2019-07-19 12:50:18 -04:00

362 lines
12 KiB

/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
"Contact" = "Kontakt";
"Address" = "Adress";
"Photos" = "Foton";
"Other" = "Annat";
"Address Books" = "Adressböcker";
"Addressbook" = "Adressboken";
"Addresses" = "Adresser";
"Update" = "Uppdatera";
"Cancel" = "Avbryt";
"Common" = "Gemensamt";
"Contact editor" = "Kontaktredigerare";
"Contact viewer" = "Kontaktvisare";
"Email" = "E-post";
"Screen Name" = "Skärmnamn";
"Extended" = "Utökad";
"Fax" = "Fax";
"Firstname" = "Förnamn";
"Home" = "Hem";
"HomePhone" = "Hemtelefon";
"Lastname" = "Efternamn";
"Location" = "Plats";
"Add a category" = "Skapa en kategori";
"MobilePhone" = "Mobiltelefon";
"Name" = "Namn";
"OfficePhone" = "Kontorstelefon";
"Organization" = "Organisation";
"Work Phone" = "Arbetstelefon";
"Phone" = "Telefon";
"Phones" = "Telefoner";
"Postal" = "Postnummer";
"Save" = "Spara";
"Internet" = "Internet";
"Unit" = "Avdelning";
"delete" = "radera";
"edit" = "ändra";
"invalidemailwarn" = "Meddelandet är inkomplett";
"new" = "ny";
"Preferred Phone" = "Föredragen telefon";
"Move To" = "Flytta";
"Copy To" = "Kopiera";
"Add to" = "Addera";
"To" = "Till";
"Carbon Copy (Cc)" = "Kopia (Cc)";
"Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)" = "Dold kopia (Bcc)";
/* Search scope: name fields */
"name" = "Namn";
/* Search scope: name fields */
"c_cn" = "Namn";
/* Search scope: secondary email field */
"mozillanickname" = "Sekundär E-post";
/* Search scope: screen name field */
"nsaimid" = "Visningsnamn";
/* Search scope: mail fields */
"mail" = "E-post";
/* Search scope: mail fields */
"c_mail" = "E-post";
/* Search scope: telephone field */
"telephonenumber" = "Telefon";
/* Search scope: telephone field */
"homephone" = "Telefon";
/* Search scope: mobile field */
"mobile" = "Mobil";
/* Search scope: fax field */
"facsimiletelephonenumber" = "Fax";
/* Search scope: pager field */
"pager" = "Personsökare";
/* Search scope: categories field */
"c_categories" = "Kategorier";
/* Search scope: categories field */
"vcardcategories" = "Kategorier";
/* Search scope: title field */
"title" = "Titel";
/* Search scope: organization field */
"c_o" = "Organisation";
/* Search scope: organization field */
"o" = "Organisation";
/* Search scope: department field */
"ou" = "Avdelning";
/* Search scope: city field */
"l" = "Stad";
/* Search scope: country field */
"c" = "Land";
/* Search scope: home address field */
"mozillahomestreet" = "Hemadress";
/* Search scope: state/province field */
"st" = "Stat/Provins";
/* Search scope: home state/province field */
"mozillahomestate" = "Hemstat/Provins";
/* Search scope: zip/postal code field */
"postalCode" = "Postnummer";
/* Search scope: home zip/postal code field */
"mozillahomepostalcode" = "Postnummer";
/* Search scope: home country field */
"mozillahomecountryname" = "Hemland";
/* Search scope: home web page field */
"mozillahomeurl" = "Hemsida";
/* Search scope: work web page field */
"mozillaworkurl" = "Websida";
/* Search scope: note field */
"description" = "Anteckning";
/* Subheader of empty addressbook */
"No contact" = "Ingen kontakt";
/* Subheader of system addressbook */
"Start a search to browse this address book" = "Börja sök för att bläddra i den här adressboken";
/* Number of contacts in addressbook; string is prefixed by number */
"contacts" = "kontakter";
/* No contact matching search criteria */
"No matching contact" = "Ingen matchande kontakt";
/* Number of contacts matching search criteria; string is prefixed by number */
"matching contacts" = "matchande kontakter";
/* Number of selected contacts in list */
"selected" = "markerad";
/* Empty right pane */
"No contact selected" = "Ingen kontakt markerad";
/* Tooltips */
"Create a new address book card" = "Skapa ett nytt adresskort";
"Create a new list" = "Skapa en ny utskickslista";
"Edit the selected card" = "Redigera markerat adresskort";
"Send a mail message" = "Skicka ett meddelande";
"Delete selected card or address book" = "Ta bort markerat adresskort eller adressbok";
"Reload all contacts" = "Ladda om alla kontakter";
"htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "Okänt";
"htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "Oformaterad Text";
"htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML";
"Name or Email" = "Namn eller e-post";
"Category" = "Kategori";
"Personal Addressbook" = "Personlig adressbok";
"Search in Addressbook" = "Sök i adressbok";
"New Card" = "Nytt adresskort";
"New List" = "Ny utskickslista";
"Edit" = "Ändra";
"Properties" = "Egenskaper";
"Sharing..." = "Dela ut...";
"Write" = "Skriv";
"Delete" = "Ta bort";
"Instant Message" = "Direktmeddelande";
"Add..." = "Lägg till...";
"Remove" = "Ta bort";
"Please wait..." = "Var god vänta...";
"No possible subscription" = "Prenumeration är ej möjlig";
"Preferred" = "Föredragen";
"Display" = "Visa";
"Display Name" = "Visningsnamn";
"Additional Email" = "Ytterligare e-post";
"Phone Number" = "Telefonnummer";
"Prefers to receive messages formatted as" = "Föredrar att få mottagna meddelanden kodade som";
"Categories" = "Kategorier";
"First" = "Förnamn";
"Last" = "Efternamn";
"Nickname" = "Kortnamn";
"Telephone" = "Telefonnummer";
"Work" = "Arbete";
"Mobile" = "Mobiltelefon";
"Pager" = "Personsökare";
/* categories */
"contacts_category_labels" = "Kollega, Konkurrent, Kund, Vän, Familj, Affärspartner, Leverantör, Press, VIP";
"New category" = "Ny kategori";
/* adresses */
"Title" = "Titel";
"Service" = "Befattning";
"Company" = "Företag";
"Department" = "Avdelning";
"City" = "Stad ";
"State_Province" = "Landsdel/Stat";
"ZIP_Postal Code" = "Postnummer";
"Country" = "Land";
"Web Page" = "Webbplats";
"Other Infos" = "Övrigt";
"Note" = "Anteckning";
"Timezone" = "Tidzon";
"Birthday" = "Födelsedag";
"Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)" = "Födelsedag (yyyy-mm-dd)";
"Freebusy URL" = "Ledig/upptagen URL";
"Add as..." = "Lägg till som...";
"Recipient" = "Mottagare";
"Carbon Copy" = "Kopia";
"Blind Carbon Copy" = "Dold kopia";
"New Addressbook..." = "Ny adressbok...";
"Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "Prenumrera på en adressbok...";
"Remove the selected Addressbook" = "Ta bort markerad adressbok";
"Subscribe to a shared folder" = "Prenumerera på en delad mapp";
"Search User" = "Sök användare";
"Name of the Address Book" = "Namn på adressbok";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?"
= "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort markerad adressbok?";
"Are you sure you want to delete the addressbook \"%{0}\"?"
= "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort adressboken \"%{0}\"?";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook."
= "Du kan inte ta bort eller avbryta prenumration på en publik adressbok.";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook."
= "Du kan inte ta bort eller avbryta prenumration på en personlig adressbok.";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?"
= "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort markerade kontakter?";
"Are you sure you want to delete the card of %{0}?" = "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort kontaktkortet för \"%{0}\"?";
"You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\"."
= "Du kan inte ta bort adresskortet \"%{0}\".";
"You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!"
= "Du kan inte prenumrera på en mapp som du äger.";
"Unable to subscribe to that folder!"
= "Du kan inte prenumrera på mappen.";
/* security */
"Security" = "Säkerhet";
"Uninstall" = "Avinstallera";
"Error reading the card certificate." = "Fel vid inläsning av kortcertifikat.";
"No certificate associated to card." = "Inget certifikat är kopplat till kortet.";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Åtkomsträttigheter till";
"For user" = "För användare";
"Any Authenticated User" = "Alla autentiserade användare";
"Public Access" = "Allmän åtkomst";
"This person can add cards to this addressbook."
= "Personen kan lägga till addresskort i adressboken.";
"This person can edit the cards of this addressbook."
= "Personen kan ändra addresskort i adressboken.";
"This person can list the content of this addressbook."
