2021-03-24 11:02:49 -04:00

365 lines
11 KiB

/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
"Contact" = "Stik";
"Address" = "Naslov";
"Photos" = "Slike";
"Other" = "Ostalo";
"Address Books" = "Imeniki";
"Addressbook" = "Imenik";
"Addresses" = "Naslovi";
"Update" = "Posodobi";
"Cancel" = "Prekini";
"Common" = "Skupno";
"Contact editor" = "Urejevalnik stikov";
"Contact viewer" = "Pregledovalnik stikov";
"Email" = "E-pošta";
"Screen Name" = "Ime zaslona";
"Extended" = "Podaljšano";
"Fax" = "Faks";
"Firstname" = "Ime";
"Home" = "Doma";
"HomePhone" = "DomačiTelefon";
"Lastname" = "Priimek";
"Location" = "Mesto";
"Add a category" = "Dodaj kategorijo";
"MobilePhone" = "MobilniTelefon";
"Name" = "Ime";
"OfficePhone" = "TelefonVPisarni";
"Organization" = "Organizacija";
"Work Phone" = "Službeni telefon";
"Cell" = "Mobilni telefon";
"Pager" = "Pozivnik";
"Pref" = "Zaželena";
"Phone" = "Telefon";
"Phones" = "Telefoni";
"Postal" = "Pošta";
"Save" = "Shrani";
"Internet" = "Internet";
"Unit" = "Enota";
"delete" = "briši";
"edit" = "uredi";
"invalidemailwarn" = "Ta e-pošta ni pravilna";
"new" = "novo";
"Preferred Phone" = "Privzeti telefon";
"Move To" = "Premakni v";
"Copy To" = "Kopiraj v";
"Add to" = "Dodaj k";
"To" = "Za";
"Carbon Copy (Cc)" = "Kopija (Kp)";
"Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)" = "Skrita kopija (Skp)";
/* Search scope: name fields */
"name" = "Ime";
/* Search scope: name fields */
"c_cn" = "Ime";
/* Search scope: secondary email field */
"mozillanickname" = "Sekundarni poštni naslov";
/* Search scope: screen name field */
"nsaimid" = "Ime na zaslonu";
/* Search scope: mail fields */
"mail" = "Pošta";
/* Search scope: mail fields */
"c_mail" = "Pošta";
/* Search scope: telephone field */
"telephonenumber" = "Telefon";
/* Search scope: telephone field */
"homephone" = "Telefon";
/* Search scope: mobile field */
"mobile" = "Mobilna številka";
/* Search scope: fax field */
"facsimiletelephonenumber" = "Faks";
/* Search scope: pager field */
"pager" = "Pozivnik";
/* Search scope: categories field */
"c_categories" = "Kategorije";
/* Search scope: categories field */
"vcardcategories" = "Kategorije";
/* Search scope: title field */
"title" = "Naziv";
/* Search scope: organization field */
"c_o" = "Organizacija";
/* Search scope: organization field */
"o" = "Organizacija";
/* Search scope: department field */
"ou" = "Oddelek";
/* Search scope: city field */
"l" = "Mesto";
/* Search scope: country field */
"c" = "Država";
/* Search scope: home address field */
"mozillahomestreet" = "Domači naslov";
/* Search scope: state/province field */
"st" = "Regija";
/* Search scope: home state/province field */
"mozillahomestate" = "Domača regija";
/* Search scope: zip/postal code field */
"postalCode" = "Poštna številka";
/* Search scope: home zip/postal code field */
"mozillahomepostalcode" = "Poštna številka";
/* Search scope: home country field */
"mozillahomecountryname" = "Država rojstva";
/* Search scope: home web page field */
"mozillahomeurl" = "Domača spletna stran";
/* Search scope: work web page field */
"mozillaworkurl" = "Spletna stran";
/* Search scope: note field */
"description" = "Opomba";
/* Subheader of empty addressbook */
"No contact" = "Ni stikov";
/* Subheader of system addressbook */
"Start a search to browse this address book" = "Začni iskanje v imeniku";
/* Number of contacts in addressbook; string is prefixed by number */
"contacts" = "Stiki";
/* No contact matching search criteria */
"No matching contact" = "Ne najdem stika";
/* Number of contacts matching search criteria; string is prefixed by number */
"matching contacts" = "ustreznih stikov";
/* Number of selected contacts in list */
"selected" = "izbran";
/* Empty right pane */
"No contact selected" = "Ni izbranih stikov";
/* Tooltips */
"Create a new address book card" = "Ustvari nov kontakt v imeniku";
"Create a new list" = "Ustvari nov seznam";
"Edit the selected card" = "Uredi izbrano kartico";
"Send a mail message" = "Pošlji poštno sporočilo";
