2019-07-19 12:50:18 -04:00

362 lines
11 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
"Contact" = "聯絡人";
"Address" = "地址";
"Photos" = "照片";
"Other" = "其它";
"Address Books" = "通訊錄";
"Addressbook" = "通訊錄";
"Addresses" = "地址";
"Update" = "更新";
"Cancel" = "取消";
"Common" = "一般";
"Contact editor" = "聯絡人編輯器";
"Contact viewer" = "聯絡人瀏覽器";
"Email" = "郵件";
"Screen Name" = "顯示名稱";
"Extended" = "延伸";
"Fax" = "傳真";
"Firstname" = "名";
"Home" = "住家";
"HomePhone" = "住家電話";
"Lastname" = "姓氏";
"Location" = "地點";
"Add a category" = "新增目錄";
"MobilePhone" = "手機";
"Name" = "名字";
"OfficePhone" = "辦公室電話";
"Organization" = "公司名稱";
"Work Phone" = "公務電話";
"Phone" = "電話";
"Phones" = "電話";
"Postal" = "郵遞區號";
"Save" = "儲存";
"Internet" = "網際網路";
"Unit" = "單位";
"delete" = "刪除";
"edit" = "編輯";
"invalidemailwarn" = "無效的郵件地址";
"new" = "新增";
"Preferred Phone" = "預設號碼";
"Move To" = "移至";
"Copy To" = "複製到";
"Add to" = "新增至";
"To" = "收件人欄位";
"Carbon Copy (Cc)" = "副本收件人 (Cc)";
"Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)" = "密件副本收件人 (Bcc)";
/* Search scope: name fields */
"name" = "名字";
/* Search scope: name fields */
"c_cn" = "名字";
/* Search scope: secondary email field */
"mozillanickname" = "備用信箱";
/* Search scope: screen name field */
"nsaimid" = "顯示名稱";
/* Search scope: mail fields */
"mail" = "信箱";
/* Search scope: mail fields */
"c_mail" = "信箱";
/* Search scope: telephone field */
"telephonenumber" = "電話";
/* Search scope: telephone field */
"homephone" = "電話";
/* Search scope: mobile field */
"mobile" = "手機";
/* Search scope: fax field */
"facsimiletelephonenumber" = "傳真";
/* Search scope: pager field */
"pager" = "呼叫器";
/* Search scope: categories field */
"c_categories" = "類別";
/* Search scope: categories field */
"vcardcategories" = "類別";
/* Search scope: title field */
"title" = "標題";
/* Search scope: organization field */
"c_o" = "組織";
/* Search scope: organization field */
"o" = "組織";
/* Search scope: department field */
"ou" = "部門";
/* Search scope: city field */
"l" = "城市";
/* Search scope: country field */
"c" = "國家";
/* Search scope: home address field */
"mozillahomestreet" = "戶籍地址";
/* Search scope: state/province field */
"st" = "州 / 省";
/* Search scope: home state/province field */
"mozillahomestate" = "住籍 州 / 省";
/* Search scope: zip/postal code field */
"postalCode" = "郵遞區號";
/* Search scope: home zip/postal code field */
"mozillahomepostalcode" = "郵遞區號";
/* Search scope: home country field */
"mozillahomecountryname" = "國籍";
/* Search scope: home web page field */
"mozillahomeurl" = "首頁";
/* Search scope: work web page field */
"mozillaworkurl" = "網頁";
/* Search scope: note field */
"description" = "備註";
/* Subheader of empty addressbook */
"No contact" = "沒有聯絡人";
/* Subheader of system addressbook */
"Start a search to browse this address book" = "開始搜尋以便瀏覽此通訊錄";
/* Number of contacts in addressbook; string is prefixed by number */
"contacts" = "聯絡人";
/* No contact matching search criteria */
"No matching contact" = "找不到符合搜尋條件的聯絡人";
/* Number of contacts matching search criteria; string is prefixed by number */
"matching contacts" = "符合搜尋條件的聯絡人";
/* Number of selected contacts in list */
"selected" = "已選擇";
/* Empty right pane */
"No contact selected" = "未選擇任何聯絡人";
