2019-06-14 10:58:29 -04:00

442 lines
16 KiB

/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
/* Icon's label */
"Create" = "Buat";
"Empty Trash" = "Kosongkan sampah";
"Delete" = "Hapus";
"Expunge" = "Menghilangkan";
"Forward" = "Teruskan";
"Get Mail" = "Mendapat Surat";
"Junk" = "Sampah";
"Not junk" = "Bukan sampah";
"Reply" = "Balas";
"Reply All" = "Balas Semua";
"Print" = "Cetak";
"Stop" = "Berhenti";
"Write" = "Tulis";
"Search" = "Mencari";
"Send" = "Kirim";
"Contacts" = "Kontak";
"Attach" = "Lampirkan";
"Save" = "Simpan";
"Options" = "Pilihan";
"Close" = "Tutup";
"Size" = "Ukuran";
/* Tooltips */
"Send this message now" = "Kirim Pesan sekarang";
"Select a recipient from an Address Book" = "Pilih Penerima dari buku alamat";
"Include an attachment" = "Masukan sebuah lampiran";
"Save this message" = "Simpan Pesan ini";
"Get new messages" = "Terima pesan baru";
"Create a new message" = "Buat pesan baru";
"Go to address book" = "Ke Buku alamat";
"Reply to the message" = "Balas Pesan";
"Reply to sender and all recipients" = "Balas ke pengirim dan semua penerima";
"Forward selected message" = "Teruskan pesan yang dipilih";
"Delete selected message or folder" = "Hapus pesan atau folder terpilih";
"Print this message" = "cetak pesan ini";
"Stop the current transfer" = "Hentikan Pemindahan terkini";
"Attachment" = "Lampiran";
"Unread" = "Belum dibaca";
"Flagged" = "Ditandai";
"Search multiple mailboxes" = "Cari beberapa kotak surat";
/* Main Frame */
"Home" = "Beranda";
"Calendar" = "Kalender";
"Addressbook" = "Buku Alamat";
"Mail" = "Surat";
"Right Administration" = "Administrasi Hak";
"Help" = "Bantuan";
/* Mail account main windows */
"Welcome to the SOGo Mailer. Use the folder tree on the left to browse your mail accounts!" = "Selamat datang di SOGo Mailer. Gunakan pohon folder di sebelah kiri untuk menelusuri account email Anda!";
"Read messages" = "Baca pesan";
/* Tooltip for fab button */
"Write a new message" = "Tulis pesan baru";
/* Tooltip for fab button */
"Write a message in new window" = "Tulis pesan di jendela baru";
"Share" = "Baggikan";
"Account" = "Akun";
"Shared Account" = "Akun Bersama";
/* A mailbox is selected, but no message (only shown on large screens) */
"No message selected" = "Tidak ada pesan yang dipilih";
/* No mailbox is selected (usually resulting from an IMAP connection problem) */
"No mailbox selected" = "Tidak ada kotak surat dipilih";
"An error occured while communicating with the mail server" = "erjadi kesalahan saat berkomunikasi dengan mail server";
/* Mailbox actions */
/* Compact Folder success message */
"Folder compacted" = "Folder Dikompaksi";
/* Empty Trash success message */
"Trash emptied" = "Sampah dikosongkan";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "Hak akses ke";
"For user" = "Untuk pengguna";
"Any Authenticated User" = "Setiap Pengguna Terotentikasi";
"List and see this folder" = "Mendaftar dan lihat folder ini";
"Read mails from this folder" = "Baca Surat dari folder ini";
"Mark mails read and unread" = "Tandai surat yang dibaca dan belum dibaca";
"Modify the flags of the mails in this folder" = "Modifikasi bendera dari surat di folder ini.";
"Insert, copy and move mails into this folder" = "Masukan, salin dan pindah surat ke folder ini";
"Post mails" = "Pos surat";
"Add subfolders to this folder" = "tambahkan subfolder ke folder ini.";
"Remove this folder" = "Hapus folder ini";
"Erase mails from this folder" = "Hapus surat dalam folder ini";
"Expunge this folder" = "Hilangkan folder ini";
"Export This Folder" = "Ekspor folder ini";
"Modify the acl of this folder" = "Modifikasi acl dari folder ini";
"Saved" = "Surat";
"Update" = "Perbarui";
"Cancel" = "Batal";
/* Mail edition */
"From" = "Dari";
"Subject" = "Subjek";
"To" = "Kepada";
"Cc" = "Cc";
"Bcc" = "Bcc";
"Reply-To" = "Balas ke";
"Add address" = "Tambah Alamat";
"Body" = "Bdan";
"Open" = "Buka";
"Select All" = "Pilih Semua";
"Select Message" = "Pilih Pesan";
"Attach Web Page..." = "Melampirkan halaman web...";
"file" = "File";
"files" = "File";
"Save all" = "Simpan Semua";
"to" = "Kepada";
"cc" = "Cc";
"bcc" = "Bcc";
"Add a recipient" = "Tambah penerima";
