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Hashengine 2.2 Scripting documentation (EN)

Scripts in games made in Hashengine 2.2 have restricted access to the game.
this includes HASHBASE, HASHGAME and SOUND.
Note: the print function is redirected to an log function; all printed text is written into a file instead of stdout.


HASHBASE gives access to the Hashengine module, it is intended to be used when creating vector2 and color3.

vector2 describes an position in a game of Hashengine and to create an vector2 HASHBASE.vector2() should be used.
optional arguments are x and y. by default both are 0.

color3 describes an color, for either the foreground or background of an object.
to create an color HASHBASE.color3() should be used.
optional arguments are r, g and b. by default, all are 0.

To create objects in the game, use HASHBASE.obj().
No optional arguments.

events are used to execute one or more scripts when it is executed. normal use cases of events are in objects. the event <OBJECT>._touching and all scripts attached to that event get executed once that object is colliding with something.
to attach to an event use <EVENT>.attach(<FUNCTION>).
to create your own event use HASHBASE.event(), you can execute the event with <EVENT>.execute() which will return a list of created threads where the executed functions run in.

Note: HASHBASE is sometimes also used to load custom sounds via HASHBASE.loadsound(path) this returns an bytearray which can be then used to play the sounds, which will be explained later on.


HASHGAME gives access to the running game class which handles collision, rendering etc.

use cases of HASHGAME are to access packaged sounds, the renderer, objects, the camera and the keyboard.
to access the object dictionary directly (which is normally a bad practice) use HASHGAME._objects.
the key to an object is its ID and the value is the object class.
to access the renderer (which is also normally bad practice) use HASHGAME._renderer, this gives you access to the running renderer class.

How to correctly access/add/remove an object:
to safely access an Object (no failsafes tho) you can use HASHGAME.getobjbyid(<ID>), but to find your desired's object ID can be hard especially because it is randomly generated each time your game runs. Thats why there are SID's.


SID's are ID's of objects that always stay the same. You can view the SID of an object under the HASHENGINE editor under an object's attributes. Double click on the SID attribute to copy the SID to your clipboard.
Now to access an object trough it's SID use HASHGAME.getobjbySID(<SID>) this will return the object class.


SEQSID's are ID's of an "model" that was created in the HASHENGINE editor, it is calculated by putting every 1-5 fifth character of every object in the model into one string. Double click on the SEQSID attribute to copy the SID to your clipboard.
To access object's trough an SEQSID use HASHGAME.getobjseqbySID(<SEQSID>), this will return an seqobj class. the seqobj class can do one single thing: move objects by an specified offset. that means, use <SEQOBJ>.moveby(<POS>). this will move every object of that SEQSID by that offset.

to add an Object to the running game use HASHGAME.addobj(<target object>).
to remove an object from the running game use HASHGAME.removeobj(<target object class>) or HASHGAME.removeobjbyid(<ID>).

To check if an specified key is currently pressed use HASHGAME.isdown(<char>) this will return True if its currently being pressed, False if not and None if its not supported.

Supported Keys:
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

back to the camera: the camera is technically just an object with its position describing the rendering offset, meaning that the camera could be made into an player with scripting.


Hashengine can play sounds too!

Hashengine supports audio playback. As previously said, HASHBASE.loadsound(<PATH>) can be used to load an sound which is generally not good as audio is normally imported in the Hashengine editor and then packaged into the game.

to play a sound use SOUND(HASHGAME.sounds[<Target sound name>]) or if youre using loadsound then SOUND(loadsound(<PATH>)). this will return a SOUND Class which can playback the sound. to play the sound use <sound>.play(). to stop the sound use <sound>.stop() and to yield until the sound is done playing sue <sound>.wait()


Hashengine provides you with built-in pathfinding

Hashengine has an built pathfinding system (A*). to use it, use PATHFIND.find_path(<start vector2>, <end vector2>). it returns an list of vector2's representing every single waypoint.


the save manager also called in the API SAVMANG is used for save data

SAVMANG is used for saving user save data. use SAVMANG.get() to get the current save data and SAVEMANG.set(<new save data (dict)>) to override the save data. when using it within a script in test mode, it will save in a temporary dictionary which is NOT shared amongst scripts.