
216 lines
8.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
/* toolbars */
"Save" = "Desar";
"Close" = "Tancar";
"Edit User Rights" = "Modificar permisos";
"Home" = "Inici";
"Calendar" = "Calendari";
"Address Book" = "Llibreta d'adreces";
"Mail" = "Correu";
"Preferences" = "Preferències";
"Administration" = "Administració";
"Disconnect" = "Tancar sessió";
2016-01-21 16:17:36 +01:00
"Toggle Menu" = "Canviar menú";
"Right Administration" = "Administració de permisos";
"Log Console (dev.)" = "Registre d'activitat";
"User" = "Usuari";
"Vacation message is enabled" = "El missatge d'absència està activat";
"Help" = "Ajuda";
"noJavascriptError" = "SOGo requereix Javascript. Si us plau, activeu Javascript en el navegador.";
"noJavascriptRetry" = "Torneu-ho a intentar";
"Owner" = "Propietari";
"Publish the Free/Busy information" = "Publicar informació de disponibilitat";
"Add..." = "Afegir...";
"Remove" = "Esborrar";
"Subscribe User" = "Subscriure usuari";
"Any Authenticated User" = "Qualsevol usuari autenticat";
"Public Access" = "Accés públic";
"Any user not listed above" = "Qualsevol usuari no llistat més amunt";
"Anybody accessing this resource from the public area" = "Qualsevol amb accés a aquest recurs des de l'àrea pública";
"Sorry, the user rights can not be configured for that object." = "Els permisos d'accés no es poden configurar per a aquest objecte.";
"Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your mailbox \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?"
= "Qualsevol usuari amb un compte en el sistema tindrà accés a la seua bústia de correu \"%{0}\". Està segur de voler donar accés a qualsevol usuari en el sistema? ";
"Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your calendar \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?"
= "Qualsevol altre usuari amb un compte al sistema serà capaç d'accedir al seu calendari \"%{0}\". ¿Està vostè segur de voler permetre aço?";
"Potentially anyone on the Internet will be able to access your calendar \"%{0}\", even if they do not have an account on this system. Is this information suitable for the public Internet?"
= "Potencialment, qualsevol usuari d'Internet podrà accedir al seu calendari \"% {0}\", encara que no tinga un compte en aquest sistema. Aquesta informació és adequada per publicar-la en Internet?";
"Any user with an account on this system will be able to access your address book \"%{0}\". Are you certain you trust them all?"
= "Qualsevol usuari amb un compte en el sistema tindrà accés al seu calendari \"%{0}\". Està segur de voler donar accés a qualsevol usuari en el sistema? ";
"Potentially anyone on the Internet will be able to access your address book \"%{0}\", even if they do not have an account on this system. Is this information suitable for the public Internet?"
= "Qualsevol usuari amb un compte en el sistema tindrà accés a la seua llibreta d'adreces \"%{0}\". Està segur de voler donar accés a qualsevol usuari en el sistema? ";
"Give Access" = "Donar accés";
"Keep Private" = "Mantenir en privat";
/* generic.js */
"Unable to subscribe to that folder!"
= "No us podeu subscriure a aquesta carpeta!";
"You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!"
= "No us podeu subscriure a una carpeta pròpia!";
"Unable to unsubscribe from that folder!"
= "No és possible cancel·lar la subscripció a aquesta carpeta.";
"You cannot unsubscribe from a folder that you own!"
= "No podeu cancel·lar la subscripció a una carpeta pròpia";
"Unable to rename that folder!" = "No podeu reanomenar la carpeta!";
"You have already subscribed to that folder!"
= "Ja us heu subscrit a aquesta carpeta!";
"The user rights cannot be edited for this object!"
= "No es poden modificar els permisos d'accés a aquest objecte.";
"A folder by that name already exists." = "Ja hi ha una carpeta amb aquest nom.";
"You cannot create a list in a shared address book."
= "No podeu crear una llista en una agenda compartida.";
"Warning" = "Atenció";
2014-09-09 21:49:16 +02:00
"Can't contact server" = "Ha ocorregut un error en contactar amb el servidor. Per favor, intenti-ho més tarda.";
"You are not allowed to access this module or this system. Please contact your system administrator."
= "No teniu permís per a accedir a aquest mòdul o sistema. Contacteu amb l'administrador.";
"You don't have the required privileges to perform the operation."
