут";
"reminder_HOURS" = "часов";
"reminder_DAYS" = "дней";
"reminder_BEFORE" = "до";
"reminder_AFTER" = "после";
"reminder_START" = "начала события";
"reminder_END" = "конца события";
"zoom_400" = "400%";
"zoom_200" = "200%";
"zoom_100" = "100%";
"zoom_50" = "50%";
"zoom_25" = "25%";
/* transparency */
"Show Time as Free" = "Отображать время как свободное";
/* validation errors */
validate_notitle = "No title is set, continue?";
validate_invalid_startdate = "Incorrect startdate field!";
validate_invalid_enddate = "Incorrect enddate field!";
validate_endbeforestart = "The end date that you entered occurs before the start date.";
"Tasks" = "Задачи";
"Show completed tasks" = "Показать выполненные задачи";
/* tabs */
"Task" = "Задача";
"Event" = "Событие";
"Recurrence" = "Повторение";
/* toolbar */
"New Event" = "Новое событие";
"New Task" = "Новая задача";
"Edit" = "Изменить";
"Delete" = "Удалить";
"Go to Today" = "Сегодня";
"Day View" = "День";
"Week View" = "По неделям";
"Month View" = "Месяц";
"eventPartStatModificationError" = "Невозможно изменить статус Вашего участия.";
/* menu */
"New Event..." = "New Event...";
"New Task..." = "New Task...";
"Edit Selected Event..." = "Edit Selected Event...";
"Delete Selected Event" = "Delete Selected Event";
"Select All" = "Select All";
"Workweek days only" = "Workweek days only";
"Tasks in View" = "Tasks in View";
"eventDeleteConfirmation" = "Erasing this event will be permanent.\nWould you like to continue?";
"taskDeleteConfirmation" = "Erasing this task will be permanent.\nWould you like to continue?";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal calendar."
= "Вы не можете удалить персональный календарь, равно как и выключить подписку на него.";
"Are you sure you want to delete the calendar \"%{0}\"?"
= "Вы уверены что хотите удалить календарь \"%{0}\"?";
/* Legend */
"Required participant" = "Required participant";
"Optional participant" = "Optional participant";
"Chair" = "Chair";
"Needs action" = "Needs action";
"Accepted" = "Accepted";
"Declined" = "Declined";
"Tentative" = "Tentative";
"Free" = "Free";
"Busy" = "Busy";
"Maybe busy" = "Maybe busy";
"No free-busy information" = "No free-busy information";
/* FreeBusy panel buttons and labels */
"Suggest time slot:" = "Suggest time slot:";
"Zoom:" = "Zoom:";
"Previous slot" = "Previous slot";
"Next slot" = "Next slot";
"Previous hour" = "Previous hour";
"Next hour" = "Next hour";
/* apt list */
"Title" = "Title";
"Start" = "Start";
"End" = "End";
"Location" = "Location";
"(Private Event)" = "(Private Event)";
vevent_class0 = "(Public event)";
vevent_class1 = "(Private event)";
vevent_class2 = "(Confidential event)";
vtodo_class0 = "(Public task)";
vtodo_class1 = "(Private task)";
vtodo_class2 = "(Confidential task)";
"closeThisWindowMessage" = "Thank you! You may now close this window or view your ";
"Multicolumn Day View" = "Multicolumn Day View";
"Please select an event or a task." = "Пожалуйста выберите событие или задачу.";
"editRepeatingItem" = "Вы выбрали для изменения повторяющееся событие. Изменяя свойства этого события, вы можете изменить их для всех повторов или только для выбранного события. Что вы хотите изменить?";
"button_thisOccurrenceOnly" = "Только это событие";
"button_allOccurrences" = "Все повторы";
/* Properties dialog */
"Name:" = "Название:";
"Color:" = "Цвет:";
"Tag:" = "Tag:";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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You can subscribe directly to that folder by following this link:
<var:string value="httpAdvisoryURL" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>subscribe?mail-invitation=YES
Otherwise, you will be able to subscribe later from the SOGo web interface.
You can also access this resource remotely using the following URL:
<var:string value="httpFolderURL" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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You can subscribe directly to that folder by following this link:
<var:string value="httpAdvisoryURL" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>subscribe?mail-invitation=YES
Otherwise, you will be able to subscribe later from the SOGo web interface.
You can also access this resource remotely using the following URL:
<var:string value="httpFolderURL" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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You can unsubscribe directly to that folder by following this link:
<var:string value="httpAdvisoryURL" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>unsubscribe?mail-invitation=YES
Otherwise, you will be able to unsubscribe later from the SOGo web interface.
You can also no longer access this resource using the following URL:
<var:string value="httpFolderURL" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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The <var:string const:value='"' const:escapeHTML="NO"/><var:string value="displayName" const:escapeHTML="NO"/><var:string const:value='"' const:escapeHTML="NO"/> folder has been created.
You can access this resource remotely by using the following URL:
<var:string value="httpFolderURL" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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The <var:string const:value='"' const:escapeHTML="NO"/><var:string value="displayName" const:escapeHTML="NO"/><var:string const:value='"' const:escapeHTML="NO"/> folder has been deleted.
The following URL is now no longer active:
<var:string value="httpFolderURL" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>