SOEM v1.3.1
Data Structures | Defines | Functions | Variables
ethercatprint.c File Reference

Module to convert EtherCAT errors to readable messages. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include "oshw.h"
#include "ethercattype.h"
#include "ethercatmain.h"

Data Structures

struct  ec_sdoerrorlist_t
struct  ec_ALstatuscodelist_t
struct  ec_soeerrorlist_t
struct  ec_mbxerrorlist_t


#define EC_MAXERRORNAME   127


const char * ec_sdoerror2string (uint32 sdoerrorcode)
char * ec_ALstatuscode2string (uint16 ALstatuscode)
char * ec_soeerror2string (uint16 errorcode)
char * ec_mbxerror2string (uint16 errorcode)
char * ecx_elist2string (ecx_contextt *context)
char * ec_elist2string (void)


char estring [EC_MAXERRORNAME]
const ec_sdoerrorlist_t ec_sdoerrorlist []
const ec_ALstatuscodelist_t ec_ALstatuscodelist []
const ec_soeerrorlist_t ec_soeerrorlist []
const ec_mbxerrorlist_t ec_mbxerrorlist []

Detailed Description

Module to convert EtherCAT errors to readable messages.

SDO abort messages and AL status codes are used to relay slave errors to the user application. This module converts the binary codes to readble text. For the defined error codes see the EtherCAT protocol documentation.

Define Documentation

#define EC_MAXERRORNAME   127

Function Documentation

char* ec_ALstatuscode2string ( uint16  ALstatuscode)

Look up text string that belongs to AL status code.

[in]ALstatuscode= AL status code as defined in EtherCAT protocol
readable string
char* ec_elist2string ( void  )
char* ec_mbxerror2string ( uint16  errorcode)

Look up text string that belongs to MBX error code.

[in]errorcode= MBX error code as defined in EtherCAT protocol
readable string
const char* ec_sdoerror2string ( uint32  sdoerrorcode)

Look up text string that belongs to SDO error code.

[in]sdoerrorcode= SDO error code as defined in EtherCAT protocol
readable string
char* ec_soeerror2string ( uint16  errorcode)

Look up text string that belongs to SoE error code.

[in]errorcode= SoE error code as defined in EtherCAT protocol
readable string
char* ecx_elist2string ( ecx_contextt context)

Look up error in ec_errorlist and convert to text string.

[in]context= context struct
readable string

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
   {0x0000 , "No error" },
   {0x0001 , "Unspecified error" },
   {0x0002 , "No memory" },
   {0x0011 , "Invalid requested state change" },
   {0x0012 , "Unknown requested state" },
   {0x0013 , "Bootstrap not supported" },
   {0x0014 , "No valid firmware" },
   {0x0015 , "Invalid mailbox configuration" },
   {0x0016 , "Invalid mailbox configuration" },
   {0x0017 , "Invalid sync manager configuration" },
   {0x0018 , "No valid inputs available" },
   {0x0019 , "No valid outputs" },
   {0x001A , "Synchronization error" },
   {0x001B , "Sync manager watchdog" },
   {0x001C , "Invalid sync Manager types" },
   {0x001D , "Invalid output configuration" },
   {0x001E , "Invalid input configuration" },
   {0x001F , "Invalid watchdog configuration" },
   {0x0020 , "Slave needs cold start" },
   {0x0021 , "Slave needs INIT" },
   {0x0022 , "Slave needs PREOP" },
   {0x0023 , "Slave needs SAFEOP" },
   {0x0024 , "Invalid input mapping" },
   {0x0025 , "Invalid output mapping" },
   {0x0026 , "Inconsistent settings" },
   {0x0027 , "Freerun not supported" },
   {0x0028 , "Synchronisation not supported" },
   {0x0029 , "Freerun needs 3buffer mode" },
   {0x002A , "Background watchdog" },
   {0x002B , "No valid Inputs and Outputs" },
   {0x002C , "Fatal sync error" },
   {0x002D , "No sync error" }, 
   {0x002E , "Invalid input FMMU configuration" },
   {0x0030 , "Invalid DC SYNC configuration" },
   {0x0031 , "Invalid DC latch configuration" },
   {0x0032 , "PLL error" },
   {0x0033 , "DC sync IO error" },
   {0x0034 , "DC sync timeout error" },
   {0x0035 , "DC invalid sync cycle time" },
   {0x0035 , "DC invalid sync0 cycle time" },
   {0x0035 , "DC invalid sync1 cycle time" },
   {0x0042 , "MBX_EOE" },
   {0x0043 , "MBX_COE" },
   {0x0044 , "MBX_FOE" },
   {0x0045 , "MBX_SOE" },
   {0x004F , "MBX_VOE" },
   {0x0050 , "EEPROM no access" },
   {0x0051 , "EEPROM error" },
   {0x0060 , "Slave restarted locally" },
   {0x0061 , "Device identification value updated" },
   {0x00f0 , "Application controller available" },
   {0xffff , "Unknown" }

AL status code list definition

Initial value:
   {0x0000, "No error" },
   {0x0001, "Syntax of 6 octet Mailbox Header is wrong" },
   {0x0002, "The mailbox protocol is not supported" },
   {0x0003, "Channel Field contains wrong value"},
   {0x0004, "The service is no supported"},
   {0x0005, "Invalid mailbox header"},
   {0x0006, "Length of received mailbox data is too short"},
   {0x0007, "No more memory in slave"},
   {0x0008, "The lenght of data is inconsistent"},
   {0xffff, "Unknown"}

MBX error list definition

Initial value:
   {0x00000000, "No error" },
   {0x05030000, "Toggle bit not changed" },
   {0x05040000, "SDO protocol timeout" },
   {0x05040001, "Client/Server command specifier not valid or unknown" },
   {0x05040005, "Out of memory" },
   {0x06010000, "Unsupported access to an object" },
   {0x06010001, "Attempt to read to a write only object" },
   {0x06010002, "Attempt to write to a read only object" },
   {0x06010003, "Subindex can not be written, SI0 must be 0 for write access" },
   {0x06010004, "SDO Complete access not supported for variable length objects" },
   {0x06010005, "Object length exceeds mailbox size" },
   {0x06010006, "Object mapped to RxPDO, SDO download blocked" },
   {0x06020000, "The object does not exist in the object directory" },
   {0x06040041, "The object can not be mapped into the PDO" },
   {0x06040042, "The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed the PDO length" },
   {0x06040043, "General parameter incompatibility reason" },
   {0x06040047, "General internal incompatibility in the device" },
   {0x06060000, "Access failed due to a hardware error" },
   {0x06070010, "Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match" },
   {0x06070012, "Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high" },
   {0x06070013, "Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low" },
   {0x06090011, "Subindex does not exist" },
   {0x06090030, "Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access)" },
   {0x06090031, "Value of parameter written too high" },
   {0x06090032, "Value of parameter written too low" },
   {0x06090036, "Maximum value is less than minimum value" },
   {0x08000000, "General error" },
   {0x08000020, "Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application" },
   {0x08000021, "Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local control" },
   {0x08000022, "Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present device state" },
   {0x08000023, "Object dictionary dynamic generation fails or no object dictionary is present" },
   {0xffffffff, "Unknown" }

SDO error list definition

Initial value:
   {0x0000, "No error" },
   {0x1001, "No IDN" },
   {0x1009, "Invalid access to element 1" },
   {0x2001, "No Name" },
   {0x2002, "Name transmission too short" },
   {0x2003, "Name transmission too long" },
   {0x2004, "Name cannot be changed (read only)" },
   {0x2005, "Name is write-protected at this time" },
   {0x3002, "Attribute transmission too short" },
   {0x3003, "Attribute transmission too long" },
   {0x3004, "Attribute cannot be changed (read only)" },
   {0x3005, "Attribute is write-protected at this time" },
   {0x4001, "No units" },
   {0x4002, "Unit transmission too short" },
   {0x4003, "Unit transmission too long" },
   {0x4004, "Unit cannot be changed (read only)" },
   {0x4005, "Unit is write-protected at this time" },
   {0x5001, "No minimum input value" },
   {0x5002, "Minimum input value transmission too short" },
   {0x5003, "Minimum input value transmission too long" },
   {0x5004, "Minimum input value cannot be changed (read only)" },
   {0x5005, "Minimum input value is write-protected at this time" },
   {0x6001, "No maximum input value" },
   {0x6002, "Maximum input value transmission too short" },
   {0x6003, "Maximum input value transmission too long" },
   {0x6004, "Maximum input value cannot be changed (read only)" },
   {0x6005, "Maximum input value is write-protected at this time" },
   {0x7002, "Operation data transmission too short" },
   {0x7003, "Operation data transmission too long" },
   {0x7004, "Operation data cannot be changed (read only)" },
   {0x7005, "Operation data is write-protected at this time (state)" },
   {0x7006, "Operation data is smaller than the minimum input value" },
   {0x7007, "Operation data is smaller than the maximum input value" },
   {0x7008, "Invalid operation data:Configured IDN will not be supported" },
   {0x7009, "Operation data write protected by a password" },
   {0x700A, "Operation data is write protected, it is configured cyclically" },
   {0x700B, "Invalid indirect addressing: (e.g., data container, list handling)" },
   {0x700C, "Operation data is write protected, due to other settings" },
   {0x700D, "Reserved" },
   {0x7010, "Procedure command already active" },
   {0x7011, "Procedure command not interruptible" },
   {0x7012, "Procedure command at this time not executable (state)" },
   {0x7013, "Procedure command not executable (invalid or false parameters)" },
   {0x7014, "No data state" },
   {0x8001, "No default value" },
   {0x8002, "Default value transmission too long" },
   {0x8004, "Default value cannot be changed, read only" },
   {0x800A, "Invalid drive number" },
   {0x800A, "General error" },
   {0x800A, "No element addressed" },
   {0xffff, "Unknown" }

SoE error list definition

char estring[EC_MAXERRORNAME]