Francis Lachapelle 02db1a1be7 Added Swedish in each translation of UI/PreferencesUI.
Monotone-Parent: 18155a2d60bff7181a5a85a593a9eeddab055e95
Monotone-Revision: cb353540581231ee354e2ecfb4ee098e1f4fd5b7

Monotone-Date: 2009-11-20T16:18:10
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2009-11-20 16:18:10 +00:00

169 lines
5.7 KiB

/* toolbar */
"Save and Close" = "Guardar y cerrar";
"Close" = "Cerrar";
/* tabs */
"General" = "General";
"Calendar Options" = "Opciones de calendario";
"Mail Options" = "Opciones de correo";
"Signature" = "Firma";
"Vacation" = "Vacation";
"Forward" = "Forward";
"Identities" = "Identidades";
"Password" = "Contraseña";
"Categories" = "Categories";
"Name" = "Name";
"Color" = "Color";
"Add" = "Add";
"Delete" = "Delete";
/* vacation (auto-reply) */
"Enable vacation auto reply" = "Enable vacation auto reply";
"Auto reply message :" = "Responder automáticamente una sola vez a cada remitente con el siguiente texto: ";
"Email addresses (separated by commas) :" = "Email addresses (separated by commas) :";
"Add default email addresses" = "Add default email addresses";
"Days between responses :" = "Days between responses :";
"Do not send responses to mailing lists" = "Do not send responses to mailing lists";
"Please specify your message and your email addresses for which you want to enable auto reply."
= "Please specify your message and your email addresses for which you want to enable auto reply.";
/* forward messages */
"Forward incoming messages" = "Forward incoming messages";
"Forward to address :" = "Forward to address :";
"Keep a copy" = "Keep a copy";
"Please specify an address to which you want to forward your messages."
= "Please specify an address to which you want to forward your messages.";
/* d & t */
"Current Time Zone :" = "Zona horaria actual: ";
"Short Date Format :" = "Formato de fecha corto: ";
"Long Date Format :" = "Formato de fecha largo: ";
"Time Format :" = "Formato de hora: ";
"default" = "Default";
"shortDateFmt_0" = "%d-%b-%y";
"shortDateFmt_1" = "%d-%m-%y";
"shortDateFmt_2" = "%d/%m/%y";
"shortDateFmt_3" = "%e/%m/%y";
"shortDateFmt_4" = "%d-%m-%Y";
"shortDateFmt_5" = "%d/%m/%Y";
"shortDateFmt_6" = "%m-%d-%y";
"shortDateFmt_7" = "%m/%d/%y";
"shortDateFmt_8" = "%m/%e/%y";
"shortDateFmt_9" = "%y-%m-%d";
"shortDateFmt_10" = "%y/%m/%d";
"shortDateFmt_11" = "%y.%m.%d";
"shortDateFmt_12" = "%Y-%m-%d";
"shortDateFmt_13" = "%Y/%m/%d";
"shortDateFmt_14" = "%Y.%m.%d";
"shortDateFmt_15" = "";
"longDateFmt_0" = "%A, %e %B %Y";
"longDateFmt_1" = "%A, %e de %B de %Y";
"longDateFmt_2" = "%e de %b %Y";
"longDateFmt_3" = "%e de %b de %Y";
"longDateFmt_4" = "%e %B %Y";
"timeFmt_0" = "%H:%M";
"timeFmt_1" = "%H.%M";
"timeFmt_2" = "%H h. %M";
/* calendar */
"Week begins on :" = "Semana empieza con: ";
"Day start time :" = "Hora inicio: ";
"Day end time :" = "Hora fin: ";
"Day start time must be prior to day end time." = "Day start time must be prior to day end time.";
"First week of year :" = "Primera semana del año: ";
"Enable reminders for Calendar items" = "Habilitar recordatorios para elementos del calendario";
"Play a sound when a reminder comes due"
= "Señal acústica para los recordatorios";
"Default reminder :" = "Recordatorio por omisión: ";
"firstWeekOfYear_January1" = "Empieza el 1 de enero";
"firstWeekOfYear_First4DayWeek" = "Primera semana de 4 días";
"firstWeekOfYear_FirstFullWeek" = "Primera semana completa";
"reminderTime_0000" = "0 minutos";
"reminderTime_0005" = "5 minutos";
"reminderTime_0010" = "10 minutos";
"reminderTime_0015" = "15 minutos";
"reminderTime_0030" = "30 minutos";
"reminderTime_0100" = "1 hora";
"reminderTime_0200" = "2 horas";
"reminderTime_0400" = "4 horas";
"reminderTime_0800" = "8 horas";
"reminderTime_1200" = "1/2 día";
"reminderTime_2400" = "1 día";
"reminderTime_4800" = "2 días";
/* Mailer */
"Show subscribed mailboxes only" = "Show subscribed mailboxes only";
"Check for new mail:" = "Comprobar nuevo correo: ";
"messagecheck_manually" = "Manualmente";
"messagecheck_every_minute" = "Cada minuto";
"messagecheck_every_2_minutes" = "Cada 2 minutos";
"messagecheck_every_5_minutes" = "Cada 5 minutos";
"messagecheck_every_10_minutes" = "Cada 10 minutos";
"messagecheck_every_20_minutes" = "Cada 20 minutos";
"messagecheck_every_30_minutes" = "Cada 30 minutos";
"messagecheck_once_per_hour" = "Cada hora";
"Forward messages:" = "Reenviar mensajes:";
"messageforward_inline" = "Incorporado";
"messageforward_attached" = "Como adjunto";
/* Identities */
"Default identity:" = "Identidad por defecto:";
"Manage identities..." = "Gestionar identidades...";
"replyplacement_above" = "replyplacement_above";
"replyplacement_below" = "replyplacement_below";
"And place my signature" = "And place my signature";
"signatureplacement_above" = "signatureplacement_above";
"signatureplacement_below" = "signatureplacement_below";
"Compose messages in" = "Compose messages in";
"composemessagestype_html" = "HTML";
"composemessagestype_text" = "Plain text";
"composeMessageChanged" = "Changing your messages composition type requires to save your preferences immediately. Continue?";
/* Additional Parameters */
"Additional Parameters" = "Additional Parameters";
/* password */
"New password:" = "Contraseña nueva:";
"Confirmation:" = "Confirmar contraseña nueva:";
"Change" = "Cambiar";
/* Event+task categories */
"category_none" = "Ninguna";
"category_labels" = "Aniversario,Cumpleaños,Negocios,Llamadas,Clientes,Competición,Trabajo,Favoritos,Seguimiento,Regalos,Fiestas,Ideas,Asuntos,Varios,Personal,Proyectos,Vacaciones públicas,Estado,Proveedores,Viajes,Vacaciones";
/* Default module */
"Calendar" = "Calendar";
"Contacts" = "Address Book";
"Mail" = "Mail";
"Last" = "Last used";
"Default module :" = "Default module :";
"Language :" = "Language :";
"choose" = "Choose ...";
"Czech" = "Česky";
"Dutch" = "Nederlands";
"English" = "English";
"French" = "Français";
"German" = "Deutsch";
"Hungarian" = "Magyar";
"Italian" = "Italiano";
"BrazilianPortuguese" = "Português brasileiro";
"Russian" = "Русский";
"Spanish" = "Español";
"Swedish" = "Svenska";
"Welsh" = "Cymraeg";