"Edit Draft..." = "Perbaiki draf";
"Load Images" = "Memuat gambar";
"Return Receipt" = "Tanda terima";
"The sender of this message has asked to be notified when you read this message. Do you with to notify the sender?" = "Pengirim pesan ini meminta diberitahu apabila anda telah membaca pesan ini. Apakah anda ingin memberitahu kepada pengirim?";
"Return Receipt (displayed) - %@"= "tanda terima (ditampilkan)- %@";
"This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %@.\n\nNote: This Return Receipt only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's computer. There is no guarantee that the recipient has read or understood the message contents." = "Ini adalah tanda terima untuk pesan yang anda kirim ke %@\n\nCatatan: tanda terima ini hanya menyatakan bahwa pesan ditampilkan pada komputer penerima. Tidak ada jaminan bahwa penerima telah membaca atau memahami isi pesan.";
"Security" = "Keamanan";
"Sign" = "Tanda";
"Encrypt" = "Enkripsi";
"Priority" = "Prioritas";
"highest" = "Tertinggi";
"high" = "Tinggi";
"normal" = "Normal";
"low" = "Rendah";
"lowest" = "Paling rendah";
"This mail is being sent from an unsecure network!" = "Pesan ini sedang dikirim dari sebuah jaringan yang tidak aman";
"Address Book" = "Buku Alamat";
"Search For" = "Pencarian untuk";
/* Popup "show" */
"all" = "Semua";
"read" = "Baca";
"unread" = "Belum dibaca";
"deleted" = "hapus";
"flagged" = "Ditandai";
/* MailListView */
"Sender" = "Pengirim";
"Subject or Sender" = "Subjek atau pengirim";
"To or Cc" = "Unutk atau Cc";
"Entire Message" = "Semua pesan";
"Date" = "Tanggal";
"View" = "Tinjau";
"All" = "Semua";
"No message" = "Tidak ada pesan";
"messages" = "pesan";
"Yesterday" = "Kemarin";
"first" = "Awal";
"previous" = "Sebelumnya";
"next" = "Selanjutnya";
"last" = "Terakhir";
"msgnumber_to" = "Kepada";
"msgnumber_of" = "Dari";
"Mark Unread" = "Tandai belum dibaca";
"Mark Read" = "Tandai sudah dibaca";
"Untitled" = "Belum berjudul";
/* Tree */
"SentFolderName" = "Terkirim";
"TrashFolderName" = "Sampah";
"InboxFolderName" = "Kotak pesan";
"DraftsFolderName" = "Draf";
"JunkFolderName" = "Sampah";
"SieveFolderName" = "Filter";
"Folders" = "Folder"; /* title line */
/* MailMoveToPopUp */
"MoveTo" = "Pindahkan …";
/* Address Popup menu */
"Add to Address Book..." = "Tambah ke buku alamt";
"Successfully created card" = "Successfully created card";
"Compose Mail To" = "Tulis surat kepada";
"Create Filter From Message..." = "Buat filter dari pesan...";
/* Image Popup menu */
"Save Image" = "Simpan Gambar";
"Save Attachment" = "Simpan Lampiran";
/* Mailbox popup menus */
"Open in New Mail Window" = "Buka di jendela pesan baru";
"Copy Folder Location" = "Salin lokasi folder";
"Subscribe..." = "Langganan";
"Mark Folder Read" = "Tandai folder terbaca";
"New Folder..." = "Folder baru";
"Compact This Folder" = "Ringkas folder ini";
"Search Messages..." = "Mencari pesan...";
"Sharing..." = "Berbagi...";
"New Subfolder..." = "Subfolder baru";
"Rename Folder..." = "Ganti Nama Folder";
"Delete Folder" = "Hapus Folder";
"Use This Folder For" = "Gunakan folder ini untuk";
"Get Messages for Account" = "Dapatkan pesan untuk akun";
"Properties..." = "Properti...";
"Delegation..." = "Deligasi...";
/* Use This Folder menu */
"Sent Messages" = "Pesan terkirim";
"Drafts" = "Draf";
"Deleted Messages" = "Pesan dihapus";
"Junk Messages" = "Pesan sampah";
/* Message list popup menu */
"Open Message In New Window" = "Buka pesan di jendela baru";
"Reply to Sender Only" = "Balas kepada pengirim saja";
"Reply to All" = "Balas ke Semua";
"Edit As New..." = "Perbaiki sebagai baru...";
"Move To" = "Pindah ke";
"Copy To" = "Salin ke";
"Label" = "Label";
"Mark" = "Tandai";
"Save As..." = "Simpan Sebagai";
"Print Preview" = "Tinjauan cetak";
"View Message Source" = "Tinjau sumber pesan";
/* Message view "more" menu: create an event from message */
"Convert To Event" = "Mengkonversi ke acara";
/* Message view "more" menu: create a task from message */
"Convert To Task" = "Mengkonversi ke Tugas";
/* Message view "more" menu: download all attachments as a zip archive */
"Download all attachments" = "Undus semua lampiran";
/* Filename prefix when downloading all attachments as a zip archive */
