Cedric Nugteren 221121b840
Add Github Actions CI (#464)
This replaces the old Travis CI builds with Github Actions that test on both Ubuntu and MacOS, with both Clang and GCC. The builds on macOS also run the tests and some other programs, on Ubuntu OpenCL is not working at the moment. Because these tests use new/different compilers, I fixed a few warnings and errors along the way.
2023-05-14 11:25:15 +02:00

174 lines
7.6 KiB

// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file implements a class with static methods to describe the Xhad routine. Examples of
// such 'descriptions' are how to calculate the size a of buffer or how to run the routine. These
// static methods are used by the correctness tester and the performance tester.
// =================================================================================================
#include "test/routines/common.hpp"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
template <typename T>
StatusCode RunReference(const Arguments<T> &args, BuffersHost<T> &buffers_host) {
for (auto index = size_t{0}; index < args.n; ++index) {
const auto x = buffers_host.x_vec[index * args.x_inc + args.x_offset];
const auto y = buffers_host.y_vec[index * args.y_inc + args.y_offset];
const auto z = buffers_host.c_mat[index]; // * args.z_inc + args.z_offset];
buffers_host.c_mat[index] = args.alpha * x * y + args.beta * z;
return StatusCode::kSuccess;
// Half-precision version calling the above reference implementation after conversions
template <>
StatusCode RunReference<half>(const Arguments<half> &args, BuffersHost<half> &buffers_host) {
auto x_buffer2 = HalfToFloatBuffer(buffers_host.x_vec);
auto y_buffer2 = HalfToFloatBuffer(buffers_host.y_vec);
auto c_buffer2 = HalfToFloatBuffer(buffers_host.c_mat);
auto dummy = std::vector<float>(0);
auto dummy_uint = std::vector<unsigned int>(0);
auto buffers2 = BuffersHost<float>{x_buffer2, y_buffer2, dummy, dummy, c_buffer2, dummy, dummy, dummy_uint};
auto args2 = Arguments<float>();
args2.x_size = args.x_size; args2.y_size = args.y_size; args2.c_size = args.c_size;
args2.x_inc = args.x_inc; args2.y_inc = args.y_inc; args2.n = args.n;
args2.x_offset = args.x_offset; args2.y_offset = args.y_offset;
args2.alpha = HalfToFloat(args.alpha); args2.beta = HalfToFloat(args.beta);
auto status = RunReference(args2, buffers2);
FloatToHalfBuffer(buffers_host.c_mat, buffers2.c_mat);
return status;
// =================================================================================================
// See comment at top of file for a description of the class
template <typename T>
class TestXhad {
// The BLAS level: 4 for the extra routines (note: tested with matrix-size values for 'n')
static size_t BLASLevel() { return 4; }
// The list of arguments relevant for this routine
static std::vector<std::string> GetOptions() {
return {kArgN,
kArgXInc, kArgYInc,
kArgXOffset, kArgYOffset,
kArgAlpha, kArgBeta};
static std::vector<std::string> BuffersIn() { return {kBufVecX, kBufVecY, kBufMatC}; }
static std::vector<std::string> BuffersOut() { return {kBufMatC}; }
// Describes how to obtain the sizes of the buffers
static size_t GetSizeX(const Arguments<T> &args) {
return args.n * args.x_inc + args.x_offset;
static size_t GetSizeY(const Arguments<T> &args) {
return args.n * args.y_inc + args.y_offset;
static size_t GetSizeC(const Arguments<T> &args) { // used for 'vector z'
return args.n; // * args.z_inc + args.z_offset;
// Describes how to set the sizes of all the buffers
static void SetSizes(Arguments<T> &args, Queue&) {
args.x_size = GetSizeX(args);
args.y_size = GetSizeY(args);
args.c_size = GetSizeC(args); // used for 'vector z'
// Describes what the default values of the leading dimensions of the matrices are
static size_t DefaultLDA(const Arguments<T> &) { return 1; } // N/A for this routine
static size_t DefaultLDB(const Arguments<T> &) { return 1; } // N/A for this routine
static size_t DefaultLDC(const Arguments<T> &) { return 1; } // N/A for this routine
// Describes which transpose options are relevant for this routine
using Transposes = std::vector<Transpose>;
static Transposes GetATransposes(const Transposes &) { return {}; } // N/A for this routine
static Transposes GetBTransposes(const Transposes &) { return {}; } // N/A for this routine
// Describes how to prepare the input data
static void PrepareData(const Arguments<T>&, Queue&, const int, std::vector<T>&,
std::vector<T>&, std::vector<T>&, std::vector<T>&, std::vector<T>&,
std::vector<T>&, std::vector<T>&) {} // N/A for this routine
// Describes how to run the CLBlast routine
static StatusCode RunRoutine(const Arguments<T> &args, Buffers<T> &buffers, Queue &queue) {
auto queue_plain = queue();
auto event = cl_event{};
auto status = Had(args.n, args.alpha,
buffers.x_vec(), args.x_offset, args.x_inc,
buffers.y_vec(), args.y_offset, args.y_inc, args.beta,
buffers.c_mat(), 0, 1, // used for 'vector z'
&queue_plain, &event);
if (status == StatusCode::kSuccess) { clWaitForEvents(1, &event); clReleaseEvent(event); }
#elif CUDA_API
auto status = Had(args.n, args.alpha,
buffers.x_vec(), args.x_offset, args.x_inc,
buffers.y_vec(), args.y_offset, args.y_inc, args.beta,
buffers.c_mat(), 0, 1, // used for 'vector z'
queue.GetContext()(), queue.GetDevice()());
return status;
// Describes how to run a naive version of the routine (for correctness/performance comparison).
// Note that a proper clBLAS or CPU BLAS comparison is not available for non-BLAS routines.
static StatusCode RunReference1(const Arguments<T> &args, Buffers<T> &buffers, Queue &queue) {
auto buffers_host = BuffersHost<T>();
DeviceToHost(args, buffers, buffers_host, queue, BuffersIn());
const auto status = RunReference(args, buffers_host);
HostToDevice(args, buffers, buffers_host, queue, BuffersOut());
return status;
static StatusCode RunReference2(const Arguments<T> &args, BuffersHost<T> &buffers_host, Queue&) {
return RunReference(args, buffers_host);
static StatusCode RunReference3(const Arguments<T> &, BuffersCUDA<T> &, Queue &) {
return StatusCode::kUnknownError;
// Describes how to download the results of the computation (more importantly: which buffer)
static std::vector<T> DownloadResult(const Arguments<T> &args, Buffers<T> &buffers, Queue &queue) {
std::vector<T> result(args.c_size, static_cast<T>(0));
buffers.c_mat.Read(queue, args.c_size, result);
return result;
// Describes how to compute the indices of the result buffer
static size_t ResultID1(const Arguments<T> &args) { return args.n; }
static size_t ResultID2(const Arguments<T> &) { return 1; } // N/A for this routine
static size_t GetResultIndex(const Arguments<T> &, const size_t id1, const size_t) {
return id1; // * args.z_inc + args.z_offset;
// Describes how to compute performance metrics
static size_t GetFlops(const Arguments<T> &args) {
return 4 * args.n;
static size_t GetBytes(const Arguments<T> &args) {
return (4 * args.n) * sizeof(T);
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast