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Templating engine primarly used for html.



Render the children 5 times, with the variable xy set to the 5 values 0, 3, 6, 4, 1 :

<tag v-for:xy="[0,3,6,4,1]">...</tag>

Render tag only if attribute v-if evaluates to a non false value.

<tag v-if="true">...</tag>

Replace this tag with the rendered content of othertemplate.html:

<tag v-include="othertemplate.html">...</tag>

Use named slots to send content to included template:

<tag v-include="othertemplate.html">
    <div v-slot="title"></slot>
    <div v-slot=""></slot>

Define Slots to be replaced with content from "caller":

<slot name="title">
<div>Some stuff...</div>
<slot name="slotname">
    I am the default content, that will be rendered,
    if there is no slot named "slotname"
<slot>I am the default slot</slot>
<slot name="">I am also the default slot</slot>

By not providing any v-slot elements v-include will use the element itself to be the default slot.

<tag v-include="frame.html">
    This tag will be surrounded by the frame!
    Because there is no slot defined within it.

Define / run JavaScript logic within the script:

    let v = 1 + 2;

Add style classes conditionally via expression:

<div :class="{ "text-center": true, "text-primary": false }">

Set attributes values from expressions:

<div :myattribute="getMyAttributeValue()">

Include content by expressions within text elements:

<div>This is my favourite color: {{ myFavouriteColor }}.