"attachments" = "Lampiran";
"Print..." = "Cetak";
"Delete Message" = "Hapus pesan";
"Delete Selected Messages" = "Hapus pesan terpilih";
"Mark the selected messages as junk" = "Tandai pesan terpilih sebagai sampah";
"Mark the selected messages as not junk" = "tandai pesan terpilih sebagai bukan sampah";
/* Text appended to the recipients list when there are too many recipients */
"and %{0} more..." = "dan %{0} lebih...";
/* Button label to hide extended list of recipients */
"Hide" = "Sembunyikan";
/* Number of selected messages in list */
"selected" = "dipilih";
/* Encrypted message notification */
"This message is encrypted" = "Pesan ini dienkripsi";
/* Encrypted message but no certificate */
"This message can't be decrypted. Please make sure you have uploaded your S/MIME certificate from the mail preferences module." = "Pesan ini tidak dapat didekripsi. Pastikan Anda telah mengunggah sertifikat S/MIME Anda dari modul preferensi surat.";
/* OpenSSL certificate error - unknown issuer */
"certificate verify error" = "Gagal memeriksa tanda tangan pada pesan";
/* OpenSSL certificate error - digest failure */
"digest failure" = "Pesan ini telah diubah";
/* OpenSSL reading error */
"Error reading the certificate. Please install a new certificate." = "Kesalahan membaca sertifikat. Silakan instal sertifikat baru.";
/* Trying to access a non-existent certificate */
"No certificate associated to account." = "Tidak ada sertifikat yang berkaitan dengan akun ini";
"This Folder" = "Folder ini";
/* Label popup menu */
"None" = "Tak satupun";
/* Mark popup menu */
"As Read" = "Sebagai terbaca";
"Thread As Read" = "Thread Sebagai Dibaca";
"As Read By Date..." = "Sebagai Dibaca berdasarkan tanggal";
"All Read" = "Semua yang dibaca";
"Flag" = "Bendera";
"As Junk" = "Sebagai sampah";
"As Not Junk" = "Sebagai Bukan sampah";
"Run Junk Mail Controls" = "Jalankan kontrol pesan sampah";
"Search messages in" = "Pencarian pesan masuk";
"Search" = "Mencari";
"Search subfolders" = "cari subfolder";
"Match any of the following" = "Cocokan dengan berikut ini";
"Match all of the following" = "Cocokan semua dengan berikut ini";
"contains" = "Mengandung";
"does not contain" = "Tidak mengandung";
"No matches found" = "Tidak ditemukan yang cocok";
"results found" = "Hasil ditemukan";
"result found" = "Hasil ditemukan";
"Please specify at least one filter" = "Mohon tentukan minimal satu filter";
/* Folder operations */
"Name" = "Nama";
"Enter the new name of your folder"
="Masukan nama folder baru anda";
"Do you really want to move this folder into the trash ?"
= "Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin pindah folder ini ke tempat sampah?";
"Operation failed" = "Operasi gagal";
"Quota" = "Kutipan:";
"quotasFormat" = "%{0}% digunakan pada %{1} MB";
"Unable to move/delete folder." = "Tidak dapat memindah/hapus folder";
/* Alternative operation when folder cannot be deleted */
"The mailbox could not be moved to the trash folder. Would you like to delete it immediately?"
= "Kotak surat tidak dapat dipindahkan ke folder sampah. Apakah Anda ingin menghapusnya langsung?";
/* Confirmation message when deleting multiple messages */
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected messages?" = "Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus pesan ini?";
/* Notification on the number of messages successfuly copied */
"%{0} message(s) copied" = "%{0} pesan(s) disalin";
/* Notification on the number of messages successfuly movied */
"%{0} message(s) moved" = "%{0} pesan(s) dipindah";
"Please select a message." = "Silahkan pilih sebuah pesan";
"Please select a message to print." = "Silahkan pilih sebuah pesan untuk dicetak.";
"Please select only one message to print." = "Mohon hanya pilih satu pesan untuk di cetak";
"The message you have selected doesn't exist anymore." = "Pesan yang telah anda pilih sudah tidak tersedia.";
"The folder with name \"%{0}\" could not be created."
= "Folder dengan nama \"%{0}\" tidak dapat di buat.";
"This folder could not be renamed to \"%{0}\"."
= "Folder ini tidak bisa dirubah namanya menjadi \"%{0}\".";
"The folder could not be deleted."