/* Tooltips */
"Create a new address book card" = "新增一筆聯絡人紀錄";
"Create a new list" = "新增聯絡人群組";
"Edit the selected card" = "編輯所選擇的聯絡人";
"Send a mail message" = "發送一份郵件訊息";
"Delete selected card or address book" = "刪除所選擇的聯絡人或通訊錄";
"Reload all contacts" = "重新載入所有的聯絡人";
"htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "未知";
"htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "純文字";
"htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML";
"Name or Email" = "名字或郵件地址";
"Category" = "類別";
"Personal Addressbook" = "個人通訊錄";
"Search in Addressbook" = "搜索通訊錄";
"New Card" = "新聯絡人";
"New List" = "新群組";
"Edit" = "編輯";
"Properties" = "屬性";
"Sharing..." = "共享...";
"Write" = "寫入";
"Delete" = "删除";
"Instant Message" = "即時訊息";
"Add..." = "新增...";
"Remove" = "移除";
"Please wait..." = "請稍後...";
"No possible subscription" = "無可訂閱";
"Preferred" = "預設";
"Display" = "顯示";
"Display Name" = "顯示名稱";
"Additional Email" = "額外的郵件";
"Phone Number" = "電話號碼";
"Prefers to receive messages formatted as" = "預設的接收訊息格式為";
"Categories" = "類别";
"First" = "名";
"Last" = "姓";
"Nickname" = "暱稱";
"Telephone" = "電話";
"Work" = "公司";
"Mobile" = "手機";
"Pager" = "呼叫器";
/* categories */
"contacts_category_labels" = "同事,競爭對手,客戶,朋友,家人,事業夥伴,供應商,出版社,VIP";
"New category" = "新類別";
/* adresses */
"Title" = "職稱";
"Service" = "服務";
"Company" = "公司";
"Department" = "部門";
"City" = "城市";
"State_Province" = "州 / 省";
"ZIP_Postal Code" = "郵遞區號";
"Country" = "國家";
"Web Page" = "網頁";
"Other Infos" = "其他資訊";
"Note" = "備註";
"Timezone" = "時區";
"Birthday" = "生日";
"Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)" = "生日 (yyyy-mm-dd)";
"Freebusy URL" = "Freebusy URL";
"Add as..." = "新增為...";
"Recipient" = "收件人";
"Carbon Copy" = "副本";
"Blind Carbon Copy" = "密件副本";
"New Addressbook..." = "新增通訊錄...";
"Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "訂閱通訊錄...";
"Remove the selected Addressbook" = "移除所選擇的通訊錄";
"Subscribe to a shared folder" = "訂閱共享的資料夾";
"Search User" = "搜尋用戶";
"Name of the Address Book" = " 通訊錄名稱";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?"
= "您確定要刪除所選擇的通訊錄嗎?";
"Are you sure you want to delete the addressbook \"%{0}\"?"
= "您確定要刪除通訊錄 \"%{0}\"";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook."
= "您不能移除公用通訊錄或取消訂閱。";
"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook."
= "您不能移除您的個人通訊錄或取消訂閱。";
"Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?"
= "您確定要刪除所選擇的聯絡人嗎?";
"Are you sure you want to delete the card of %{0}?" = "您確定要刪除聯絡人 %{0} 嗎?";
"You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\"."
= "您不能删除 \"%{0}\" 的聯絡人紀錄。";
"You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!"
= "您不能訂閱自己的資料夾。";
"Unable to subscribe to that folder!"
= "無法訂閱到該資料夾。";
/* security */
"Security" = "安全性";
"Uninstall" = "解除安裝";
"Error reading the card certificate." = "讀取聯絡人憑證發生錯誤。";
"No certificate associated to card." = "聯絡人無相關憑證。";
/* acls */
"Access rights to" = "給予存取權限至";
"For user" = "给使用者";
"Any Authenticated User" = "任一授權的使用者";
"Public Access" = "公開存取";
"This person can add cards to this addressbook."
= "這個人可以新增聯絡人到這個通訊錄。";
"This person can edit the cards of this addressbook."
= "這個人可以編輯這個通訊錄的聯絡人。";
"This person can list the content of this addressbook."
