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gmp_libmpq_set_str Method
Set rop from a null-terminated string str in the given base.

Namespace:  Math.Gmp.Native
Assembly:  Math.Gmp.Native (in Math.Gmp.Native.dll) Version: (
public static int mpq_set_str(
	mpq_t rop,
	char_ptr str,
	int base


Type: Math.Gmp.Nativempq_t
The result rational.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativechar_ptr
The source string.
Type: SystemInt32
The base,

Return Value

Type: Int32
The return value is 0 if the entire string is a valid number, or -1 if not.

The string can be an integer like "41" or a fraction like "41/152". The fraction must be in canonical form (see GNU MP - Rational Number Functions), or if not then mpq_canonicalize(mpq_t) must be called.

The numerator and optional denominator are parsed the same as in mpz_set_str(mpz_t, char_ptr, Int32) (see GNU MP - Assigning Integers). White space is allowed in the string, and is simply ignored. The base can vary from 2 to 62, or if base is 0 then the leading characters are used: 0x or 0X for hex, 0b or 0B for binary, 0 for octal, or decimal otherwise. Note that this is done separately for the numerator and denominator, so for instance 0xEF/100 is 239/100, whereas 0xEF/0x100 is 239/256.

// Create and initialize a new rational x.
mpq_t x = new mpq_t();

// Set the value of x.
char_ptr value = new char_ptr("12 345 678 909 876 543 211 234 567 890 987 654 321 / 234 567 890");
gmp_lib.mpq_set_str(x, value, 10);

// Assert the value of x.
char_ptr s = gmp_lib.mpq_get_str(char_ptr.Zero, 10, x);
Assert.IsTrue(s.ToString() == value.ToString().Replace(" ", ""));

// Release unmanaged memory allocated for x and string values.
See Also