= "Folder ini tidak dapat dihapus.";
"The trash could not be emptied."
= "Sampah tidak dapat dikosongkan.";
"The folder functionality could not be changed."
= "Fungsi folder tidak dapat dirubah.";
"You need to choose a non-virtual folder!" = "Anda perlu memilih folder non-virtual!";
"Moving a message into its own folder is impossible!"
= "Memindahkan pesan ke folder sendiri tidak mungkin!";
"Copying a message into its own folder is impossible!"
= "Menyalin pesan ke folder sendiri tidak mungkin!";
/* Message operations */
"The messages could not be moved to the trash folder. Would you like to delete them immediately?"
= "Pesan tidak dapat dipindahkan ke folder sampah. Apakah Anda ingin menghapusnya langsung?";
/* Message editing */
"Please specify a subject." = "Silakan tentukan subjek.";
"error_missingsubject" = "Pesan tidak memiliki subjek. Apakah anda yakin ingin mengirimnya?";
"error_missingrecipients" = "Mohon tentukan minimal satu penerima";
"Send Anyway" = "Tetap kirim";
"Error while saving the draft" = "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan draf";
/* Error when uploading a file attachment */
"Error while uploading the file \"%{0}\":" = "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengunggah file \"%{0}\":";
"There is an active file upload. Closing the window will interrupt it." = "Ada file yang sedang di unggah. Menutup jendela akan mengganggu.";
"Message is too big" = "Pesan terlalu panjang";
/* Appears while sending the message */
"Sending" = "Sedang Mengirim";
/* Appears when the message is successfuly sent */
"Sent" = "Terkirim";
"cannot send message: (smtp) all recipients discarded" = "Tidak dapat mengirim pesan: Semua penerima tidak valid.";
"cannot send message (smtp) - recipients discarded" = "Tidak dapat mengirim pesan. alamat berikut tidak valid.";
"cannot send message: (smtp) error when connecting" = "Tidak dapat megirim pesan: kesalahan saat menghubungkan ke server SMTP.";
/* Contacts list in mail editor */
"Email" = "Email";
"More mail options" = "Pilihan pesan lainya";
"Delegation" = "Deligasi...";
"Add User" = "Tambah pengguna";
"Add a tag" = "Tambah sebuah label";
"reply" = "Balas";
"Edit" = "Edit";
"Yes" = "Ya";
"No" = "Tidak";
"Location" = "Lokasi";
"Rename" = "Ganti Nama";
"Compact" = "Ringkas";
"Export" = "Ekspor";
"Set as Drafts" = "Tetapkan sebaga Konsep";
"Set as Sent" = "tetapkan sebagai terkirim";
"Set as Trash" = "tetapkan sebagai sampah";
/* Set the folder as the one holding Junk mails */
"Set as Junk" = "Tetapkan sebagai sampah";
"Sort" = "menyortir";
"Order Received" = "Pesanan diterima";
"Descending Order" = "Menurunkan pesanan";
"Back" = "Kembali";
"Copy messages" = "Salin Pesan";
"More messages options" = "Pilihan pesan lainya";
"Mark as Unread" = "Tandai sebagai belum dibaca";
"Mark as Read" = "Tandai sebagai sudah dibaca";
"Closing Window ..." = "Menutup Jendela...";
"Tried to send too many mails. Please wait." = "Mencoba untuk mengirim terlalu banyak mail. Silahkan tunggu.";
"View Mail" = "Tinjau Surat";
"This message contains external images." = "Pesan ini berisi gambar eksternal";
"Expanded" = "Diperluas";
"Add a Criteria" = "Tambah kriteria";
"More search options" = "Pilihan pencarian lainya";
"Your email has been saved" = "Email anda telah disimpan";
"Your email has been sent" = "Email anda telah dikirim";
"Folder compacted" = "Folder Dikompaksi";
/* Advanced search */
"Enter Subject" = "Enter Subject";
"Enter From" = "Enter From";
"Enter To" = "Enter To";
"Enter Cc" = "Enter Cc";
"Enter Body" = "Enter Body";
"match" = "match";
"does not match" = "does not match";
/* Aria label for scope of search on messages */
"Search scope" = "Batasan pencarian";
/* Subscriptions Dialog */
"Manage Subscriptions" = "Kelola langganan";
/* Label of filter input field in subscriptions dialog */
"Filter" = "Filter";
/* Hotkey to write a new message */
"hotkey_compose" = "w";
/* Hotkey to mark selected message(s) as junk */
"hotkey_junk" = "j";
/* Hotkey to flag a message */
"hotkey_flag" = "*";
/* Hotkey to reply to a message */
"hotkey_reply" = "r";
/* Hotkey to reply to all recipients of a message */
"hotkey_replyall" = "a";
/* Hotkey to forward to a message */
"hotkey_forward" = "f";