SOEM v1.3.1
Data Structures | Defines | Typedefs | Functions
ethercatmain.h File Reference

Headerfile for ethercatmain.c. More...

Data Structures

struct  ec_adaptert
struct  ec_fmmut
struct  ec_smt
struct  ec_state_status
struct  ec_slavet
struct  ec_groupt
struct  ec_eepromFMMUt
struct  ec_eepromSMt
struct  ec_eepromPDOt
struct  ec_mbxheadert
struct  ec_alstatust
struct  ec_idxstackT
struct  ec_eringt
struct  ec_SMcommtypet
struct  ec_PDOassignt
struct  ec_PDOdesct
struct  ecx_contextt


#define EC_MAXELIST   64
#define EC_MAXNAME   40
#define EC_MAXSLAVE   200
#define EC_MAXGROUP   2
#define EC_MAXMBX   1486
#define EC_MAXEEPDO   0x200
#define EC_MAXSM   8
#define EC_MAXFMMU   4
#define ECT_MBXPROT_AOE   0x0001
#define ECT_MBXPROT_EOE   0x0002
#define ECT_MBXPROT_COE   0x0004
#define ECT_MBXPROT_FOE   0x0008
#define ECT_MBXPROT_SOE   0x0010
#define ECT_MBXPROT_VOE   0x0020
#define ECT_COEDET_SDO   0x01
#define ECT_COEDET_SDOINFO   0x02
#define ECT_COEDET_UPLOAD   0x10
#define ECT_COEDET_SDOCA   0x20
#define EC_SMENABLEMASK   0xfffeffff


typedef uint8 ec_mbxbuft [EC_MAXMBX+1]


ec_adaptert * ec_find_adapters (void)
void ec_free_adapters (ec_adaptert *adapter)
uint8 ec_nextmbxcnt (uint8 cnt)
void ec_clearmbx (ec_mbxbuft *Mbx)
void ecx_pusherror (ecx_contextt *context, const ec_errort *Ec)
boolean ecx_poperror (ecx_contextt *context, ec_errort *Ec)
boolean ecx_iserror (ecx_contextt *context)
void ecx_packeterror (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIdx, uint16 ErrorCode)
int ecx_init (ecx_contextt *context, char *ifname)
int ecx_init_redundant (ecx_contextt *context, ecx_redportt *redport, char *ifname, char *if2name)
void ecx_close (ecx_contextt *context)
uint8 ecx_siigetbyte (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 address)
int16 ecx_siifind (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 cat)
void ecx_siistring (ecx_contextt *context, char *str, uint16 slave, uint16 Sn)
uint16 ecx_siiFMMU (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromFMMUt *FMMU)
uint16 ecx_siiSM (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt *SM)
uint16 ecx_siiSMnext (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt *SM, uint16 n)
int ecx_siiPDO (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromPDOt *PDO, uint8 t)
int ecx_readstate (ecx_contextt *context)
int ecx_writestate (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave)
uint16 ecx_statecheck (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 reqstate, int timeout)
int ecx_mbxempty (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, int timeout)
int ecx_mbxsend (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout)
int ecx_mbxreceive (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout)
void ecx_esidump (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint8 *esibuf)
uint32 ecx_readeeprom (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
int ecx_writeeeprom (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
int ecx_eeprom2master (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave)
int ecx_eeprom2pdi (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave)
uint64 ecx_readeepromAP (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
int ecx_writeeepromAP (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
uint64 ecx_readeepromFP (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
int ecx_writeeepromFP (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
void ecx_readeeprom1 (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma)
uint32 ecx_readeeprom2 (ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, int timeout)
int ecx_send_processdata_group (ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group)
int ecx_receive_processdata_group (ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group, int timeout)
int ecx_send_processdata (ecx_contextt *context)
int ecx_receive_processdata (ecx_contextt *context, int timeout)

Detailed Description

Headerfile for ethercatmain.c.

Define Documentation

#define EC_MAXEEPDO   0x200

max. eeprom PDO entries

#define EC_MAXELIST   64

max. etries in EtherCAT error list

#define EC_MAXFMMU   4

max. FMMU used

#define EC_MAXGROUP   2

max. number of groups


max. number of IO segments per group


max. Adapter

#define EC_MAXMBX   1486

max. mailbox size

#define EC_MAXNAME   40

max. length of readable name in slavelist and Object Description List

#define EC_MAXSLAVE   200

max. number of slaves in array

#define EC_MAXSM   8

max. SM used

#define EC_SMENABLEMASK   0xfffeffff
#define ECT_COEDET_SDO   0x01
#define ECT_COEDET_SDOCA   0x20
#define ECT_COEDET_SDOINFO   0x02
#define ECT_COEDET_UPLOAD   0x10
#define ECT_MBXPROT_AOE   0x0001
#define ECT_MBXPROT_COE   0x0004
#define ECT_MBXPROT_EOE   0x0002
#define ECT_MBXPROT_FOE   0x0008
#define ECT_MBXPROT_SOE   0x0010
#define ECT_MBXPROT_VOE   0x0020

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint8 ec_mbxbuft[EC_MAXMBX+1]

mailbox buffer array

Function Documentation

void ec_clearmbx ( ec_mbxbuft Mbx)

Clear mailbox buffer.

[out]Mbx= Mailbox buffer to clear
ec_adaptert* ec_find_adapters ( void  )

Create list over available network adapters.

First element in list over available network adapters.
void ec_free_adapters ( ec_adaptert *  adapter)

Free dynamically allocated list over available network adapters.

[in]adapter= Struct holding adapter name, description and pointer to next.
uint8 ec_nextmbxcnt ( uint8  cnt)

Get index of next mailbox counter value. Used for Mailbox Link Layer.

[in]cnt= Mailbox counter value [0..7]
next mailbox counter value
void ecx_close ( ecx_contextt context)

Close lib.

[in]context= context struct
int ecx_eeprom2master ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave 

Set eeprom control to master. Only if set to PDI.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
>0 if OK
int ecx_eeprom2pdi ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave 

Set eeprom control to PDI. Only if set to master.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
>0 if OK
void ecx_esidump ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
uint8 *  esibuf 

Dump complete EEPROM data from slave in buffer.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
[out]esibuf= EEPROM data buffer, make sure it is big enough.
int ecx_init ( ecx_contextt context,
char *  ifname 

Initialise lib in single NIC mode

[in]context= context struct
[in]ifname= Dev name, f.e. "eth0"
>0 if OK
int ecx_init_redundant ( ecx_contextt context,
ecx_redportt *  redport,
char *  ifname,
char *  if2name 

Initialise lib in redundant NIC mode

[in]context= context struct
[in]redport= pointer to redport, redundant port data
[in]ifname= Primary Dev name, f.e. "eth0"
[in]if2name= Secondary Dev name, f.e. "eth1"
>0 if OK
boolean ecx_iserror ( ecx_contextt context)

Check if error list has entries.

[in]context= context struct
TRUE if error list contains entries.
int ecx_mbxempty ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
int  timeout 

Check if IN mailbox of slave is empty.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
[in]timeout= Timeout in us
>0 is success
int ecx_mbxreceive ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
ec_mbxbuft mbx,
int  timeout 

Read OUT mailbox from slave. Supports Mailbox Link Layer with repeat requests.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
[out]mbx= Mailbox data
[in]timeout= Timeout in us
Work counter (>0 is success)
int ecx_mbxsend ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
ec_mbxbuft mbx,
int  timeout 

Write IN mailbox to slave.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
[out]mbx= Mailbox data
[in]timeout= Timeout in us
Work counter (>0 is success)
void ecx_packeterror ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  Slave,
uint16  Index,
uint8  SubIdx,
uint16  ErrorCode 

Report packet error

[in]context= context struct
[in]Slave= Slave number
[in]Index= Index that generated error
[in]SubIdx= Subindex that generated error
[in]ErrorCode= Error code
boolean ecx_poperror ( ecx_contextt context,
ec_errort Ec 

Pops an error from the list.

[in]context= context struct
[out]Ec= Struct describing the error.
TRUE if an error was popped.
void ecx_pusherror ( ecx_contextt context,
const ec_errort Ec 

Pushes an error on the error list.

[in]context= context struct
[in]Ecpointer describing the error.
uint32 ecx_readeeprom ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
uint16  eeproma,
int  timeout 

Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
[in]eeproma= (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
[in]timeout= Timeout in us.
EEPROM data 32bit
void ecx_readeeprom1 ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
uint16  eeproma 

Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache. Parallel read step 1, make request to slave.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
[in]eeproma= (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
uint32 ecx_readeeprom2 ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
int  timeout 

Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache. Parallel read step 2, actual read from slave.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
[in]timeout= Timeout in us.
EEPROM data 32bit
uint64 ecx_readeepromAP ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  aiadr,
uint16  eeproma,
int  timeout 

Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache. APRD method.