= "這個人可以列出這個通訊錄的内容。";
"This person can read the cards of this addressbook."
= "這個人可以讀取這個通訊錄的聯絡人。";
"This person can erase cards from this addressbook."
= "這個人可以刪除這個通訊錄的聯絡人。";
"The selected contact has no email address."
= "選取的聯絡人沒有郵件地址。";
"Please select a contact." = "請選擇聯絡人。";
/* Messages for move and copy */
"%{0} card(s) copied" = "已複製 %{0} 個聯絡人";
"%{0} card(s) moved" = "已移動 %{0} 個聯絡人";
"SoAccessDeniedException" = "您不能寫入資料到這個通訊錄。";
"Forbidden" = "禁止存取";
"Invalid Contact" = "所選擇的聯絡人已經不存在了。";
"Unknown Destination Folder" = "所選擇的目標通訊錄已經不存在了。";
/* Lists */
"List details" = "群組資訊";
"List name" = "群組名稱";
"List nickname" = "群組暱稱";
"List description" = "群組說明";
"Members" = "成員";
"Contacts" = "聯絡人";
"Add" = "新增";
"Lists can't be moved or copied." = "群組不能移動或複製。";
"Export" = "匯出";
"Export Address Book..." = "匯出通訊錄...";
"View Raw Source" = "顯示原始碼";
/* Import */
"Import Cards" = "匯入聯絡人";
"Select a vCard or LDIF file." = "選擇 vCard 或者 LDIF 檔案。";
"Upload" = "上傳";
"Uploading" = "上傳中";
"Done" = "完成";
"An error occured while importing contacts." = "匯入聯絡人時發生錯誤。";
"No card was imported." = "沒有匯入任何聯絡人。";
"A total of %{0} cards were imported in the addressbook." = "總共匯入 %{0} 筆聯絡人到通訊錄中。";
"Reload" = "重新載入";
/* Properties window */
"Address Book Name" = "通訊錄名稱";
"Links to this Address Book" = "連結到這本通訊錄";
"Authenticated User Access" = "授權的使用者存取";
"CardDAV URL" = "CardDAV 網址";
"Options" = "選項";
"Rename" = "重新命名";
"Subscriptions" = "訂閱";
"Global Addressbooks" = "公用通訊錄";
"Search" = "搜尋";
"Sort" = "分類";
"Descending Order" = "降冪排列";
"Back" = "返回";
"Select All" = "全選";
"Copy contacts" = "複製聯絡人";
"More messages options" = "更多訊息選項";
"New Contact" = "新聯絡人";
"Close" = "關閉";
"More contact options" = "更多聯絡人選項";
"Organization Unit" = "組織單位";
"Add Organizational Unit" = "增加組織單位";
"Type" = "類型";
"Email Address" = "電子郵件地址";
"New Email Address" = "新增電子郵件地址";
"New Phone Number" = "新增電話號碼";
"URL" = "網址";
"New URL" = "新增網址";
"street" = "街道";
"street (continued)" = "街道 (續)";
"Postoffice" = "郵局";
"Region" = "地區";
"Postal Code" = "郵遞區號";
"New Address" = "新增地址";
"Reset" = "重置";
"Description" = "說明";
"Add Member" = "新增成員";
"Subscribe" = "訂閱";
"Add Birthday" = "新增生日";
"Import" = "匯入";
"More options" = "更多選項";
"Role" = "角色";
"Add Screen Name" = "新增顯示名稱";
"Custom 1" = "自訂 1";
"Custom 2" = "自訂 2";
"Custom 3" = "自訂 3";
"Custom 4" = "自訂 4";
"Custom Value" = "自訂值";
"New Custom Value" = "新增自訂欄位";
"Synchronization" = "同步";
"Synchronize" = "同步";
"Sucessfully subscribed to address book" = "已成功訂閱通訊錄";
/* Aria label for scope of search on contacts */
"Search scope" = "搜尋範圍";
/* Aria label for avatar button to select and unselect a card */
"Toggle item" = "切換選取";
/* Hotkey to create a new card */
"key_create_card" = "c";
/* Hotkey to create a new list */
"key_create_list" = "l";