= "No disposeu dels permisos necessaris per a fer aquesta operació.";
"noEmailForDelegation" = "Especifiqueu l'adreça de correu a la qual voleu delegar la invitació.";
"delegate is organizer" = "El delegat és l'organitzador. Si us plau, especifiqueu un altre delegat.";
"delegate is a participant" = "El delegat ja és un participant.";
"delegate is a group" = "L'adreça especificada correspon a un grup. Només podeu delegar en una persona.";
/* common buttons */
"OK" = "D'acord";
"Cancel" = "Cancel·lar";
"Yes" = "Sí";
"No" = "No";
/* generic messages */
"Error" = "Error";
"Success" = "Fet";
/* confirmation dialog box */
"Confirmation" = "Confirmació";
/* alarms */
"Reminder" = "Recordatori";
"Start" = "Inici";
2016-01-21 16:17:36 +01:00
"Due Date" = "Data de venciment";
"Location" = "Lloc";
"Snooze" = "Ajorna";
"Snooze for " = "Posposar ";
"5 minutes" = "5 minuts";
"10 minutes" = "10 minuts";
"15 minutes" = "15 minuts";
"30 minutes" = "30 minuts";
"45 minutes" = "45 minuts";
"1 hour" = "1 hora";
"1 day" = "1 dia";
2014-09-09 21:49:16 +02:00
/* mail labels */
2013-11-22 20:39:24 +01:00
"Important" = "Important";
"Work" = "Feina";
"Personal" = "Personal";
"To Do" = "Per fer";
"Later" = "Més tard";
"Return Receipt Sent" = "Justificant de recepció enviat";
"a2_Sunday" = "dg";
"a2_Monday" = "dl";
"a2_Tuesday" = "dm";
"a2_Wednesday" = "dc";
"a2_Thursday" = "dj";
"a2_Friday" = "dv";
"a2_Saturday" = "ds";
2016-01-21 16:17:36 +01:00
"Access Rights" = "Drets d'accés";
"Add User" = "Afegir usuari";
"Loading" = "Carregant";
"No such user." = "No existeix aquest usuari";
"You cannot (un)subscribe to a folder that you own!" = "No es pot (des)subscriure a una carpeta pròpia!";
/* SMIME Certificate field */
"S/MIME Certificate" = "Certificat S/MIME";
"Subject Name" = "Nom del subjecte";
"Issuer" = "Emissor";
"countryName" = "País";
"organizationName" = "Organització";
"organizationalUnitName" = "Unitat organitzativa";
"commonName" = "Nom comú";
"emailAddress" = "Correu electrònic";
/* Authentication username */
"Username" = "Nom d'usuari";
/* Authentication password */
"Password" = "Contrasenya";
/* Authentication failed */
"Wrong username or password." = "Usuari o contrasenya incorrectes.";
/* Error message displayed bellow search field when the search string has less than the required number of characters */
"Enter at least %{minimumSearchLength} characters" = "Introduir almenys %{minimumSearchLength} caràcters";
/* Error message displayed when a file upload exceeds WOMaxUploadSize */
"File size upload limit reached" = "S'ha superat la mida màxima de càrrega del fitxer";
/* Generic server error */
"An error occured, please try again." = "S'ha produït un error, torneu-ho a provar.";
/* Open datepicker */
"Open Calendar" = "Obrir Calendari";
/* Toggle visibility (ex: mail account in left navigation menu) */
"Toggle visibility" = "Commuta la visibilitat";
"Keyboard Shortcuts" = "Dreceres de teclat";
/* Aria label for avatar button to select and unselect an item */
"Toggle item" = "Activa/Desactiva ítem";
/* Toggle multiple items at the same time (hotkeys cheatsheet) */
"Toggle range of items" = "Activa/Desactiva llista d'ítems";
/* Question mark shows list of hotkeys */
"Show or hide this help" = "Mostrar o amagar aquesta ajuda";
/* Space key */
"key_space" = "space";
/* Delete key */
"key_delete" = "esborra";
/* Shift and space key */
"key_shift+space" = "Majúscules + espai";
/* Up arrow key */
"key_up" = "↑";
/* Down arrow key */
"key_down" = "↓";
/* Left arrow key */
"key_left" = "←";
/* Right arrow key */
"key_right" = "→";
/* Shift and up arrow combo keys */
"key_shift+up" = "shift + ↑";
/* Shift and down arrow combo keys */
"key_shift+down" = "shift + ↓";
/* Backspace key */
"key_backspace" = "⌫";
/* Hotkey to start a search */
"hotkey_search" = "s";
/* Hotkey description to select next list item */
"View next item" = "Mostrar següent element";
/* Hotkey description to select previous list item */
"View previous item" = "Mostrar element anterior";
/* Hotkey description to add next list item to selection */
"Add next item to selection" = "Afegir el següent element a la selecció";
/* Hotkey description to add previous list item to selection */
"Add previous item to selection" = "Afegir l'element anterior a la selecció";
/* Hotkey description to move backward in current view */
"Move backward" = "Retrocedir";
/* Hotkey description to move forward in current view */
"Move forward" = "Avançar";