2018-02-24 21:11:28 +01:00

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CLBlast: Testing the library for correctness

This document describes how to test the library. For other information about CLBlast, see the main README.

Compiling the correctness tests

To make sure CLBlast is working correctly on your device (recommended), compile with the tests enabled by specifying -DTESTS=ON, for example as follows:

cmake -DTESTS=ON ..

To build these tests, another BLAS library is needed to serve as a reference. This can be either:

  • The OpenCL BLAS library clBLAS (maintained by AMD)
  • A regular CPU Netlib BLAS library, e.g.:
    • OpenBLAS
    • BLIS
    • Accelerate

Afterwards, executables in the form of clblast_test_xxxxx are available, in which xxxxx is the name of a routine (e.g. xgemm).

Running the tests

All tests can be run as individual executables or directly together in one go through the make alltests target or using CTest (make test or ctest). In the latter case the output is less verbose. Both cases allow you to set the default device and platform to non-zero by setting the CLBLAST_DEVICE and CLBLAST_PLATFORM environmental variables. Further options can be supplied through the CLBLAST_ARGUMENTS environmental variable (e.g. export CLBLAST_ARGUMENTS="-full_test -cblas 1 -clblas 0" on a UNIX system).

Note that CLBlast is tested for correctness against clBLAS and/or a regular CPU BLAS library. If both are installed on your system, setting the command-line option -clblas 1 or -cblas 1 will select the library to test against for the clblast_test_xxxxx executables. All tests have a -verbose option to enable additional diagnostic output. They also have a -full_test option to increase coverage further.