"Delete selected card or address book" = "Izbriši izbran kontakt ali imenik";
"Reload all contacts" = "Ponovno naloži vse stike";
"htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "Neznano";
"htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "Golo besedilo";
"htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML";
"Name or Email" = "Ime ali e-pošta";
"Category" = "Kategorija";
"Personal Addressbook" = "Osebni imenik";
"Search in Addressbook" = "Išči v imeniku";
"New Card" = "Nova kartica";
"New List" = "Nov seznam";
"Edit" = "Uredi";
"Properties" = "Lastnosti";
"Sharing..." = "Skupna raba...";
"Write" = "Piši";
"Delete" = "Briši";
"Instant Message" = "Takojšnje sporočilo";
"Add..." = "Dodaj...";
"Remove" = "Odstrani";
"Please wait..." = "Prosim počakaj...";
"No possible subscription" = "Naročnina ni mogoča";
"Preferred" = "Željeno";
"Display" = "Prikaz";
"Display Name" = "Prikazno ime";
"Additional Email" = "Dodatna e-pošta";
"Phone Number" = "Telefonska številka";
"Prefers to receive messages formatted as" = "Željen format za prejeta sporočila";
"Categories" = "Kategorije";
"First" = "Prvo";
"Last" = "Zadnje";
"Nickname" = "Vzdevek";
"Telephone" = "Telefon";
"Work" = "Služba";
"Mobile" = "Mobilni telefon";
"Pager" = "Pozivnik";
/* categories */
"contacts_category_labels" = "Kolega, Tekmec, Stranka, Prijatelj, Družina, Poslovni partner, Dobavitelj, Novinar, VIP";
"New category" = "Nova kategorija";
/* adresses */
"Title" = "Naslov";
"Service" = "Storitev";
"Company" = "Podjetje";
"Department" = "Oddelek";
"City" = "Mesto";
"State_Province" = "Država/Provinca";
"ZIP_Postal Code" = "ZIP/Poštna številka";
"Country" = "Država";
"Web Page" = "Spletna stran";
"Other Infos" = "Ostali podatki";
"Note" = "Opomba";
"Timezone" = "Časovni pas";
"Birthday" = "Rojstni dan";
"Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)" = "Rojstni dan (llll-mm-dd)";
"Freebusy URL" = "Freebusy URL";
"Add as..." = "Dodaj kot...";
"Recipient" = "Prejemnik";
"Carbon Copy" = "Kopija";
"Blind Carbon Copy" = "Slepa kopija";
"New Addressbook..." = "Nov imenik...";
"Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "Naroči se na imenik...";
"Remove the selected Addressbook" = "Odstrani izbrani imenik";
"Subscribe to a shared folder" = "Naroči se na deljeno mapo...";
"Search User" = "Išči med uporabniki";
"Name of the Address Book" = "Ime imenika";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?"
= "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrani imenik?";
"Are you sure you want to delete the addressbook \"%{0}\"?"
= "Ste prepričan, da želite izbrisati izbrani imenik \"%{0}\"?";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook."
= "Ne morete se odstraniti ali odjaviti iz javnega imenika.";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook."
= "Ne morete se odstraniti ali odjaviti iz osebnega imenika.";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?"
= "Si prepričan, da želiš brisati izbrane stike?";
"Are you sure you want to delete the card of %{0}?" = "Si prepirčan, da želiš brisati izbrano kartico \"%{0}\"?";
"You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\"."
= "Ne moreš dodeliti kartice od \"%{0}\".";
"You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!"
= "Ne moreš se naročiti na lastno mapo.";
"Unable to subscribe to that folder!"
= "Nemogoče se je naročiti na to mapo.";
/* security */
"Security" = "Varnost";
"Uninstall" = "Odstrani";
"Error reading the card certificate." = "Napak pri branju certifikata.";
"No certificate associated to card." = "Certifikata ni mogoče najti.";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Pravice za dostop za";
"For user" = "Za uporabnika";
"Any Authenticated User" = "Katerikoli preverjeni uporabnik";
"Public Access" = "Javni dostop";
"This person can add cards to this addressbook."
= "Ta oseba lahko dodaja kontakte temu imeniku.";
"This person can edit the cards of this addressbook."
= "Ta oseba lahko ureja kontakte tega imenika.";
"This person can list the content of this addressbook."
= "Ta oseba lahko izpiše vsebino tega imenika.";
"This person can read the cards of this addressbook."
= "Ta oseba lahko bere kontakte tega imenika.";
"This person can erase cards from this addressbook."
= "Ta oseba lahko briše kontakte tega imenika.";
"The selected contact has no email address."
= "Izbran stik nima e-poštnega naslova.";
"Please select a contact." = "Prosim izberi stik.";
/* Messages for move and copy */
"%{0} card(s) copied" = "%{0} kartic skopiranih";
"%{0} card(s) moved" = "%{0} kartic premanjenih";
"SoAccessDeniedException" = "Pisanje v ta imenik ni dovoljeno.";
"Forbidden" = "Prepovedano";
"Invalid Contact" = "Izbrani stik ne obstaja več.";
"Unknown Destination Folder" = "Izbrani ciljni imenika ne obstaja več.";
/* Lists */
"List details" = "Podrobnosti seznama";
"List name" = "Ime iz seznama";
"List nickname" = "Vzdevek iz seznama";
"List description" = "Opis iz seznama";
"Members" = "Člani";
"Contacts" = "Stiki";
"Add" = "Dodaj";
"Lists can't be moved or copied." = "Seznami ne morejo biti premaknjeni ali kopirani.";
"Export" = "Izvozi";
"Export Address Book..." = "Izvozi imenik...";
"View Raw Source" = "Pregled surovega vira";
/* Import */
"Import Cards" = "Uvozi kartice";
"Select a vCard or LDIF file." = "Izberi vCard ali LDIF datoteko.";
"Upload" = "Naloži";
"Uploading" = "Nalaganje";
"Done" = "Končano";
"An error occured while importing contacts." = "Prišlo je do napake pri uvozu stikov.";
"No card was imported." = "Nobena kartica ni uvožena.";
"A total of %{0} cards were imported in the addressbook." = "Skupaj %{0} kontaktov je bilo uvoženo v imenik.";
"Reload" = "Ponovno naloži";
/* Properties window */
"Address Book Name" = "Ime imenika";
"Links to this Address Book" = "Povezave do tega imenika";
"Authenticated User Access" = "Preverjeni uporabniški dostop";
"CardDAV URL" = "CardDAV URL";
"Options" = "Možnosti";
"Rename" = "Preimenuj";
"Subscriptions" = "Naročnine";
"Global Addressbooks" = "Globalni imeniki";
"Search" = "Išči";
"Sort" = "Razvrsti";
"Descending Order" = "Padajoči vrstni red";
"Back" = "Nazaj";
"Select All" = "Označi vse";
"Copy contacts" = "Kopiraj stike";
"More messages options" = "Več možnosti sporočil";
"New Contact" = "Nov stik";
"Close" = "Zapri";
"More contact options" = "Več možnosti stikov";
"Organization Unit" = "Organizacijska enota";
"Add Organizational Unit" = "Dodaj organizacijsko enoto";
"Type" = "Tip";
"Email Address" = "Elektronski naslov";
"New Email Address" = "Nov elektronski naslov";
"New Phone Number" = "Nova telefonska številka";
"URL" = "URL";
"New URL" = "Nov URL";
"street" = "ulica";
"street (continued)" = "ulica (se nadaljuje)";
"Postoffice" = "Pošta";
"Region" = "Regija";
"Postal Code" = "Poštna številka";
"New Address" = "Nov naslov";
"Reset" = "Ponastavi";
"Description" = "Opis";
"Add Member" = "Dodaj člana";
"Subscribe" = "Naroči";
"Add Birthday" = "Dodaj rojstni dan";
"Import" = "Uvozi";
"More options" = "Več možnosti";
"Role" = "Role";
"Add Screen Name" = "Dodaj ime zaslona";
"Custom 1" = "Po meri 1";
"Custom 2" = "Po meri 2";
"Custom 3" = "Po meri 3";
"Custom 4" = "Po meri 4";
"Custom Value" = "Vrednost po meri";
"New Custom Value" = "Nova vrednost po meri";
"Synchronization" = "Sinhronizacija";
"Synchronize" = "Sinhroniziraj";
"Sucessfully subscribed to address book" = "Uspešno ste se naročili na imenik";
/* Aria label for scope of search on contacts */
"Search scope" = "Področje iskanja";
/* Aria label for avatar button to select and unselect a card */
"Toggle item" = "Skrij/prikaži predmet";
/* Hotkey to create a new card */
"key_create_card" = "c";
/* Hotkey to create a new list */
"key_create_list" = "l";