[in]context= context struct
[in]aiadr= auto increment address of slave
[in]eeproma= (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
[in]timeout= Timeout in us.
EEPROM data 64bit or 32bit
uint64 ecx_readeepromFP ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  configadr,
uint16  eeproma,
int  timeout 

Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache. FPRD method.

[in]context= context struct
[in]configadr= configured address of slave
[in]eeproma= (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
[in]timeout= Timeout in us.
EEPROM data 64bit or 32bit
int ecx_readstate ( ecx_contextt context)

Read all slave states in ec_slave.

[in]context= context struct
lowest state found
int ecx_receive_processdata ( ecx_contextt context,
int  timeout 
int ecx_receive_processdata_group ( ecx_contextt context,
uint8  group,
int  timeout 

Receive processdata from slaves. Second part from ec_send_processdata(). Received datagrams are recombined with the processdata with help from the stack. If a datagram contains input processdata it copies it to the processdata structure.

[in]context= context struct
[in]group= group number
[in]timeout= Timeout in us.
Work counter.
int ecx_send_processdata ( ecx_contextt context)
int ecx_send_processdata_group ( ecx_contextt context,
uint8  group 

Transmit processdata to slaves. Uses LRW, or LRD/LWR if LRW is not allowed (blockLRW). Both the input and output processdata are transmitted. The outputs with the actual data, the inputs have a placeholder. The inputs are gathered with the receive processdata function. In contrast to the base LRW function this function is non-blocking. If the processdata does not fit in one datagram, multiple are used. In order to recombine the slave response, a stack is used.

[in]context= context struct
[in]group= group number
>0 if processdata is transmitted.
int16 ecx_siifind ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
uint16  cat 

Find SII section header in slave EEPROM.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= slave number
[in]cat= section category
byte address of section at section length entry, if not available then 0
uint16 ecx_siiFMMU ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
ec_eepromFMMUt FMMU 

Get FMMU data from SII FMMU section in slave EEPROM.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= slave number
[out]FMMU= FMMU struct from SII, max. 4 FMMU's
number of FMMU's defined in section
uint8 ecx_siigetbyte ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
uint16  address 

Read one byte from slave EEPROM via cache. If the cache location is empty then a read request is made to the slave. Depending on the slave capabillities the request is 4 or 8 bytes.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= slave number
[in]address= eeprom address in bytes (slave uses words)
requested byte, if not available then 0xff
int ecx_siiPDO ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
ec_eepromPDOt PDO,
uint8  t 

Get PDO data from SII PDO section in slave EEPROM.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= slave number
[out]PDO= PDO struct from SII
[in]t= 0=RXPDO 1=TXPDO
mapping size in bits of PDO
uint16 ecx_siiSM ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
ec_eepromSMt SM 

Get SM data from SII SM section in slave EEPROM.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= slave number
[out]SM= first SM struct from SII
number of SM's defined in section
uint16 ecx_siiSMnext ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
ec_eepromSMt SM,
uint16  n 

Get next SM data from SII SM section in slave EEPROM.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= slave number
[out]SM= first SM struct from SII
[in]n= SM number
>0 if OK
void ecx_siistring ( ecx_contextt context,
char *  str,
uint16  slave,
uint16  Sn 

Get string from SII string section in slave EEPROM.

[in]context= context struct
[out]str= requested string, 0x00 if not found
[in]slave= slave number
[in]Sn= string number
uint16 ecx_statecheck ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
uint16  reqstate,
int  timeout 

Check actual slave state. This is a blocking function.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number, 0 = all slaves
[in]reqstate= Requested state
[in]timeout= Timout value in us
Requested state, or found state after timeout.
int ecx_writeeeprom ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave,
uint16  eeproma,
uint16  data,
int  timeout 

Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number
[in]eeproma= (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
[in]data= 16bit data
[in]timeout= Timeout in us.
>0 if OK
int ecx_writeeepromAP ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  aiadr,
uint16  eeproma,
uint16  data,
int  timeout 

Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache. APWR method.

[in]context= context struct
[in]aiadr= configured address of slave
[in]eeproma= (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
[in]data= 16bit data
[in]timeout= Timeout in us.
>0 if OK
int ecx_writeeepromFP ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  configadr,
uint16  eeproma,
uint16  data,
int  timeout 

Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache. FPWR method.

[in]context= context struct
[in]configadr= configured address of slave
[in]eeproma= (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
[in]data= 16bit data
[in]timeout= Timeout in us.
>0 if OK
int ecx_writestate ( ecx_contextt context,
uint16  slave 

Write slave state, if slave = 0 then write to all slaves. The function does not check if the actual state is changed.

[in]context= context struct
[in]slave= Slave number, 0 = master