= "Personen kan lista innehållet i adressboken.";
"This person can read the cards of this addressbook."
= "Personen kan visa addresskort i adressboken.";
"This person can erase cards from this addressbook."
= "Personen kan radera addresskort i adressboken.";
"The selected contact has no email address."
= "Markerad kontakt har ingen e-postadress.";
"Please select a contact." = "Markera en kontakt.";
/* Messages for move and copy */
"%{0} card(s) copied" = "%{0} kort kopierade";
"%{0} card(s) moved" = "%{0} kort flyttade";
"SoAccessDeniedException" = "Du kan inte skriva i den här adressboken.";
"Forbidden" = "Otillåten";
"Invalid Contact" = "Markerad kontakt finns inte längre.";
"Unknown Destination Folder" = "Den markerade adressboken finns inte längre.";
/* Lists */
"List details" = "Information om utskickslistan";
"List name" = "Namn på utskickslistan";
"List nickname" = "Smeknamn på utskickslistan";
"List description" = "Beskrivning";
"Members" = "Medlemmar";
"Contacts" = "Kontakter";
"Add" = "Lägg till";
"Lists can't be moved or copied." = "Utskickslistor kan inte flyttas eller kopieras.";
"Export" = "Exportera";
"Export Address Book..." = "Exportera adressbok...";
"View Raw Source" = "Visa källkod";
/* Import */
"Import Cards" = "Importera adresskort";
"Select a vCard or LDIF file." = "Välj ett vCard eller LDIF fil.";
"Upload" = "Ladda upp";
"Uploading" = "Laddar upp";
"Done" = "Klart";
"An error occured while importing contacts." = "Ett fel inträffade under importen av kontaker.";
"No card was imported." = "Inga adresskort importerades.";
"A total of %{0} cards were imported in the addressbook." = "Totalt %{0} av adresskorten importerades till adressboken.";
"Reload" = "Ladda om";
/* Properties window */
"Address Book Name" = "Namn på adressbok";
"Links to this Address Book" = "Länkar till denna adressbok";
"Authenticated User Access" = "Inloggade användare";
"CardDAV URL" = "CardDAV url";
"Options" = "Alternativ";
"Rename" = "Byt namn";
"Subscriptions" = "Prenumerationer";
"Global Addressbooks" = "Globala adressböcker";
"Search" = "Sök";
"Sort" = "Sortera";
"Descending Order" = "Omvänd ordning";
"Back" = "Tillbaka";
"Select All" = "Markera alla";
"Copy contacts" = "Kopiera kontakter";
"More messages options" = "Fler meddelandealternativ";
"New Contact" = "Ny kontakt";
"Close" = "Stäng";
"More contact options" = "Fler kontaktalternativ";
"Organization Unit" = "Organisationsenhet";
"Add Organizational Unit" = "Skapa organisationsenhet";
"Type" = "Typ";
"Email Address" = "E-postadress";
"New Email Address" = "Ny e-postadress";
"New Phone Number" = "Nytt telefonnummer";
"URL" = "URL";
"New URL" = "Ny URL";
"street" = "gata";
"street (continued)" = "Gatuadress (fortsatt)";
"Postoffice" = "Postkontor";
"Region" = "Region";
"Postal Code" = "Postnummer";
"New Address" = "Ny adress";
"Reset" = "Nollställ";
"Description" = "Beskrivning";
"Add Member" = "Lägg till medlem";
"Subscribe" = "Prenumrera";
"Add Birthday" = "Lägg till födelsedag";
"Import" = "Importera";
"More options" = "Fler alternativ";
"Role" = "Roll";
"Add Screen Name" = "Lägg till skärmnamn";
"Custom 1" = "Valfri 1";
"Custom 2" = "Valfri 2";
"Custom 3" = "Valfri 3";
"Custom 4" = "Valfri 4";
"Custom Value" = "Valfri ändring";
"New Custom Value" = "Ny valfri ändring";
"Synchronization" = "Synkronisering";
"Synchronize" = "Synkronisera";
"Sucessfully subscribed to address book" = "Prenumeration på adressbok skapad";
/* Aria label for scope of search on contacts */
"Search scope" = "Sökomfattning";
/* Aria label for avatar button to select and unselect a card */
"Toggle item" = "Växla objekt";
/* Hotkey to create a new card */
"key_create_card" = "c";
/* Hotkey to create a new list */
"key_create_list" = "l";