2014-12-29 18:32:17 +01:00

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Types and default values

JSON type value_type C++ type type alias default value
null value_type::null nullptr_t - nullptr
string value_type::string std::string JSON::string_t ""
number (integer) value_type::number int JSON::number_t 0
number (floating point) value_type::number_float double JSON::number_float_t 0.0
array value_type::array std::array<JSON> JSON::array_t {}
object value_type::object std::map<std::string, JSON> JSON::object_t {}

Type conversions

There are only a few type conversions possible:

  • An integer number can be translated to a floating point number.
  • A floating point number can be translated to an integer number. Note the number is truncated and not rounded, ceiled or floored.
  • Any value (i.e., boolean, string, number, null) but JSON objects can be translated into an array. The result is a singleton array that consists of the value before.
  • Any other conversion will throw a std::logic_error exception.

When compatible, JSON values implicitly convert to std::string, int, double, JSON::array_t, and JSON::object_t. Furthermore, explicit type conversion is possible using the get<>() function with the aforementioned types.


JSON values can be created from many literals and variable types:

JSON type literal/variable types examples
none null pointer literal, nullptr_t type, no value nullptr
boolean boolean literals, bool type, JSON::boolean_t type true, false
string string literal, char* type, std::string type, std::string&& rvalue reference, JSON::string_t type "Hello"
number (integer) integer literal, short int type, int type, JSON_number_t type 42
number (floating point) floating point literal, float type, double type, JSON::number_float_t type 3.141529
array initializer list whose elements are JSON values (or can be translated into JSON values using the rules above), std::vector<JSON> type, JSON::array_t type, JSON::array_t&& rvalue reference {1, 2, 3, true, "foo"}
object initializer list whose elements are pairs of a string literal and a JSON value (or can be translated into JSON values using the rules above), std::map<std::string, JSON> type, JSON::object_t type, JSON::object_t&& rvalue reference { {"key1", 42}, {"key2", false} }